- There is the milder end of the spectrum, or hypomania, then there is the full-blown mania.通常是在较温和的轻躁之后,蓄势待发的躁狂袭来。
- Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent psychiatric disorder,which is characterized by waving mania or depression.双相障碍是以起伏性躁狂或抑郁为特征的慢性周期性精神疾病。
- He has a perfect mania for rare books.他有狂搜珍本书的癖好。
- There is the milder end of the spectrum, or hypomania, then there is the full-blown mania.通常是在较温和的轻躁之后,蓄势待发的躁狂袭来。
- Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.盗窃癖是一种爱偷东西的躁狂症。
- He was completely bitten with angling mania.他钓鱼成癖。
- doubting mania[医] 多疑癖, 怀...
- hysterical mania歇斯底里性躁狂...
- periodical mania周期性躁狂症...
- mania gravis暴怒性躁狂
- akinetic mania运动躁狂症
- unproductive mania[医] 少动性躁狂...
- brooding mania[医] 默念狂, 沉...
- puerperal mania产后躁狂
- acute mania急性躁狂,贝尔氏病...
- religious mania宗教狂
- epileptic mania癫痫性躁狂
- dancing mania舞蹈狂
- suicidal mania[医] 自杀狂
- transitory mania[医] 暂时性躁狂...
- alcoholic mania酒毒性躁狂,酒狂...
- delirious mania谵妄性躁狂
- senile mania[医] 老年[性]躁...
- homicidal mania[医] 杀人狂
单词:-mania 相关文章
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