电影词典 stereo sound 立体音 美国俚语 剧中:I got us a way out of this mess! a way out of this mess : 摆脱麻烦的出路; mess:在这儿指不好的事情 e.g. : 1The traffic is terrible today,we need to find a way out of this

发表于:2018-12-25 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 听动感英语学口语

电影词典 Indiana Jones 夺宝奇兵 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 剧中:That wall is jinxed. jinxed : 不吉利,不幸 e.g. 1After 3 divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed. 在她离了三次婚以后,她开始认为婚姻不

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电影词典 Doctor Zhivago 日瓦格医生 美国俚语 剧中:We're rolling. lets roll. :我们走,要离开了。 e.g. 1If the waitress doesn't take our order, we're rolling. 如果服务员再不上菜,我们就走. 2 I don't like this da

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电影词典 prop maker 道具制作人 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 剧中:Got real,man. get real : 现实点 e.g. 1when I tell people that I want to be a billionaire,they just tell me to get real 当我告诉人们我想成为百万富翁时,他们

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电影词典 gaffer 照明电工 美国俚语 剧中:He's hanging in there . hanging in there : 保持状态 e.g. 1At first I didn't want to finish the book because it was so long.But I hung in there and read it to the end. 开始我觉得这本书

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电影词典 equipment staff 道具人员 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 剧中:Thanks a bunch! a bunch : 许多 a lot e.g. 1I thanked my parents a bunch after they gave me a present for my birthday. 我很感谢父母送我很多生日礼物。 2Th

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电影词典 period film 古装片 美国俚语 剧中:Just take it easy! take it easy : 放轻松 e.g. The doctor told me to take it easy and get lots of rest. 医生告诉我要放轻松,多多休息。 经典对白 1.剧中:I'd like to pro

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电影词典 Meryl Streep 梅尔瑞.斯特里普 美国俚语 a power trip : 自大 e.g. 1It was a power trip for Tim when all his classmate began asking him for help with their work. 所有的同学都请他帮忙,Tim显得很自大。 2 When the

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电影词典 Dustin Hoffman:达斯汀.霍夫曼 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 a one night stand 一夜情 e.g. 1Although she only had a one night stand with him,she still thought about him often. 2He wished that it hadn't been a one night stand because

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电影词典 Apocalypse Now 现代启示录 AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 剧中:You were never a lifer. a lifer : 做..... 很长的一段时间 e.g. 1My dream job is to be a lifer on a famous television show. 2The guilty criminal got a lifer,he w

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电影词典 AVID 一套计算机系统 美国俚语 a natural 天才 e.g. 1Hes a natural sportsman .He never trains but still does very well . 2It was the first hed acted ,but he was very good ,definitely a natural . 经典对白 1.sweet 好的 e.g.

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电影词典 monitor 监视器 美国俚语 剧中:I'm just gonna order something to go. to go : 打包带走吃,外卖,带走 e.g. 1I'll have two Big Maces and a large fries to go,please. 2 I don't have time to eat at a restaurant,so I'll or

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电影词典 The Last of the Mohicans 《最后一个莫西干人》 美国俚语 剧中:come on , Quasis, snap out of it . snap out of it 改变,变好 e.g. 1I wish she would just snap out of it and get over her ex-bf. 我希望她能够改变她的

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电影词典 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡 美国俚语 剧中:How do you keep on top of all this ? keep on top 掌控,驾驭 e.g. 1Studying isn't hard if you keep on top of it . 如果学习方法你掌握了,学习就变得不难了。 2I go to

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电影词典 The Godfather 《教父》 美国俚语 剧中:She got a tough break . tough break : 不幸 tough : difficult , hard ; break : 休息 e.g. 1To lose a tennis match because of one bad call is a tough break . 由于裁判的误判他失

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电影词典: Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》 美国俚语: duke it out : 打架 fight about it e.g. 1We had to duke it out for the last piece of cake . 我们不得不为了最后一块蛋糕打架。 2There's only one shower in our apartment

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电影词典 Psycho 《精神病患者》 美国俚语 剧中:Your partner blow it . blow it 彻底搞砸 e.g. 1This is your last chance to make the team , don't blow it . 这是你最后一次机会进入球队,可别搞砸了。 2I blew my chan

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电影词典 property manager 道具管理员 美国俚语 chasing the skirt 追求女性 e.g. He never did well at university , because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt. 他在大学里总是不好好学习,因为他总出去喝

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电影词典 sword fighting 击剑 美国俚语 剧中:On the blink, I think you like me. on the blink 坏了,有问题 blink 眨眼 e.g. I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the la

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电影词典 scene painter 布景画师 绘制所需的布景,可以介绍大量的资金。 美国俚语 剧中:God , talk about a bad case of the third wheel. the third wheel 电灯泡 e.g. 1It wasn't until I arrived at the party and met Suzie

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