4801 Lesson Forty-eight Going out for the Evening 夜晚娱乐 A new movie will be on at City Theater. They say its an adventure story. 一部新片即将在城市剧院上映。他们说是部冒险片。 剧院 theater 城市剧院 City Thearter 上映 will be on 胶卷 film 电影 movi

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4901 Lesson Forty-nine Land Features and Weather 地型地貌,天气 mountain 大山 hill 小山 mountainous 多山的 hilly 小山起伏的 earth / globe 地球 hemisphere 半球 eastern hemisphere 东半球 western hemisphere 西半球 northern hemisphere 北半球 southern hem

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4701 Lesson Forty-seven Newspaper and Magazine 报纸与杂志 看 read a newspaper read a magazine read a book watch TV watch a game watch movie see sb vist sb 4702 Lesson Forty-seven Newspaper and Magazine 报纸与杂志 If you subscribe to the morning paper

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5001 Lesson Fifty Television and Radio 广播和电视 大众传媒 mass media television = TV radio 电视媒体 CNN = Cable News Network 美国有线新闻网 BBC = British Broadcasting Coporation 英国广播公司 Phenix TV 凤凰卫视 CCTV = China Central Television 中国中

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3101 Lesson Thirty-one Making Plans 做计划 What do you plan to do tomorrow? 你计划明天做什么? What do you plan to do the day after tomorrow? What do you plan to do on the weekend? work out a plan make a plan building plan 图纸 Hi. Hello. hijack 劫机

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3801 Lesson Thirty-eight Clothing 衣着 What are you going to wear today? 你今天穿什么衣服? wear 穿着 fit 合身 match 搭配 What are you going to wear tomorrow? ware 器皿 software 软件 haredware 硬件 chinaware 瓷器 sportswear 运动服 footwear 鞋类 cloth

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3701 Lesson Thirty-seven Health 健康 We work out regularly to keep fit. 我坚持锻炼以保持健康。 Health is better than wealth. 我很健康 I am quite fit. 我今天不大舒服 I dont feel well today. 我生病了 I am sick. I am ill. I feel terrble. 病入膏肓 I am v

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3601 Lesson Thirty-six Going Places 出行 Are you going to go to anyplace this year? 你今年准备去什么地方? this year last year next year vacation 公休假,寒暑假 Are you going to go to any place in winter vacation? Are you going to go to any place in

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3501 Lesson Thirty-five Going Shopping 购物 I enjoy going to department stores on the weekends. 我喜欢在周末逛百货商

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4301 Lesson Forty-three Job Career 工作与职业 job 工作 part-time job 兼职 full-time job 全职 apply for a job take a job quit the job change my jobs transfer Good job, Zhang. Its my job. career 职业,事业 4302 Lesson Forty-three Job Career 工作与职业

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3201 Lesson Thirty-two Making Decisions 作决定 What have you decided? Can you tell me? 你做了决定没有?能告诉我吗? decide decision cold crowd 3202 Lesson Thirty-two Making Decisions 作决定 Ive definitely decided to go to California. 我的确已经决定去

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3301 Lesson Thirty-three Telephone English 打电话 telephone phone 电话 make a call 打电话 call sb 给某人打电话 mobile phone / cell phone 手机 cordless phone 无绳电话 pay phone 公用电话 walkie-talkie 对讲机 3302 Lesson Thirty-three Telephone English

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4201 Lesson Forty-two Likes and Dislikes 喜欢和厌恶 What do you think of the winter weather here? 你认为这里冬天的天气如何? I + like / don't like / dislike / love / hate / cant stand + sb / sth / to do sth / doing sth What do you think of your boss?

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4401 Lesson Forty-four Sports and Recreation 体育和娱乐 Baseball is my favorite sport. Whats your favorite? 棒球是我所喜欢的运动。你的爱好是什么? baseball 棒球 basketball 篮球 ice-hockey 冰球 American football 橄榄球 soccer 英式足球 table tennis / p

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3401 Lesson Thirty-four Eating Out 下馆子 vegetable 蔬菜 vanilla 香草 invite 邀请 restaurant 饭馆 dessert 甜食,甜点 desert 沙漠 potato 土豆 tomato 西红柿 soup 汤 soap 香皂 3402 Lesson Thirty-four Eating Out 下馆子 Jane, l

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4101 Lesson Forty-one Agriculture and Industry 农业与工业 What are the principal farm products in this region? 这个地区主要的农产品是什么? principal 中学校长 主要的 rice 大米 wheat 小麦 potato 马铃薯 4102 Lesson Forty-one Agriculture and Industry 农

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3901 Lesson Thirty-nine Making Appointments 做预约 预约 appointment 做预约 make an appointment 私人约会 date 预约本 appointment book 3902 Lesson Thirty-nine Making Appointments 做预约 Id like to make an appointment to see Mr. Steward. 我想预约与斯图

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4501 Lesson Forty-five Giving Advice 提建议 Could you give me some advice for this interview? 能就这次面试给我一些建议吗? interview 采访、面试 job interview 求职面试 4502 Lesson Forty-five Giving Advice 提建议 If I were y

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4001 Lesson Forty School and Education 学校与教育 基础教育 fundmental education 高等教育 higher education 终生教育 life-long education 活到老学到老 Never too old to learn 大学 university 芝加哥大学 Chicago university 学院 college 4002 Lesson Forty Sc

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2601 Lesson Twenty-six Traffic 交通 Why are you so late today? 今天怎么迟到这么久? transportation public transportation system traffic 堵车 2602 Lesson Twenty-six Traffic 交通 We were caught in a traffic jam this morning. 今天早晨堵车了。 We were ca

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