n. 饲料;一餐(feed的复数)
n food for domestic livestock
v provide as food
v give food to
v feed into; supply
v introduce continuously
v support or promote
v take in food; used of animals only
v serve as food for; be the food for
v move along, of liquids
v profit from in an exploitatory manner
v gratify
v provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to



  1. Will you feed my cat for me?请帮我喂我的猫好吗?
  2. What do you feed the poultry on?你们用什么饲料喂养家禽?
  3. They feed on plankton, the sea's drifting life.它们吃以浮游生物为生。
  4. Dor locate flying insects on which they feed.或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。
  5. He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.他必须努力工作以供给全家吃穿。
  1. Birds feed on worms and grains.鸟以虫和谷物为食。
  1. How many feeds a day does this dog get?这只狗每天吃几顿?
  2. They usually feed a moist mash to fowls.他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。
  3. There are farm animals you can see and feed here.这里可以看到农场小动物,而且可以饲料喂食。
  4. More grain is going to feed cattle.更多的谷物被用于饲养家畜。
  5. Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?为什么长颈鹿是最容易饲养的?


  1. The horses were feeding quietly in the field.马群在田野里悄悄地吃着东西。
  2. Have you fed yet?你吃过饭没有?
  3. They would work till midnight without feeding.他们常常工作到半夜,饭也顾不上吃。
  4. What time do we feed?我们什么时候填肚子呢?
  5. We determined to feed only once a day at a restaurant.我们决定每天只在饭馆里吃一顿饭。
  6. We feed at one o'clock each day.我们每天一点钟才吃午饭。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She was feeding a baby at the breast.她在给婴儿喂奶。
  2. We had to feed one hundred and twenty guests after the meeting.会议之后我们得招待120人用餐。
  3. Can that patient feed himself?那个病人能自己进食了吗?
  4. The nurse is feeding the patient by means of a spoon.护士在用汤匙给病人喂饭。
  5. The farmers grew too little to feed even their own families.这些农民们种植得粮食太少,连他们自家吃的还不够。
  6. Three acres of wheat will feed many people.种植三英亩小麦将能养活许多人。
  7. He fed Mrs. Maylie's birds.他给麦丽爱夫人养的鸟喂食。
  8. Don't feed the dog from the table.不要从饭桌上拿食物喂狗。
  9. The pasture fed the cows poorly.这个牧场给牛提供的草很少。
  10. These plants feed oxygen.这些植物以氧气为食。
  11. The farmers are looking for what would feed their soul.农民们正寻求精神食粮。
  12. Most adults do stop feeding their minds.大多数成年人确实都故步自封起来。
  13. He fed his desire for revenge.他满足了他报仇的夙愿。
  14. She fed her feeling of indignation.她的愤怒加剧了。
  15. He hurried to another hospital to borrow a machine which he hoped it would feed the oxygen automatically.他立即到另一家医院去借一部机器,希望它会自动供氧。
  16. He is to feed the comedian.他负责给这个喜剧演员提词。
  17. Two rivers feed the reservoir.有两条河水流入这座水库。
  18. There are many lakes and rivers which feed the Congo.许多湖泊和河流养育着刚果。
  19. He kept feeding the tall center forward.他不断地把球传给这个高中锋。
  20. 1
  21. Have the pigs been fed yet?猪喂过了吗?
  22. I always come here when I want to be well fed.当我想饱口福时,我总是来这里撮一顿。
  23. The lake is fed by three rivers.这个湖的水是从三条河流入的。
  24. Some people think intelligence is fed by reading.一些人认为读书增长才智。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. You may feed him anything you like.你喜欢喂他什么东西就喂他什么东西。
  2. They are feeding their horses potatoes.他们在给他们的马喂土豆。
  3. She thought the man was feeding her all kinds of nonsense.她认为此人在向她胡说八道。
  4. Parents should not feed their children unhealthy ideas.父母们不该向自己的子女们灌输不健康的思想。
  5. 1
  6. Silkworms are fed mulberry leaves.给蚕喂桑叶。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. Feed the grain to the chickens.把这些谷物喂鸡吃。
  2. You fed these turnips to the rabbits.你可以用这些萝卜喂兔子。
  3. Farmers feed kitchen waste to the pigs.农民用厨房里的残羹剩饭喂猪。
  4. Reporters all over the world feed the news to the radio station.世界各地的记者都为电台提供新闻。
  5. When you are in danger of losing it feed the ball to another player.当你有失球的危险时,把球传给其他队员。
  6. 1
  7. Some of the first Christians were fed to the lions.一些最初的基督教徒被喂了狮子。
  1. We stopped to let the horse have a feed.我们停下来让马吃一顿。
  2. He gave his dog a feed of bones.他给他的狗喂了骨头。
  3. Give the baby two biscuits at a feed.给这个婴儿一次喂两块饼干。
  4. Mary seems to be having a good feed over there in the corner!玛丽在那角落里好像正在美餐一顿。
  5. I bought a bag of bird feed.我买了一袋鸟食。
  6. The baby has four feeds a day.那婴儿一天喂四顿。
  7. Eels have been on the feed in the Lower Thames.鳗鱼在泰晤士河下游寻食。
  8. There are two bags of cat feed on the table.桌子上有两袋猫食。
  9. We must get a fresh supply of chicken feed.我们必须搞到新鲜的鸡饲料。
  10. They're growing crops for use as animal feed.他们种植各种作物用作动物的饲料。
  11. There isn't enough feed left for the hens.母鸡的饲料不够了。
  12. About 20 million tons of feed grain were imported last year.去年进口了大约两千万吨用作饲料的谷物。
  13. The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.新饲料能使鸡长得更快,以适应市场需求。


feed back (v.+adv.)
    反过来起促进作用 return as feed-back; affect or modify the process that bring it aboutfeed back (to sb/sth)

    The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his pupils.


    feed sth ⇔ back (to sb/sth)

    The college often feeds back information on students' performances at college to their parents.


    The salesman fed back information to the firm about its sales.


    Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.


    The information is fed back to the appropriate government department.


    feed back to〔into〕 sth

    The experience from the teaching of English to foreign learners is feeding back to the teaching profession in Britain.


    A lot of ideas are feeding back from the applied sciences into the pure sciences.


    A lot of ideas are feeding back from agriculture into botany.


    feed sth ⇔ back

    The machine feeds back everything you need to know.


feed in (v.+adv.)
    送进 introduce steadilyfeed sth ⇔ in

    He fed the tape in.


    If you feed the data in, you will get the analysis a few minutes later.


    You feed in the money here and the coffee comes out there.


feed into (v.+prep.)
    送入; 装进 move intofeed into sth

    The river feeds into the Pacific Ocean.


    These small rivers feed into the lake.


    feed into sth

    Oil feeds into an engine.


    The wire feeds into a conduit.


    The bullets will soon feed into the machine gun.


    feed sth into sth

    Having fed kerosene into the lamp, he lit it up.


    This electricity is then fed into the electricity grid system.


    The information and question are fed into the computer, which then supplies the answer.


feed off (v.+prep.)
    靠…为生; 靠…维持 use as a source or supplier of food, materials, energy, etc.
feed on (v.+prep.)
    从…中得到增强〔满足〕 become strengthened from sth; gain satisfaction from sthfeed on sth

    People in the South feed mostly on rice.


    You had better feed on coarse cereals for a time.


    Sheep chiefly feed on grass.


    Certain animals feed on insects.


    The tiger feeds on flesh.


    This power station feeds on gas.


    The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.


    feed sb/sth on sth

    We feed our dog on fresh meat.


    They feed their cat on fish.


    feed on sth

    The eyes feed on beautiful objects.


    His convictions feed on determination.


    The public feeds on these periodicals.


    The reason for this is that technology feeds on itself.


    He feeds on hope.


    The young pop singer fed on the admiration from the public.


feed out (v.+adv.)
    供应; 提供 furnish for use
feed up (v.+adv.)
    不高兴; 讨厌; 腻了 be in low spirits; be tired of sth/sbfeed up

    You must feed up to grow strong.


    There are thousands of children in the slum who need feeding up.


    He looks half starved and wants feeding up.


    feed sb up with sb/sth

    John feeds everyone up with his constant appeals for help.


    I am fed up with this wet weather.


    I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness.


    People get fed up with anyone who brags all the time.


    If you put heart and soul into the work, you wouldn't be feeling fed up with the job anyway.


    feed up (with) v-ing

    I'm fed up (with) waiting for him.


    I'm fed up with her grumbling.


    I was getting a little fed up with his smacking his lips while eating.


    The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day.


    feed sb up that-clause

    Mother will be a bit fed up that you didn't telephone.


feed with (v.+prep.)
    给…添加,提供(某物); 用(某物)满足… fill, supply, or satisfy (sth/sb) with (sth)feed sb/sth with sth

    She was feeding the baby with porridge.


    The children were feeding the monkey with bananas.


    They fed it with egg yolk and other nutritious foods.


    You feed the machine with this special paper on a roll.


    Education does not mean merely feeding the students with facts.


    Her job is to stand at the side of the stage and feed the actors with their lines when they forget them.


    His father feeds him with hopes.


    The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods.


chicken feed
    小额钱币 a little amount
off one's feed
    厌食,身体不适 have no taste in food; feel ill


用作动词 (v.)
  • feed animals喂动物
  • feed data提供资料
  • feed information提供信息
  • feed lake流入湖泊
  • feed materials提供材料
  • feed one's face吃饭
  • feed one's family养家糊口
  • feed power供电
  • feed reservoir流入水库
  • feed river流入河流
  • feed sea流入海洋
  • feed the chicken喂小鸡
  • feed artfully巧妙地喂养
  • feed back反应,反响,反馈
  • feed beneficially有益地喂养
  • feed carefully小心地喂养
  • feed consistently一贯地供养
  • feed continually持续地供养
  • feed delicately以美食喂养
  • feed dietetically以有营养的食物喂养
  • feed heavily大量地吃
  • feed high吃得又多又好
  • feed in送进,输入,插入
  • feed poorly吃得不好,粗茶淡饭
  • feed regularly正常地供用
  • feed scientifically科学地喂养
  • feed serenely无忧无虑地喂养
  • feed sparingly节俭地供用
  • feed sumptuously大量地喂养
  • feed up the children给这些孩子增加些营养
  • feed up供给…营养,养肥
  • feed voraciously贪婪地喂养
  • feed well吃得好
  • feed from来自
  • feed into流入,把…送给〔送进〕…
  • feed into the machine把…送进机器里
  • feed off向…觅食,从…中取食
  • feed off a big plate吃大盘子里的东西
  • feed on用…喂养,以…为食物,靠吃…过活,以…为生
  • feed on vegetable diet吃素
  • feed with用…供给,用…喂
用作名词 (n.)
  • get a feed吃一顿
  • give a feed喂一次
  • have a feed吃一顿
  • leave feed for为…留饲料
  • automatic feed〈机〉自动进口,自动进给
  • enough feed足够的饲料
  • full feed足量的喂食
  • good feed美餐
  • granulated feed颗粒饲料
  • green feed绿色饲料
  • little feed很少的饲料
  • bird feed鸟饲料
  • chicken feed鸡饲料,低微的薪水,零钱
  • clockwork feed钟表的发条
  • cylinder feed气缸进气
  • livestock feed家畜饲料
  • paste feed糊状饲料
  • petrol feed汽油进料
  • poultry feed高蛋白家禽饲料
  • feed grains饲料谷物
  • at feed在吃草
  • off one's feed厌食,因病不想吃东西,身体不适
  • on the feed在进食,在寻食
  • feed for作为…的饲料


  • Turnips for next year's winter feed.

    出自:M. Shadbolt
  • Tom shall feed us on eggs and milk.

    出自:E. M. Forster

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ADPE (automatic data processing equipment)
Alpine Orogen
amendment of patent claim
antenna dome
anticlockwise moment
basis vector
Bey of Tunis
body shot
bottom emptying gallery
breach of warrenty
buffer time
by your leave
chain sprocket wheel
cheiropterygium (pl. -gia)
Collins, Mt.
compression type refrigerator
convergent half angle
County Durham
disease of thoracic wall
distinguishing state
divider stripper
ego surfing
emotional / behavioural disturbance (ebd)
employee involvement
endurance limit diagram
euonymus pellcidifolia hay.
field shunting
flat-top response
fore-and-aft road
futtock hole
get one's rocks off
grouping information
hank aftertreatment machine
have a word with
hearing sensitivity
intermediate branch
irritative gas poisoning
junior hight school
Kuala Kelawang
lenticulostriate artery
manual approach
Michaelmas Day
modulation stage
move-to-front heuristic
platinum catalytic reforming
plum rain
qualified pardon
raw mineral phosphate
safety spark gap
set of broaches
sewing spasm
shadow boxes
silk shag
space economy
species stage
spiral milling
standby loan facility
stripe rust resistance
strong type concept
Tanacetum crassipes
technological performance test
the spread
thin film magnetoresistive head
time-space relationship
Topko, Gora
trace conditioning
two-stage Aitken estimator
Umm Gerifat
Vaccinium harmandianum
Vena aqueductus cochleae
water compartments
whatman filter paper