音标:[rait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 权利, 右边, 正义, 右派, 公正
a. 正确的, 对的, 恰当的, 正常的, 正直的, 正面的, 右方的
adv. 正确地, 以有利结果, 一直, 直接, 向右
vt. 扶直, 整理, 纠正, 伸冤, 使昭雪
vi. 恢复平衡
[计] 右, 权利
n. an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature; it is something that nobody can take away"
n. location near or direction toward the right side; i.e. the side to the south when a person or object faces east
n. those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged
n. the hand that is on the right side of the body
词型变化:名词复数形式 : rights ; 现在分词 : righting ; 过去式 : righted ; 第三人称单数 : rights ; 过去分词 : righted



  1. In general, I think we're on the right track.总的看来,我想我们走的路子是正确的。
  2. After some introspection, I think you are right.经过了自省后,我认为你是对的。
  3. The bus station is on the right side.公共汽车站在右边。
  4. She is the right girl for me; I need no one else.她就是我要找的女孩,我不要其他人。
  5. He has seen with all the right people in all the right places.他在所有的正式场合都遇见了一些重要人士。
  6. He made me look a right idiot.他让我看起来完全是个傻瓜。
  1. We had taken a wrong turning,but a policeman put us right.我们转错了弯,但有一位警察给我们指出了正确的方向。
  2. The chicken will come right out and demand food if you don't feed them.你要是不给小鸡喂食,它们会直接跑来要吃的。
  3. When you get to the fork of the road, turn right.你走到这条路的分岔口时
  4. When he took a quick glance at the lady, he was surprised to find that she was right regarding him with interest.他匆匆看了那个女人一眼,惊讶地发现她正好也在饶有兴趣地看着他。
  5. He is ill. Please send for a doctor right away.他病了,请快去请个医生来。
  6. The icy wind blew right through me.冰冷的风直吹向我。
  1. I have the right to ask for an explanation.我有权要求一个解释。
  2. The property belongs to her as of right.这财产按理说是属于她的。
  3. Everyone supported him because he was in the right.大家都支持他,因为他是正确的。
  4. He sat on the left, and she sat on the right.他坐在左边,她坐在右边。
  5. The Right dominated the cabinet and kept elbowing out the Left.右派占据了政府内阁中的大多数,并不断排挤左派人士。
  1. I had to right the picture before I could feel comfortable.我得把这幅画扶正才能感到舒服。
  2. Give me one more chance to right my mistakes, please.请再给我一次机会纠正错误吧。
  3. We right everyone, no matter who he or she is.我们公正地对待每个人,不管他(她)是谁。
  4. You have to right what you have done one day.总有一天你要为你的所作所为付出代价。
  5. The gymnast righted after jumping onto the ground with a somersault.那个体操运动员翻了个筋斗跳到地面上,保持住了平衡。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. He gave the right answer.他作出了正确的回答。
  2. It's difficult to know what is the right thing to do in this situation.在这种情况下,很难知道做什么才正确。
  3. Are we on the right way?我们走的路对吗?
  4. Is this the right way to the zoo?去动物园是走这条路吗?
  5. What's the right time?现在的准确时间是几点?
  6. Take a right turn at the crossroads.在十字路口右转弯。
  7. He lives in the last house on the right side of the street.他住在这条街右边的最后一栋房子里。
  8. In Britain we drive on the left side of the road, not the right side.在英国,车辆是靠路的左侧行驶而不是靠右侧行驶。
  9. The right bank of the River Thames is on the south side.泰晤士河右岸是南岸。
  10. Mary is the right girl for the work.We are confident in her.玛丽是做那项工作的合适的人选,我们对她有信心。
  11. He invited the right persons.他邀请了该请的客人。
  12. She's the sort of woman who always says the right things.她是一个说话总能恰到好处的女人。
  13. She's a right old witch!她是个不折不扣的老妖婆。
  14. That man's a right idiot!那个男子完全是个白痴。
  1. I'll try to do whatever is right.只要是正当的事,我都尽力去做。
  2. You certainly know whether what you are doing is right or wrong.你当然知道你在做的是否正确。
  3. You are French, is that right?你是法国人,对吗?
  4. That picture isn't quite right— could you straighten it?那画有点歪,你能把它摆正吗?
  5. The bed was right enough but the food was nasty.床还可以,就是伙食糟糕。
  6. I don't feel right.我感觉不太好。
  7. Things are right now again.事情又恢复正常了。
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. Lally was right about the repairs which the cottage needed.拉莉关于农舍需如何修理的意见是正确的。
  2. I was right in selling the farm.我把农场卖掉是对的。
  3. Their ages were just right for a match.他俩的年龄结婚匹配正相宜。
  4. The coat's just right for you.那件大衣你穿正合适。
  5. The weather is just right for travelling.这种天气正适合于旅行。
S+be+~+to- v
  1. Would I be right to say that she is rather stupid?她有点傻,我这么说对不对?
  2. You were quite right to report the matter to the police.你把这事向警方报告是对的。
It is/was+~+(of/for sb) to- v
  1. Is it ever right to kill?杀害生命是正当的吗?
  2. It isn't right to tell lies.撒谎是不对的。
  3. It seems only right to warn you.似乎应该警告你。
  4. It would not have been right to convict him.要是判他有罪就不公平了。
  5. It is right of you to say so.你这样说是应该的。
  6. It is right for you to do this.你做这件事是对的。
It is/was+~+that-clause
  1. It is right that he has been dismissed.他被解雇是应该的。
  2. It's only right that you should know.应该让你知道。
  1. Have I guessed right or wrong?我猜得对不对?
  2. Did I do it right?我做得对吗?
  3. You don't hold your chopsticks right.你拿筷子的方法不对。
  4. He looked neither right nor left.他既不向右看,也不向左看。
  5. Go right home at once; don't stop off anywhere on the way.马上就直接回家去,别在路上的什么地方呆下来。
  6. I fell right to the bottom of the stairs.我从楼梯上一直摔到楼梯下面。
  7. Go right back to the beginning.一直走到开头的地方。
  8. The wind was right in our faces.风迎面吹来。
  9. The handle came right off in my hand.这个把手脱落时还在我手中拿着。
  10. The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion.警察恰好在爆炸时刻到达。
  11. There's the house right in front of you.就是那间房子,就在你面前的那间。
  12. I'll go right after lunch.午饭后我马上去。
  13. I haven't read the book right through.这本书我还没有全看完。
  14. The boat rolled right over.小船整个儿翻了过来。
  15. I will be right back.我一会儿就回来。
  16. He took the call himself and came right out.他亲自接的电话,并立即迎了出来。
  17. He's right here.他就在这儿。
  1. You're old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.你已经长大了,能够分辨是非了。
  2. We fought for the right of access to government information.我们争取查看政府资料的权利。
  3. Everyone has a right to a fair trial.人人有权要求获得公正审判。
  4. Do the police have the right of arrest in this situation?在此情况下警方有逮捕权吗?
  5. Take the next turning on your right.在右边第二个路口转弯。
  6. Keep to the right!靠右走!
  7. To the right lay a large piece of rice field.右边是一大片稻田。
  8. You will find quite a good hotel just to the right of the park.公园向右,你会发现一个十分好的旅馆。
  9. The dictionary is on a table to the right of the window.词典在靠窗子右边的一张桌子上。
  10. He doesn't know his left from his right.他左右不分。
  11. I stood at her right.我站在她右边。
  12. I want to see you use your right a lot more in this round.我希望在这个回合中看到你多用右手。
  13. Defend yourself with your right.要用右手护卫自己。
  14. He was hit with a succession of rights.他遭到右手拳的连续攻击。
  15. All rights reserved.版权所有,不准翻印。
  16. Authors should be protected over their rights.作家的著作权应受到保护。
~+to- v
  1. What right have you to do that?你有什么权利那么做?
  2. You have no right to treat me like this.你无权这样对待我。
  3. I know he's the boss, but that doesn't give him the right to order us around.我知道他是老板,但那并不表明他就有权把我们差来遣去。
  4. She has a right to half your money.她有权分你一半的钱。
~+of v -ing
  1. I have the right of living here.我有权住在这儿。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. I managed to right the car after it skidded.汽车滑向一侧,我立即控制住了。
  2. The crew seemed unable to right the capsized yacht.水手们好像无法使倾覆的游艇翻过来。
  3. The ship righted itself after the big wave had passed.大浪过后,船又平稳了。
  4. Jobs are absolutely essential for righting the economy.就业机会对恢复经济至关重要。
  5. The inventory situation was righting itself.库存局面正在恢复正常。
  6. The fault will right itself if you give it time.只要过一些时候,这个毛病就能自行更正了。
  7. 1
  8. The mistake is being righted.错误正在得到纠正。


all right
    正确的,方便的,适宜的,良好的,好,行 perfect; okay
all right on the night
    到时候准能令人满意 (of a performance, etc.) satisfactory when the time comes for it to be done, etc.
get right
    清楚无误地了解 understand sth clearly, without errorget sth right

    Let's get this right once and for all.


    Let's get one thing right— I give the orders round here,OK?


put〔set〕 right
    恢复正常,纠正,改正 restore sb/sth to order; correct sb/sthput〔set〕 sb/sth right

    I want to put you right on one or two matters.


    A week by the sea will soon put you right again.


    I'm sorry about all the trouble I've caused— I'll do my best to put things right.


    The wiring is all wrong— you'll have to call an electrician to set it right.


right you are
    好的,是 yes,I will; I agree
right along
    顺利地 smoothly; successfully
right and left
    到处 everywhere
right away〔off〕
    毫不犹豫地,毫不耽搁地 without hesitation or delay
right now
    此刻,目前 at this moment
see right
    保证(某人的)一切需要或愿望得到满足 ensure that sb has all he needs or wantssee sb right

    You needn't worry about running out of money— I'll always see you right.


as of right
    公正地,正确地,基于正当的权利 justly; correctly; because of having the proper〔legal〕 claim
by right of
    因为,由于 because of sth
by rights
    要是公正的话,公正地 if justice were done; in justice
in one's own right
    凭本身的权利〔资格〕 because of a personal claim, qualification, etc.
in the right
    有理,没错 having justice on one's side; not deserving blame
put〔set〕 to rights
    纠正(某人的)错误,使(某物)就绪 correct sb/sth; put things in orderput〔set〕 sb/sth to rights

    I couldn't start the car yesterday, but my brother soon put it to rights.


    The room was in a dreadful mess, and it took us the whole day to set it to rights.


right of way
    优先通行权 right to proceed while another vehicle must wait
within one's rights
    不超越自己的权力或权利范围 not exceeding one's authority or entitlementwithin one's rights to-v

    You'd be quite within your rights to refuse to work on Sundays.



用作形容词 (adj.)
  • right angle直角
  • right answer正确的回答
  • right bank右岸
  • right eye右眼
  • right hand右手
  • right line直线
  • right mind心智正常
  • right person最合适的人选
  • right side右,右边,右侧
  • right time准确的时间
  • right turn右拐
  • right way正确的路线
  • all right行,好,没问题
  • just right正好
  • quite right非常正确,极是
  • look all right看起来还可以
  • right about在…上正确
  • right in(做)…是正确的
用作副词 (adv.)
  • do right做得对
  • fall right直接摔下
  • go right直接走
  • guess right猜得对
  • look right向右看
  • read right彻底地读
  • turn right向右拐
  • right back马上回来
  • right here就在这里
  • right over整个翻了
用作名词 (n.)
  • attack right攻右翼
  • deliver a right出右拳
  • keep the right靠右走
  • take a right向右拐弯
  • throw a right挥右拳
  • turn to the right向右拐弯
  • abdicate right放弃权利
  • abuse right滥用权利
  • achieve a right获得权利
  • claim a right要求权利
  • defend the right维护正义
  • deny a right不给权利
  • enjoy a right享受权利
  • exercise one's rights行使权利
  • gain a right获得权利
  • give up one's right放弃权利
  • have the right享有权利
  • hear the rights听取真相
  • ignore sb's right无视某人的权利
  • lose one's right丧失权利
  • maintain one's right坚持权利
  • procure the right获得权利
  • protect sb's rights保护某人的权利
  • safeguard sb's rights保护某人的权利
  • sign away a right签字放弃权利
  • do sb right公平待人
  • give sb the right给某人权利
  • democratic rights民主权利
  • divine right神赐予的权利
  • equal right平等权利
  • full right全权
  • grazing rights放牧权
  • hereditary right世袭的权利,继承权
  • inalienable rights不可剥夺的权利
  • individual rights个人权利
  • inherent rights固有的权利
  • inviolable right不容侵犯的权利
  • lawful rights and interests合法权益
  • legal right合法权利
  • mineral right矿产权
  • natural right天赋的权利
  • personal rights人权
  • political right政治权利
  • prescriptive rights约定俗成的权利
  • vested right既得权利
  • children's rights儿童的权利
  • civil rights民权
  • consumer's rights消费者权利
  • democratic right民主权利
  • enemy's right敌人的右翼
  • exclusive sale right专卖权
  • film rights制片权
  • human rights人权
  • intellectual property rights知识产权
  • parents' rights父母的权利
  • patent right专利权
  • patients' rights病人的权利
  • property rights财产权
  • states' rights国家的权利
  • women's rights妇女的权利
  • at right在右边
  • on the right在右边
  • to the right朝右边
  • by right正当地
  • by right of凭借…,由于…
  • in the right有理
  • be in right with得到…的喜爱
  • bill of rights权利法案
  • with a right有权
  • within one's right在…权利范围内
  • right of a free press自由出版权
  • right of a free speech言论自由权
  • right of education受教育的权利
  • right of operation经营权
  • right to…之权
  • right to the property财产继承权
用作动词 (v.)
  • right car控制车
  • right economy恢复经济
  • right fault纠正错误
  • right mistake纠正错误
  • right the capsized yacht将倾覆的游艇翻过来


  • So young, Terry. So sure of right and wrong.

    出自:J. Wyndham
  • It is right that men should be..upon a par with one another.

    出自:J. Bentham
  • I know what I'm doing is right.

  • To sacrifice his own life..to right the wrong.

    出自:P. Auster
  • If I played it right..I might be taken on.sss sssJ. Locke

    出自:L. Olivier
Adenophora urceolata
anti dependence
articuli atlantoepistrophici laterales
astigmatism with the rule
atomic electron
backbone cabling
batch input spooler
belo vale
brain hormone
compressor displacement
core drier
Curie principle
deficit-covering financing
dislocation of distal radioulnar joint
end bank
epicondylus medialis femoris
ethyl chaulmoogroate
expiry price
figure description language
fit clearance of plunger
fixed-point decimal
Formstecher, Solomon
gaseous electric discharge
genus antigonias
guidance note
Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation
hot repress
ideal cultural pattern
ionic rubber
kidney cell
lake bottom
left and right
logon authentication
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
make a good appearance
mine planning
mineral additive
multielement interferometer
necking strain
normal potassium pyrophosphate
oil drag
oil well gas anchor
one's folks
orbit parameter
order Haplosporidia
piezoelectric element
pitot investigation
posterolateral concha
prairie gourd
probability thinking
renovated tyre
sectional model
self-service shop
serophthisis perniciosa endemica
single machine cycle
Sinosenecio ligularioides
soil classification test
sole plales
sort error recovery procedure
spinell (spinel)
tender coal board slide
the national day
to stipulate
trial software
turning gear interlocking device
urban settlement
vanity publisher
would not come amiss