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单词:watch-box 相关文章
Lesson 13 Text A Give Me a Big Box of Chocolates John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But .)ohn had a very nice grandfa
Watch, come back! shouted Henry. He ran after Watch. So did all the others. As they reached the edge of the woods, they heard crashing sounds and heavy footsteps. A shadowy figure ran between two big trees and then disappeared. The Aldens ran after t
Mr. Dardens house was on a quiet street not far from Main Street. The house had a small porch, and flowers grew in pots on either side of the front steps. When he opened the door, Mr. Darden looked surprised. What are you doing here? he asked. Wed li
Watch pricked up his ears. He raised his head from his paws and growled softly. What is it, Watch? Benny whispered, sitting up. Watch had been sleeping at the foot of Bennys bed. It was very late. Benny could tell because the house was so quiet and d
What a great day for a picnic, Henry said. Look, theres a good place, right there near the trees. He parked his bike and took a blanket out of the basket. He and Violet spread the blanket out on the ground. Jessie unstrapped a picnic basket from the
I have a surprise for you, Mrs. MacGregor announced when the children sat down to breakfast the next morning. What? Benny asked eagerly. It smells like scrambled eggs, Violet said, breathing in the delicious smell. But it doesnt look like scrambled e
Ha-ha, Benny read the two words on the paper on the table in front of him. The words were written in red crayon and they took up most of the page. What does that mean? Thats what wed all like to know, Andy said, his hands wrapped around a steaming mu
There were a lot of people standing around outside the nature center on Monday when the Aldens arrived. Once again the door was locked. Doggie! a little girl squealed as the Aldens joined the group. Jessie held Watch on a leash. There were several ot
Let me get this straight, Grandfather said after Henry explained what they wanted. You want me to give you a ride to the new mall, but youre not sure youre actually going to the mall? Violet giggled. Thats right. Were looking for more geocaches, said
On Friday morning, Grandfather drove the children to the nature center so they could go to the Greenfield Geocachers club meeting. When Grandfather dropped them off, they saw a crowd of people milling around the patio and picnic area in front of the
All you have to do is enter a zip code and the website will show you all the caches that are nearby, Violet told Grandfather and their housekeeper, Mrs. MacGregor, that evening. The children had spent some time exploring ***. They had tried to tell G
The Greenfield Geocachers Club met again that Friday. Once again, the nature center was closed and the club members were gathered out front when the Aldens arrived. The Robertsons were back from visiting Andys grandmother, but the Aldens didnt have a
The Aldens followed the bike path through North Ridge Park on their way home from Cals house. The trees sheltered them from the wind, so it was easier pedaling here. The bike path became a narrow dirt trail through the thickest part of the woods and
Its just a box full of plastic bags, Violet said when Henry opened the metal box. No money? Benny asked. He stood on his tiptoes so he could see inside the box. No money, Henry said. But it looks like there are things inside the bags. What kind of th
Whoa! Slow down, Watch! six-year-old Benny Alden cried as he held tight to his dogs leash. I cant run that fast! Bennys eight-year-old sister, Violet, laughed. I dont think Watch can slow down, Benny. Hes too excited! Thats because he knows were goin
Mrs. McGregor was making a list for the Alden children to take to the grocery store. Anything else? she asked. Cereal! cried Benny Alden. You didnt forget the Silver Frosted Stars, did you? Mrs. McGregor looked at the grocery list. No, I didnt, Benny
close your eyes 闭上眼睛 give me your hand, darling 把手交给我,亲爱的 do you feel my heart beating 你可听到我的心跳 do you understand 你是否明白 do you feel the same 你是否与我有相同的感觉 am I only dreaming 或者
When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I made an announcement at the dinner table. The words bubbled out in a torrent of excitement I could no longer contain. My teacher said we have to br