标签:职业女性 相关文章
When she left her job to marry my grandfather, family legend has it that David's had to hire four people to replace her. 她干得相当不错,当她辞掉工作与我的外祖父结婚时,那家店的老板不得不雇用4个人来顶她的缺。
Chapter 1 The Leadership Ambition Gap: What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid? 第1章 职业女性的内在障碍:如果克服了恐惧,你会做什么? My grandmother Rosalind Einhorn was born exactly fifty-two years before I was, on August
Employed women reap rewards including greater financial security, more stable marriages, better health, and, in general, increased life satisfaction. 职业女性可以收获许多成果,包括更稳定的经济与婚姻状况,更健康的身体,
I was recently reminded that these patterns persist even when we are all grown up. 近来有人提醒我,这些模式即使当我们都长大成人了也会持续下去。 Not long ago, at a small dinner with other business executives, the guest of
When a girl tries to lead, she is often labeled bossy. 当一个女孩尝试领导者角色时,她常被贴上爱使唤人的标签。 Boys are seldom called bossy because a boy taking the role of a boss does not surprise or offend. 男孩则很少被
Instead, I moved to Washington, D C., which was full of eligible men. 于是我转而去了华盛顿特区,那里尽是适合结婚的男人。 It worked. My first year out of college, I met a man who was not just eligible, but also wonderful, so I
The pipeline that supplies the educated workforce is chock-full of women at the entry level, 所以,在社会教育的劳动者中,处级岗位上挤满了女性。 but by the time that same pipeline is filling leadership positions, it is overwhe
The workplace did not evolve to give us the flexibility we needed to fulfill our responsibilities at home. 此外,工作条件也没有改善到可以为我们提供兼顾家庭所必需的弹性时间。 We anticipated none of this. We were caught
Almost all of my male classmates work in professional settings. 我的那些男同学都在职场上大显身手, Some of my female classmates work full-time or part-time outside the home, 女同学里有全职工作的、也有兼职工作的, a
类型:喜剧|爱情 国家/地区:美国|欧美 导演:斯科特马歇尔 发行日期:2007/08/03 主演:瑞切尔蕾库克杰西卡辛普森卢克威尔逊佩内洛普安米勒安迪迪克拉里米勒Willie Nelson德鲁傅勒 简介:故事
Single fellas looking for a girlfriend would prefer a lady who's trim and slim. But according to a survey, although many women would have to survive on salad to keep the shape three-quarters of men would like, nine in ten men expect their perfect par
AS IT IS 2016-03-02 Third of Japanese Working Women Report Harassment 报告称约1/3日本职业女性遭遇性骚扰 A Japanese government study reports almost one-third of women say they have been sexually harassed at work. The women said they had
职业女性最应警惕的电脑脸 A growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon said. 一位权威整容外科医生指出,越来越多的女性正在患上一种被称作电脑脸的症状。
A growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon(外科医生) said. Dr Michael Prager said professionals(专业人员) who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy
Warren Buffett is a big fan of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In. Facebook首席运营官雪莉桑德伯格出了一本书《Lean In》,巴菲特是该书的忠实粉丝。 It inspired his recent column in Fortune, where he wrote, we've
Nearly 60 percent of working mothers in China don't want to have a second child, according to a report on the nation's career women. 根据一项针对全国职场女性的调查显示,我国近六成在职妈妈不打算生二胎。 The report, re
Why do so many working moms careers stall out when they hit middle management? Disagreement over the answer has often sparked hot debate. 为什么很多上班妈妈当上中层管理人员后其职业生涯就陷入停滞?对这个问题的不同回