音标:[ʃɑ:ps] ;
n. 升半音 ( sharp的复数形式 ); 锋利的刃, 尖头
n. a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named
n. a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point
n. a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point
- Cats have sharp claws.猫有锋利的爪子。
- There is a sharp drop in the prices.价格出现暴跌。
- It was very sharp of you to have noticed that.你注意到了这一点是够机灵的。
- Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。
- The cheese is a little too sharp for me.我觉得这干酪味道重了点。
- We arrived at three(o'clock) sharp.我们在三点整到达。
- The car turned sharp left.那部车向左急转弯。
- He is singing sharp.他唱得偏高一点。
用作定语~+ n.- He scraped at the wound with a sharp blade of stone.他用一块锋利的石头刮伤口。
- We'll need a sharp knife to cut the beefsteak.我们需要一把快刀来切牛排。
- The road is full of sharp turns.那条路有许多急转弯。
- The General Motors Corporation had reported a sharp drop in profits on Tuesday.通用汽车公司曾在星期二报告说该公司的利润急剧下降。
- There had been a sharp rise in the patient's temperature during the night.夜间病人的体温曾急剧上升。
- There were sharp differences of opinion between the two.两人的意见存在着明显的分歧。
- Black hair is a sharp contrast to fair skin.黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。
- The branch broke with a sharp crack.树枝折断时发出刺耳的噼啪声。
- This salad dressing has a sharp taste.这种生菜的调味品味道辛辣。
- Sharp stomachs make short graces.衣食足然后知礼仪。
- The mountain climbers struggled against the sharp wind.登山队员们冒着刺骨的寒风前进。
- He felt a sudden sharp pain in his heart.他突然感到心脏一阵剧痛。
- She experienced a sharp pang of disappointment.她经历了失望的巨大痛苦。
- Birds have sharp eyes and dogs have sharp noses.鸟有敏锐的视力,而狗有灵敏的嗅觉。
- It takes sharp eyes to see the flaw.要有好的眼力才能看见这条裂缝。
- The company keeps a sharp watch on the market.这家公司很注意市场的情况。
- I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.两年前我和他最后一次谈话的情景仍历历在目。
- She got a sharp reproach from her boss.她受到了上司的严厉申斥。
- In the face of sharp criticisms the young scientist still stuck to his colours.面对着尖锐的批评这位青年科学家依然坚持自己的主张。
- The boxer gave his opponent a sharp blow on the head.那位拳击手给了对手头部迅速而有力的一击。
- His sharp business dealings earned him a bad reputation.他靠欺诈经商,名声很坏。
- He's a very sharp man.他是一个衣着非常时髦的人。
- He was always the sharpest kid in the block when he was dressed up.他打扮起来总是街区里最帅的小伙子。
- This knife is very sharp.这把小刀很锋利。
- The point of a needle is sharp.针尖是锐利的。
- I can't cut with a knife that isn't sharp.我不能用钝的刀子切削。
- He is ninety years old, but his mind is sharp.他虽然90岁了,但头脑还很灵活。
- That photograph isn't very sharp.那幅照片色彩不很鲜明。
- We must be sharp if we are to catch the train.如果我们要搭这班火车,必须赶快走。
- It was late autumn and the night wind was sharp.已经是深秋了,晚风刺骨。
- Their hunger pangs were sharper than my pangs of conscience.他们饥饿的剧痛比我内疚的痛苦更强烈。
- Sometimes the customer may be sharper than the dealer.有时候顾客可能比商人还要精明。
- That note sounded sharp.那个音调听起来偏高。
- He was sharp about money.他对钱是很精明的。
- The girl is sharp at music.这个女孩对音乐的感受力很灵敏。
- She is too sharp for me.她比我精明多了。
- He is sharp upon his son.他对待儿子很苛刻。
- She was sharp with her son who was late for dinner.她儿子没有及时回家吃饭,她就对他大发脾气。
用作状语- Please be on hand at 12 sharp.请在12点整到这里来。
- I went to bed at 11:30 sharp last night.我昨晚11点半准时上床睡觉。
- Tell him I'll be there at eleven sharp.告诉他我十一点整在那儿。
- Be at my home at six o'clock sharp, not a second before or after.6点钟准时到我家,不能早一秒,也不能迟一秒。
- Turn sharp right at the next corner.在下一个拐弯处向右急转。
- The road turns sharp to the left.公路向左急转弯。
- The car stopped too sharp.汽车突然停住。
- Food prices rose the sharpest.食品价格上涨得最厉害。
- The violin sounds a little sharp—can you come down a little?小提琴音听起来偏高了些,你调低一点好吗?
- She ruined her performance by singing sharp.她因唱得音调过高而破坏了她的演出。
as sharp as a needle- 非常聪敏的 very intelligent and quick-witted
- 非常生气地说,讽刺,挖苦 talk angrily or sarcastically
- 欺诈手段 dishonesty
- 赶快 be quick〔hurry〕
look sharp- 赶快 be quick
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- sharp agony极大的痛苦
- sharp attention密切注意
- sharp bend急转弯
- sharp blade锋利的刃
- sharp cry of distress凄厉的尖叫声
- sharp dagger锐利的匕首
- sharp ears灵敏的听觉
- sharp engineer精明的工程师
- sharp fellow寡廉鲜耻的人
- sharp flash of light强烈的闪光
- sharp flavour辛辣味
- sharp grief极度悲痛
- sharp insight敏锐的洞察力
- sharp intelligence聪明
- sharp lawyer精明的律师
- sharp nose尖鼻子
- sharp outline鲜明的轮廓
- sharp peak尖尖的山峰
- sharp pencil削尖的铅笔
- sharp pin尖利的大头针
- sharp razor锋利的刮胡刀
- sharp retort刻薄的反驳
- sharp scolding严厉的责骂
- sharp sense of smell灵敏的嗅觉
- sharp sight敏锐的目光
- sharp smell刺鼻的气味
- sharp soap苛性皂
- sharp sword利剑
- sharp temper易怒的脾气
- sharp tongue快嘴利舌
- sharp trader精明的商人
- sharp weather严寒的天气
- sharp whistle刺耳的哨声
- sharp at擅长…,善于…
- sharp at a bargain精于讨价还价
- sharp at arithmetic精于算术
- sharp at figures算得快
- sharp with对…严厉的
- sharp with the secretary对秘书严厉
A straight flat wide blade, that is pointed and very sharp at either edge.
出自:C. BoutellSharp thorns on those roses.
出自:R. West
- adj.
- abrupt
- fine
- not blunt
- rapid
- sudden
- clear
- distinct
- extreme
- harsh
- shrill
- quick adv.
- abruptly
- exactly
- promptly
- suddenly
- unexpectedly