What's a celebration without food? 没有食物的庆典算什么? Food brings people together and forges our cultural identities. 食物让人们聚在一起,并建立我们的文化认同。 Chinese New Year marks the beginning of the lunar yea
Hey guys, welcome to Off the Great Wall. I'm Dan. 嗨大家,欢迎来到 Off The Great Wall。我是 Dan。 And I'm Yi. 而我是 Yi。 We told you guys about the legend of Chang'e, the Lady of the Moon before. 我们之前告诉过你们嫦娥的传
Life with kids can be a mess, 有孩子的生活会是一团糟, With kids to wake and shake and dress, 要叫孩子起床、摇醒他们、还要帮他们穿衣服, With meals to make and things to clean, 要料理三餐还有东西要清洗,
Daddy is the sweetest daddy in the world. 爹地是世界上最贴心的爹地。 Daddy is the most handsome. The smartest. The most clever. The kindest. 爹地最帅。最聪明。最机灵。最善良。 He is my superman. Daddy wants me to do well
Think of all the hundreds of things I could do with my time if I'm not thinking about clothes. 想想我可以拿我的时间去做的好几百件事,如果我不用思考要穿什么衣服的话。 Steve Jobs had, you know, his famous black turtle
I've read some terrific books lately. Here are a few you might wanna read this summer. 我最近读了一些很出色的书。这里是几本你今年夏天可能会想读的。 The Vital Question by Nick Lane Nick Lane 的《The Vital Question(重要问
So, if you're like me, you probably have at least a few bad habits you would like to break. 如果你和我一样,你可能至少有几个想改掉的坏习惯。 But it's tough because no matter how hard I try, I seem to slip back into the same ol
So this morning, I went to Starbucks. You know Starbucks. You've heard of Starbucks? Yup. 今天早上我去了星巴克。你知道星巴克。听过星巴克吧?没错。 There's one on the corner next to the Starbucks across from the Starbucks. 转
Echo! 回声! Fairy tales are wonderful, magical stories that capture children's imaginations and delight and entertain them. 童话是精彩、奇妙的故事,抓住孩子们的想象力并为他们带来欢笑和娱乐。 Well, maybe today at l
What kind of movie does it look like? 那看起来像哪种电影? It looks like...maybe a grown-up movie not meant for kids. My mom would not let me see this movie. 它看起来像...可能是一部大人的电影,不是给小孩看的。我妈妈
Making Your CV More Effectivea Monster guide 让你的履历更成功--一份 Monster 指南 You've got the basic elements of your skills and experience down. 你已经将你的技能和经历的基本要素写下。 Now you need to fine-tune you
I feel good about this. I really do. 我觉得这很棒。我真的这样觉得。 Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢你。非常谢谢你。 Of course. 不用谢。 My name is Mark Bustos. I'm a hairstylist based out of New York City. 我的名字
Father. 父亲。 Um... Bad farts. 嗯... 屁很臭。 Father. 父亲 I like him. Love? 我喜欢他。爱? Kind. 人很好。 He's awesome. 他很棒。 Patient. Because he's always trying to put in the time to help me on the stuff that I need to
Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world. 谢谢,秘书长先生,联合国儿童基金会执行董事,以及来自世界各地所有阁下及贵宾。 M
A two-hour boat ride off the coast of Colombia is an island, the most densely-populated island on Earth. 从哥伦比亚海岸搭船两个小时会抵达一座小岛,这是地球上人口最稠密的岛屿。 Santa Cruz del Islote consists of more
Think she's cheating on me? No, I don't think so. 你们觉得她是不是劈腿?没有啦,我觉得不会。 Well, you should definitely talk to her. She's cheating on you, bro. Drop her. Right? 你绝对应该跟她谈谈。她就是劈腿啦,兄
It's easy to put people in boxes. 我们很容易将人分类。 There's us, and there's them: the high earners and those just getting by, those we trust and those we try to avoid. 这是我们,那是他们:赚很多钱的人和那些凑合着过日
As you know, the Supreme Court decision 大家都知道,最高法院周五赞成 on Friday in favor of same-sex marriage is controversial. Some people 通过同志婚姻,大家对这个决定争论不休。有些人 just don't like it. They don't
We use this every day as a stand-in for love and the human heart, but it doesn't really look like the real thing. 我们每天都用这个符号代表爱以及人类的心脏,但这符号和真正心脏的模样其实有点差距。 Zachary Crocket
Every year, people all across the globe celebrate the Christmas season with all sorts of lights and decorations. 每年,世界各地庆祝圣诞季时会布置各式各样的灯饰或饰品。 But no holiday decoration is more iconic than the Chris
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