音标:[pәust] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 柱, 杆, 准星, 邮件, 邮政, 标竿, 职位, 岗位, 哨所, 兵营
vt. 张帖, 邮递, 公布, 登入帐, 使熟悉, 布置
vi. 快速行进
adv. 急速地
[计] 记入; 登记, 上电自检
n. the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand
n. an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position
n. United States aviator who in 1933 made the first solo flight around the world (1899-1935)
n. United States female author who wrote a book and a syndicated newspaper column on etiquette (1872-1960)
词型变化:名词复数形式 : posts ; 过去分词 : posted ; 过去式 : posted ; 现在分词 : posting ; 第三人称单数 : posts



  1. He has no qualifications for the post.他没有资格担任该职位。
  2. Your duties include checking and dispatching the posts.你的职责是检查和发送邮件。
  3. He struggled to run towards the winning post.他拼命地向获胜标冲去。
  1. I would be quite grateful if you would post this letter.要是你肯寄这封信,我将十分感激。
  2. Will you please keep us posted for this accident?你能告诉我们这起事件的最新消息吗?
  3. Advertisements have been posted up everywhere announcing the new show.到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目。
  4. After several years in London, he was posted to the embassy in Moscow.他在伦敦任职几年后被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作。
  5. He was here on business, so he had to post instead of travelling around leisurely.他来这儿是出差,所以他不得不匆匆赶路,哪有时间四处闲逛。
  1. She went post to the bank and cashed the cheque.她急忙赶到银行,把支票兑换成现金。


  1. The post is stalled fast in the ground.那根柱子牢牢地竖在地上。
  2. The fence was made of wooden posts and barred wire.这栅栏是木桩和带刺铁丝筑成的。
  3. They tied him to a post.他们把他绑在柱子上。
  4. A horse was attached to a post.一匹马被拴在一根木桩上。
  5. They set a post upright.他们把一根柱子竖起来。
  6. It's an upright post.这是一个直立的柱子。
  7. The ball hit the post.球打到了门柱上。
  8. He fixed a post in the ground.他在地上栽了一根柱子。
  9. He spent the morning putting posts along the boundary.他花了一个上午的时间沿着边界打界桩。
  10. He lay there as stiff as a post.他直挺挺地躺在地上。
  11. Signposts direct travellers.路标给游人指路。
  12. My horse got beaten at the post.我的马是在快到终点时才被超过的。
  13. The head post office fronts the railway station.邮政总局面朝火车站。
  14. There was no end to the letters pouring into the post office.有大量的信投进了邮局。
  15. The post office nearby is a big one.附近的邮局很大。
  16. My reply is in the post and you will probably receive it tomorrow.我的回信已寄出,大概明天就会收到。
  17. Has the post arrived?邮件来了吗?
  18. A letter has come for you in the second post.今天的第二批邮件中有一封你的信。
  19. Has any post come for me today?今天有寄给我的邮件吗?
  20. Has the post come yet?邮件已经到了吗?
  21. This letter arrived with the morning post.这封信与早上的邮件是一起到的。
  22. I've just taken her birthday card down to the post.我刚把她的生日贺卡拿去邮局寄。
  23. Will you take this letter to the post?你能把这封信带去邮走吗?
  24. Ask him whether he would accept the post.问问他是否愿意就任该职。
  25. What they want to know is whether he is capable of holding that important post.他们想知道的是他是否有能力保住那一重要职位。
  26. By 1977, his loyalty earned him the vice-presidential post.1977年,他的忠诚使他获得了副总统职位。
  27. He has the key post in the company.他在这家公司里担任要职。
  28. I'm rather disappointed that he should get the post.他竟会得到这个职位,我很失望。
  29. Important posts are sometimes filled by competitive examination.重要职位有时要经过竞争考试才能担任。
  30. It is appropriate that he should get the post.由他担任这一职务是恰当的。
  31. He was nominated to the vacant post.他被委派填补这个空缺。
  32. He worked neither for fame nor fortune and always fought at his ordinary post.他不为名、不为利,始终战斗在平凡的岗位上。
  33. The soldier was punished for falling asleep at his post.这个士兵由于站岗时睡觉受到了处罚。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. It is forbidden to post this building.这座楼房不准贴东西。
  2. Jim posts a wall with placards.吉姆把招贴纸贴在墙上。
  3. Post this notice on the wall.把这个通知贴在墙上。
  4. As soon as the principal posted the news, students began gathering in the yard.校长一贴出消息,学生们就集聚在院子里了。
  5. The teacher posted the grades on the door.老师在门上贴了成绩单。
  6. I've just come out to post some letters.我刚出来要寄几封信。
  7. He went to the post office to post a letter.他去邮局寄封信。
  8. He posted the letter this morning.他今天上午把信寄了出去。
  9. This place was not very safe, so they wanted to post guard.这个地方不太安全,因此他们想设岗于此。
  10. Brody had posted two officers on the beach.布罗迪已在海滩上安排了两名军官。
  11. 1
  12. Has the guard been posted?已经给这位哨兵布置哨位了吗?
  13. Has the guard been posted?保安人员到岗了吗?
  14. Big placards bearing welcome slogans are posted along the street.沿街排列着许多大的欢迎标语牌。
  15. After several years in London he was posted to the embassy in Moscow.他在伦敦任职几年后被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作。
  16. He was posted to a regiment.他被派往一个团。
  17. He was posted abroad.他被派往国外。
  18. 2
  19. The name list for holiday duty is posted on the bulletin.假日值班名单已经公布在布告牌上。
  20. The plane was posted missing.飞机已宣布失踪。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I posted him a letter yesterday.昨天我给他寄去一封信。
  2. Did you post John the book?你给约翰寄书了吗?
  3. She posted her brother two books.她给弟弟邮了两本书。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. She posted a book to me.她寄了本书给我。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as n./adj.
  1. They have posted the ship as missing.他们已宣布这艘船失踪。
  2. They have posted Daff as murderer.他们已公布达夫就是杀人凶手。
  3. 1
  4. The steamer George Washington is posted as late.已公告“乔治·华盛顿”号轮船晚点。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. We posted a guard to keep watch.我们派了一名卫兵站岗。


by post
    邮寄 through post
post at (v.+prep.)
    布哨于 put at a postpost sb at sth

    We posted sentries at the gates of the camp.


    Post two soldiers at each gate.


    The captain posted guards at the door.


post away (v.+adv.)
    把…派往它处 send (sb) to a different placepost sb ⇔ away

    One of the uncertainties of military duty is that you never know when you might suddenly get posted away.


post from (v.+prep.)
    从…邮寄 send (sth such as a letter or parcel) by post from (somewhere)post from sth

    The carriage can post from London to Bath in only two days.


    post sth from sth

    I see from the postmark that this card was posted from Mary's holiday address.


post on (v.+prep.)
    不断向某人提供有关(某事)的消息 give or send sb regular information about (a matter)post sth on sth

    Please post this important message on your notice board so that all the students can read it.


    post sb on sth

    Post me on the developments in our plan while I'm away, will you?


post over (v.+adv.)
    (以告示、招贴)张贴于 cover with bills, placards, etc.post sth ⇔ over

    He posted the wall over with notices.


post up (v.+adv.)
    张贴 fix (sth such as a notice) in a position where it can easily be seen


用作名词 (n.)
  • put post栽柱子
  • deliver the post投递邮件
  • have the post收到邮件
  • miss the morning the post没赶上早班的邮件
  • send out the post寄发信件
  • abandon post放弃职位,离开岗位
  • accept post接受职位
  • apply for post求职
  • decline post谢绝职位
  • die at post因公殉职
  • fill post任职
  • get a post谋到职务
  • give up post舍弃职位
  • go for post赴任
  • have post of担任…职务
  • hold post坚守岗位,担任职务
  • keep post坚守岗位
  • leave post离开岗位
  • obtain post获得职位
  • occupy post占据职位
  • proceed to post赴任
  • quit post辞去职位
  • relieve post免除职务
  • resign post辞职
  • seek post求职
  • station at post安置哨所
  • stick to post坚守岗位
  • strengthen post加强工作
  • take post of就任…职位
  • take up post担任职务
  • throw away one's post离职
  • vacate post退职
  • the last post末次熄灯号,军队葬礼中的安息号
  • upright post直立柱子
  • free the post免费邮件
  • the next post下一次邮件
  • registered the post挂号邮寄
  • the first post第一班邮件
  • the second post一天中的第二次邮递时间
  • advanced post前哨
  • appointed post被任命的职务
  • better post更好的工作
  • good post好职位
  • high post高级职位
  • important post重要职位
  • key post主要职位
  • vacant post空缺的职位
  • various post各种职位
  • worthless post无用的工作
  • bed post床柱
  • boundary post界桩
  • lamp post灯杆
  • door post门柱
  • starting post起跑标志
  • trading post贸易站
  • winning post终点标志
  • book post书籍邮寄
  • evening post晚班邮件
  • morning post早班邮件
  • parcel post包裹邮寄
  • party post党内职务
  • Army post陆军的职务
  • cabinet post内阁职位
  • command post指挥所
  • listening post监听站
  • observation post观测站
  • subordinate post下级职位
  • at the post在那点上
  • past the post超过终点
  • by post邮寄
  • in the post在邮途中
  • through the post信函方式
  • to the post寄出
  • at post在岗位上,值班
  • on post值勤
  • post as professor教授的职位
  • post in…的职务
  • post of secretary秘书的职位
用作动词 (v.)
  • post advertisement张贴广告
  • post building贴在楼上
  • post grade张贴成绩单
  • post news张贴消息
  • post notice张贴布告
  • post wall贴在墙上
  • post letter寄信
  • post newspaper邮寄报纸
  • post parcel邮寄包裹
  • post a sentry放哨,设岗
  • post a soldier设一名士兵站岗
  • post guard设岗,布置哨位
  • post clearly清楚地公布
  • post diplomatically外交公告
  • post fully贴得满满地
  • post intermittently断断续续地张贴
  • post ostentatiously招摇地宣称
  • post periodically定期公布
  • post permanently永久公告
  • post publicly公开地宣布
  • post secretly秘密地公布
  • post strategically有策略地宣布
  • post thoroughly详尽地公告
  • post over贴满
  • post up notice贴布告
  • post oneself up in熟悉,通晓
  • post regularly定期邮寄
  • post upstairs匆匆地上楼
  • post off匆匆出发
  • post along沿…列出
  • post at offices张贴在办公室
  • post on〔upon〕贴在…
  • post to把…寄到…
  • post with以…贴
  • post by以…方式寄
  • post from从…邮寄
  • post in在…邮寄


  • They..know no more than the post.

    出自:F. Burney
  • Now my dayes are swifter then a Poste.

    出自:Bible (AV): Job
  • When the post knocks and the letter comes.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • He would not make political appointments to the top posts in the Foreign Service.

    出自:A. Bullock
  • MacDonald applied for the post of librarian.

    出自:W. Raeper
  • Handbills offering a reward were..posted everywhere.

    出自:M. Forster
  • He wastes away Old age untimely posting ere his day.

  • Guardsmen were posted at Kennington Common.

    出自:P. Rose
  • He posted himself in front of gate twenty-four.

    出自:P. Auster

EXPLORATIONS - Wiley Post: The First Pilot to Fly Around the World Alone By Paul Thompson Broadcast: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 ANNOUNCER: Now the VOA Special English program, Explorations. Today S

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Mary: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the train station, please? Jack: Sure. It's only three blocks down the street. Mary: Is it near the post office? Jack: No. It's next to the fire station. Mar

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by Michael W. Flynn First, a disclaimer: Although I am an attorney, the legal information in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for seeking personalized legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Further, I

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My husband asked me to go to the post office to mail his resume in anticipation of a job interview. He instructed me to send it the fastest way possible. Struck by the urgency in his voice, I grabbed

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My teen-age daughter was preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer. Her grandfather gave her 12 post cards .

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EXPLORATIONS - April 10, 2002: Wiley Post By Paul Thompson Anncr: Now the VOA Special English program, explorations. Today Shirley Griffith and Doug Johnson tell about pilot Wiley Post. He set new rec

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Now the VOA Special English program EXPLORATIONS. Today Shirley Griffith and Doug Johnson tell about pilot Wiley Post. He set new records when he flew his own airplane around the world in nineteen thirty-three. (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: It was nineteen thir

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My teen-age daughter was preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer. Her grandfather gave her 12 post cards . Here, write us a few lines every month, he said. Months passed and the cards remained unused-

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acromioclavicular arthrodesis
Anemone hepatica L.
bacterial poison
bant cotton
Barrow's golden eye
ch'ung mi wu
check operation
combination therapy
concentric neutral cable
confabulate with
credit page
dormant fund
dry socket
earthquake sound
effort-controlled cycle
energy dispersion
equilibrium crystal form
field pumping test
flashing indicator
gift giver
homonorphic deconvolution
hypersonic vehicle
ironclad switchgear
Las Minas, R.
leather bound
lever-arm recording flowmeter
linear segment
main ring system
make a muddle of
manufacturing cycle
mapped program executive
marine equipment
marine erosion action
Mawdesley L.
measuring position
Normanby Ra.
orogenous zones
Pedicularis trichocymba
picker lap
Pongo R.
pressed forward
preticketed passenger
property balance sheet
R factors
random weaving
right hyperbola
riot grrls
secretion vein
segmentation control
sexual phase
Spearman's rho
standard lightning impulse withstand voltage
surface crusting
suspension lines
symbol class
thecal opening
to smell
totally hyperbolic differential equation
ultrasonic concrete tester
uremic hyperparathyroidism
vital rays
wage concession