时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:呼啸山庄.Wuthering.Heights


  9 Isabella's story

  1784 For two months we heard nothing of Isabella or Heathcliff.During that time Catherine was dangerously ill with brain fever,andhDr Kenneth warned 1 us that even if she recovered,her brain would never return to normal.How ever she did seem to get better,and no one could have been happier than my master,when he saw her sitting up in bed for the first time,and beginning to take an interest in the people and things around her.He loved her so much,and took such good care of her,that I really thought she would recover.There was another reason for her to live.She was expecting a baby,and we all hoped she would have a son,who would inherit 2 the Linton fortune.

  Then Mr Edgar received a letter from Isabella,telling him that she and Heathcliff were married.With it was a long letter for me,which said:

  Wuthering Heights

  Dear Ellen,

  I arrived here last night and heard that Catherine brother refuses to write to me,so you are the only one I can write to.Tell Edgar I still love him and Catherine,and want to return to Thrushcross Grange,but I can't!

  The rest of this letter is for you alone,Ellen.Two questions—how did you manage to get on with the people in this house?Thay don't seem human!And(this interests me very much)what is Mr Heathcliff?A man?A madman?A devil 3?When you come to visit me,you must explain to me what sort of creature I've married.And you must come very soon,with a message from Edgar.

  Heathcliff brought me here last night.This house is going to be my home,he says.He disappeared as soon as we arrived,so I entered the kitchen alone.What a miserable,depressing place it is now,Ellen!By the fire stood a dirty child.I realized he must be Catherine's nephew,Hareton,and tried to shake his hand.But he greeted me by swearing at me,so I went into the hall to find somebody else.When I knocked at another door,it was opened by a tall,thin man,with long,dirty hair hanging down to his shoulders.I knew this must be Hindley Earnshaw,Catherine's brother and Hareton's father.His eyes,and Hareton's,reminded me of Catherine.

  ‘What do you want?’he asked roughly 4

  ‘My name was Isabella Linton,’I replied.‘Now I'm married to Mr Heathcliff.’

  ‘Ah,so that devil has returned!Good!’he growled 5

  You can imagine,Ellen,how unhappy I felt in that unpleasant 6 house.I knew that only four miles away was my real home,Thrushcross Grange,containing the only people I loved in the world.But those four miles were like an ocean,which I could not cross!Don't tell Edgar or Catherine this,but I had hoped to find a friend at Wuthering Heights,some one to support me against Heathcliff.Now I realized that no one here would help me.

  After a long silence I said,‘Please ask a maid 7 to show me my bedroom.I'm tired after my journey.’

  ‘We have no maids 8 here,’he answered.‘Joseph will show you Heathcliff's room,if you like.And—and—you’d better lock the bedroom door tonight!’

  ‘Why,Mr Earnshaw?’I asked.I did not want to lock myself in with Heathcliff.

  He brought out a gun,which had a knife attached 9 to it.

  ‘Look at this,’he said.‘Every night I try to open his bed room door.Up to now he's locked it.But one night he'll forget,and Then I'll kill him!’

  ‘Why do you hate him so much?’I asked.

  ‘Because he's taken everything from me!’he shouted angrily.‘There's nothing left for Hareton to inherit!But I'm going to get it all back!and his money too,and then his blood.Then the devil can have his soul!’

  He seemed mad to me,Ellen.I left him,and went to find the old servant,Joseph.It seemed that Heathcliff's room was locked,and there were no guest bedrooms,so in the end I slept on a chair in the child's room.What a welcome to my new home!

  I know Heathcliff blames Edgar forQCatherine's illness.He has warned me he'll make me suffer for it.Oh,I do hate him—I'm so miserable—I've been such a fool!Don't tell any one at Thrushcross Grange about this,Ellen.Come quickly—don't disappoint me!


  As soon as I had read this,I asked Mr Edgar if I could take a message from him to his sister.

  ‘You may visit her this afternoon,Ellen,if you like.Tell her I'm not angry,just sorry to have lost her.I can't imagine she will ever be happy.I shall never visit her or write to her.’

  When I arrived at Wuthering Heights that afternoon,I was shocked to see how much worse the house looked than when I used to live there.I realized that Hindley did not care what conditions he lived in,and Joseph clearly spent more time praying than cleaning.Heathcliff and Isabella were both in the main room.Heathcliff looked more like a gentleman than I had ever seen him,but his wife had not bothered to brush her hair or change her dress.I had to explain to poor Isabella that Mr Edgar had refused to write to her.She cried a little when she heard that.Then Heathcliff asked me question after question about Catherine's illness.

  ‘If you really love her,’I told him,‘you'll keep away from her now.She mustn't be over-excited Her health will always be weak.And her loving husband is a very good nurse to her!’

  ‘Her loving husband!'repeated Heathcliff scornfully.‘Don't compare my feeling for her with his!No,Ellen,before you leave this house,I'll make you promise to arrange 11 a meet- ing for me with Catherine.I must see her!’

  ‘I'll never agree to that,’I said.‘She's just beginning to recover.She's almost forgotten you,and now you want to upset her again!’ ‘Ellen,you know as well as I do that she can never forget me!If she thinks once of Edgar Linton,she thinks a thousand times of me!He can't love her as I can!And Catherine has a heart as deep as mine!’

  ‘Catherine and Edgar are very fond of each other!'said Isabella suddenly.‘Don't speak of my brother like that!’

  ‘Your dear brother doesn't care enough abut 12 you to write to you,'replied Heathcliff,smiling sourly.

  ‘That's because be doesn't know how much I've suffered,'she answered quietly,turning away to hide the tears on her face.

  ‘Sir,’I said,‘it seems to me that Miss Isabella,Mrs Heathcliff,I should say,is unhappy.You must treat her kindly 13.Try to look after her.Let her have a maid,for example.’

  ‘I'm not going to be soft with her,’he repliedd with a laugh.‘She was stupid enough to run away with me.I never pretended 14 to love her.Now I think she's beginning to realize that I scorn 10 her.She's an even weaker fool than her brother, but she's going to be useful to me.That's why I'm keeping her with me.’ ‘Ellen,he says he married me to have his revenge 15 on Edgar!But I won't let him carry out his plan,whatever it is. I'll die,or I'll see him dead first!’

  ‘You're getting violent,Isabella!'said Heathcliff.‘Go up- stairs now.I want to speak to Ellen Dean 16 in private.Go on!’ And he pushed her roughly out of the door. ‘Don't you feel pity for her?’I asked,when we were alone.‘Have you ever felt pity for anybody in your life?’ ‘Why should I?She's just like an insect under my foot.The more she cries,the more I enjoy hurting her.Now,Ellen,lis-ten.I'll wait every day and every evening in the Grange gar- den,until I find a chance to see Catherine.If I meet Edgar Linton or his servants,I'll shoot them.But don't you think it’d be better to avoid a fight?You could tell me when she'll be alone.Then there'll be no violence 17.’

  I argued and complained,and refused fifty times,but in the end he forced me to agree.I promised to let him know when Edgar Linton was away from home.I suppose it was wrong of me,but I hoped it would be Heathcliff's last meeting with Catherine.

  9 伊莎贝拉的故事








































v.警告( warn的过去式和过去分词 );提醒;告诫;预先通知
  • Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads. 已经提醒开车的人当心冰封的路面。
  • I've warned her countless times. 我警告过她无数次了。
  • He intended that his son should inherit his business.他打算让他的儿子继承他的生意。
  • We must inherit in a critical way.我们要以批判的方式继承。
  • It is easier to raise the devil than to lay him.召鬼容易驱鬼难。
  • Susie,you're a determined little devil.苏茜,你真是个坚决的小家伙。
  • If you treat your coat so roughly,it will be worn out soon.你如果这么糟蹋你的外套,它很快就不能穿了。
  • The island is roughly circular in shape.这个岛屿大致是圆形的。
v.(动物)发狺狺声, (雷)作隆隆声( growl的过去式和过去分词 );低声咆哮着说
  • \"They ought to be birched, \" growled the old man. 老人咆哮道:“他们应受到鞭打。” 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He growled out an answer. 他低声威胁着回答。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • A very unpleasant thing has happened.一件令人很不愉快的事发生了。
  • The kind advices are often unpleasant to the ear.好言常常不入耳。
  • I have sent my maid away.我已把我的女仆解雇了。
  • A maid in white is walking along the boardwalk.一位白衣少女漫步于海边的木板路上。
n.女仆( maid的名词复数 );女佣;少女;年轻的未婚女子
  • They have two maids who sleep in. 他们有两个住在他们家里的女仆。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I've changed maids several times, but none of them has worked out. 此外一个老妈子,换了好几次,始终不满意。 来自汉英文学 - 围城
  • The lease entitles the holder to use the buildings and any land attached thereto.本租约持有人有权使用此建筑物以及所附属的土地。
  • He looked at me with scorn.他轻蔑地看了看我。
  • You've no right to scorn a poor girl.你没有任何理由看不起一个贫穷的姑娘。
  • He began to arrange the flowers in the vase.他开始把花瓶内的花摆好。
  • We must arrange about that.这事我们得安排一下。
  • The two lots are abut together.那两块地毗连着。
  • His lands abut on the motorway.他的土地毗邻高速公路。
  • Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
  • A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
adj.假装的;徒有外表的;传说的;号称的v.假装( pretend的过去式和过去分词 );伪装;(尤指儿童)(在游戏中)装扮;自诩
  • He pretended that resigning was part of his long-term career strategy. 他假装辞职是他长远事业规划的一部分。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He politely pretended not to have heard this remark. 他有礼貌地假装没有听到这句话。 来自《简明英汉词典》
v.报...之仇,为...报仇 ;n.报仇,复仇
  • She poisoned his mind with ideas of hate and revenge.她用复仇的思想来毒害他的心灵。
  • There was anger in his eyes and revenge in his heart.他两眼闪现怒火,一心只想复仇。
  • The students much like the new dean.学生们很喜欢这位新系主任。
  • Who is the dean of the Foreign Languages Department?外语系主任是谁?
  • It was an absolutely senseless act of violence.这是毫无意义的暴力行为。
  • They attacked with violence.他们猛烈攻击。
absolute indirect addressing
aerial for television transmitter
alternating tension and compression
array for real-time geostrophic oceanography (argo)
benzo light blue fr
breast the tape
bulk bread
Cerasus yunnanensis
chimney pot
color meter
combined immunodeficiency syndrome
concentrating pan
cow bitten
cranial sympathetic system
cumulative timing
directly ionizing radiation
disease natural history
dome cells
Doppler beam sharpening
emergent evolution
essence of a contract
Evil one,the
failure processing
food fishes
forceless deep pulse
glutamatergic pathway
hard over
Hertwig epithelial root sheath
Honda alloy
in contact
john davyss
Lindblad resonance
master clutch brake
Matthew Walker knot
medium-frequency oscillator
overlapped memorys
parthenocissus himalayana (royle) planch.
plate streak
pulse repetition (or recurrence) period
pyre (egypt)
quiescent chamber
reciprocity curve
regular solid
roughing tooth profile
sorting inspection
sticta wrightii
stone mulching
temporary removal
thermal receiver
thermochromic display
turkey in the straw
ulex europaeuss
volume quotation system
wave power generating ship
wet willies
white blood cell