音标:['dedə] ;
n. [俚语]死人, 死尸, 尸体
a no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life
a not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat
s very tired
s unerringly accurate
s physically inactive
s (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive
s devoid of physical sensation; numb
s lacking acoustic resonance
s not yielding a return
s not circulating or flowing
s not surviving in active use
s lacking resilience or bounce
s out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown
s no longer having force or relevance
s complete
s drained of electric charge; discharged
s devoid of activity; nothing ever happens here
a not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat
s very tired
s unerringly accurate
s physically inactive
s (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive
s devoid of physical sensation; numb
s lacking acoustic resonance
s not yielding a return
s not circulating or flowing
s not surviving in active use
s lacking resilience or bounce
s out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown
s no longer having force or relevance
s complete
s drained of electric charge; discharged
s devoid of activity; nothing ever happens here
- It lay there with its eyes closed, dead as a doornail.它躺在那里眼睛闭著,确实死了。
- He has been dead for two years.他已死了两年。
- The phone went dead.电话打不通了。
- The battery is dead.电瓶没电了。
- What a dead place this is!这地方多没意思!
- The acting was rather dead.表演十分乏味.
- The street seems dead without all the bustle of the children.没有孩子的嬉戏,街道上死气沉沉的。
- You seem half dead.你看起来累得半死不活的。
- My dead fingers could not untie the knot.我的手指麻木了,解不开结。
- My legs had gone completely dead.我的腿完全没知觉了。
- She finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the room.她发言之后,屋内变得鸦雀无声。
- His love for you is dead.他对你的爱情已不复存在。
- The debate is now dead.辩论现已过时。
- Latin has become a dead language.拉丁语已成为一种死语言。
- Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄花。
- He fell with a dead thud.他砰的一声倒了下来。
- He was dead asleep.他酣然大睡。
- You can be dead sure of my innocence.你绝对可以相信我是无辜的。
- The wind was dead against us.风正对着我们吹。
- She stopped dead on the stairway.她突然在楼梯上停住了
用作定语~+ n.- Mary threw away the dead flowers.玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。
- You can pass a rope around this dead tree.你可以把绳子绕在那颗枯树上。
- There was a dead silence in the house.房子里一片死寂。
- He was almost dead.他几乎死了。
- The chief editor has just been dead.Who will succeed him?主编刚去世,谁将继任他?
- She has been dead for three hours.她已死了三小时。
- He has been now dead for many years.他已死去多年。
- It is on record that a person has been restored to life several hours after he was thought to be dead.据记载,有一个人在被认为死去后几小时被救活了。
- This mountain town used to be dead after 10 p.m.这座山城过去晚上十点钟以后就变得万籁俱寂。
- It's so cold outside that my fingers feel dead.外面很冷,我的手指都冻僵了。
- After all that work,I'm really dead.做了这许多工作,我真是累极了。
- My mother was dead from shopping.我母亲上街买东西累得要死。
- He is dead in love with her.他爱她爱得要命。
- His son is dead on radio.他儿子喜欢搞无线电。
- He is dead of a disease.他病死了。
- He was dead with hunger.他饿死了。
- He is dead with sleep.他睡得很熟。
- The baby was born dead.婴儿生下时就已死了。
- He was struck dead by electricity.他触电而死。
- He was shot dead in a gunfight.他在一次枪战中中弹身亡。
- They found him dead.他们发现他死了。
- The rascal struck him dead.流氓把他打死了。
- A bullet struck him dead.一颗子弹把他击毙了。
- They supposed him dead.他们以为他死了。
- They are going to erect a monument in memory of the dead.他们将立碑纪念死者。
- We must finish the work of the dead.我们必须完成死者未竟的事业。
- The villagers were weeping over the dead.村民们哀悼死者。
- To judge from the present information, the dead was still alive at three o'clock.从目前得到的情况来看,死者3点钟时还活着。
用作状语- You're not coming with us, so drop dead!你不和我们一起来,去你的!
- He was dead tired.他疲倦极了。
- He was dead asleep.他完全睡着了。
- I'm dead sure.我绝对肯定。
- You are dead right.你完全正确。
- I was dead drunk yesterday evening.昨晚我烂醉如泥。
- I don't know how Ann stands for her husband's behaviour; he comes home dead drunk nearly every night.我不知道安是怎么忍受她丈夫的行为的,他几乎每天晚上回家时都烂醉如泥。
- I'm dead keen on Chinese paintings.我非常喜欢中国画。
- The stranger was dead ahead.那陌生人就在前面。
- Close the door, please.The wind is blowing dead against me.请关上门,风正对着我吹。
- The man is dead against me for some reason or the other.那人以各种理由死命反对我。
- Someone is dead against your plan.有人拼命反对你的计划。
- His shot was dead on target.他射得正中目标。
- God heavens, it's dead on eight.I'm only just in time.天哪,正好8点,我总算及时赶到了。
- The deputation to see the Prime Minister arrived dead on time and was received at once.要求会见首相的代表团准时抵达并立即受到接见。
as dead as a dodo- 绝种的; 完全过时的 extinct; obsolete
- 〈口〉确信无疑地死了 dead
- 无法进展下去 not going on
- 没有头脑 without thoughts
- 完全忘却 forgotten
- 已死去 been dead
- 确信无疑 absolute certainty
- 〈美俚〉愚蠢的 foolish
- 垃圾 useless
- 待某人死后或退休后继承职位 job opportunity provided by sb's death or retirement
- 累得不能再做 too tired to do more
- 看上去一模一样的人 a person who looks exactly the same
- 麻木不仁 so callous as to be past feeling
- 无法逃避的谴责 without a chance of escaping blame
- 沉睡的; 不省人事的 fast sleep; unconscious
- 无用人员 useless person
- 蓄意攻击; 力图谋得宠爱 purposefully attack〔approach〕
- 不顾某人的坚决反对 only if one's most vigorous opposition fails
- 死后复生 come back to life after death
catch dead- 看见或听见令人难堪的举止 see or hear in an embarrassing act or place at any time
- 假装看不见 pretend not to seecut sb dead
I've just been cut dead in the street by an old friend.
- 〈口〉筋疲力尽的 exhausted
- 不工作 cease working
- 〈口〉厌恶,宁死也不要 be too shamed; be embarrassed to do sth
- 突然停止不动 stop suddenly
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- dead account死账
- dead air广播停止期间
- dead angle死角
- dead beat非周期的,无振荡的
- dead block缓冲板
- dead calms极平静
- dead capital非流动资本
- dead cat猛烈的指责
- dead centre死点,静点
- dead certainty确信无疑
- dead clothes寿衣
- dead coal不成焦煤
- dead colour暗色
- dead contact空接点
- dead cotton不能染色的纤维
- dead dog已经失去价值或重要性的人或事物
- dead door假门
- dead duck失去使用价值的人物
- dead earth固定接地,直通地
- dead end死巷,僵局
- dead failure完全失败
- dead fall捕兽陷阱
- dead fingers麻木的手指
- dead finish无法通过的丛林
- dead fire桅头电光
- dead flat船的中部
- dead floor隔音地板
- dead gold无光泽的金
- dead ground无矿岩层,射击死角
- dead hand永远营业
- dead heat同时到达终点的比赛
- dead hole死洞
- dead horse预付的工资,旧债
- dead hour深夜
- dead house太平间
- dead labour无生命的劳动力
- dead letter无法投递的信件
- dead level静态
- dead lift全力以赴地工作
- dead light关死的天窗
- dead loss糟粕
- dead mail无法投递的信件
- dead march送葬曲
- dead matter无机物
- dead money为死者举行弥撒所付的款
- dead number一条街道的末一号
- dead oil重油
- dead oil well废油井
- dead pan无表情的面孔
- dead picture呆板的画
- dead reckoning推测,推算
- dead secret未泄漏的秘密
- dead season淡季
- dead shot神枪手
- dead soil贫瘠的土地
- dead space静区,死水域
- dead spot死点,盲区
- dead stop完全停止
- dead time空载时间
- dead wall暗墙
- dead wind逆风
- dead wood无用人员
- dead work尚在手中未完成的工作
- dead zone空区,恒域
- dead from starvation饿死
- dead of a disease病死
- dead of a heart attack因心脏病发作而死亡
- dead to对…无感觉的,对…无反应的
- dead to all sense of shame全无羞耻之心
- dead to pity麻木不仁
- dead to the world在酣睡
- dead with cold冻得失去知觉
用作副词 (adv.)
~+形容词- dead asleep沉睡
- dead keen非常喜欢
- dead right完全正确
- dead sure绝对肯定
The dead are the victims of the living.
出自:I. MurdochEven the dead were washed out of their graves.
出自:J. C. OatesHe was shot dead.
出自:DefoeMacbean..is dead of a suppression of urine.
出自:S. JohnsonA semi-circle of drive..littered with dead leaves.
出自:Day Lewis