> Employee: Welcome to McDonald's may I take your order?
> Customer: Yeah let me get a McGangbang.
> Order Display Screen
> 1 DB CHEESE $1.00
> 1 SPIC CHCK $1.00
> -------
> $2.12
单词:McGangBangs 相关文章
She also likes to use her hair dryer to give her bangs a little more shape. 她还喜欢用她的吹风机给她的刘海塑塑型。 Bangs, bangs, (always plural) is the hair that is on the part of your head above your eyes, between your eyes and th
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I want my bangs right above my eyes, not too short please. 我想要刘海刚到眼睛上方。麻烦不要太短。 Bangs 刘海 【例句一】 I'm thinking about wearing my bangs up. 我想要把刘海梳起来。 【例句二】 I like to have my
13. I am very satisfied with the hairstyle. 我对这个发型很满意。 还能这样说: I think this hairstyle is very good. I am pleased with the hairdo. 应用解析: be satisfied with/by 非常满意; be satisfied to do sth. 为做某事而
讲解文本: bang 刘海 Your bangs are too long. You should get a haircut. 你的刘海太长了!你应该去修剪一下! Her soft bangs and charming smiles really impressed me. 她柔软的刘海和迷人的微笑让我印象深刻。 疯狂练