Nanotyrannus is more like a cheetah on steroids. 矮暴龙更像是服了兴奋剂的猎豹。 These animals were really, really fast. 这些动物真的是非常之快。 They could outrun a Tyrannosaurus Rex no problem, and that also helped them wh

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The teeth that were found near the T-Rex had been shed. 这些牙齿在霸王龙化石附近被发现。 But were the teeth broken during a battle, or could the Nanotyrannus have simply found the dead T-Rex and lost them scavenging on his remains? 但是

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The rotting corpse of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex laid buried beneath mud carried in from some prehistoric river. 幼年雷克斯暴龙腐烂的尸体被史前河流冲走并且埋在泥里。 The hypothesis is that two T-Rexes were in a fight and o

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They're very similar kinds of animals from their basic structure. 它们是基本结构非常接近的动物。 Their strength was probably very comparable. 它们的力量也很可能旗鼓相当。 Probably the differences would most amount to expe

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Their jaws are a little bit different. That's how we tell these two animals apart. 它们的双颚也有些不同。这也被用来区分这两种动物。 Nanotyrannus has more teeth in its jaws. 矮暴龙的嘴里牙齿更多。 The teeth are prett

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A pair of adult T-Rexes are on the hunt. 一对成年霸王龙出去狩猎。 They must leave their babies unguarded. 它们只能留下它们的孩子们。 The juveniles are unaware of approaching danger. 幼龙们没意识到正在接近的危险。

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The male realizes that the female will not be responsive as long as her offspring is alive. 雄性意识到只要小玛君龙还活着雌性就不会有反应。 He knows he's got to get rid of that baby. 它知道必须得先除掉幼崽。 In his b

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5 minutes to impact. 距离撞击五分钟。 The sky is now illuminated by the glowing orb as it draws closer. 随着小行星的靠近,天空现在被耀眼的火球照亮。 The asteroid begins to heat up as it comes into contact with our atmosp

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The impact of this asteroid was unparalleled. 这次小行星的撞击威力空前。 The power it released was greater than the combined force of man's entire nuclear arsenal. 它释放的能量比人类整个核武库加起来都要强大。 Recrea

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Using science as a guide, we attempt to recreate the final moments of the dinosaurs. 我们以科学为指引,试图重建恐龙的最后时刻。 The first effect was the impact itself. 第一个效果是撞击本身。 So when a 10-kilometer diam

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How big an asteroid would it take to distribute this much Iridium around the entire planet? 到底要多大的小行星才能将这么多铱散布在整个星球上? And they come up with a very rough number of something on the order of ten kilomet

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The K-T boundary marks the end of the age of dinosaurs, and the beginning of the age of mammals. KT界限层标志着恐龙时代的终点和哺乳动物时代的开端。 But does the K-T boundary really signify the absolute end of all dinosaurs? 不过

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The thing about extinction events is that, of course they're very bad for the animals that go extinct, but they open up a door of opportunity for a lot of other animals and plants. 其实就灭绝事件来说,当然对走向灭绝的动物来说很糟

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Giant long-necked Sauropods were able to browse at treetop levels, while other plant eating dinosaurs were perfectly adapted to take advantage of the low-growing vegetation. 巨大的长颈蜥脚类恐龙能够吃树顶上的嫩枝,而其它的植食

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It exploded with the force of a million nuclear bombs and unleashed the power of the sun. 它爆炸的威力相当于一百万枚核弹,释放出太阳的能量。 It set alight the entire biomass of earth and cooked the atmosphere. 它点燃了地球

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When the Pachyrhinosaurus bodies came to the bend in the river the momentum of the water push their carcasses to the outer edge of the bend. 当肿鼻角龙的尸体来到河流的转弯处,水流的动力将它们的尸体冲向河流转弯处外缘

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The Cretacious period isn't as hot as the Jurassic. 白垩纪没有侏罗纪炎热。 The temperatures are still hotter than today, but the relatively cooler climate allows the dinosaurs to be more active. 气温仍比如今要高,不过相对凉爽的

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Looking at the geology of the dig site, Paleontologists could see that the bones had been washed into their final resting place. 根据挖掘现场的地质情况,古生物学家们能看出来这些骨头是被冲到它们最后的埋葬地的。

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In addition to the CAT scans and the fossil remains, paleontologists looked to modern animal behavior for clues. 除了CT扫描和化石残骸以外,古生物学家们还在现代动物行为中寻找线索。 The one thing that doesn't change in t

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Paleontologists believe that this actually help her hone her fighting skills. 古生物学家们相信这能帮助雌性磨练搏斗技能。 A full grown Majungasaurus is pretty much able to take care of itself,完全成年的玛君龙基本能保护自

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