标签:职业女性 相关文章
It was thought to be a sign of weakness if a husband needed his wife's help to support their family, 在当时,如果丈夫不能养家而需要妻子在外工作,人们会认为这是一个男人软弱的标志。 so my mother became a stay-at-h
习语:a bachelor girl 讲解:Bachelor通常是指未婚男子,即单身汉,但是与girl连用时就是指未婚女人了,此语特指不依靠别人,自己维持生活的女人。目前,在英美国家,指未婚职业妇女,与汉语
Like everyone here, I have great hopes for the members of this graduating class. 就像这里的每位老师一样,我对你们也抱有很大的期望。 I hope you find true meaning, contentment, and passion in your life. 我希望你们找到人生
In bright red letters, one declares, Fortune favors the bold. 其中有一张海报印着亮红色的宣言:机遇青睐敢于冒险的人。 Another insists, Proceed and be bold. 还有一张是:完成胜过完美。 My favorite reads, What woul
For many men, the fundamental assumption is that they can have both a successful professional life and a fulfilling personal life. 对男人来说,有一个重要的基本假设是,他们既可以拥有成功的职业生涯,也可以拥有满意的
A study found that of Millennial men and women who work in an organization with a woman in a senior role, 研究发现,在有一位女性高管的组织中,那些80后、90后的女性中, only about 20 percent want to emulate her career. 只有
Compounding the problem is a social-psychological phenomenon called stereotype threat. 把问题往复杂了说,这就是成见威胁。 Social scientists have observed that when members of a group are made aware of a negative stereotype, 社会科学
My favorite song, William's Doll, is about a five-year-old boy who begs his reluctant father to buy him a traditional girl's toy. 我最喜欢其中的一首歌《威廉想要个娃娃》,讲的是一个5岁的男孩恳求父亲给他买一个女孩玩
Initially, as a one-year-old and a three-year-old, we were worthless and weak. Disorganized, lazy. 最初呢,我们俩一个1岁,一个3岁,没什么用,不但软弱,而且行为随便、懒惰。 We would just as soon spit up on ourselves
Still, in today's world, where we no longer have to hunt in the wild for our food, 然而,在今天的世界中,人类不再像古代那样必须在野外觅食打猎, our desire for leadership is largely a culturally created and reinforced tra
My girlfriends, however, expressed shock and horror that I would leave my boyfriend at the time to live abroad for a year. 但听说我要离开当时的男友到国外居住一年,我的女伴们都一脸的震惊和恐惧, My relatives asked wh