v. 毛发竖立;发怒;被布满(bristle的ing形式)
n. 毛发竖立;发怒
单词:bristlings 相关文章
Animals talk to each other, of course. There can be no question about that; but I suppose there are very few people who can understand them. I never knew but one man who could. I knew he could, however, because he told me so himself. He was a middle-
Two or three times during the long three weeks that followed, 在随后漫长的三周里,有2-3次 Mr. bobwhite took his turn upon the eggs for half an hour, while his wife went for a dust bath. 山齿鹑先生会待在鹑蛋上半个小时,妻子
Before we go, a fish called Greedo. Star Wars might get the name. For the rest of us, it`s one crude catfish. It was discovered in 1998 but it wasn`t until this year that it was designated a new species. 在节目结束之前,有一条名叫Greedo的
Maria: So talking about social media, is your parents on any social sites like Facebook, Twitter, et cetera. Alex: My mum and dad are on Facebook. My mum doesn't use hers, she uses hers only to kind of see what I'm doing. Maria: Stalk you? Alex: Kind
TOM dodged hither and thither through lanes until he was well out of the track of returning scholars, and then fell into a moody jog. He crossed a small
1. Goodbye Iraq. The final American combat brigade headed over the Kuwait border on the way to the US. President Obama pledged to end combat by August 31st. The departure beats its deadline by nearly two weeks. Fifty thousand troops will remain in no
By Nick Wadhams Nairobi 23 July 2007 Sudan's government is warning that it will not accept a joint United Nations and African Union force that has the mandate to use all means necessary - including force - to keep the peace in Darfur. As Nick Wadhams
Before we go, a fish called Greedo. Star Wars might get the name. For the rest of us, it`s one crude catfish. It was discovered in 1998 but it wasn`t until this year that it was designated a new species. 在节目结束之前,有一条名叫Greedo的
Greatjon Umber fired the siege towers we were building, 大琼恩安柏放火烧了我们辛苦建造的攻城塔, and Lord Blackwood found Sir Edmure Tully in chains among the other captives, and made off with them all. 布莱伍德大人则找到了
Come hither! bury thyself in a life which, to your now equally abhorred and abhorring, landed world, is more oblivious than death. 到这边来吧!与其死在你那同样使人憎厌、还在憎厌着的岸上,不如遁迹到忘却中的生活里来
I opened my eyes to a familiar place. 我睁开了眼睛,发现自己在一个熟悉的地方。 Aware in some corner of my consciousness that I was dreaming, 我的意识里的某些部分告诉我自己正在做梦。 I recognized the green light
The Torres Strait is regarded as no less dangerous for its bristling reefs than for the savage inhabitants of its coasts. 托列斯海峡之所以被认为是很危险的地带,不仅由于有刺猬一般的暗礁,而且由于住在这一带海岸的
A sad tale, said Osha, but those empty holes are sadder. 真是个悲伤的故事,欧莎说,但那几个空空的洞更教人难过。 Lord Eddard's tomb, for when his time comes, Maester Luwin said. Is this where you saw your father in your drea
Books and arts;book review; 文艺;书评; James Fenton's poetry;Flower power; 詹姆士.芬顿的诗;诗歌的力量; A modern master goes from strength to strength; 一位逐渐成长起来的当代诗坛巨匠; Yellow Tulipspoem;by JAMES
Take the cable car across the Yangtze River in Chongqing and you'll get a sense of just how big this city has become . The river frontage is as impressive as any of the major cities around the world with skyscrapers of the central business district,
The dynamism of the mostly-private consumer sector comes not from stimulus, argues Andy Rothman of Matthews Asia, an investment firm, but from strong income growth and low household debt. (Chinese household debt stands at about 40% of GDP, roughly ha
There I saw again, but not yet pressed and dried like the Nautilus's specimens, some peacock's tails spread open like fans to stir up a cooling breeze, scarlet rosetangle, 我在这里又看到的,不是像在诺第留斯号船上风干的标本,而
The trumpets blared again, da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA. 喇叭再度响起,嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟、嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟。 Sir Gregor waved his huge sword and bellowed a command, and a thousand other voices screamed back at hi
Last of all the dogs would come sniffing, lean and hungry, the feral pack that was never far behind the khalasar. 最后则是削瘦饥饿但凶猛的狗群,它们闻闻嗅嗅,永远跟随卡拉萨。 The sheep had been dead longest. 羊群最早死