标签:解读美国大选 相关文章
Ted Landphair A tame-sounding term
Nancy Beardsley The Democratic presidential candidates aren't the only ones caught up in a grueling campaign schedule right now. USA Today political columnist Walter Shapiro has spent nearly two years
What role did social media play in Russian efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election? We now know fake accounts created by Moscow reached more Americans than the total number of U.S. citizens who voted. For the record, the NewsHour has
Jim Malone In U.S. presidential politics, the Bush and Kerry campaigns exchanged attacks Monday over the issue of national security. Vice President Dick Cheney questioned presumptive Democratic nomine
Scott Stearns President Bush says he is continuing an enduring national commitment to protect the environment. Democrats say the president's environmental policies are heading in the wrong direction.
Mike O'Sullivan In this U.S. election year, politicians are turning to the entertainment business for support and contributions. Hollywood is, above all, a source of campaign funds for politicians, wh
Jim Malone A national debate over whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another intensified Tuesday when President Bush announced that he favors a constitutional amendment that would proh
Dan Robinson With Senator John Kerry having effectively secured the Democratic Party nomination for president, Democrats in Congress say they will coordinate closely with him in the months leading to
Jim Malone The U.S. presidential election is eight months away, but the strategies for the two major candidates are already emerging. For the presumptive Democratic Party nominee, Senator John Kerry,
讲这个问题前先看看一个老师对一个句子的讲解和分析。 A modern hard-core sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct evolved as an advantageous trait, having been of survival value to our ance
演讲简介:丹尼 赫力斯讲述癌症医学的前沿:蛋白质组学,研究身体内的蛋白质。赫力斯向我们解释:基因组学显示了我们身体里的佐料, 而蛋白质组学向我们显示了用这些佐料有什么效果。
Theincrease inthenumbersofmarriedwomenemp- (50)loyedoutsidethehomeinthetwentieth centuryhadlesstodowiththe mechanizationofhouseworkandan increaseinleisuretimeforthesewomen thanitdidwiththeirowneconomic
ManycriticsofFamilyBronte’s novelWutheringHeightsseeitssecond partasacounterpointthatcommentson, ifitdoesnotreverse,thefirstpart, (5)wherea
Themolecularapproachtodetecting peptidehormonesusingcDNAprobes shouldalsobemuchfasterthanthe (60)immunologicalmethodbecauseitcan takeyearsoftediouspurifications toisolatepeptidehormonesandthen developa
They can be seen more frequently than ever before on college campuses, wearing flannel and thick-rimmed glasses while listening to indie music. One might find them playing unusual musical instruments, shopping at second-hand stores or expressing them
?大学英语四级考试越来越近,及时掌握英语四级写作的几大类型模板,会在接下来的四级考试中更得心应手。 一、 批驳观点式 A.一个错误观点。 B. 我不同意。 Many people argue that 错误观点。
Butachieving necessarymatchesinphysicalproperties acrossinterfacesbetweenlivingand nonlivingmatterrequiresknowledgeof (20)whichmoleculescontrolthebondingof cellstoeachother—anareathatwe havenotyetexp
Onlyinthecaseof theFebruaryRevolutiondowelack ausefuldescriptionofparticipants thatmightcharacterizeitinthe (20)lightofwhatsocialhistoryhas taughtusabouttheprocessofrevolu- tionarymobilization. 唯独在