n. 牧师职, 神职
n (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
n a degree in a continuum of size or quantity
n established customary state (especially of society)
n logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
n a condition of regular or proper arrangement
n a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
n a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities
n a formal association of people with similar interests
n a body of rules followed by an assembly
n (usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy
n a group of person living under a religious rule
n (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
n a request for something to be made, supplied, or served
n (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
n the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
v give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
v make a request for something
v issue commands or orders for
v bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
v bring order to or into
v place in a certain order
v appoint to a clerical posts
v arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
v assign a rank or rating to



  1. Today we'll reverse the usual order of the lesson.今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。
  2. The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。
  3. An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
  4. The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.该项命令敦促武装部队提高警惕。
  5. Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。
  6. The social order of ants is very interesting.蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。
  7. The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.蔷薇和豆类属于同一种类。
  8. He gave his order to the waiter.他把他点的东西告诉服务员了。
  1. The commander ordered a counterattack.司令官命令反攻。
  2. He ordered three new suits for himeself.他给自己定购了三套西装。
  3. I must have time to order my thoughts.我得找时间调整一下思路。
  4. I've ordered egg and chips for you.我给你点了鸡蛋和炸土豆条。


  1. Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in class.有些老师觉得维持课堂秩序不容易。
  2. The merchant received a large order of coal.那商人收到一份购买大量煤的订单。
  3. Do you wish to place an order at this time?您希望这就订购吗?
  4. He cancelled his order for the goods.他取消了货物订单。
  5. We are glad to advise you that your orders have been received.我们高兴地通知贵方:订单已经收到。
  6. He gave orders for the work to be started at once.他下令立即开始那一工作。
  7. He refused to take orders from such a foolish fellow.他拒绝接受这样愚蠢家伙的命令。
  8. These orders must be carried out at once.这些命令立刻执行。
  9. The well-disciplined soldiers carried out their orders without question.训练有素的士兵们毫无疑问地执行了命令。
  10. The Queen has decreed her order.女王已经颁布了她的命令。
  11. Government has decreed a new order.政府颁布了一项新命令。
  12. They offered him the banker's order £5000 but he didn't accept it.他们给他5000英镑的银行汇票,但他没有接受。
  13. He was given the Order of the Garter.他被授予英国最高勋位。
  14. We'll show you whose order it is.我们就要让你看看到底是谁的规矩。
  15. There is no peace and order in this town.这个城镇治安极差。
  16. The captain's order is that the men should blaze away.上尉命令说士兵要连续射击。
  17. She entered orders as a girl.她从小就出家当尼姑。
~+to- v
  1. The order to kill the person must be acted on by soldiers.杀掉那个人的命令须由士兵执行。
  2. He entered an order to be a monk.他出家当了和尚。
  1. In defiance of doctors' orders that he shouldn't travel for a year, he arrived in Lagos last week.他不顾医生要他在一年之内不得出访的劝告,于上星期到达了拉科斯。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. They ordered general strike after the failure of the talks.谈判失败之后,他们下令举行总罢工。
  2. The doctor ordered a strict diet.医生嘱咐严格控制饮食。
  3. Then he ordered the landing of marines there.于是他下令海军陆战队在那里登陆。
  4. Now you are old enough to order your own affairs.现在你已经长大,能料理自己的事情了。
  5. He always orders his life according to strict rules.他总是按照严格的规律安排生活。
  6. They ordered quantities of farm implements.他们订购了大量农具。
  7. It may be one of the secretary's duties to order office supplies.订购办公用品也许是秘书的职责。
  8. You can order tickets by telephone.你可以电话订票。
  9. What would you like to order?你要点什么?
  10. It's time we ordered dinner.我们该点菜了。
  11. 1
  12. An investigation has been ordered.已下令进行调查。
  13. The ambassador has been ordered home.大使已奉召回国。
  14. The work was all properly ordered, just as he wanted it.工作安排得井井有条,就像他要求的那样。
  15. The goods were all specially ordered.这批货都是特别订购的。
  1. We ordered that the enemy soldiers should lay down arms.我们命令敌兵放下武器。
  2. The judge ordered that he should be punished.法官宣布他被判刑。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. He ordered himself a set of Encyclopedia .他订购了一套《百科全书》。
  2. He ordered himself a cup of cocoa.他给自己要了一杯可可。
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
  1. The doctor has ordered absolute quiet for me.医生要我绝对保持安静。
  2. I've ordered an air ticket for you.我已为你预订了一张机票。
  3. What shall I order for you?我给你点什么菜呢?
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. The police ordered them to wait right there.警察命令他们呆在那儿等待。
  2. He ordered the gas masks to be put on.他命令戴上防毒面具。
  3. The captain ordered the ship's masts to be cut down.船长下令将船桅砍断。
  4. 1
  5. The company commander was ordered to withdraw before dawn.该连队奉命拂晓前撤退。
  6. The guerrillas were ordered to destroy the enemy's fort.游击队奉命去摧毁敌人的碉堡。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv./prep.- phrase
  1. The doctor has ordered me quiet.医生吩咐我要安静。
  2. He ordered me away.他命令我走开。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed
  1. He ordered the piece taken off the lathe.他吩咐把工件从车床上拿下来。
  2. A district court ordered the hospital closed.一个地区法院下令关闭这所医院。


order about
call to order
    请某人遵守会场秩序 ask sb to stop disobeying the rules of a formal meetingcall sth to order

    The chairman called the meeting to order.


    call sb to order

    Despite attempts to call them to order, the audience continued to make a lot of noise.


in order
    合乎程序的 in sequence; properly arranged or according to accepted rules
in order of
    按…顺序 the special way in which a group of people, object, etc.; in sequence of
in order that
    为了 so as to
in order to-v
    为了 so as toin order to-v

    In order to avoid the heavy traffic on the roads, some people prefer to travel by night and rest during the day.


    We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible in order to build our country into a powerful modern state in not too long a historical period.


    A leader must assert himself sometimes in order to be followed.


    They allowed me out in order to make a telephone call.


    We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.


    Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.


    We combined our forces in order to defeat our enemies.


    He cited examples in order to certify his statement.


    Let's break down the project into smaller parts in order to deal with them one by one.


    in order for sb to-v

    They left the door open in order for me to hear the baby.


in short order
    立刻,马上 immediately; at once
in〔of,on〕 the order of
    大约,与…相似 about, about as much or many as
on order
    订购 requested but not yet received
out of order
    坏了; 违反规程 not working properly; not in accordance with the rules of a parliament, court, or similar body
order about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    不断差遣,把…差来差去 keep on giving orders to sb; annoy sb by giving many orders, especially unpleasantlyorder sb ⇔ about〔around〕

    We don't like the way he orders people about .


    Tom has got no right to order me about here.


    He orders his assistants around in a way that is very offensive.


    He doesn't like being ordered about〔 around 〕 by anyone.


    I never was so ordered about in all my life, never!


    The junior clerk refused to be ordered about by the secretary.


    The workers are too confused to be ordered around by the employers.


order from (v.+prep.)
    从…订货 request a supply of sth such as goods from sb or somewhereorder sth from sb/sth

    Our institute has ordered a great many instruments from the company.


    There will be a delay on your request as the parts have to be ordered from overseas.


    Further supplies of paper must be ordered from Head Office.


order in (v.+adv.)
    订购(货物) obtain (supplies) by ordering, usually in quantityorder sb in

    The teacher ordered the children in.


    order sth ⇔ in

    Have you ordered in enough envelopes this month?


order off (v.+adv.)
    勒令…退出比赛 order to leave the field of playorder sb ⇔ off

    Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls.


    One of our skillful players was ordered off for breaking the rules.


order out (v.+adv.)
    下令(军警)出动 order troops or police to take action
order to (v.+prep.)
    命令,要求 command; requestorder sb to sth

    The doctor ordered the patient to bed.


    Mrs. Black ordered the taxi to the door.


    He was ordered to the front.


    The crew was ordered to the lifeboat.


order up(v.+adv.)
    下令把…调往前线 order to move to the front lineorder sb ⇔ up

    The general ordered up more men as reinforcements.


    Two divisions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.



用作名词 (n.)
  • accept an order接受订单
  • close an order接受订单
  • decline an order拒接订单
  • draw an order写订货单
  • fill an order供应订货,填订货单,交付订货
  • get an order得到订货(单)
  • give an order订购,下订单
  • hold up an order暂停执行订单(暂不履行交货)
  • make out an order写订货单
  • place an order订购
  • put in an order订购
  • receive order收到订单
  • refuse an order拒接订单
  • take an order接受订货
  • turn down an order拒接订单
  • write out an order写订货单
  • await order待命
  • carry out order执行命令
  • disobey order不服从命令
  • give an order发布命令,下命令
  • obey order服从命令
  • shout one's order大声发布命令
  • sign an order签署命令
  • take order接受命令
  • break up order破坏秩序
  • bring about order使得有秩序
  • destroy order破坏秩序
  • establish order建立秩序
  • keep order维持秩序,保持整齐
  • maintain order维护秩序
  • additional order追加订货
  • large order大批订货
  • rush order加急订货
  • special order特殊订货
  • standing order长期订单
  • strong order大批订货
  • tall order大批订货
  • certain order一定的(字母,年代)顺序
  • bad order很不整齐,状况不正常
  • good order整齐,状况正常
  • historical order历史顺序
  • new order新秩序
  • old order旧秩序
  • proper order正确的顺序
  • public order社会秩序
  • regular order顺次,按次序
  • right order次序正确
  • social order社会秩序
  • usual order通常的顺序
  • secret order秘密命令
  • advance order进军命令
  • government order政府命令
  • buying order订购单
  • cable order电报订货
  • mail order邮购(订单)
  • shipping order装货单,装货通知单
  • side order(餐厅内)在主菜之外另外加点的菜
  • order book订货簿
  • order form订货单
  • an order to start for India赴印度的命令
  • by order of奉…之命,根据…指示,按照…规定
  • on order遵照命令
  • under orders奉命
  • in order of按…的顺序
  • in order to为了,以便
  • in short order立刻,马上
  • out of order紊乱,出毛病
  • order for coal煤炭的订单
  • order from sb某人的订单
  • order in one's class教室秩序
  • order in the city城市秩序
  • order of age按年龄次序
  • order of arrival按抵达的顺序
  • order of doctor遵医嘱
  • order of importance按重要性的顺序
用作动词 (v.)
  • order a copy订购一本
  • order a meeting安排开会
  • order a picnic安排郊游
  • order a reception for the visitor安排接见客人
  • order a settlement安排好一种方案
  • order a taxi订出租汽车
  • order an advance下令前进
  • order an examination安排检查
  • order breakfast订早餐
  • order cards把卡片排列好
  • order everything安排好一切
  • order holidays安排度假
  • order lunch要午饭
  • order one's business affairs安排好业务
  • order precautionary measures命令采取预防措施
  • order silence下令保持安静
  • order some fish要些鱼
  • order strike下令罢工
  • order the confiscation and destruction命令没收和销毁
  • order beforehand事先准备
  • order admirably极好地整理〔布置〕
  • order alphabetically按字母顺序地安排
  • order amicably友好地安排
  • order artistically富有艺术创造力地安排
  • order becomingly适当地整理〔布置〕
  • order carefully小心地整理〔布置〕
  • order cleverly巧妙地整理〔布置〕
  • order clumsily拙劣地整理〔布置〕
  • order complexly复杂地整理〔布置〕
  • order confidentially机密地整理〔布置〕
  • order crudely粗俗地整理〔布置〕
  • order delicately灵敏地整理〔布置〕
  • order efficiently有效地整理〔布置〕
  • order elaborately详尽地整理〔布置〕
  • order exquisitely精美地整理〔布置〕
  • order felicitously恰当地整理〔布置〕
  • order finally最后地整理〔布置〕
  • order geographically依据地形整理〔布置〕
  • order harmoniously和谐地整理〔布置〕
  • order hideously令人惊骇地整理〔布置〕
  • order ideally完美地整理〔布置〕
  • order immediately立即整理〔布置〕
  • order mechanically习惯性地整理〔布置〕
  • order methodically有条理地整理〔布置〕
  • order neatly巧妙地整理〔布置〕
  • order obviously显而易见地整理〔布置〕
  • order ostensibly表面上地整理〔布置〕
  • order painfully痛苦地整理〔布置〕
  • order previously事先整理〔布置〕
  • order satisfactorily满意地整理〔布置〕
  • order sensibly合理地整理〔布置〕
  • order specially专门整理〔布置〕
  • order systematically有规律地整理〔布置〕
  • order tastefully布置得很高雅
  • order temptingly诱人地整理〔布置〕
  • order very tidily布置得非常整洁
  • order about对(某人)发号施令
  • order around对(某人)发号施令
  • order away命令…走开
  • order sb in命令某人进入
  • order off勒令…离开
  • order out下令出动,命令离去
  • order out the riot police出动防暴警察
  • order up下令把…调往前线
  • order sth for sb为某人订购某物
  • order from从…处订购
  • order sth from abroad从国外订购某物
  • order from an English firm从英国商行订购
  • order sb to bed命令某人去睡觉


  • In the third order Principates..Next them Arch-Angels.

    出自:T. Heywood
  • Ordering her hair, some coils of which had been loosened.

    出自:W. D. Howells

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发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(124) / 评论(0) 分类 天天商务口语

Listen to the schedule of a business trip. Fill in numbers l-8 to point out the sequence of the schedule. I'm leaving for Milan on the 7th of June. l'II arrive there on the 8th evening at about 7:OOpm. Then, l'II take a shuttle bus to the hotel. On t

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(125) / 评论(0) 分类 英语听力练习题

我们今天要讲的几个习惯用语表示同一种社会行为: 为了社交或开展业务的需要而与他人交际。我们要学的第一个习惯用法是: hobnob with。Hobnob不是个新词。它在四百来年前就已经有了。当初的

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(101) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

TOKYO, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Japan's core machinery(机械) orders rose 4.2 percent in January from the previous month, marking the second rise in five months, the Cabinet Office said in a report on Wednesday. According to the government data, orders i

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(140) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻
add name
aggradational soils
Allium odorum non L.
autocrucible melting
build it and they will come
character structure
chongjin man
complex-valued field amplitude
corporal quadrigemina
corvus macrorhynchos colonorum
creep strain
deionisation de-exciter
domestic liabilities
downward flux fraction(of a source)
dyed-in-the-tartan aristocrat
electromagnetic deflectic coil
enfield rolling mill
euonymus giraldii hand.-mazz.
farmland works
ferrous castings
fiscal closing date
garbage discharged by ship
gas block cement
glass break
Gueber, Guebre
in a split second
inferior dental foramina
innocent lender
inventory turnover period
journal roll back
keyed advertising
Latham loops
Mediterranean area
metallized pellet
moment conditions
monsoon index
nose bearing
physiology monitor
pin-lift pattern stripping arrangement
polymorphic species
practical cascade
pressure at velocity stage
profile wire
radiation-type boiler
radiometeorograph observation
reference geophone
refinement strategy
retaining pay
right to remain silent
rockfill timber crib
screen throughs
simple mastectomies
single piece pattern
single steady speed method
snail medic
snaphead bolt
take you out
translay relay
V-belt transmission
vibrating armature
yellow as a crow's foot
Yushania lacera