音标:[bi'kʌm] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vi. 变成, 变得
vt. 适合
v. enter or assume a certain state or condition
v. undergo a change or development
v. come into existence
v. enhance the appearance of
词型变化:过去式 : became ; 过去分词 : become ; 第三人称单数 : becomes ; 现在分词 : becoming



  1. Vast areas of land have become desert.广大的地区均已变成沙漠。
  2. You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!你或许也会发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。
  3. The entrepreneur has become a news figure.这位企业家变成了新闻人物。
  4. Every one cannot become businessman.不是所有的人都能成为商人。
  5. This place has become a famous summer resort.这个地方已成为一个避暑胜地。
  6. This priest wants to become a bishop.这位牧师想成为主教。
  7. The meeting began to become clamorous.会议开始变得喧哗了。
  8. I was pleased to see how peaceable the horse had become.我很高兴地看到这匹马变得这么温顺。
  9. The weather became warmer.天气变暖和了。
  10. Class distinctions have become less important during the last 50 years.在过去五十年间,社会等级差别已经变得不那么重要了。
  11. Such behavior did not become her.这种举止与她的身份不相称。
  12. Short hair really becomes you.你理短发的确很帅。


用作系动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Mr. Jones became headmaster last year.琼斯先生去年当了校长。
  2. Naturally he became chairman of the commission.他很自然地成为委员会的主席。
  3. He became a great man.他成了伟人。
  4. How did he become a statesman?他是怎样成为一个政治家的?
  5. She has become a famous scientist.她已成为著名科学家。
  6. Afterward, the boy became a very famous artist.后来,这男孩成为一个很有名的艺术家。
  7. We never imagined that John would become a doctor.我们绝没有料到约翰会成为医生。
  8. I suppose she has talked to you about becoming a teacher.我想她和你谈起过当教师的事。
  9. He has eventually become a folk song singer.他最终成了一名民歌手。
  10. Later I became a railway worker.后来,我就当了铁路工人。
  11. He became one of the best actors on the stage.他成为最优秀的戏剧演员之一。
  12. The boy rapidly became a man.这个男孩很快长成了一个男子汉。
  13. It was some time before he became himself again.过了好一会儿他才恢复了常态。
  14. They resolved their differences and became good friends again.他们解决了他们之间的分歧,又成了好朋友。
  15. The tadpole becomes a frog.蝌蚪变成青蛙。
  16. When water becomes solid, we call it ice.当水变为固体时,我们称之为冰。
  17. The battlefield became their training ground.战场成了他们的练兵场。
  18. The custom has now become a rule.那种习惯现已变为成规。
  19. The cycle of seasons becomes the year.四季的循环就形成年。
  20. His dream became a reality.他的梦想变成了现实。
  21. After a decade,Dr. King's dream had not become a reality.十年后,金博士的梦想也没有变为现实。
  22. I tell you, it's becoming a pretty serious problem.我告诉你,这已经渐渐构成一个 相当严重的问题。
  23. She'll soon become eighty.她很快就要80岁了。
S+~+ adj./v -ed
  1. His coat has become badly torn.他的上衣已经破得不成样子了。
  2. Maple leaves become red in autumn.枫叶在秋天变红。
  3. The days are becoming short.白天正在变短。
  4. He has become accustomed to his new duties.他对他的新职务已习惯了。
  5. Billy soon became aware that the job was by no means easy.比利很快就意识到这工作并不容易做。
  6. He became anxious about his own health.他为自己的健康担心起来。
  7. At last it became too tiring.后来那事情变得太使人厌倦了。
  8. The pain became intense.疼痛变得更加剧烈了。
  9. Such scenes have become quite familiar to everyone.这种情景大家已经十分熟悉了。
  10. She had become familiar with the house.她对这幢房子变得很熟悉了。
  11. I suddenly became conscious that someone was looking at me.我突然意识到有人在看着我。
  12. Ferguson became silent.弗格森变得沉默寡言了。
  13. She became quite cheerful.她变得非常高兴。
  14. It became clear that he was lying.他在撒谎这点看来很清楚了。
  15. When the masses are of one heart, everything becomes easy.群众齐心了,什么事都好办了。
  16. It becomes true that the individual's own good is best secured by increasing the common wealth.只有共同的财富增长了,个人的利益才有保障,这是千真万确的。
  17. They became dizzy with success.他们被胜利冲昏了头脑。
  18. The smell became stronger and stronger.气味越来越浓。
  19. Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们国家日益强大。
  20. After that our life became harder than ever.此后,我们的日子变得更艰难了。
  21. It has become much warmer.天气已经暖和得多了。
  22. The wind and rain became heavier and the sky darker.风雨愈来愈大,天空愈来愈黑。
  23. The ground became softer after a heavy rain.大雨之后地面松软了。
  24. They worked hard at their studies and became favourites of their teachers.他们学习刻苦努力,是老师们最喜爱的学生。
  25. Things haven't become any better lately.近来情况并没有任何好转。
  26. He became wiser as he got older.随着年龄的增长他变得更聪明了。
  27. The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle.敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。
  28. It's becoming much more expensive to travel abroad.现在,出国旅行的费用贵得多了。
  29. The room soon became crowded.房里一会儿就挤满了人。
  30. Some of the land became covered with water.有些土地被水淹了。
  31. The sky became suddenly overcast with clouds.天空突然布满乌云。
  32. At last the truth became known.最后真相大白了。
  33. She practised so hard that her fingers became swollen.她手指头都练肿了。
  34. In less than two days his wound became infected.不到两天,他的伤口就感染了。
  35. Work became more rushed, but also more exciting.上班时间变得更加繁忙,但也更加令人兴奋。
  36. Certain animals became trapped in the tar and died.某些动物陷进沥青里死了。
  37. He became confused.他搞糊涂了。
  38. How did you become interested in maths?你是怎样对数学产生兴趣的?
  39. How did they become acquainted?他们是怎样相识的?
  40. She became influenced by these ideas.她开始受到这种思潮的影响。
  41. They are becoming more awakened with each passing day.他们日益觉醒。
  42. Dauntless in spirit, they became steeled through hardship.他们不屈不挠,在艰苦的生活中锻炼得更加坚强了。
  43. Jamie was becoming annoyed with me.杰米在生我的气。
S+~+wh-to- v
  1. With the goal set, the problem became how to achieve that goal.目标已定,问题就是如何达到这个目标。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Her new hat becomes her.她的新帽子很适合她。
  2. Does this new dress become me?我穿这件新衣合适吗?
  3. A white dress becomes her.她适合穿白衣服。
  4. Black becomes her well.她穿上黑色衣服很好看。
  5. This light blue sweater becomes her very well.她适于穿这件浅蓝色毛衣。
  6. This colour becomes my sister.这种颜色适合我妹妹穿。
  7. This quiet old garden becomes me perfectly.这个宁静古老的庭院对我来说是再合适不过的了。
  8. This quiet little room became them perfectly.这个安静的小房间对他们挺合适。
  9. These words do not become a person in your position.说这些话与你这种地位的人不相称。
  10. He used language that does not become a man of his education.他所用的字眼与一个受过他这样教育的人不相称。
  11. Such words do not become a gentleman.这也许不该是绅士说的。
  12. It would not become you to praise yourself.你自己夸自己这样不合适。
  13. It doesn't become you to speak like that.你那样说话同你的身份可不相称。
  14. It does not become a good boy to tell a lie.好孩子不该说谎。
  15. It would ill become you to complain.发牢骚对你不利。
  16. It does not become a senior pupil to cause all these troubles.一个高年级学生不宜惹这些麻烦。
  17. We should become one to put our work forward.我们应该团结一致把工作推向前进。
  18. Everything becomes a pretty face.有了美貌什么衣服都好看。


become of (v.+prep.)
    发生; 结果是 happen to, often in a bad waybecome of sb/sth

    What has become of your beautiful piano?


    What became of John after he left school?


    What became of her son?


    I don't know what has become of him.


    I wonder what became of the others.


    I don't know what will become of the children if their father dies.

    我不知道这 些孩子在他们父亲死后会发生什么情况。

    I don't know what will become of the boy if he keeps failing his examinations.


    What will become of those refugees?


    What is to become of me if you go away?


    Little Tom is lost and no one knows what has become of him.


    Whatever became of that large suitcase we had?Did we give it to a friend?


become with (v.+prep.)
    与…打成一片 be a number ofbecome one with sb/sth

    The army must become one with the people.


    Now Xian Xinghai felt he had truly become one with the masses in thought and feeling.



用作动词 (v.)
  • become abstracted变得心不在焉
  • become accustomed to sth习惯于某事
  • become acquainted变得熟悉
  • become acute变尖锐
  • become angry发怒
  • become annoyed变得生气
  • become better and better变得越来越好
  • become confused(变得)混淆起来
  • become crowded变得拥挤
  • become excited兴奋起来
  • become infected受感染
  • become interested in...对…开始感兴趣
  • become intoxicated变得陶醉
  • become known成名
  • become mixed使混合
  • become nervous紧张起来
  • become poor变贫穷
  • become quiet变得安静
  • become rich变富有
  • become silent变得默默无言
  • become steady变得坚定
  • become tired变疲倦
  • become a doctor成为医生
  • become a drunkard酒鬼
  • become a famous man成为名人
  • become a political centre成为政治中心
  • become a rule变成规则
  • become a statesman成为政治家
  • become a teacher成为教师
  • become an artist成为艺术家
  • become an engineer成为工程师
  • become an expert成为专家
  • become reality成为现实
  • become ill不合适
  • become soon很快变成
  • become eventually终于成为
  • become lively活跃起来
  • become perfectly十分合适
  • become rapidly迅速成为
  • become undoubtedly肯定成为
  • become of使遭遇,发生于
  • become of age成年


  • Houses so full of Glasse, that one cannot tell, where to become, to be out of the Sunne.

a bill to order
after treatment with metal salts
alleged debt
ampullar region
back-chained reasoning
boss bearing of pulley
bridge players
BRU (branch unconditionally)
card counters
commodity hardware
computer aided reliability estimation
copper-bearing steel
cottontop tamarin
Cyperus serotinus
delivery on spot
dodona eugenes esakii
dual duct air conditioning system
electro print marking (epm)
family Apodidae
fine product collector
follicle-stimulating hormone
gloiothele globosa
good to know
hammer strap
income velocity
intrahepatic duct
jernglans (hematite)
language level
larval paludism
linear grid
Lisfranc fracture
listing fee
logic decision making
make allowance
merry andrew (mediaeval england)
meso form
Ph D
propeller shaft bracket
publishing point
Pugwash conferences
removal of cuttings
rock defended terrace
rotor ampere turns
Royal fish
Rubia alata
salt away
Schur index of an irreducible representation
sediment classification
set someone's back up
shadows of
Shibataea hispida
ship based
shoe joint
silvestrite (siderazot)
singular boundary point
spiny leaved sow thistle
stood at
Trigonostemon lii
trollius ranuculoides hemsl.
twin shoot
vacuum fittings
Viburnum tengyuehense
winding lubricant