Tyrannosaurus-Rex may have ruled the Cretaceous, but Allosaurus was the king of Jurassic. 霸王龙也许统治了白垩纪,但异特龙才是侏罗纪的王者。 While any environment that we have on earth today we have a top predator, Allosaurus
This was typical with plant eaters, but less commonly seen in predators before this time. 这在植食性动物中很典型,不过在此前的掠食者中并不常见。 What's interesting with Allosaurus, we find large accumulations of Allosaurus'
It would probably quickly weaken and lead to death to anything that got the bite on. 这样能够使被咬的猎物迅速衰弱直到死亡。 The bites on these animals're really very powerful and they not only simply could bite out a big chunk of m
In 2007, paleontologists of Manchester University made a breakthrough discovery. 在2007年,曼彻斯特大学的古生物学家们取得了一项突破性的发现。 By studying the leg bones, musculature and mechanics behind them, they were able
We can look at modern jaguar to see animals that sort of play the same role that Ceratosaurus does. 我们可以参考现代的美洲豹,来看一看差不多扮演着角鼻龙角色的动物。 Jaguars take on medium to smaller prey, but it's hesi
Being faster and more agile than your prey was an important attribute, but the ability to ambush prey was a even more lethal hunting strategy. 比猎物更快更灵活十分重要的品质,但伏击猎物是一个更为致命的狩猎策略。 Pred
The bones tell us things like how big the animal was, whether they ate plants or meat, if it was fast or slow, but they don't tell us everything that actually happened. 这些骨头能让我们知道它们有多大,它们是吃肉还是植物,它们
We see the same sort of behavior among lions where the male will simply act as a distraction to drive prey towards the awaiting female. 我们在狮群中见到类似行为雄狮只是起干扰作用把猎物赶向等待着的雌性。 It's a great w
He knows where the ambush spot is. 他知道伏击的地点。 He stops because he doesn't see her. 他停了下来因为他没有见到她。 The male stops his charge, adopting a slower pace and a more defensive posture. 雄角鼻龙停止了他的冲
Ceratosaurus moves quickly around and leaps into the air, landing on the side of the Allosaurus. 他迅速地绕过去一跃而起,落到异特龙的侧面。 The Allosaurus is looking to kill this animal, not to chase him away, but to kill him. 而异
They were the elite, the predators that ruled the earth. 它们是精英,是统治地球的掠食者。 They ranged from the giant T-Rex, who relied on size and long curved teeth, to the smaller Raptors, who used speed and cunning. 它们中有霸王
Allosaurus was really the first of the truly big meat-eating dinosaurs that was found and was the one from fairly complete remains. 异特龙真的是被发现的第一种大型肉食恐龙而且其骨骼保存相当完整。 It was the Tyrannosaurus
Well, the answer is amber - fossilized tree sap. 答案是琥珀,树液的化石。 We find all kinds of prehistoric insects, plants, and even small reptiles trapped within amber. 我们能发现琥珀里面裹着各种史前昆虫、植物甚至小型
The landscape of modern Utah scarcely resembles the landscape of 156 million years ago, when Allosaurus ruled supreme, there were fewer mountains. 现代犹他州的地形跟一亿五千六百万年前大相径庭,在异特龙称霸之时,那里没
I don't think Allosaurus played well with others. 我觉得异特龙不会与其它恐龙好好相处。 And so it makes sense to me that it would attempt to kill any competitor in its territory. 所以我觉得它会试图杀死任何进入它领地的
The sperm whale hits him dead in the centre of his body throwing the Megalodon's enormous weight in a tumble motion under the ocean. 抹香鲸结结实实地撞中它的身体中间,把巨齿鲨庞大的身躯撞得在海洋中翻滚。 The Megalod
And they have the blemish both front and rear from a facet where the opposite tooth interlocked with it. 在牙齿前后的齿面都有缺陷就是与对面牙齿相交错的地方。 What happens is that the root is anchored well into the lower jaw.
The Brygmophyseter was not without a weakness. 四贺鲸不是没有缺点。 Unlike Megalodon, it was unable to re-grow lost teeth. 它不像巨齿鲨,它无法长出掉落了的牙齿。 It did, however, have another weapon at its disposal. 但是,
Sperm whales form close family units for protection and to nurture their offspring. 抹香鲸形成亲密的家庭单元来保护自己并且养育它们的后代。 Great white sharks relate only during mating and will actually eat their young. 大白
The biting sperm whale was powered by the up and down motion of its powerful tail fluke allowing it to reach speeds of over 25 miles per hour. 噬抹香鲸用其有力的尾鳍上下摆动来获得动力,其速度能达到每小时25英里。 The l
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