单词:eczema infantum acutum faciei et capitis
单词:eczema infantum acutum faciei et capitis 相关文章
I remember quite clearly now when the story happened. [00:02.14]我仍清晰地记得故事发生的时候。 [00:04.28]The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, [00:06.45]秋叶翻飞,飘落一地。 [00:08.62]recovering the l
Autumn is such a cool time of the year. Of course it is cool because the temperatures drop after summer. But it is also cool because its such a great time of the year. I love the changing of the leaves. The different autumn colours are one of natures
-The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many referred to it simply as the Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon. This day was also considered as a harvest festi
Autumn Leaves Show Their True Colors As days grow shorter and nights grow cooler in Boulder, Colorado, the green leaves of summer have been putting on party colors. On cottonwood trees and aspens, theyre golden yellow coins. On Mapleton Avenue, the m
The sun has revitalized this place, and now there are more living things here than at any time of the year. The summer has brought visitors too who are enjoying Yellowstone at its most vibrant. As the sun now starts to get lower in the sky, the rich
But as many are preparing to get out, some have no choice but to stay. In the remote northeast of the Yellowstone wilderness, are the Beartooth Mountains. Here, surviving about 8,000 feet, a tree now welcomes the change of / season, the white-bark pi
But this is not much good for the tree. Its seeds have gone nowhere. A grizzly bear mother and cubs. It's unusual for a grizzly to have so many cubs. This mother has found two orphans, and adopted them. But now she has four cubs to fatten up before t
Up to 150 at a time, a fifth of its entire body weight. Then it flies as much as 15 miles away, and drills the nuts into the ground in sets of ten, placing a stone on top of the stash to mark the site. It goes back for more and more. Over the autumn,
Its now September, and the elk/ have made their way down to graze where the grass on the riverbank is still green, and they can browse the nutritious shoots of young willow trees. The males are now upping their game. This bull urinates on himself to
They may be a little safer here. But the food in the forest is far less nutritious than on the riverbanks. If they want to eat well and avoid wolves this winter, they'll need to keep on moving. As the elk move gradually downwards, they follow the riv
It cuts branches into more manageable lengths and then swims them down a network of purpose-built canals towards the dam. The pond to give this beaver protection from predators, and the canals allow it to forage far into the forest, carrying many tim
All over Yellowstone, male elk are challenging each other for dominance. The sound of Yellowstone's autumn. They're trying to win the admiration of females and gather them into a hareem, only then do they stand a chance of mating with them before win
To stay is to face the certainty of snow and wolves. To go offers the chance of an easier life, but the uncertainty of the world beyond Yellowstone. Every autumn, thousands of elk do leave Yellowstone, and as they go, they cross an invisible line out
Groves of aspen/ all turn at the same time, each grove descended from one tree interconnected by roots, color coordinated. As cold air sinks further down from the mountains, it brings autumn mist to Yellowstones valleys. It was in the autumn of 1870
Now he must gather the last of his strength. The rival wants to take him on. The aim is to get an antler point into his neck. But they are evenly matched. Neither can penetrate the other's guard. Now, it's all about power. A well-aimed thrust or a br
By now the pronghorn have pushed further than any of Yellowstones animals, out of forests, through farmland and down into the wide prairies at the foot of the Rocky Mountains themselves. Their search for winter grazing takes them over a hundred miles
The return of the wolf will always be controversial. But evidence is now emerging that wolves are far more important than anyone imagined, especially back in the heart of Yellowstone. It's nearly the end of October. The cold autumn nights have brough
Ranchers will tolerate elk as long as they don't compete too much with their cattle. But as the elk move in, their old enemy follows them out of Yellowstone, an animal that's more difficult for ranchers to accept. In their minds, fear of the wolf run
The 15th day of the 8th lunar monthThe joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many referred to it simply as the Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon. This day was also