时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 National Hispanic Heritage 1 Month 全国拉丁文化月 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Javier: Welcome to L.A.! It's nice to finally meet you in person!
Linda: Thanks! It's great to be here, but wow, I didn't expect to see so many Mexicans.
Javier: You thought I was the only one? Well, they're not all Mexicans. And actually, one in every four people in California is Hispanic.
Linda: What's that? It looks like a parade!
Javier: You just happened to be here for the kick-off of National Hispanic Heritage Month - September fifteenth.
Linda: Wow! Look at all those colors!
Javier: And the festivities also mark the independence days of many Hispanic countries.
Linda: Which ones?
Javier: Well, today - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and, and Nicaragua.
Linda: And Mexico is when?
Javier: On the sixteenth.
Linda: Cool. My timing 2 is just right!


1. 对话中,Linda来到洛杉矶见网友Javier。L.A.就是Los Angeles洛杉矶的缩写。Javier在西班牙语中是一个男性的名字。Javier说真高兴终于见到Linda本人了。in person 表示“亲身,亲自;本人”,比如说,You can apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需要票的人可以亲自来申请或者来信索取。

2. Linda来到这里也非常高兴,但是她没有想到会看见这么多墨西哥人。Javier解释说,其实他们并不都是墨西哥人,事实上,在加州每四个人就有一个人是拉丁裔。Hispanic就是“拉丁美洲的,拉丁美洲裔的,拉丁美洲人的”。

3. 那么什么是Hispanic American 或者Latino American呢?Hispanic American 或者Latino American是指居住在美国,但本身或者祖先是出生在Spanish-speaking“西班牙语系”国家的美国人。但是在某些分类中,也将说葡萄牙语Portuguese的“巴西裔”Brazilian归入。他们的文化、音乐、食物,甚至是独特腔调和轻快的说话速度,如今已经深入影响到美国许多的城市。

4. Hispanics/Latinos“拉丁美洲裔”在美国的人数越来越多,目前已占全美人口的6.5%,在某些州数目甚至比白人还多。Linda突然发现大街上正有人举行游行,就问Javier这是怎么回事,原来Linda正好赶上了全国拉丁文化月的开幕仪式。You just happened to be here for the kick-off of National Hispanic Heritage Month kick-off是一个口语词汇,表示“开始”。

5. Javier解释说这些庆祝活动也纪念许多拉丁美洲国家独立的日子。1810年9月16日,墨西哥脱离西班牙的统治,独立建国;长期受西班牙殖民统治的国家,也在第二年相继宣布独立。这些曾受西班牙统治的国家的后裔移民美国后,仍会在这些纪念日举行庆祝活动,由于这些拉丁美洲裔人口逐渐增加,因此美国政府宣布每年的9月15日开始为期一周的时间是“拉丁裔文化周”Hispanic Heritage Week。后来由于拉丁美洲裔人口的快速增长,逐渐成为美国社会中一股不可忽视的力量,在拉丁美洲裔人和文化人士的努力下,1989年,由美国国会通过将庆祝活动扩大并延长为一个月,每年9月15日到10月14日为“全国拉丁裔文化月”。在整个文化月期间,美国各地会举办有关拉丁裔文化的美食、音乐以及游行活动,旨在推广拉美文化,并庆祝拉丁美洲国家的国庆。

6. Linda觉得自己很幸运,来得正是时候。timing表示“时机,时间的安排”。比如说,I'm sorry for the timing - you didn't have any time to go shopping. 很抱歉时间安排的这么紧,你都没有时间去买东西。


Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Javier: You got it. So you'll see parades like this one and lots of food and folk dancing.
Linda: It's strange because when I think of Americans, I think of white people.
Javier: Yeah. Caucasians are the majority in America, but Latinos will soon make up the biggest minority. Our numbers are growing.
Linda: What's the difference between a Latino and a Hispanic? I've heard you use the both terms.
Javier: The word Hispanic means anything coming from Spain. Younger, more assimilated 4 people seem to like it better.
Linda: And Latino is used by the older people?
Javier: Yeah, but both are OK here in L.A. I just say I'm a Chicano, for example, because my parents are from Mexico.
Linda: It all seems so complicated 5. Oh, no offence 6!
Javier: Don't worry. There's one thing we Hispanics all have in common: amistad!
Linda: Does that mean family?
Javier: Well, family is top on our list, but amistad means friendship. We're all friendly and easy-going.
Linda: Yeah! Everybody seems so happy and passionate 7.
Javier: They say Hispanics live long because they have strong family values, life-long friendships and they enjoy life!
Linda: Cool! Yeah, everyone walking around seems to be with big families.


1. Linda真的是很幸运,这个时候她可以看到庆祝游行,还有很多美食和民族舞蹈。folk dancing 就表示“民族舞蹈”。Linda感觉怪怪的,因为每当她想到美国人的时候,她就会想到白人。

2. 虽然Caucasians高加索人,也就是白种人在美国占大多数,但是拉丁美洲人很快就会成为人口数量最多的少数民族,他们的人数一直在增加。Linda问Javier Latino 和Hispanic有什么不同,因为她听Javier用了这两个名称。

3. Javier给Linda解释说,Hispanic这个词是指任何从西班牙来的东西。年轻,已经被同化的人比较喜欢用这个词。而年纪比较大的人才会用Latino,但是这两个词在洛杉矶都适用。

4. HispanicLatino在使用上的区别,除了Javier的解释之外,在正式场合上和官方说法都会使用Hispanic这个词,这是在“政治上”比较“正确”的用法,politically correct。而一般民间才会出现使用Latino来称呼拉丁美洲裔的情况。

5. Javier给Linda举了个例子,Javier称自己为Chicano,就是指“墨裔美国人,墨裔美国人的”,因为Javier的父母都是来自墨西哥的。Linda觉得这一切都好复杂,不过话一出口,就觉得Javier可能会很生气,所以她赶快说,No offence,这不是在冒犯谁。

6. Javier安慰她,不用担心,因为拉丁裔人有一个共同点,就是amistad,在西班牙语里是“友善”的意思。但是Linda没有明白,问Javier amistad是不是“家庭”的意思。Javier说家庭确实是他们最重视的观念,不过amistad是友谊的意思,因为他们都很友善、随和。top on one's list 就是指“…是某人最重要的事”。

7. Linda觉得的确是这样,大家似乎都很快乐又热情,大家说拉丁裔人比较长寿,因为他们有浓厚的家庭观念,终生的友谊而且会享受生活!周围的人看起来就像是个大家庭。

Part 2 Hispanic Merengue and Food 拉丁热舞和美食 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Beto: Hola, chica! Que pasa?
Linda: Hey...amigo...
Beto: Cool! You speak, Spanish!
Linda: Only one or two words. Are you a Chicano, too?
Beto: Nope. I'm like J.Lo and Ricky Martin. Puerto Rican blood.
Linda: No wonder you're so handsome.
Beto: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, Chinita. Wanna dance?
(after dancing)
Javier: You guys did great out there!
Linda: I just followed his lead. But what was that?
Javier: That was merengue. It's originally from the Caribbean but it's popular all over.
Linda: It's a workout. No wonder Hispanics have such great bodies!
Javier: Well, not always. Our food can be pretty heavy depending on what you eat.


1. 对话中,Javier的朋友Beto来找他们,他跟Linda打招呼,Hola, chica! Que pasa?这也是西班牙语,hola是“嗨”,chica表示“女孩”;Que pasa?表示“你好吗?”。  

2. Linda不知道如何回答了,说,Hey, amigo...amigo在西班牙语中指“男性朋友”。Beto很惊讶,还以为Linda会说西班牙语,Linda赶紧解释说,她只会几个单词而已。

3. Linda问Beto也是墨裔美国人吗?Beto回答说不是,他跟Jennifer Lopez和Ricky Martin一样,都有着波多黎各血统。对话中既然提到了一些拉丁美洲国家,那么我们在这里详细说一说拉丁裔美国人都聚集在哪里。目前美国境内的拉丁裔,以“墨西哥裔”Mexicans为最多,早期的Mexicans大多是趁地理位置的便利的非法移民。

4. 第二多的是“波多黎各裔”,Puerto Ricans。1898年随着美西战争的结束,波多黎各变成美国的领土,现在是自治邦。从那时起,Puerto Ricans就可以随意通行美国境内,所以现在PuertoRicans在美国的人数才会如此众多。排名第三的是“古巴裔”,Cubans。这些拉丁裔主要分布在德克萨斯州Texas和加州California。  

5. 其次是新墨西哥州New Mexico,亚利桑那州Arizona和科罗拉多州Colorado。而以城市分布来说,最特别的就是“洛杉矶”Los Angeles。在此地的墨裔人口是世界上仅次于墨西哥市的城市。

6. 其他美国大城市如芝加哥Chicago,纽约New York,迈阿密Miami,丹佛Denver,圣安东尼奥San Antonio的拉丁裔人数也非常多。Linda说原来Beto有波多黎各血统,怪不得长得这样英俊呢。

7. Beto说Linda这个中国人看起来也不错啊,Chinita在西班牙语中表示“中国人”,并且邀请Linda跳舞。一只舞过后,Javier夸Linda舞跳得不错,Linda说自己就是跟着Beto跳,follow one's lead就表示“学着某人的样子,跟随某人做某事”。

8. 这种舞叫做merengue,是一种非常容易上手的拉丁舞,源自海地和多米尼加,由于它节奏明显,对于初学者来说,并不需要记住繁琐的手脚动作就能学会,不过,merengue的特色在于只要跳上10分钟,包你满身大汗,所以Linda说这种舞蹈是一种workout,健身运动。

9. 看过和拉丁裔美国人有关电影的人,可能会听到另一种称为salsa的舞蹈。salsa是拉丁舞的一种,源自古巴,后来传入美国,加入了一些jazz的元素,之后又受到非洲乐风的影响,才形成现在大家所熟知的salsa。salsa的基本步伐为三步或者四个半步,它的特色在于每个地区的salsa舞步都自成一格,但是当两种不同风格的salsa相遇的时候,却都能配合的天衣无缝。Linda感叹经常跳这样的舞蹈,怪不得拉丁裔人的身材都那么好。

10. Javier说,也不一定是这样,因为他们的食物通常都很油腻,得看你都吃些什么来保持身材的美好。heavy表示“食物很油腻,难以消化”。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Javier: Welcome to J. Lo's new restaurant. I heard the food is really authentic 8.
Linda: It's Puerto Rican?
Javier: Actually it's a Cuban restaurant, like the ones you might find in Miami.
Linda: Wow, you guys really do mix up everything.
Javier: It's all Latin 3, baby. It's all good. Now let's order.
Linda: Hmm...(reads menu) black beans and rice...sounds healthy.
Javier: Latinos are big on beans and rice. And you got to try the ropa vieja.
Linda: Is that a meat dish?
Javier: Yep. It means old clothes.
Linda: Yuck!
Javier: Ha, ha. That's because it's shredded 9 beef and looks kind of like cloth.
Linda: Well, I guess I'll try it. What's this? (reads menu) Plantains...
Javier: Those are like little bananas. They fry them twice, and they are delicious!


1. 对话中Javier带Linda来到了Jennifer Lopez新开的餐馆,因为他听说这里的食物非常地道。Linda还以为这是一家经营波多黎各菜式的餐馆,但实际上这是一家古巴餐厅,就像那种在迈阿密经常看到的餐厅一样。

2. Linda感叹说你们真是一个民族大熔炉啊,什么都可以混在一起。you guys really do mix up everything. mix up表示“混合”,这句话的意思是,Linda觉得拉丁美洲裔人种多,菜色也多,却又互相交流,所以说他们真是一个民族大熔炉。

3. Javier说不管怎么说,都很好吃,所以就无所谓了。Linda看了一下菜单,觉得黑豆和米饭的搭配听上去很健康。Javier告诉Linda,拉美人很喜欢吃豆子和米饭。他还推荐Linda一定要尝尝一种叫做“古巴破布”的菜式。这道菜是用肉做的,菜名ropa vieja是“旧衣服”的意思,这让Linda听了很恶心,不过这道菜是因为碎牛肉看起来有点像破布。Linda还是决定要尝一尝。这道菜的做法是将切碎的牛肉加入洋葱,蒜末,青椒或者胡萝卜等材料,慢火细炖,非常好吃。

4. 她又看见了一道菜是用plantains做的,就是芭蕉,做法是把芭蕉切成一段一段的,入锅油炸两次,对一般美国人来说,这是一道充满异国风味的甜点。

Part 3 Fun Pinata 好玩的Pinata 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Linda: Who are the guys in hats?
Javier: Those are mariachis. Traditional Mexican musical performers.
Linda: The music is so romantic.
Javier: And so are Latinos. Look at how they act when they're together.
Linda: And they seem so happy. And they treat everyone like family.
Javier: That's the Hispanic spirit. Mi casa es tu casa. It's hospitality 10 at its finest!
Linda: Hey! I've seen those hanging animals before!
Javier: Those are pinatas. They're a part of our Christmas celebration.
Linda: Aren't they made out of paper?
Javier: Yes. And they're filled with treats - candy and toys and even money!


1. 对话中Linda看见了一群头戴大帽子的人,就问Javier他们是谁。原来这些人就是mariachis,传统的墨西哥音乐表演者,他们常在餐厅或者街头表演,带着sombrero“大帽子”,穿着传统墨西哥服饰,用各种乐器,包括小提琴、吉他、贝斯或喇叭演奏歌曲,曲风含蓄诗意,题材浪漫。

2. Linda说他们正在弹奏的乐曲听起来真浪漫,Javier说拉美人也是浪漫的民族。你看他们在一起的样子就知道了。他们看起来很高兴,而且他们对每个人都像家人一样。而这正是拉美人的精神,Mi casa es tu casa,在西班牙语里的意思就是“你家就是我家”,善尽待客之道。

3. 这时Linda又发现了一些吊着的动物玩具。Javier告诉她那叫pinata,是拉美人用来庆祝圣诞节的活动。这些动物都是用纸做的,而且里面还塞满了宝藏,糖果,玩具甚至还有钱。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Linda: So how do you get them open?
Javier: You are blindfolded 11 and take a stick to strike it with.
Linda: Sounds dangerous.
Javier: I guess it could be if you're not careful. Everyone takes turns until someone busts 12 it open.
Linda: Oh, boy. They're looking at me...
Javier: Your turn! Close your eyes!
Linda: Oh my gosh! I can't see anything! And everyone's yelling 13 at once.
Javier: Be careful who you listen to. Some people will try to trick you.
Linda: Am I closer?
Javier: Yes...a little to the right...now swing!
Linda: Arguhhh!
Javier: Ouch! I said walk to the right, now swing to the right!
Linda: Oops, I'm so sorry.


1. 对话中,Javier在教Linda怎么玩pinata,玩的时候得把眼睛蒙上然后用棍子把pinata打开。blindfold作动词表示“蒙住眼睛,把眼睛蒙上”,作名词就是“眼罩”的意思。

2. 现在我们来详细说说pinata的玩法。pinata是在过节,尤其是圣诞节的时候,最受拉美裔美国儿童欢迎的一种游戏。pinata其实就是纸做的容器,造型千变万化,从圣诞老人到飞机,小丑,什么形状都有。

3. 最具代表性的形状是七角星,七个尖角代表人类的七原罪,而当拿着棒子的人顺利打破七角星,就意味着正义战胜邪恶,而从七角星里散落的礼物,就代表了上帝给予人类战胜邪恶的恩赐。

4. 游戏的方法是先把pinata用细绳绑在天花板上,然后所有的小朋友围成一圈,大家轮流出来,蒙着眼睛,手上拿着一根棍子,设法把挂着的pinata打下来,每个人有挥打三次的机会。

5. 与此同时,其他围成圈的小朋友会唱歌,或者试图扰乱蒙住眼睛的小朋友,阻止他顺利击破pinata,这代表着在追寻真理的道路上,处处充满着诱惑和阻碍。而当pinata被打开的时候,里面的玩具、糖果会散落一地,此时所有的小朋友就会一拥而上,分享糖果和玩具。

6. Linda觉得这个游戏听上去挺危险的,一定要小心。大家轮流来打pinata直到有人把它打开为止。take turns to do sth 表示“轮流去做某事”。轮到Linda了,她觉得很紧张,因为大家都看着她。

7. Javier蒙住了Linda的眼睛,并且提醒她小心判断听谁的,因为有些人会故意骗她。trick 作动词表示“欺骗”。 trick sb into sth/into doing sth 就表示“用计诱使某人做某事”,比如说,She tricked him into marriage/into marrying her. 她设计让他跟自己结婚。还有trick sb out of sth,表示“诈骗,骗走某人某物”,比如说,He tried to trick her out of her house. 他试图设计骗走她的房产。

8. Javier告诉Linda往右边一点,然后挥棒。但是Linda理解错了,以为是让她往右边挥棒,结果打到了Javier,赶忙道歉,重新来试。

  • The ancient buildings are part of the national heritage.这些古建筑是民族遗产的一部分。
  • We Chinese have a great cultural heritage.我们中国人有伟大的文化遗产。
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
  • She learned Latin without a master.她无师自通学会了拉丁语。
  • Please use only Latin characters.请仅使用拉丁文字符。
吸收,消化( assimilate的过去式和过去分词 ); 同化; 透彻理解; 使吸收
  • America has assimilated millions of immigrants into its way of life. 美国使数百万移民适应了其生活方式。
  • They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment. 他们改变了他们的风俗和行为以适应新环境。
  • The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意思。
  • This is the most complicated case I have ever handled.这是我所处理过的最为复杂的案子。
  • She felt she had committed an offence against the right of others.她觉得自己侵犯了他人的权利。
  • I agree with the theorem that the best defence is offence.我同意最好的防御是进攻的理论。
  • He is said to be the most passionate man.据说他是最有激情的人。
  • He is very passionate about the project.他对那个项目非常热心。
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
  • Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
  • Serve the fish on a bed of shredded lettuce. 先铺一层碎生菜叶,再把鱼放上,就可以上桌了。
  • I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauce are quite special. 我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.他欢迎你去做客。
  • Thank you for your kind hospitality.谢谢你的盛情款待。
v.(尤指用布)挡住(某人)的视线( blindfold的过去式 );蒙住(某人)的眼睛;使不理解;蒙骗
  • The hostages were tied up and blindfolded. 人质被捆绑起来并蒙上了眼睛。
  • They were each blindfolded with big red handkerchiefs. 他们每个人的眼睛都被一块红色大手巾蒙住了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
半身雕塑像( bust的名词复数 ); 妇女的胸部; 胸围; 突击搜捕
  • Dey bags swells up and busts. 那奶袋快胀破了。
  • Marble busts all looked like a cemetery. 大理石的半身象,简直就象是坟山。
v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的现在分词 )
  • The coach stood on the sidelines yelling instructions to the players. 教练站在场外,大声指挥运动员。
  • He let off steam by yelling at a clerk. 他对一个职员大喊大叫,借以发泄怒气。 来自《简明英汉词典》
a bad break
a dog
air furnace
alloy diffused-base transistor
aloin test
analytic posturology
Aquidneck Island
blochmann's corpuscle
burning bar
busbar bearing
button-out belt
Canis Major
catalyst-to-oil ratio
chemical pregnancy
collar cloth
concentrated wave load
confocal backscatter laser velocimeter
contingent duty
covered arc welding
deh khvajah
downwash probability
encyclopedize, encyclopaedized
exempt dealer
five hundred miles
forward series position
function generator
infection tube
legal debate in court
linguistic semiotics
linsenerz (liroconite)
livens bomb
logical positivism
machine buff
macroeddy current
magnetization vector
method of exchange of members
modification of final judgement
molecular mixology
multifunction display
multiplexed bus structure
natural fabric
noncoherent radar
numeric pager
physical security measures
private patients
quotient Lie group
ra-ra skirt
Radix superior
reed sweep
relay valve top cover
rhythm band
scanning high energy electron diffraction (sheed)
square law
stacked beam
subject to the scrutinyof
third speed gear
tripping lines
uneven numbers
uniform customs and practice of commercial documentary credits
vacuum-tube emission
working cycle diagram
zone purification device