单词:incircumspect 相关文章
Secrets to vocabulary Now we'll give you an example of how easy and effective our word power system is. For each word we'll be doing these four steps that you ’ ll do on your own. One, I ’ ll pron
文本: C Christopher Tietjens V Vincent Macmaster V: You know I'm taking August in Scotland this year? What about you? C: Sylvia's accepted to join the Duke's house party at his place in Northumberland. V: You remember telling me once, two years a
1. circumference /səˈkʌmfərəns/ -- distance around a circle or rounded body; perimeter The circumference of a circle equals times the diameter. 圆周长等于与直径的乘积。 2. circumlocution /ˌsɜ:kəmləʊˈkju:ʃən/ -- roundabout way
Lesson 36 My Job at the Newspaper Company 我在一家报业公司的工作 Words: circle n. 圆周,圆形物;(具有共同兴趣、利益的人们所组成的)圈子;集团;vt. 包围,环绕 circuit n. 电路 circuitous adj. 迂回的,绕圈子的 circular adj. 循环的;圆的 circulate v.
GRE频道为各位考生整理了善用GRE填空文中信息,供考生们参考使用,更多托福辅导请继续关注新东方网托福频道。 新GRE填空答题方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿不准,另外一个空格
CIRCUM- around 环绕 字首 circum 源自拉丁文 circum 为介系词,有 around 之意. 拉丁文 circa(around,adv.,prep.),circus(circle,n.m.),circuitus(circuit,n.m.),和英文的circle n. [圆形]
CIRCUM- around 环绕 字首 circum 源自拉丁文 circum 为介系词,有 around 之意. 拉丁文 circa(around,adv.,prep.),circus(circle,n.m.),circuitus(circuit,n.m.),和英文的circle n. [圆形]
CIRCUM- around 环绕 字首 circum 源自拉丁文 circum 为介系词,有 around 之意. 拉丁文 circa(around,adv.,prep.),circus(circle,n.m.),circuitus(circuit,n.m.),和英文的circle n. [圆形],
chiromancy n.手相术 chirp v.(鸟或虫)唧唧叫 chivalrous adj.武士精神的,侠义的 chivalry n.骑士制度 choleric a.易怒的,暴躁的 chop n.(用斧头等)砍,(风)突然改
GRE句子填空对很多同学来说都是难点所在。小编在此与大家分享怎样善用GRE填空文中信息,希望对各位备考2015年的新GRE填空有所帮助。 新GRE填空答题方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿
CIRCUM- around 环绕 字首circum源自拉丁文circum为介系词,有around之意.拉丁文circa(around,adv.,prep.),circus(circle,n.m.),circuitus(circuit,n.m.),和英文的circlen.[圆形],circulara
It is hard to feel that this is a request you can refuse. No matter how circumspect you may be about Facebook friendship, your boss may hold it against you. But if you accept, theres a chance your posts could compromise your career. 这是个很难拒绝
Jobs, of course, didn't see it that way. 当然,乔布斯不这么认为。 I haven't got any sort of odd chip on my shoulder, he told Newsweek. 我没有任何挑衅的意思。他对《新闻周刊》说。 Once again he invited his favorite repo
When Donald Trump tweeted on August 5th that tariffs were working big time, American media sprang into action to test the claim. 8月5日,唐纳德特朗普在推特上说,关税颇有成效,美国媒体蓄势待发,他们想要检验这种说法
方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿不准,另外一个空格我们可以判断出哪个选项里的答案具有相对优势,但是与这个具有相对优势答案搭档的另一个词却是我们不怎么看好的,或者是说
Woolard remembers Jobs being somewhat circumspect, saying that Amelio was not in the right job. 伍拉德记得乔布斯当时比较谨慎,只是说阿梅里奧不适合现在的工作。 Jobs recalled being more blunt: I thought to myself, I eithe
Though such a movement on the part of the whale struck under such circumstances, is in no wise unprecedented; 大鲸被击中后而表现出这种动作来,并不是前无先例的; and indeed is almost always more or less anticipated; yet does i