Chapter 25 第二十五章 Joshua of Nazareth 拿撒勒的约书亚 The story of Joshua of Nazareth Whom the Greeks Called Jesus 拿撒勒人约书亚,也就是希腊人所称的耶稣的故事 In the autumn of the year of the city 783 (which would

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All the little citystates once more began to quarrel with each other as they had done in the good old days. 所有的希腊城邦再度陷人无休止的相互争吵中,一如它们在光荣的旧时代的所为。 The Romans, who had little unders

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But please do not be too sentimental about the good old days. 我想提醒你们,千万不要对所谓古老的好时光抱有过多的感伤之情。 Many people who only see the beautiful churches and the great works of art which the Middle Ages

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But if the progress of the world had been left to the serf and his feudal master, 如果这个世界的进步责任是肩负在农奴和他们的封建领主肩上, we would still be living after the fashion of the twelfth century, saying abracadab

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Chapter 35 The Mediaeval city 第三十五章 中世纪的城市 Why the people of the middle ages said that city air is free air 为什么中世纪的人们会说,城市的空气是充满自由的空气。 The early part of the Middle Ages had bee

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Of course, it would never do to say this openly. 当然,谁也不会把这些情绪公开流露出来。 But when the Crusader returned home, he was likely to imitate the manners which he had learned from his heathenish foe, compared to whom the av

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During the next two centuries, seven other crusades took place. 在接下来的两个世纪里,欧洲人又发动了另外七次东征。 Gradually the Crusaders learned the technique of the trip. 十字军战士们逐渐学会了前往亚洲的旅行

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The first Crusade, a wild mob of honest Christians, defaulting bankrupts, penniless noblemen and fugitives from justice, 第一支十字军是由诚实的基督徒、无力履行义务的破产者、穷困潦倒的没落贵族以及逃避法庭制裁的

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Meanwhile the German chieftain, the Frankish Baron, the Northman Duke (or whatever their names and titles) 同时,那些日尔曼酋长、法兰克男爵或诺曼底大公们(或者是别的什么头衔和称号的贵族), occupied their shar

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Once in a while, after a long and patient chase, he would catch a sparrow or a small wild dog or perhaps a rabbit. 运气不错时,经一番漫长而耐心的追逐,他能抓到一只松鼠、小野狗或老鼠什么的,开开荤。 These he wo

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Chapter 5 第五章 The Nile Valley 尼罗河河谷 The beginning of civilization in the valley of the Nile 人类文明发源于尼罗河河谷 The history of man is the record of a hungry creature in search of food. 人类的历史也是一部人们四

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The sun was originally a plain circle (Here is a picture of a plain circle)and became(a picture with four trangiles,and the third with certain square). 太阳最初是一个平面的圆圈,后来变为。 If we were using the Sumerian script today

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Under these circumstances, the noble knight could not well show the rage which filled his heart and his proud soul. 这种情形下,公爵大人不得不极力克制义愤填膺的冲天怒火,免得不小心流露出来。 Instead, he suggested

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Suppose that we let him have a hundred ducats and that he give us in return a written guarantee allowing us to fish all we want in all of his rivers. 如果我们借给他100元,作为回报,他给我们签署一张允许我们随意在他拥有的

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That was dangerous business for the borrower. 这对借钱的人来说是一笔很危险的交易。 In the end, the Lombards invariably owned the estates and the Knight became a bankrupt, 最终,总是伦巴德人占有了庄园,而骑士却破产

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The mediaeval knight was a country squire and was rarely forced to pay for materials in money. 中世纪的骑士同时也是拥有田产的乡绅,少有出现必须付钱购买某种物品的情形。 His estates produced everything that he and hi

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Soon certain energetic merchants discovered that the goods which they had always imported from afar could be made at home. 不久,某些精明能干的商人开始意识到,那些一直从远方采购来的商品其实也可以就近生产的。

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You have seen how a few artisans(butchers and bakers and an occasional candle-stick maker) 后来出现了一些手工匠人,屠夫呀、面包师傅呀、制蜡烛工人呀, came to live near the castle to tend to the wants of their masters and

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No, the progress of the last six hundred years would not have been possible without the existence of cities. 不过,如果不是因为城市的存在,过去六百年来的进步将是完全不可能的。 I shall, therefore, have to make this cha

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This, in a very general way, is what happened during the centuries which followed the Crusades. 在十字军东征之后的几个世纪时间里,这种情形在欧洲各地普遍发生。 It was a slow process, this gradual shifting of power from t

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