音标:[kә'lekt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
v. 收集, 聚集, 集中, 搜集
a. 由收到者付款的
adv. 由收到者付款地
n. a short prayer generally preceding the lesson in the Church of Rome or the Church of England
v. call for and obtain payment of
v. get or bring together
v. gather or collect
词型变化:过去分词 : collected ; 现在分词 : collecting ; 过去式 : collected ; 第三人称单数 : collects ; 名词复数形式 : collects



  1. He used to collect cards, but now he likes to collect stamps.他以前收集卡片,现在却喜欢收集邮票。
  2. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.群众迅速聚集在出事现场。
  3. He's collecting (money) for famine relief.他正在为赈济饥民募捐.
  4. The dustmen collect the rubbish once a week.垃圾工每周运走一次垃圾.
  5. I tried to collect my thoughts but I was too excited.我试图使思想集中起来,但是我太激动了。


  1. Clouds are collecting.云层越来越厚了。
  2. Leaves collect in heaps on windy days.刮风的日子落叶积聚成堆。
  3. Dust collects on the furniture overnight.家具上一夜间就积上了灰尘。
  4. Dust soon collects if rooms are not swept.假如房子不扫,灰尘很快就积起来。
  5. A crowd soon collects when there's a street accident.街上出事时,很快就围上一大堆人。
S+~+to- v
  1. They collected to see a new car.他们聚在一起看新汽车。
  2. A crowd soon collected at the crossroad to see what had happened.十字路口上很快就聚集了一群人,都想看看出了什么事。
  3. All the students collected on the playground to do morning exercises.所有的学生都在操场上集合做早操。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. John collects foreign coins.约翰收集外国硬币。
  2. The teacher told the boys to collect all the wastepaper lying about after the picnic and burn it.教师告诉男学生,在野餐之后,把四处散置的废纸捡集起来,然后烧掉。
  3. She likes to collect stories and pictures of Dr. Bethune.她喜欢搜集白求恩大夫的故事和图片。
  4. He collected sufficient data.他收集了足够多的资料。
  5. Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country.于是我们搜集了国内能找到的一切有关技术资料。
  6. They went there many times to collect folk songs.他们多次到那里搜集民歌。
  7. Collect the books and put them in a pile on my desk.把书收起来放在我的桌子上。
  8. A daughter of a poor family,I collected cinders for 12 years in the old society.我是个穷苦人家的女孩子,在旧社会捡煤核过了12年苦日子。
  9. Since early childhood, she collected firewood and half burnt cinders.她从小就拾柴捡煤核。
  10. They have already collected enough fertilizer.他们已经积了足够的肥料。
  11. They also organized the peasants to collect herbs.他们也组织农民采药草。
  12. He collected his belongings and went away .他收起自己的东西离去。
  13. The teacher collected all the pupils in the auditorium.老师把所有的学生都集合在礼堂里。
  14. The cowboy collected the horses and returned home.那牛仔把马拢到一起后回家了。
  15. The parents collect their children.家长们接孩子。
  16. I'll come round to collect my child within these days.这几天我就来接走我的孩子。
  17. He returned later in the evening to collect his wife.他很晚的时候回来接他的妻子。
  18. Here's the man to collect the tickets.收票的人来了。
  19. The postman collects the letters twice a day.邮递员每天两次来取信。
  20. We can leave it here and collect it when we come back.我们可以把它先放在这儿,回来时再取。
  21. They also collect funds of finance the movement.他们还为这一运动募集基金。
  22. He was collecting money to help the poor.他募款帮助穷人。
  23. Collect yourself!别慌!
  24. It was some time before he could collect himself.他过了好一会儿才镇静下来。
  25. They were excited and required time to collect themselves.他们很激动,需要点儿时间镇静下来。
  26. After a shock a person must collect himself and his thoughts.一个人受惊之后,必须使自己和他的思绪安静下来。
  27. While we have classes, we should collect our thoughts and ideas.上课时,我们应集中注意力。
  28. Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.在你开始发表演说之前,你应当集中你的思想和意念。
  29. 1
  30. These materials were collected through years' efforts.这些资料是通过多年的努力才收集到的。
  31. The witness was remarkably collected under cross-examination.在连番询问之下,证人仍然镇定自若。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. The two volumes of collected Irish Stories are printed.两卷本的《爱尔兰故事集》已经印好了。
用作定语~+ n.
  1. Please remember to give me a collect phone call when you get there.请记住你到那儿时给我来个电话,我付费。
  2. If you need me, give me a collect phone call.如果你需要我,就给我打由我付费的电话。
  3. I think the police have been listening in on my collect phone calls.我认为警方一直在窃听由我付费的电话。
  4. They allowed me out in order to make a collect telephone call.他们准许我出去打一个由对方付费的电话。
  5. You should follow up your letter with a collect phone call.你应该写完信以后再打由对方付费的电话。
  6. A collect phone call brought him hurrying to Leeds.一个由他付费的电话使他匆匆赶回里兹。
  7. They forwarded the collect mail to his new address.他们把他的邮件转寄到他的新地址,由他付费。
  8. If any collect letters come after you've left,I'll send them on.如果你离开后,有由你付费的信来了,我会转寄去的。
  9. The collect letter has been forwarded to him.那封由他付费的信已经转交给他了。
  10. We receive collect letters from him every week; he never fails to write.我们每星期都收到他的来信,他从未忘记写信来,每次都由我们付邮费。
  11. As soon as he finished reading the collect letter, he flew into a rage and tore it into pieces.他一读完那封由他付费的信,顿时大发雷霆,随即便把信撕个粉碎。
  12. I'm sending the collect letter today, the packet will follow.我今天发由对方付费的信,包裹随后就寄。
  13. You won't forget to post that collect letter, will you?你不会忘记邮那封由对方付费的信,是吗?
  14. I hope you will remit me the collect desks in time.我希望你能及时把那批桌子发给我,由我付费。
  1. Mother sent her a big parcel of clothes and food collect.妈妈给她寄了一大包衣服和吃的东西,由她自己付邮费。
  2. Why haven't you got my letter ?I sent it collect last week.你为什么还没有收到我的信?上周我已经寄出去了,由你付费。
  3. Just before I left Beijing,I sent them a telegram collect.在离开北京之前,我给他们发了一个由他们付费的电报。
  4. I sent a letter of apology collect.我发了一封由对方付费的道歉信。
  5. These goods are to be forwarded collect.这些货物是要发出去的,由对方付费。


collect for (v.+prep.)
    为…募集钱 raise money forcollect for sth

    I'm collecting for the Red Cross, please give generously.


    collect sth for sb

    They collected money for the poor.


    They collected money for those who lost their jobs.


    I collected £800 for homeless people in London.


collect from (v.+prep.)
    从…领取; 接走 get sth; meet sbcollect sb/sth from sb/sth

    He collected the children from school.


    Will you collect my dress from the cleaner's?


    The bus conductor collected money from the passengers.


    When business is bad, some companies have difficulty in collecting money from debtors.


    We often sent people there to collect opinions from the towns.


collect up (v.+adv.)
    把(某物)归拢在一起 put sth togethercollect sth ⇔ up

    We collected up our fishing tackle and left for home.


    She collected up a few things for the journey.


    When it got dark, they collected some sticks up to make a fire.



用作动词 (v.)
  • collect all relevant technical data搜集一切有关的技术资料
  • collect enough fertilizer积聚足够的肥料
  • collect folk songs搜集民歌
  • collect foreign coins收集外国硬币
  • collect funds of finance募集基金
  • collect herbs采药草
  • collect information搜集信息
  • collect money集资
  • collect one's belongings收起某人的东西
  • collect one's children接孩子
  • collect one's thoughts and ideas集中注意力
  • collect opinions收集意见
  • collect political cadres and teachers召集政治干部和政治教员
  • collect rents收租
  • collect stamps收集邮票
  • collect stories and pictures搜集故事和图片
  • collect sufficient data收集足够多的资料
  • collect the books收集书
  • collect the letters取信
  • collect the pupils集合学生
  • collect the tickets收票
  • collect the wastepaper捡废纸
  • collect actively积极地收集
  • collect assiduously专心致志地收集
  • collect carefully仔细地收集
  • collect cautiously小心翼翼地收集
  • collect characteristically具有特色地收集
  • collect confidently满怀信心地收集
  • collect consistently始终如一地收集
  • collect constantly不断地收集
  • collect creditably值得称赞地收集
  • collect decisively决定性地收集
  • collect delightful愉快地收集
  • collect determinedly坚决地收集
  • collect diplomatically机巧地收集
  • collect dramatically戏剧性地收集
  • collect eagerly渴望收集
  • collect elaborately详尽地收集
  • collect energetically精力旺盛地收集
  • collect exclusively单独地收集
  • collect futilely徒劳地收集
  • collect generally普遍地收集
  • collect gloriously愉快地收集
  • collect hopefully充满希望地收集
  • collect imperatively迫切地收集
  • collect incessantly持续不断地收集
  • collect inconceivably难以置信地收集
  • collect indirectly间接收集
  • collect indiscriminately不加区别地收集
  • collect ineffectually效果不佳地收集
  • collect inexpressibly无法形容地收集
  • collect laboriously辛勤地收集
  • collect murderously极其危险地收集
  • collect necessarily必要地收集
  • collect nervously不安地收集
  • collect painlessly不费力地收集
  • collect periodically定期收集
  • collect posthumously死后收集
  • collect privately私人收集
  • collect probably适当地收集
  • collect professionally职业性地收集
  • collect regularly有规则地收集
  • collect reluctantly不情愿地收集
  • collect remarkably明显地收集
  • collect ridiculously荒唐可笑地收集
  • collect safely有把握地收集
  • collect satirically讽刺性地收集
  • collect scientifically科学地收集
  • collect sedulously勤奋地收集
  • collect selectively有选择地收集
  • collect simultaneously同一时间地收集
  • collect skeptically心存怀疑地收集
  • collect specifically特殊地收集
  • collect spectacularly引人入胜地收集
  • collect strenuously艰难地收集
  • collect successfully成功地收集
  • collect sufficiently充分地收集
  • collect superficially表面上收集
  • collect systematically系统收集
  • collect tirelessly不知疲倦地收集
  • collect unfairly不公平地收集
  • collect unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地收集
  • collect in集合
  • collect up收集,搜集
  • collect around聚集在…周围
  • collect for为…募捐
  • collect from向…募集
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • collect letter由对方付费的信
  • collect phone call由对方付费的电话


  • Collecting materials for my work on Venetian architecture.

    出自:J. Ruskin
  • She arranged for coal to be sent collect.

    出自:M. de la Roche

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actinoptera shirakiana
adrenocortical syndrome
aiceona osugii
aligning surface center height
all-core molding
australimoosella tomokoae
bathyal facies
blake transmitter
brain activity
Bulbophyllum menghaiense
cartographic record
client tier
climate monitoring system
collector cut-off current
competitive economy
computer aided quality control
conductor-rail system
control power
crystal line density
deductible contributions
directive view receiver
dote on someone
duc pho
ear drum
equilibrium thermodynamics
factor tax
Fort Chipewyan
freezing mechanism
Frenulum valvae ileocecalis
fresh cut
gateaux differentiable operator
george macaulay trevelyans
hexose gallic acid ester
hydraulic torque converter
impact toughness
in-phase particles
interconnecting plug
internal screw gage
journal of a shaft
jug handle
Khmer language
kidney transplant
Lactobacillus leichmannii
landing pages
leading edge peak mesial point
motor cycle oil
nail care preparation
natric horizon
night beacon
Nottoway R.
omphalomesenteric vessel
out - of - pocket expenses
persulfate method
point-contact transistor
potyvirus melon vein-banding mosaic virus
precision processing
principal crest
program sheet
reading party
reasonable in price
respiratory failure
reticulo-omasal orifice
river bill of lading
somatoform disorder
Thevenin's theorem
zero voltage switching