单词:the watch dog of the treasury
单词:the watch dog of the treasury 相关文章
That night, the Aldens decided to keep watch out the window, to see if anything strange happened like moving lights or fleeting shadows or barking dogs. They each agreed to take a two-hour shift while the others slept. Benny had the first shift, from
There was another short break so everyone could walk their dogs outside. Jessie held on to Watchs leash, leading him to a grassy area near the parking lot. I dont get it, Violet told the others. How is it possible that Watch had so many problems on t
After dog training class was over, the Alden children stood in the parking lot of Dog Gone Good. Lets talk to Ms. Wilson, said Jessie. We havent had a chance to ask her about the missing dogs. Good idea, said Henry. The children looked for Candy Wils
We gave out all our flyers about Grayson Majesty, said Violet as she and Henry met up with Jessie, Benny, and Watch. The children had hiked to town after breakfast. They had divided into two teams and visited stores. We did, too, said Jessie. I sure
You are all very quiet, said Grandfather at dinner. Yes, said Mrs. McGregor. Ive never heard you all so quiet. Henry, said Grandfather, tell me what youre thinking about. Scissors, clippers, and knives, answered Henry as he buttered a slice of bread.
After such a busy morning, the children were glad to be back home. You all look like you need a good lunch, said Mrs. McGregor as Henry, Jessie, and Violet sat down to eat. Oh, my! Mrs. McGregor said as she noticed Watch. Whatever happened to Watch?
At dinner that night, the children talked about what Mr. Brooks had said. Had Boxcar run away, or had he been stolen? At breakfast the next morning, they were still talking about it. Boxcar would not run away from all that good bread, said Benny, eat
When the last day at the beach came, Henry said, Lets telephone and ask Grandfather to come down for our last beach picnic. He can meet our new friendsMr. Lee, Miss Lane, and Miss Smith, said Benny. And Miss Lane has finished the picture, said Violet
I dont have to work at the park this morning, so Im going to walk to town to do a little shopping, Lainey said the next morning after breakfast. Who wants to come with me? I do, said Benny. Me, too, echoed Jessie and Violet. Count me in, Henry said.
Some people jumped up to look. But most of the audience just stared as a small white doglike figure seemed to float through the dark shadows beneath the huge old trees at the far side of the clearing. And then it was gone. Everyone stay calm, said th
But Watch didnt howl anymore that night and when Benny woke up, sunlight was pouring in through the window. He jumped out of bed and got dressed as quickly as he could. As he and Watch hurried down the stairs, his nose told him that someone had alrea
Applause broke out. The Aldens turned in surprise. They had been so interested in the story that Kate Frances was telling, they hadnt even noticed that a small crowd of people had also stopped to listen. Several of them were tourists, with cameras ar
I want to make a surprise for Sunny, announced Benny the next morning after the Aldens and the Teagues had finished breakfast and Grandfather had taken the Teagues on a tour of Greenfield. Benny and his brother and two sisters had gone to their boxca
The next day, the last day of the Greenfield Dog Show, was bright and clear. Since Watch couldnt go to the dog show, and since he had to go to the veterinarians that afternoon to get his shots (although of course, he didnt know it), the Aldens decide
I wish we had a mystery to solve, Benny Alden said, kicking a stone that lay in the road. Benny was six years old and liked to do exciting things, like tracking down clues and finding suspects. Bennys sister Jessie, who was twelve, was more patient.
Mr. Brooks ran outside and began shouting for his dog. Boxcar! Boxcar! Where are you? Roxanne looked very worried. Oh, no, she kept saying. Oh, no. Jessie patted Watch on the head. Good dog, she said. Poor Mr. Brooks, said Violet. It looks like Boxca
Look! said Benny. Theres somebody we dont know at our mailbox. Benny was six years old and loved mysteries, even little ones. Watch, the Alden childrens dog, barked loudly. Then he raced down the lawn to the mailbox. Watch! Come back here! shouted tw
Look! It looks just like a dinosaur! Six-year-old Benny Alden pointed out the window of the car. Henry, Jessie, and Violet Alden looked where their younger brother was pointing, and Watch, their dog, sat up and put his paws on the edge of the window.
Benny! Benny, where are you? Jessie was trying to find her brother. She looked into Violets room. Have you seen Benny? No. Violet shook her head. Did you ask Henry? Not yet. Jessie started down the hall to Henrys room just as he came out. Henry, have
Faster! shouted six-year-old Benny Alden. Ill race you to the bottom of the hill! He leaned over and started pedaling his bicycle as fast as his short legs could go down the long hill at the end of Wildwood Road. Hey, said Jessie, Bennys older sister