单词:constrainingly 相关文章
Obama to Unveil Proposed Federal Budget 奥巴马宣布联邦预算的提案 WASHINGTON On Monday, President Obama unveils his blueprint for future U.S. government spending, a proposed 2016 federal budget. The weighty document constitutes an opening
A stated objective of the United Nations Security Council is North Korea's abandonment of its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. 联合国安理会的一个明确的目标是让朝鲜放弃研制核武器,并停止从事弹道导弹项目
The Moral Advantage How to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing As for the moral advantage in business, of all places, everyone knows a modicum of ethics is called for in any business - you ca
US Hospitals Have Dramatic Differences in Pricing for Same Procedures Rickey Dana is one of millions of Americans living with a long-term illness. I would wake up in the middle of the night, vomiting whatever I had eaten, if there was anything left i
奥巴马周一公布联邦预算提案 On Monday, President Obama unveils his blueprint for future U.S. government spending, a proposed $4 trillion federal budget for 2016. The weighty document constitutes an opening bid in a lengthy debate about Am
The recent rise in China's inflation has grabbed the attention of the public and policymakers alike. Consumer price inflation rose to 4.4 percent in October and a further increase is expected. This is higher than we are used to in China, although it
By Michael Bowman Washington 19 May 2008 A Washington-based business group says the U.S. economy remains sluggish, but will likely avoid a major recession. VOA's Michael Bowman reports. The last two U.S. recessions, in the early 1990s and in 2001, sa
The World Health Organization says there has been a sharp drop in the number of deaths among children under age five. The just released report, World Health Statistics 2009, shows 27 percent fewer children died in 2007, the last year for which stati
6) TCM 中医 中医名著 famous TCM work 《黄帝内经》 Huang Dis Classic of Internal Medicine / Yellow Emperor's Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine 《神农本草经》 Shennongs Herbal Classic 《本草纲目》 Compendium of Materia Medi
and you need to fold the worst events of your life 你必须把生命中最糟糕的时间, into a narrative of triumph, 揉搓成胜利的故事, evincing a better self 用更好的自己 in response to things that hurt. 来还击能伤害你的事
A battle is brewing in Washington over President Barack Obama's proposed federal spending blueprint, widely viewed as the most sweeping plan to boost the U.S. government's role in society in more than a generation. The budget the president unveiled l
Kwant share shot up night in the session after the company says that it will close their ever-long heavy mend facility in March next year.This takes into two percent higher, rival version Australia finished flat ,west park traded without its dividend
Science and Technology 科技 Computer security 计算机安全 Blame game 推脱责任 How to mimic human laxness with computers 如何用计算机模拟人类错误 TO ERR is human, but to foul things up completely takes a computer, or so the old s
Poor Barbie. She had plastic surgery to become more socially acceptable. But a lot of her critics still dont like her. 可怜的芭比,通过整容来满足世俗审美,但批评者们仍然不买账。 Barbies manufacturer, Mattel, announced Thu
Tokyo has condemned North Koreas latest missile test as an unforgivable, reckless act after the weapon crashed 250km short of the Japanese coast. 东京方面谴责朝鲜最近的导弹试射是不可原谅的、鲁莽的行为,此前朝方的导弹落
By Michael Bowman Washington 13 August 2007 Stock markets in Europe and Asia posted gains Monday, while U.S. stock marketsfell slightly. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington, investors appeared reassured after central banks added cash to comb
So the idea of mastery learning is to do the exact opposite. 然而掌握式教育的观念就是反其道而行之。 Instead of artificially constraining, fixing when and how long you work on something, 将人为的限制、僵化、何时学习和学
Science and technology 科学技术 Computer security 计算机安全 Blame game 推脱责任 How to mimic human laxness with computers 如何用计算机模拟人类错误 TO ERR is human, but to foul things up completely takes a computer, or so the
America's next defence secretary 美国下任国防部长 Fit for purpose 量身定做 Ashton Carter is well-qualified to lead the Pentagon, if he is allowed to 阿什顿卡特完全够格统领五角大楼,前提是他通过提名 More hawkish tha
The battle plan closed in my hands I have already made to conquer all these lands Will be released within tonight Constraining Exentar to fight What I've prepared is just unfair But I don't care about it 'cause my goal's prevail The Astar's fall and