时间:2019-02-04 作者:英语课 分类:英文语法词汇



Acetyl 乙酰
Acid-proof paint 耐酸涂料, 耐酸油漆
Acrylic fiber 丙烯酸纤维
Acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂
Active filler 活性填料
Adapter assembly 接头组件
Addition polyimide 加成型聚酰亚胺
Addition polymer 加聚物
Adjusting valve 调整阀,调节阀
Adhersion assembly 粘合装配
Adhersion bond 胶结
Adjustable-bed press 工作台可调式压力机
Adjuster shim 调整垫片
Adjusting accuracy 调整精度,调校精度
Admissible error 容许误差
Admissible load 容许载荷
Adsorbed layer 吸附层
Advanced composite material 先进复合材料,高级复合材料
Advanced development vehicle 试制车,预研样车
AE(Automobile Engineering) 汽车工程技术
Aeolotropic material 各向异性材料
Aerated plastics 泡沫塑料, 多孔塑料
Aerodynamic body 流线型车身
Aft cross member 底盘/车架后横梁
Air bleeder 排气孔
Air clamp 气动夹具
Air deflector 导流板;导风板,气流偏转板
Air intake manifold 进气歧管
Air servo 伺服气泵
Air-tight joint 气密接头
All-plastic molded 全塑模注的
All polyster seat 全聚酯座椅
Alligatoring 龟裂,涂膜皱皮,表面裂痕
Amino resin 氨基树脂
Angular test 挠曲试验
Anti-chipping primer 抗破裂底漆(底层涂料)
Apron 防护挡板
Aramid fibre composites 芳胺纤维复合材料
Assembly drawing 装配图
Assembly jig 装配夹具
Assembly part 装配件,组合件
Autoclave forming 热压罐成型
Autocorrection 自动校正
Automatic compensation 自动补偿
Automatic feed 自动进料
Automobile instrument 汽车仪表板
Automotive transmission 汽车传动装置,汽车变速器
Auxiliary fasia console 副仪表板
Axial strain 轴向应变
Axle bushing 轴衬
Axle fairing 底盘车桥整流罩
A Stage A 阶段(某些热固性树脂聚合作用的初期阶段)
AAC(Auxiliary Air Control) 辅助空气控制
ABC(Active Body Control) 主动式车身控制装置
Abherent 阻粘剂
Ability meter 测力计,性能测试仪
ABL (Ablative) 烧蚀剂
Ablation 烧蚀
Ablative composite material 烧蚀复合材料
Ablative insulative material 烧蚀绝热材料
Ablative polymer 烧蚀聚合物
Ablative prepreg 烧蚀性预浸料
Ablative resistance 耐烧蚀性
ABR(Acrylate Butadience Rubber) 丙烯酸丁二烯橡胶
Abradant material 研磨材料,磨料
Abrade 研磨;用喷砂清理
Abrasion 磨耗
Abrasion coefficient 磨耗系数
Abrasion loss 磨耗量,磨损量
Abrasion performance 磨耗性
Abrasion-proof material 耐磨材料
Abrasion resistant paint 耐磨涂料
Abrasion test 磨损试验
Abrasive blast system 喷砂清理系统
Abrasive cloth 砂布
Abrasive disc 砂轮盘,砂轮片
Abrasive finishing 抛光
Abrasive paper 砂纸
Abrasive resistance 耐磨性
ABS(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)resin ABS树脂,丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(热塑性)树脂
ABSM(American Bureau of Standard Materials) 美国标准材料局
Absolute dynamic modulus 绝对动态模量
Absolute error 绝对误差
Absorbent material 吸收性材料,吸收性物质,吸声材料,吸收剂
Absorber 减振器,阻尼器,缓冲器
ACA(Automotive Composite Alliance) 汽车复合材料协会
ACC(Automatic Clutch Control) 自动离合器操纵控制
Accelerant 促进剂,加速剂
Accelerated aging test 加速老化试验,人工老化试验
Accelerator pedal shaft 加速踏板轴
Accelerator pump nozzle 加速泵喷嘴
Acceptable life 有效使用寿命
Acceptance test specification 验收测试规范
Access panel 罩板,盖板
Accessory 配件,附属品
Accessory equipment 辅助设备
Accessory kit 附件包,成套附件
Accumulator can 储电池外壳
Accumulator package 蓄压器组件,蓄压器单元
Accuracy in calibration 校准精度
Accuracy of finish 最终加工精度
Accuracy of manufacture 制造精度
Accuracy of positioning 定位精度
Accuracy of repetition 重现精度,复制精度
Acetal matrix composites 缩醛树脂基复合材料
Acetal plastic 缩醛塑料,聚甲醛塑料
Acetal resin 缩醛树脂
Acetamide 乙酰胺
Acetate fiber 醋酸纤维,乙酸纤维
Acetone 丙酮
Back corner panel 后围角板
Back panel 后围板
Back side panel 后侧板
Back wall pillar 后围立柱
Backer 衬料
Baffler 挡板,阻尼器;导流叶片
Bag Molding 气囊施压成型(袋模法)
Baggage holder 行李架
Barrier coat 阻挡层;防渗涂层
Batch mixing 分批混合,批混
Batching unit 分批加料装置
Bearing assembly 轴承组合件
Biaxial winding 双角缠绕, 双轴缠绕
Binder fiber 粘合纤维
Bipolymer 二元共聚物
Bismaleimide composites 双马来酰亚胺复合材料
Blank placement 坯料的放置
Blanket 玻璃纤维毡;坯料
Blanking press 冲压机, 冲割压力机
Blending resin 掺合树脂
BMC(Bulk Moulding Compound) 团状膜塑料
BMI (Bismaleimide) 双马来酰亚胺
Body back panel 车身后板
Body back wall 车身驾驶室后围
Body bracket 车身支架
Body control module 车身控制模块
Body frame (Body skeleton) 车身骨架
Body front panel 车身驾驶室前围板
Body monocoque 单壳体车身,单壳式结构车身
Body outer panel 驾驶室覆盖件;驾驶室覆盖件
Body structural member 车身结构件
Body trim 车身装饰件
Bonded riveted structure 胶铆结构
Bonnet 发动机罩
Brake 制动器
Brake arrangement 制动装置
Brinell hardness test 布氏硬度试验
Brittle coating 脆性涂层
Bulk coat 整体涂层
Bulk heat treatment 整体热处理
Bulk moulding compound (增强塑料)预制整体模塑料
Bumper bracket(holder) 保险杠托架
Bus brake system 客车制动系
Butt flange 对接法兰
Butt joint 对接接头;对接
Butterfly valve 节流阀,节气门
BWI (Body In White) 白车身
Cab deflector shield 驾驶室导流板
Cab fairing 驾驶室整流罩
Cab floor 驾驶室地板
Cab mounting 驾驶室悬置
CAD(Computer Aided Design) 计算机辅助设计
CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) 计算机辅助工程设计
Calibration tolerance 校准公差
Calibrating instrument 校准仪表
Camouflage paint 覆面漆, 盖面涂料, 伪假漆
Cantilever beam impact test 悬臂梁冲击试验
Carbon-felt reinforced carbon composites 碳毡增强碳复合材料
Carbon fiber clutch 碳纤维离合器
Carbon filament cloth 碳丝织物
Case extension 外壳的伸出部分,延伸外壳
Casing gasket 外壳密封垫
Catalyst manifold 固化剂总成
Catalyst pump 固化剂泵
Catalyst ratio 固化剂比率
Cavity 模槽,型腔;凹模
Cavity block 阴模
Cavity depth 模槽深度
Cellular board 蜂窝状板,多孔板
Cellular plastics 泡沫塑料,多孔塑料
Centre boss 轮毂
Centre pin 销轴,枢轴,主销
Centrifugal casting moulding 离心浇铸成型
Centrosymmetry 中心对称层板
Ceramic matrix composites 陶瓷基复合材料
Charge 填充气体,填充料
Chasis 底盘;机壳,车架
Chlorinated polyethlene 聚氯乙烯
Chopped fiber 短切纤维
Chopped random mat 短切无序毡
Chopped strand 短切原丝
CIRTM(Co-Injection RTM) 共注射RTM
Clamping fixture 夹具,夹紧装置
Clamping force 夹持力,合模力
Class A surface A级表面
Clear coat 透明涂层,透明罩漆,清漆层
Clear coat finish 清漆涂层
Clicker die 冲模
Climb milling 同向铣削, 顺铣
Clipping press 切边压力机
Closure pressing speed 合模速度
CMM(Closed Mould Moulding) 闭合模塑
CMT(Compression Molding 挤压成型工艺
CNC(Computerized Numerical Control) 电脑数值控制
Coarse grinding 粗磨,用砂轮初加工
Coating defect 涂层缺陷
Collision test 碰撞试验,撞车试验
Combination property 综合性能
Concept design 概念设计
Convection modulus 对流模量
Convergence test 收敛试验
Cooling fixture 冷却夹具
Cooling tower 冷却塔
Crazing 龟裂,细裂纹
Cresol resin 甲酚树脂
Cutting felt 毡的剪切
Cutting-off bushing 环形下料模; 下料环
Damped structure 阻尼缓冲结构
Damper bracket 件振器支架
Dashboard illumination 仪表板照明
Dash trimming 前围板衬板
Deburring 去毛刺,倒角,除飞边
Deepdrawing forming 深拉成型
Deflection test 挠曲试验
Dent resistance 耐冲击性
Design freedom 设计自由度
Detail drawing 祥图,零件图
Die assembly 压模装置
Die casting 压模铸件,压模铸法
Dimethyl fomamide 二甲基甲酰胺
Dimethyl ketone 二甲基甲酮; 丙酮
Dip pretreatment 浸渍预处理
Die prime coat 浸渍打底漆
Dimensional stability 尺寸稳定性
Dip coating 浸涂
Dip forming 浸渍成型
Durability testing 耐久性试验,寿命试验
Dwell 保压,暂停加压;滞留时间
Dynamometer 测力计
Edge effect 边缘效应,边界效应
Edge feed 边缘进料
Edge gate 侧浇口
Ejection force 脱模力
Ejector 起模杆
Ejector guide pillar 推板导套
Ejector housing 支架
Elasticizer 增塑剂
Elastomeric composites 高弹体复合材料
Elongation at break 断裂延伸率
Energy absorbing foam 吸能泡沫塑料
Epoxy resin 环氧树脂
Ether ketone 酮醚
Explosion proof 防爆
Exterior body panelling 车身外板部蒙皮
Exterior trim 外饰,外饰件
Fabric composites 织物复合材料
Fabric impregnation 织物浸渍
Fabric preform 织物预成型
Fabric prereg 织物预浸料
Fabrication parameter 制造参数
Fabrication procedure 制造工序
Fabricating machinery 加工设备
Face plate coupling 法兰式连接
Factory primer 工厂底漆,工厂防锈漆
Fairing 整流罩,整流装置
Fairing panel 前裙板
Fascia bracket 仪表板支架
Fascia mask 仪表板罩板
Fastening clamp 夹紧装置,紧固夹子
Fatigue tension test 拉伸疲劳性试验
FCM(Fibrous Composite material) 纤维复合材料
FEA(Finite Element Anlysis) 有限元分析
Feed system 供料系统
Feeding pump 供给泵
Feeding speed 进给速度
Female groove 凹模
Female mould(tooling) 阴模
Fender 翼子板;护板
Fender apron 挡泥板
Fender inner panel 翼子板内衬护板
Fiber composite laminate 纤维复合材料层板
Fiber mat layer 纤维毡层
Finisher(Finishing component) 装饰件
Flange 法兰, 凸缘
Flange fitting 法兰式管接头
Flash 毛边
Flash mold 毛边模具
Front sheet metal 车前板制件
Fuselage fairing 机身整流装置
Gage kit 仪表组,仪表套件
Gas cavity 气泡,砂眼
Gauge panel 仪表板
Gear assembly 齿轮传动装置, 减速器
Gearbox cover 变速器壳盖
Gear bracket support 齿轮托支架
Gel coat 胶衣,凝胶涂层
Gel coat drum 胶衣圆桶
Gel coat flow monitor 胶衣流量监控器
Gel time 凝胶时间
Glass fiber winding machine 玻璃纤维缠绕机
Glass wool 玻璃棉
Glass yarn 玻璃丝
Guiding device 导向装置
Gunk 预混料
Gusset 角撑件
Gutter channel 流水槽
Hand lay-up 手工铺叠,手工铺贴
Hardness testing machine 硬度测试仪
Hauling truck 拖车
Header board outside panel 前板外板
Headrest 靠枕
Heat barrier material 隔热材料
Heat forming 热成型
High molecular material 高分子材料
High pressure bag molding 高压袋成型工艺
High pressure injection moulding 高压注射成型,高压注射模塑
High-strength structural adhesives 高强度结构粘合剂
High temperature coating 高温涂层
Hose support 软管支架
Hub assembly 毂组件
Hub bearing 车轮轮毂轴承
Hydraulic device 液压装置
Hydraulic engine 液压发动机
Hydrostatic strength 流体静力强度
IMC(In-Mold Coating) 模具内部涂层
Immersion paint 浸漆
Immersion test 浸渍试验,浸泡试验
Immovable support 固定刀架
Impact analysis 碰撞试验撞击分析
Impact bending 冲击挠曲
Impact specimen 冲击试样
Impegnate 浸渍
Impelling strength 冲击韧性
Injection head 注射头
Injection-moulded composites 注射模塑复合材料
Injection moulded part 注塑制件
Injection nozzle 注射喷口,压注喷口
Intermittent entry 间歇供给,不连续供给
Intermittent failure 间接性故障
Izod test 悬臂冲击试验
Jack 千斤顶,起重器;传动装置
Jack engine 辅助发动机
Jackbit insert 切刀,刀具,刃口
Jacket 护套,套管,保护罩,蒙皮
Jar-proof 防震的
Jaw 钳口;定位销
Jell 胶凝,凝固,固结
Jet milling 喷射研磨
Jig 夹具,定位模具
Jig-adjusted 粗调的
Job program 工作程序
Joining nipple 接合螺管
Joining on butt 对头接合
Joint face of a pattern 分模面
Joint gate 分型面内浇口
Joint packing 填充垫圈,接合填密
Joint sealing material 填缝料
Joint-shaped support 铰接支架
Joint strenght 连接强度
Jump welded tube 对缝焊管,焊接管
Junction bolt 接合螺栓
Junction point 接点
Keeping life 保存期,产品有效期
Kenel 型芯
Ketene 乙烯酮, 烯酮
Ketene dimethyl 二甲酮
Ketimide 酰基酮亚胺
Ketimine 酮亚胺
Ketoamine 酮胺,氨基酮
Ketol 乙酮醇
Ketone 甲酮
Keying strength 咬合强度
Knife holder 刀具,刀架
Knockout 脱模
Knockout pin 脱模销
Knockout plate 脱模板
Knoop scale 努氏硬度标度
Knuckle joint 铰链连接
Koplon 高湿模量粘胶纤维
Koroseal 氯乙烯树脂
Lacquer 挥发性漆;涂漆
Lacquer finish 喷漆,上漆,罩光
Lacquer formation 漆膜形成,成漆
Lacquer putty 腻子,整面用油灰
Lacquering 上清漆
Laminate construction thickness 结构层厚度
Laminated panel 薄层状板
Laminated plastics 层压塑料制品, 塑料层板
Laminated thermosetting plastics 层压热固塑料
Latex paints 清漆
Lay-up (塑料,夹板的)铺叠成型
Light-alloy body part 轻合金车身零件
Lining 衬里,衬垫
Loaded haul cycle 载货行程
Location bearing 定位轴承
Location guide 固定导杆,定位导杆
Location hole 定位孔
Location tolerance 位置公差, 安装公差
Locatin pin 定位销
Lock bolt 锁紧螺钉
Low pressure injection moulding 低压模塑成型
Low shrink resin 低收缩树脂
Luggage rack 行李架
Machining accuracy 加工精度
Machining center 加工中心
Main shaft gear bushing 主轴齿轮衬套
Mandrel 卷芯,模芯;芯轴
Manifold hood 歧管外罩
Manual Lay-Up 人工手糊
Manual spray-up 手工喷射
Manual truck 手推车
Manufacturing drawing 制造图纸
Matched molds 合模
Matrix 基体,基质
Mechanical properties 机械性能
Metal bonding 金属粘结
Metal-working machine 金属加工机床
Methanol 甲醇
Mismachining tolerance 加工误差
Modular 组装式的
Mofulus of elasticity 弹性模量
Mould operation 模具操作
Moulded plastics 模压塑料
Moulding 嵌条;成型;装饰件
Mount support 装配支架
Multi-axial stress 多轴向应力
Multi-tool machining 多刀切削加工

alcoholic hallucination
audit of working capital
average element time
balanced armature relay
be calibrated
be out of the woods
butt-jointed fiber
Clerodendrum kaichianum
climb onto the band waggon
come short of
composite circuit
congenital atresia of ejaculatory duct
credit and fiscal measures
creeping bent grass
croziered abbot
degradation recrystallization
dispersion of optic axes
evening up of accounts
exchange depreciation
fabric strength
factor of safety against crushing
failure frequency function
for no other reason than that
genus Opheodrys
get sb. on the hump
Great Salt Lake
group-busy relay
high court of impeachment
keep hold of
major elements
Mellish Rise
modulator-demodulator unit
navicular fossa of urethra
nutritional gynecomastia
oligomenorrhea or hypomenorrhea
oriented graph
partnership at will
passenger route
phantastic confabulation
plastic deformation theory
pressure-sensitive adhesive-tape
product drawing list
project equipment
protective sea wall
pulmonary vascular dilution curve
radium plaque
Ranunculus hamiensis
raster data structure
reading carrel
rose periwinkle
saturated working condition
shaft of antenna
shallow water propagation
single-cascade control
stormwater overflow
structural index
substantive verb
subsurface storm flow
the ground slipping from under someone
thrust failure trip test
tooth shade system
trimmed size
usurp the name of
value-exchange system
vat grey
very-low-frequency highpotential test