时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 The Fashion Queen 流行女王 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Peter: I love your outfit 1!
Tina: It's Armani with Gucci shoes. One of the Sex and the City girls wore it before.
Peter: That show's so hip 2! They've got it going on, fashion-wise.
Tina: Oh, totally. Especially Sarah Jessica Parker. She's my fashion guru.
Peter: My sister, Sarah, loves her too. She just wishes she had the money to buy their outfits 3.
Tina: What labels would she buy?
Peter: Versace. She loves the Versus 4 collection. Oh, and DKNY and CK. She talks about those labels all the time.
Tina: She has good taste.
Peter: She didn't always have. Look at these pictures in my wallet.
Tina: Hah! That's the Japanese co-gal style.
Peter: Yeah, look how white her eyes are. Scary, huh?
Tina: It's not so bad. It's better than this one. Is that a club outfit?
Peter: Oh, yeah, it's totally retro. Can you believe she used to go out disco dancing?
Tina: Can you believe her hair? That's classic 5.


1. 对话中,Peter 和Tina在谈论fashion,时尚。Peter很喜欢Tina的打扮,Tina说It's Armani with Gucci shoes. 这是Armani搭配Gucci的鞋子。《欲望城市》中有一个女生穿过。Sex and the City,是一部美国电视剧,透过四位纽约时髦女性的故事,来讨论现代人爱情观的电视剧,其中女主角之一是Sarah Jessica Parker。她可是现今好莱坞服饰潮流的一个风向标,连Peter都觉得这部电视剧很棒。That show's so hip! hip是形容词,表示“时髦的,赶潮流的”。They've got it going on, fashion-wise. 她们对潮流很敏锐。have got it going on 这个表达方式呢在对话中是用来形容《欲望城市》这部电视剧对于潮流的敏锐度,剧中人物的穿着打扮,足以掀起一波流行风潮。

2. going on 给我们的感觉是“一直在进行”,表示不断在求新求变求进步,it在这里自然就是指所提到的事物;have got it going主要是用来形容人“很酷,很棒”,是一种表达极度称赞的口语化说法。 我们用一个对话来作例子,---Why do all the girls like Tom so much? ---He's just got it going on, whatever it is. ---为什么所有的女孩子都喜欢Tom?---不管怎么说,他很有一套。

3. fashion-wise 表示“流行敏锐度,对潮流的敏锐程度”,凡是用-wise这样的形式做词尾的单词,就表示“对某方面很敏锐的”,比如说,He's successful, business wise. 他在做生意方面很成功。Tina最喜欢《欲望城市》里面的Sarah Jessica Parker,说她是自己的流行教主,She's my fashion guru. guru就是指“精神上的领导者。

4. Peter的妹妹Sarah也疯狂地迷Sarah Jessica Parker,她希望自己有足够的钱能够买像他们那样的行头。那么Peter的妹妹会买什么品牌的呢?有Versace范思哲旗下的Versus系列,还有DKNY和CK,就是Calvin Klein,都是非常有名的时尚品牌。

5. Tina觉得Sarah的品位挺不错的,不过Sarah以前可没有这么好的品位。Peter的钱包里有一张照片,上面的Sarah还是日本的109辣妹装,就是 Japanese co-gal style,特色就是染很浅颜色的头发,全身打深色粉底,涂白色系列口红,眼影,脚穿厚底高跟鞋。所以Peter说他妹妹的眼睛看起来白的吓人。

6. 不过Tina觉得这张照片不是最糟糕的,还有一张照片Sarah梳着复古的发型,retro就是“复古”的意思。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Tina: Thanks, Maria. I'll come and get it soon!
Sandy: Look, I've been saving 6 my money for this DKNY outfit in Marie Claire.
Tina: Nice, the pick of the month. Elle had it, too.
Sandy: It's at Sogo. Want to come with me?
Tina: Did you ever ask the right person!
Sandy: You shop there often?
Tina: All the clerks know me. That was who just called.
Sandy: You're on a first-name basis?
Tina: Sure. Maybe we can get you a discount.
Sandy: Really? I'll get one of those traditional Chinese top, then, too.
Tina: And a gold belt. It'd look great with those bell-bottoms you're wearing.
Sandy: That's a Cosmo fashion tip, isn't it? I read that magazine religiously.
Tina: I even get the Italian edition.
Sandy: Tina, how do you afford to keep up with changing fashions?
Tina: Oh, my salary. And daddy gave me a credit 7 card.


1. 对话中,Tina接到了一个电话,让她去店里拿衣服。她的朋友Sandy拿着一本Marie Claire《嘉人》杂志指给Tina看,说她一直在攒钱想买这套衣服。Tina觉得这套衣服很不错,是当月的精选,the pick of the month。the pick of sth 表示“最佳选择,精华”,比如说,She's the pick of the bunch. 她是那拨人当中出类拔萃的一个。

2. 这是一个非常口语化的说法,the pick of the bunch,就是指“出类拔萃”的人或者事物。Sandy挑选的这套衣服在Elle杂志上也出现过。对话里面出现的Marie Claire《嘉人》、Elle和Cosmo,全名是Cosmopolitan《时尚》,都是著名的女性时尚杂志。

3. Sarah看中的衣服在Sogo有卖的,她问Tina要不要跟她一起去买。Tina得意地说,Did you ever ask the right person! 你还真问对了人! 这个句子从字面上看来的意思是“你有没有问过对的人?”其实说这句话的人是在说反话,真正要表达的是“你还真是问对人了!”表示对方所问的问题,自己正是最佳的回答人选。比如说,---How can I make my hair curlier 8? ---Did you ever ask the right person! I'm a hair stylist.---怎么才能把头发弄得更卷啊?---你还真是问对人了!我是发型设计师。

4. Sandy很羡慕,原来Tina常在Sogo里面购物,几乎所有的店员都认识她了。刚刚打来电话的就是Sogo的一个店员。这让Sandy更惊讶了,You're on a first-name basis? 你们都已经熟悉到叫名字的程度了?first-name大家都知道是指“名字”,不是姓氏。互相称呼名字,就表示已经很熟了

5. Tina说也许她会找熟人给Sandy弄到折扣。Sandy更兴奋了,这样她也可以再买件中国传统风格的上衣了。Tina还建议她买一条金色的皮带,搭配Sandy身上的喇叭裤一定会很好看。bell-bottoms 就是指“喇叭裤”。

6. Sandy一听就知道这是Cosmo的流行穿衣建议,fashion tip。她把Cosmo这本杂志当作流行宝典来读,I read that magazine religiously. Tina甚至还有Cosmo的意大利版本,能获得更多原汁原味的流行资讯。

7. 不过Sandy觉得奇怪,Tina怎样来跟上潮流的变化速度呢?Tina说她用她的薪水,还有爸爸给的一张信用卡,才能支付起昂贵的置衣费用,看来美丽是需要付出代价的。

Part 2 Dress for Success 为成功而穿

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1

Peter: Hey, Tina...Whoa! What a pile of clothes!
Tina: I'm going to give a few of these things to a girl at work.
Peter: How many times did you wear this? It looks brand new.
Tina: Two times. If I wore it a third time everyone would know it's old.
Peter: This one's nice. Why don't you wear it any more?
Tina: Yuck, that's last year's fashion. Use it as a dish cloth or something.
Peter: This skirt has three holes.
Tina: That's upside down. It's a shirt.
Peter: This one's a skirt, though. But it's see-through and torn.
Tina: That's the design, doofus.
Peter: Anything you can give me?
Tina: (laughs) I don't think they're your size. 
Peter: Not to wear, silly. To sell. I need all the money I can get to open my restaurant.
Tina: Why not. I'd never be caught dead wearing them again.
Peter: I can give you twenty percent of the sales...


1. 对话中,Peter来找Tina,正好看见Tina抱着一大堆衣服走了出来,What a pile of clothes!这个感叹句就是说“衣服堆得像一座山”。

2. Tina要从里面挑几件衣服送给公司的一个女孩。Peter从里面拿出了一件,问Tina这件衣服穿了几次,因为衣服看起来像全新的。brand new 表示“崭新的,全新的”。

3. How many times did you wear this? 我们以前见过以How often...开头的句子,这是在问频率,就是“多久一次”的意思。而How many times...要问的很明显就是“有几次...”。在回答这两个问题的时候,你的答案之中,一定免不了会有“几次”的说法出现。如果你从来没有这种经验,你大可以说Never,从来没有。

4. 要不就得知道美语中算次数的方法,免得答不出来。其实算几次也很简单,只要把数字放在前面,再加上time或者复数times就行了。比较特殊的是“一次”可以说成once,两次就说twice。我们用对话来作例子,---They hung up. How many times did the phone ring? ---Only, twice, I think. ---他们挂掉电话了,你听到电话响了几声?---我想只有两声吧。

5. 至于两次以上的次数,就全部都是数字+times了,比如说,---Mom, can I go out and play? ---I've told you a hundred times. You need to get your homework done first. ---妈妈,我可以出去玩吗?---我和你说过100次了,你得先把作业做完。这件衣服Tina只穿了两次,就不想穿了,因为如果一件衣服穿超过三次,别人就都会知道它是旧的了。

6. Peter又挑出了一件,也是很不错的衣服,Tina为什么也不穿了呢?因为这件衣服是去年的旧款,所以Tina打算把这件衣服当作洗碗布什么的,真的是挺可惜的。Peter挑出了一件裙子,上面有三个洞。原来是他拿反了,这是一件上衣。upside down就是“上下颠倒”的意思。

7. Peter拿出了另一件裙子。但是这件裙子不但透明,而且还破破烂烂的。But it's see-through and torn. see-through是一个合成词,就是“透明的”的意思。结果Peter被Tina取笑,人家就是这么设计的,Peter真是个老土,That's the design, doofus. doofus是一个俚语词汇,表示“笨蛋,不通世事的人”。

8. Peter问Tina有没有能给他的东西,Tina还以为Peter要穿呢,所以笑他说,I don't think they're your size. be one's size 表示“是...的尺寸”。比如说,要表达“这双鞋是你的尺寸”我们就可以说These shoes are your size.和汉语的顺序是一样的,所以比较好记。同样类型的常用句型还有A's B's age,A和B的年纪一样大。

9. 比如说,---How old is Mary's son? ---I think he's my age. ---Mary的儿子多大了?---我想他和我一样大。那么在前面说过的“How many times...”的解说中提到twice,这个词在比较大小的时候,就代表“两倍大”。举个例子,---Why does Jenny go out with that guy?---I don't know. He's twice her age. ---Jenny为什么跟那个人出去?---不知道,他的年纪比她大了一倍。

10. Peter要这些衣服才不是要穿呢,而是拿来卖,因为他要尽可能地筹钱开餐厅。Tina觉得这个主意不错,因为她死也不会再穿这些衣服了。Peter还答应会分两成卖衣服的利润给Tina。还好,这些衣服可以拿来卖,要不然穿几次就扔掉可太奢侈了。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Tina: Just one question. What will you wear?
Peter: It doesn't matter what you wear. You just need to talk the talk.
Tina: Wrong! If people believe you know what style is, they'll buy from you.
Peter: So, what should I wear then, Miss Fashion Queen? A suit?
Tina: Here's the problem. Your suits suck.
Peter: Thanks for building me up there, Tina.
Tina: O-oh, Peter, I'm sorry. I mean. They just aren't...
Peter: Comfortable. I believe in wearing clean clothes and dressing 9 neat, but...
Tina: ...but guys look so handsome in suits.
Peter: I don't. I hate jackets and ties and sweating.
Tina: Ooh, ooh, ooh! I know. (takes a box out of her closet) Try this on!
Peter: Wow, you shouldn't have.
Tina: I didn't. It was for my ex. It's a Versace casual 10 suit.
Peter: This looks really stylish 11, and expensive. Are you sure?
Tina: Let's just say it's a gift from dad.


1. Tina问Peter,如果让他去卖衣服,Peter准备穿什么呢?Peter觉得穿什么并不重要,只要说该说的就好了。talk the talk就是说“说该说的话”,这里talk既作了动词,也作了名词。

2. Tina说这样的观念是错误的,如果大家相信你懂时尚,他们就会跟你买衣服了,如果自己都穿的都没有时尚的感觉,别人当然不会相信你挑衣服的眼光了。

3. Peter问那应该穿什么呢,难道穿西装吗?Tina说没错,就是你的西装太老土了。suck大家都知道了,是俚语词汇,表示“差劲,令人讨厌”。

4. Peter听了很不是滋味,酸溜溜地说,Thanks for building me up there, Tina. 谢谢你“夸奖”我啊。 build sb/ sth up 表示“吹捧某人或者某事物”,经常用于被动语态,比如说,The novel was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it disappointing. 这部小说被吹捧为杰作,可是我觉得很令人失望。

5. Tina也觉得说的太过分了,赶紧道歉。她只是想说Peter的西装看起来让人不舒服。Peter的穿衣风格是整齐干净利落,但是Tina觉得男生穿起西装来很帅气,guys look so handsome in suits。

6. look good in sth就是“穿…很好看”的意思。 但是如果用事物当主语,就是It looks good.的时候,就是指“情况看起来不错,大有可为”。而对话中是以人为主语,look good in suits直译过来就是“在西装里很好看”,其实就是“穿西装很好看”,因为衣服穿在外面,而我们是在衣服里面,所以用in这个介词。

7. 另外,我们衣着配饰的颜色,也是用in当作介词,同样也可以用上look good in +颜色来表达,比如说,---Maybe I should change into something else? ---No, you look great in red. ---我是不是该换别的穿?---不用了,你穿红色很好看。

8. 尽管如此,Peter还是不喜欢穿西装,他讨厌外套和领带,还有穿西装很闷热,会出很多汗。Tina突然想起自己家里有一套男士的休闲西装,是范思哲的,可以送给Peter穿。Peter还以为这是Tina特意为他准备的,说you shouldn't have. 你太费心了。你太破费了。

9. You shouldn't have. 这句话字面上是指“你不应该这样做。”部分省略了之后,成为习惯用语。在使用的时候,可能是当对方做了一件你觉得不妥的事情,你带着责备的语气和他说You shouldn't have.“你不应该这样做。”

10. 不过更常用的场景就像对话中的一样,是在收到对方的赠礼或者帮助之后,用You shouldn't have.“你真是太费心了。”来感激对方。比如说,---This is for you. ---Oh, you shouldn't have. I don't know what to say. ---这是给你的。---你太费心了!我真不知道说什么好。

11. 虽然这套西装是Tina为她的前男友准备的,但是这套衣服还是很贵的,所以Peter问Tina确定要送给他吗?Tina说就权当是Tina的爸爸送的礼物吧,因为这套衣服也是Tina用爸爸给她的信用卡买的。

Part 3 Change Alone with the Fashions 紧跟潮流 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Tina: So, how are the sales going?
Peter: I could just kiss you; the customers loved me!
Tina: See! It's all in the way you dress. Just dress for success.
Peter: I believe you now. I sold the last item today! Here's your cut!
Tina: Wow! That's, like, 6,000 yuan.
Peter: I almost made enough to open my restaurant.
Tina: And I can go shopping - in New York!


1. 那么Peter的衣服卖的好吗?Peter说非常得好,顾客都非常喜欢他。Tina说,看吧,这全在于你的穿着,只为成功而穿吧。Just dress for success.

2. Peter现在完全相信Tina的话了,今天他刚刚卖出了最后一件,可以给Tina分成了,Here's your cut! cut就是指“分摊到的一份”。

3. Tina大概数了一下,能有6000元钱。That's, like, 6,000 yuan. 这里说一下这个like,在句子中表示“大约”,这时候like是用来助兴的,而没有任何实际的意义,就和汉语里的那些虚词是一样的。  

4. 比如说,---The care will take, like, two or three days to fix, right? ---No, probably more like two weeks. ---我看修理这辆车要两三天时间吧。---不,我看要两三个星期才行。现在Peter几乎赚够了开餐厅的钱了。而Tina也可以到纽约好好地血拼一番了。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Peter: You just came home from work?
Tina: Yeah. Why?
Peter: You're wearing jeans! And a T-shirt!
Tina: It's that total "be yourself" fashion.
Peter: I totally agree with you, but you never wear jeans.
Tina: Well, I saw Sarah Jessica Parker with her model friends in the Big Apple.
Peter: And she was dressed like that?
Tina: Yeah. So it's my new style.
Peter: But didn't you just say "be yourself"?
Tina: Anyway. Who I am changes along with the fashions.
Peter: Hey, actually we're twins. I have a pair just like that.
Tina: Not likely. This pair's Armani!
Peter: Man! That's like, 1,200 yuan! When you're done with them, can I sell them?


1. 对话中,Peter看见了Tina,问她是不是刚刚下班回家,因为他很惊讶地发现Tina穿着一条牛仔裤和T-恤,这不是Tina的一贯风格啊。

2. Tina告诉Peter这就是所谓的“作你自己”的流行风格,"be yourself" fashion。Peter完全同意,但是Tina以前从来不穿牛仔裤啊,是什么让她改变了主意呢。

3. 原来Tina在纽约的时候看见了Sarah Jessica Parker和她的那些模特朋友们,他们都穿着牛仔裤和T-恤,所以Tina也转变成了这样的风格。Peter很奇怪,Tina不是说什么“作你自己”的风格吗,怎么还跟别人学呢?

4. 因为随着时尚流行走,就是Tina,所以也无所谓了。Peter发现自己有一条和Tina穿的一模一样的裤子,所以说actually we're twins. Tina说这不可能,她的裤子可是Armani的。Peter一看裤子的标牌,上面的价钱是1200,让他吃了一惊。

5. Peter又发现了商机,问Tina不想要这条裤子的时候,可不可以让他拿去卖。When you're done with them, can I sell them? be done with sth 从字面上来看,是指“和...完了,结束了”,而在使用上的场景有很多,with的后面可以接事物,表示“看完了,用完了”。

6. 比如说,---When you're done with those notes, can I look at them? ---Of course, I'm almost finished. ---你看完那些笔记以后能不能借我看看? be done with 后面如果接人的话,虽然基本意义保持不变,但是日常的使用情况还不少。

7. 比如说,可能是带威胁语气的教训、收拾谁。比如说,---You're so stupid sometimes, Dad.---When I'm done with you, you'll wish you'd never said that. ---爸爸,你有时候真傻。---等我收拾了你,你会希望你从来没有说过这句话。

8. 如果be done with sb用在情侣之间,就是“分手”的意思,表示情尽缘了,断得一干二净。比如说,---Are you still dating Stan? ---No, I'm done with him. ---你还在跟Stan约会吗?---没有,我和他已经分手了。

9. be done with sb 也可以表示和某人的谈话告一段落,比如说,---Can I go now? ---Yes, we're done with you today, but you need to come back tomorrow for an interview. ---现在我可以走了吗?---可以,我们今天就和你说到这里,但是你明天得来面试。


  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
n.全套装备( outfit的名词复数 );一套服装;集体;组织v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的第三人称单数 )
  • He jobbed out the contract to a number of small outfits. 他把承包工程分包给许多小单位。 来自辞典例句
  • Some cyclists carry repair outfits because they may have a puncture. 有些骑自行车的人带修理工具,因为他们车胎可能小孔。 来自辞典例句
  • The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队。
  • The novel is regarded as one of the classic works.这篇小说被公认为是最优秀的作品之一。
  • The football match was a classic.那场足球比赛堪称典范。
  • Energy saving is term strategic policy of our country.节约能源是我国长期的战略国策。
  • Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving.旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。
  • I credit him with a certain amount of sense.我认为他有一定的见识。
  • He got the credit,and we did the dirty work.他得荣誉,我们做不讨好的工作。
adj.有卷发的,长卷毛的( curly的比较级 )
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
  • He earns a living by casual labour.他靠做临时工为生。
  • The guests wore casual clothes.客人们穿着便服。
  • He's a stylish dresser.他是个穿着很有格调的人。
  • What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.巴黎女性时装往往会引导世界时装潮流。
abu gabra
AC/DC motor
additional commitment
altering error
atavistic extremities
backloaded horn
basaltic magma
Bayesian posterior analysis
be close with
binding mode
carried along
carry-on brooder
catalytic gauze
cell survival
chop shop
cladding center
closed delivery
come in contact with
display writer
dumb shit
Eupatorium L.
go by the book
high level protocol
hydrogen triple point
inner mark
interosseous metacarpal ligaments
interrupting rating
invite somebody along
La Llave
luminescence spectrum
manganese(iii) sesquioxide
market scale
masking audiogram
mucus discharge
overflow into
page printing telegraphy
painting for marine construction
paper money in its narrow sense
paraffin release agent
parameters not supported
pitch trim compensator
plasmocytic leukemoid reaction
pyrophosphate method of electro-plating
rami subapicalis
relay crosspoint
rhinitis tablet
rip sth up
run like clockwork
scenarios and related methods
seepage prevention of cofferdam
silky texture
sit for an examination
social costs
space vehicle power plants
System Fault Tolerance
target return on sales
terminal substation
tickler spring
twin bunkbed
volume excitation
waveguide laser resonator
white hog
Zaglas' ligament