Attitude The 92-year-old, petite 1 , well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed 2 and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is

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Dad ' s Blessings A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he

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August 5 -- Grasmere Rushbearing The floors of old stone churches can get pretty cold, a fact well known among churchgoers obliged to kneel upon them. Several centuries ago, the sensible Britons hit u

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Cricket 1 in England Cricket to the English is not just a game. It is a symbol--a 22-man personification 2 of all English beliefs and philosophies. Cricket is alleged 3 to be the national summer pasti

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London London is an ancient city whose history greets you at every turn 1 . To gain a sense of its continuity 2 , stand on Waterloo Bridge at sunset. To the east, the great globe of St. Paul's Cathedr

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The Puppy Express Snoopy went to bed at Cathy's house a nondescript 1 little brown-and-white dog, very long in the tooth, and woke the next morning a celebrity. Word of the seventeen-year-old puppy wi

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Modern Olympic Games Review: 1988 Seoul Olympics For the first time since Munich in 1972, there was no organized boycott 1 of the Summer Olympics. Cuba and Ethiopia stayed away 2 in support of North K

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Can’t Stop Loving the Legendary Ray Charles Sound Ray Charles, who virtually invented soul music 1 by infusing 2 R & B with gospel 3 fervor, was often called the Genius for his significant influen

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Learn to Get Along with China --A Prominent 1 American’s Letter to His Grandchildren The writer, a Harvard law professor, comes from a prominent American family. His great-grandfather John Hay had s

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Teachers Fight Against Internet Plagiarism 1 For students who wait till the last minute to start their term papers, plagiarism today doesn't even require cracking 2 open an encyclopedia 3 . Need a pap

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A Dream of Coffee E Huiyuan: Ten years ago, you opened the company with your friends, which once aroused certain interest of some Chinese media. It is not so easy for a foreigner to start his own busi

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Today is the Only Guarantee You Get It's a great honor for me to be the third member of my family to receive an honorary 1 doctorate from this great university. It's an honor to follow my Great-uncle

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Tippy I was late for the school bus and rushing to get ready. My dog, Tippy, ran past me. What’s your big hurry? I wondered, annoyed. It wasn’t like he was late for the school bus like I was. When

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Melody 1 from the Other World In October on the east coast of Australia migrating humpback whales 2 pass very close to the shore. With the help of Max Egan, we went to film them near Byron Bay. It was

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Search for Success Wang Daqing: The whole world has witnessed 1 tremendous changes in China’s information industry in recent years, and what role do you think Baidu has been playing in the internet

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Missing the Dance “Would you like to be my date for the ROTC 1 dance?” asked Rick. I couldn’t believe he was asking me. My two best friends had gotten dates weeks ago, so I had given up hope of

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One Door at a Time When my husband, John, and I had our first child 20 years ago, we agreed I’d be a stay at home mom. That meant we’d have to make do on a single income. We scrimped 1 and saved s

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November 4: Mischief Night A time of misrule 1 , when every principle is turned on its head, is a tempting thing indeed. Some sociologists have theorized that such festivals of chaos are necessary for

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New York Like all great cities, New York has an indefinable aura 1 all its own. Rather than diminish that aura, the events of September 11, 2001, when terrorists crashed jetliners into the World Trade

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The French Are Traditionalists The French are at heart traditionalists. Though they dearly love revolutions, pulling everything down and starting from scratch, they disapprove of shifts in behaviour.

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