时间:2018-12-29 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第二季


   Cattleman's Ranch 1, how mahelp you? 牧场主的牧场餐厅,有什么可以帮您

  I'd like to place an order for pickup 2. 我要点外卖
  Oh, I'm sorry. We don't do takeout. 抱歉,我们不做外卖
  I'll take a rib 3 plate with a side of your mashed 4 po-tah-toes. 我要点肋排配土豆泥
  Uh, potatoes, and we don't do 土豆泥,我们不做
  A large coleslaw, extra cole Okay, sir 大份卷心菜沙拉,多点卷心菜,等下,先生
  and two of your fancy cookie pies. 再加两份你们的华丽曲奇派
  Sir, we don't do takeout at Cattleman's. 先生,我们不做外卖
  We do now. 现在做了
  We're getting in the to-go game. 现在我们提供外卖
  Sir, sorry to keep you waiting. 先生,很抱歉让您久等了
  Uh, you are never going to believe this. 你绝对不敢相信
  It turns out we just started doing to-go, like, right now. 我们刚刚启动了外卖,就在此刻
  It's too loud. Turn it down. 声音太大了,调小点
  It's down. 调小了
  I think if the three of us were stuck on a deserted 5 island, we'd be fine. 如果我们仨被困在荒岛,应该也没事
  We totally would be. 绝对没事
  I'm great at finding fresh water. 我擅长找淡水
  And I know how to start a fire. 我知道怎么生火
  And I'd drink a glass of that fresh water 那我就一边喝水
  while using the fire to cook and eat both of you. 一边用火把你们煮了吃
  What? What?  啥,啥
  Don't kid yourselves. 别骗自己了
  A few days of starvation, 饿你们几天
  and you'd be trying to eat me, too. 你们也会想吃我的
  I'd eat berries. 我会吃莓果
  There are no berries. No berries? 没有莓果,竟然没莓果
  Eddie, turn those ducks down! 埃迪,把那群鸭子声音关小点
  Now entering the square circle, 现在走向拳击台的
  the Inter 6 continental 7 Champion of the World, 乃是世界洲际冠军获得者
  Louis "The Animal" Steele! 野兽,路易斯·斯蒂尔(弗雷迪·斯蒂尔,拳击世界冠军)
  Yay! Dad's home! 耶,爸爸回来了
  Me eat turnbuckle! 我要吃螺丝钉
  When did this couch get so lumpy? 沙发啥时候这么膈应了
  It's not the couch! It's Evan! 不是沙发,是埃文
  You guys hear something? The wind? 你们听到没,是风吗
  Evan! You hear Evan! 埃文,你听到的是埃文
  You're sitting on me! 你坐我身上了啦
  Evan, when did you get there? 埃文,你咋跑这来了
  Hey, watch this. 看好了
  Kid 'n Play. Kid 'n Play. 扭扭乐,扭扭乐
  Whoo! You're the best! 你最棒了
  Dad, you rock! Dad, you're the best!  老爸,你最帅,爸你最棒了
  Ah, Hector made chocolate cake today. 赫克托今天做了巧克力蛋糕
  Brought you guys some. Cake! 给你们带了点,蛋糕
  Okay, everybody. Time for bed. 好了,各位,睡觉时间到
  Hey, now, now. Listen to your mother. 不要吵,听妈妈的话
  You can eat it in your room. 你们可以在房间里吃
  Brush your teeth after. Don't brush. 吃完记得刷牙,不用刷
  You are the only one who can tear them away 你可是唯一能把他们从
  from "The Adventures of Baby Ducks Screaming." 小鸭冒险记前拉开的人
  Well, I've been putting in so much time at work 我已经花了太多时间和精力
  getting ready to launch Cattleman's To-Go, 启动餐厅外卖项目
  I only get to see them for a few minutes a night. 只有晚上几分钟的时间见他们
  Got to make them count. 可不能虚度光阴啊
  Well, maybe you wouldn't have to work so hard 要是你雇些能干点的员工
  if you hired competent help. 可能就不用这么辛苦了
  My staff is more than competent. 我的员工很能干
  They have the instincts of a goldfish... 他们有金鱼一样的本能
  eyes wide open, mouths moving, swallowing air, 大眼睁着,嘴巴动着,吞吐空气
  can't tell flakes 8 from poop. 分不清鱼食和大便
  What was that? 你在说啥
  Did you just ask for a Kid 'n Play? 你刚说要看扭扭乐
  No. Mm, someone did. 没哦,有人说要看哦
  Ma, I'm getting dressed. 妈,我在穿衣服
  There's no way you're going to work today. 你这样没法去工作
  You can't even get dressed. 你连衣服都穿不好
  It's the first day of Cattleman's To-Go. 今天是餐厅外卖启动第一天
  I have to be there. 我肯定要去
  Just let the staff handle it. 让员工应付就好了
  There's no way they can manage. 他们肯定没法应付
  I thought you said they were competent. 我记得你说过他们很能干啊
  When I'm there to supervise them. 当我在场监督的时候
  On their own, they're...Goldfish? 我不在的时候,他们就...成了金鱼
  That's actually a pretty good Mitch. 你学米奇学得还真像
  No, I can do this. 没事,我可以的
  If I can just get this sock on, everything will be fine. 只要我能穿上这只袜子,就万事大吉了
  It's slow at work. 这会耽误工作的
  The investment property is being held up with inspections 9. 我投资的房产正在接受检查
  I can just cover for you until you're back on your feet. 我可以替你上班,直到你恢复好了
  I don't think so. 这行不通
  You and the staff aren't exactly a good mix. 你跟那些员工不是一路人
  You told Nancy she didn't really serve in Desert Storm. 你跟南希说她没参加国沙漠风暴(美国对科威特的军事进攻)
  She didn't get a kill. 她都没杀过人
  She was a cook. 她只是个厨师
  Cooks should have the most kills. 厨师应该杀得最凶才是
  They have the element of surprise. 他们常常出其不意
  If you were to cover for me, 如果你想替我去上班
  you couldn't fire anyone. 就不能解雇任何人
  What makes you think I would fire anyone? 为啥你觉得我会炒人
  Because that's your move. 因为那是你的招
  At the furniture store in D.C., 在我们华盛顿的家具店
  you would try to fire people all the time. 你总想炒了别人
  Name one. 举个栗子
  Me. Susan our accountant. James my client. 我,我们的会计苏珊还有我的客户詹姆斯
  You tried to fire a customer. 你试图要把顾客炒了诶
  Being a manager is a lot like chess. 当老板就像下象棋
  If you can't get rid of any of the pieces, you can't win the game. 要是不把另外的棋子都干掉,就赢不了
  No firing anyone. Fine. 不能炒人,好吧
  No firing except as a last resort. 不炒人,除非万不得已
  Nope. No firing. 不,不能炒人
  No verbal firings. I understand. 不口头炒人,我懂
  No firing. 不能炒人
  What if word of layoffs 10 comes down from corporate 11? 要是总部说要炒人咋办
  Boys, your father is recovering, 娃们,你爸爸在休养
  so I'm going to be at the restaurant today 所以今天我去餐馆上班
  and he'll be here when you get home from school. 他会在家等你们放学回来
  Yay! Dad! 耶,爸爸
  These truly are my lucky socks! 这真是我的幸运袜
  My brain's going to school, but my heart's staying here. 我的脑袋去上学了,但我的心在这里
  My brain's staying here, too. 我的脑袋也在这里
  As you know, Louis had an accident. 你们知道的,路易斯出了点事
  Oh, yeah. He paged me "911 Louis down". 是啊,他给我发了消息,路易斯出事了
  Was he attacked by birds? They're everywhere. 他被鸟攻击了吗,鸟可是无处不在
  I think they're moving down here from Vermont. 我感觉它们是从佛蒙特州搬过来的
  I saw a bird in a tree, 我在树上看到一只鸟
  and I was like, "Is he watching me?" 我在想,它是不是在看我
  It wasn't birds. 并不是鸟
  Now, I know we've had our differences in the past, 我知道咱们过去有很多不愉快
  but it's time for a fresh start. 是时候有一个新的开始了
  Together, we can make the To-Go launch a success. 团结起来,我们一定能让外卖活动成功
  You ever see a complete pigeon? 你见过完整的鸽子吗
  They're always missing something. 它们总是缺少一些部分
  Are you trying to get fired, Nancy? 你想被炒吗,南希
  Oh, we know you can't fire anyone. 我们知道你不能炒人
  Louis also paged me that. 路易斯给我发短信了
  Fire won't kill a pigeon. 大火不会杀了鸽子
  I've seen them shuffling 12 out of burning buildings in Kuwait. 我曾在科威特看见它们从着火的大楼里逃出来
  It's like they're born from the flames. 就好像它们从火焰中降生
  Hey, boys. Welcome home. 孩子们好,欢迎回家
  I guess if I was forced to pick, I'd eat Eddie. 如果我被迫选择,我会吃掉埃迪
  Me too. I'd eat Evan.  我也是,我会吃掉埃文
  Why me? 为毛是我
  I've known you a shorter time, 我认识你时间比较短
  so I'm less attached to you. 所以我跟你的感情淡一些
  Louis? Where's your father? 路易斯,你们的爸爸在哪
  I agreed not to fire the staff, 我同意不去炒员工
  but they didn't need to know that. 但他们也没必要知道这事啊
  Now they have nothing to fear! 现在他们什么都不怕
  How can I rule without fear?! 这样我怎么管理他们
  Do you want us to respond? 你想让我们回应吗
  Dad's at the diner where Emery got sick 爸爸去埃默里之前喝橙汁
  from drinking all that orange juice. 然后生病的那家餐厅了
  He went to the diner? When? 他去那家餐厅了,什么时候
  As soon as we got home from school. 我们一回到家
  He said, "Hey, boys. Welcome home. 他就说,孩子们好,欢迎回家
  Want some coffee?" 想来点咖啡吗
  And then he left to get us all coffee. 然后他就去给我们买咖啡了
  I'm waiting on a babyccino. 我在等宝宝奇诺
  Louis? 路易斯
  Oh, thank God you're back from work. 谢天谢地你下班了
  Let's go home. 我们回家吧
  What are you doing here? 你在这干什么
  Why aren't you home with the boys? 你为什么不在家陪着孩子们
  Because you're not there. 因为你不在家
  I can't spend time alone with our kids. 我没办法跟孩子们独处
  Can I get a babyccino and the check? 麻烦给我宝宝奇诺然后结账
  What do you mean 你不能和孩子们独处
  you can't spend time alone with the kids? 是什么意思
  They love you. You're their favorite. 他们爱你,你是他们的最爱
  Yeah, that's because I only see them 是啊,那是因为我只在每天晚上
  for a little bit every night. 的一点点时间里看到他们
  I give them a tight-two. 我只给他们两分钟
  I blow in, dazzle them with a two-minute tornado 13 of fun, 我进来,给他们2分钟龙卷风似的欢乐
  then get out. 然后就出去了
  Okay, quick impression of the Budweiser frogs, 好嘞,百威青蛙的快速印象
  then pretend to fall down, 然后假装摔倒
  then a fun fact straight into a group tickle 14, 接着将有趣的事实变成集体挠痒痒
  ending with your closer—desirable food item. 用你们最亲近的朋友来结束,诱人的食物
  Yay! Dad's home! Bud...weis...er. 耶,爸爸回来了,百威
  Hit them hard and leave them wanting more. 给他们重重一击然后留下他们更多期待
  Learned that from my father. 跟我爸学的
  I idolized him, 我崇拜他
  and I saw him for like 10 minutes, total, my whole life. 我一生中总共只见过他10分钟
  The more time you spend with your kids, 跟孩子相处得越久
  the more chances they have 他们就会更多地发现
  to realize you're just a guy, a mortal, 你只是一个凡人
  that your detachable thumb isn't magic 你的可拆卸大拇指并不神奇
  and those quarters aren't coming out of their ears, 那些时间不是从你耳朵里出来的
  they're coming out of your paycheck. 而是从你的薪水里
  This is ridiculous. 这太荒谬了
  You spend a lot of time with the boys. 你有很多时间是和孩子们在一起的
  Yeah, but not alone. You're always around. 是,但不是我一个人啊,你总在我身边
  You're my buffer 15 -- the bad cop to my good cop. 你是我的缓冲器,坏警察与好警察
  Wait, I thought I was the good cop 等等,我以为我是好警察
  enforcing rules so that they can learn to live in society. 执行规则这样他们才能立足于社会
  You're the bad cop 你才是坏警察
  giving them treats and then confusing them 给他们甜头,进而迷惑他们
  by making them think frogs can say the name of a beer. 让他们以为青蛙能说出啤酒的名字
  You're right. I'm bad cop. 你说得对,我是坏警察
  You shouldn't leave me alone with them. 你不能让我和他们单独呆在一起
  Nice try. 想得美
  Tomorrow, you're gonna spend the whole day 明天你要一个人和孩子们
  with the kids by yourself. 呆在一起一整天
  But I'm sick. 但是我生病了嘛
  What is this? No standing 16 around. 干啥呢,别站在不干活
  Well, we're just waiting for our orders to come out. 我们只是在等点单
  You have time to lean, you have time to clean. 你有时间靠着,就有时间打扫卫生
  Come on. ABM always be moving. 来吧,动起来
  You got it, boss. 没问题,老板
  Really? 你在逗我么
  What? You didn't say how fast we had to be moving. 啥,你可没说要动多块哦
  Ha, ha, ha. Good one. 哈哈哈,说得好
  Thank you for waiting. 谢谢你们的等待
  Here's your Cattleman's To-Go. 来,牧场主的外卖
  I'm sorry. Is there any way we can eat it here? 抱歉,我们可以在这吃吗
  The kids changed their minds. 孩子们改主意了
  Oh, yeah. Of course. 行啊,当然可以
  There's plenty of tables. Sit anywhere you like. 桌子很多,随便坐
  Hey. I don't know if you know this, 你可能不知道
  we don't get tips on those orders, 这些订单我们没有拿到小费
  so if you let them eat here, 如果你让他们在这吃
  we'll have to clean up after as if they dined in. 他们吃完后得我们收拾干净
  All the work and no tip? 干了所有活还没有小费
  Got it. I didn't know that. 明白了,我刚才不知道
  Great. Thanks. 好的,谢啦
  You can do this. It's just a few hours. 你可以的,只有几小时而已
  They are your sons. You made them. 他们是你的儿子,你给予他们生命
  It depends on what you value on the island 这取决于你在岛上的价值
  entertainment or strength. 娱乐或者力量
  Eat me, you lose both. 吃掉我吧,你两个都输了
  Dad. You're not gonna leave to get coffee again, are you? 爸爸,你不会又离开我们去买咖啡吧
  Nope. How about some Chris Farley? 不,来段克里斯·法力(美国喜剧演员)怎么样
  I'm Tommy Boy. 我是小鬼汤米
  "Fat guy in a little coat. 小外套里的大胖子
  Tommy likey. Tommy want wingy." 汤米长大,汤米想吃鸡翅
  Why did the fish get a bad report card? 为什么鱼的成绩这么低
  Because all his grades were under sea! 因为它所有的成绩都在海底
  Fun fact -There are no naturally occurring blue foods. 有趣的事实,世上并没有天然的蓝色食品
  Even blueberries are purple. 甚至蓝莓都是紫色的
  Also, it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. 还有,打喷嚏的时候眼睛是不可能睁开的
  Also, it's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. 还有,打喷嚏的时候眼睛是不可能睁开的
  Ah-choo! See? Oreos? 阿嚏,看见没,吃奥利奥吗
  Dad, are you okay? 爸,你没事吧
  You heard your mom. Time for bed. 听妈妈的话,该睡觉了
  Mom's not here. 妈妈不在这
  And it's the middle of the day. 而且现在是中午
  Uh...I-I know. I knew that. 我,我知道,我知道这个
  I was just seeing if you knew that, 我只是想看看你们知不知道
  and you passed the test like school homework home test! 你们通过了学校考试,家庭作业,家庭考试
  You're flailing 17. You got nothing left. 你要失败了,你已经黔驴技穷了
  They're gonna realize you're a fraud if you don't do something. 如果你不做点什么,他们迟早要发现你是个骗子
  Come on. Think. Think! 加油啊,仔细想想,快想
  Let's watch TV! 我们看电视吧
  Grandma's watching her movies. 奶奶在看她爱的电影
  Uh, it's okay. 没事
  I'm sure she'll make an exception for her baby boy. 我敢肯定她会为了她的宝贝孩子破例妥协的
  Hey, Ma? 嗨,妈
  Would you mind if the boys and I watched TV for a bit? 你介意把电视让给我和孩子们看会吗
  Now what are we gonna do, Dad? 现在怎么办啊,老爸
  we can watch this movie. 我们也看这个电影吧
  This movie? 这部电影
  Look out, we're here to buy my brother some sunglasses. 看着,我们来这给我哥买副墨镜
  One minute. 稍等
  One minute, little bro. 慢着,老弟
  Hi, my name is John Paul, 嗨,我叫约翰,保罗
  but my friends call me Disco Dave. 但我的朋友们都叫我霹雳戴夫
  You guys got a great place here. 你们这个地方挺好的
  Well-built. 建的不错
  You can tell the beams are solid. 能看得出你们的柱子很结实
  I'm not getting sunglasses, 我不打算买墨镜了
  'cause I just bought this awesome 18 watch. 因为我刚买了这个潮爆的手表
  I have a watch, but it's old. 我有个手表,但是很旧了
  Well, I'll be. Girls. 好吧,我也会变老的,女士们
  Don't look now. There's Paul. 别指望了,这是保罗
  You ladies buying me a present? 你们要给我买个礼物吗
  Yeah, we're trying to buy you a life. 是的,我们打算给你的生活买点生趣
  Good one, Anne. 说的好,安妮
  Hey, cool sunglasses, dude. 嘿,哥们,墨镜很酷啊
  Yeah, super cool. 是的,超酷
  He looks like my uncle. 他看起来像我叔
  Can we draw on your cast? 我们能在你石膏上画东西吗
  Uh, sure! 当然可以
  Yes, you can draw whatever you want. 你们随便画什么都行
  Really? Well, no butts 19. 真的吗?但是,不能画屁股
  Okay butts. 好吧,屁股也行
  I call the black marker! 我要黑色马克笔
  Table for two, please. 两人桌,谢谢
  May I suggest instead of ordering 我建议你们不要
  from the menu at your table, 从你们桌上的菜单点菜
  you call in an order and then just eat it here? 你们可以打电话叫个餐,然后在这里吃
  you call in an order and then just eat it here? 你们可以打电话叫个餐,然后在这里吃
  That way, you don't have to pay a tip. 这样的话,你们就不用给小费了
  It's all part of our new service 这都是我们新服务的一部分
  Cattleman's To-Go To Stay. 牧场主的,外卖后现吃,服务
  Saving money! 省钱啊
  I like the sound of that. 我喜欢这个名字
  Speed dial. Line one. 快打电话,线路一
  Cattleman's Ranch. 牧场主的牧场餐厅
  I'll have the hickory burger and some curly fries. 我要个山核桃汉堡还有炸薯圈
  Excellent choice. 明智的选择
  My wife would like the club sandwich 我老婆点个多层三明治
  I want to switch to the steak salad. 我想改成,牛排沙拉
  Hold on a second. 稍等
  What do you want, now? 你现在要什么
  I want a steak salad, no dressing 20. 我想要个牛排沙拉,不要沙拉酱
  You don't want the club sandwich anymore? 你现在不点多层三明治了吗
  You sure? 你确定
  'Cause I got them on the phone now. 因为我现在让别人在电话那等着呢
  She'd like the steak salad, no sauce. 她想要个牛排沙拉,不要酱
  No sauce. 不要酱
  Dear God. They're almost done. 天哪,他们就要画完了
  When did they learn to draw so fast? 他们什么时候学会画这么快了
  Dad, if we were stuck on an island, 老爸,如果我们困在一个荒岛上
  which one of us would you eat? 我们三个里面你会吃掉谁
  Eddie. 埃迪
  Why wouldn't you pick me? I'm young, like veal 21. 为什么不选我啊,我这么嫩,就像小牛肉啊
  I thought you didn't want to get eaten. 我还以为你会不想被吃掉呢
  Not by you. 不想被你吃
  But Dad? I'd be honored if he ate me. 但是老爸他吃我是很荣幸的
  Well, I guess that's it. We're out of space. 好了,我想我们画完了,没有地方能继续画了
  Already? 这就画完了
  Dad, are you okay? You're sweating. 老爸,你还好吗,你在流汗唉
  Uh, yeah. 是啊
  It's just this cast. 因为打了石膏嘛
  It's itchy, probably got a rash. 有点痒,可能起疹子了
  Gross. 好恶心
  That order was called in over an hour ago. 这个单已经点了一个多小时了
  Nobody's come to pick it up yet? 还没人来拿吗
  Guess not. 应该没有
  Why would somebody call in an order 为什么会有人打电话点单
  and then not pick it up? 但是又不来拿
  I don't know. 我不清楚
  a lot of forgetful people out there. 很多人都很健忘啊
  Right. Forgetful. 对,健忘
  Calling in fake orders? 点了又不要
  Making us waste food and lose money. 搞得我们浪费食物又亏钱
  Cattleman's Ranch To-Go. 牧场主的牧场外卖
  Yes, hello. 是的,你好
  I'd like to place an order for a To-Go To Stay. 我想点个外卖去你们店里吃
  Oh, you would, would you? 哦,你会来,是么
  It's for my T-ball team. 是给我们网球队队员点的
  They're what you'd call "Big boys." 他们就是你们会用"大块头"形容的人
  Well, I've got my pen right here. 嗯,我拿着笔呢
  I'm ready when you are. 你准备好了就可以点了
  We'll take 20 double cheeseburgers... 我们要点20个奶酪汉堡
  Mm-hmm. 嗯哼
  15 hot dogs Yep.  15个热狗,好的
  15 chili 22 fries Yeah.  15个辣薯条,好
  and all the ice cream sundaes you got. Sounds good.  还有你们所有的冰淇淋圣代,听起来很棒嘛
  I know it's you, Mitch! 我知道是你,米奇
  "T-ball burgers." 网球汉堡
  Nice try, okay? Nice try. 装的真像,是吧,真有你的
  It's not me. I'm right here. 不是我啊,我就在这啊
  I think you just blew a huge order. 我觉得你刚刚搞砸了一个大单
  Louis, your staff is 路易斯,你的员工们真是
  Hey, honey. How was your day? 嘿,亲爱的,今天过得如何啊
  How was your drive home? 开车回家一切顺利吧
  Did they fill in that pothole 23 over on 5th Avenue? 他们把第五大道的大坑补好了没有啊
  I sure hope so. 我希望他们补好了
  What's going on? 你这是怎么了
  Nothing. I'm just happy. 没什么,我只是挺高兴的
  Hey, how's To-Go going? Is it taking off? 外卖搞得怎么样,没多少人点吧
  What happened to your cast? 你的石膏去哪了
  I let the boys cut it off. 我让孩子们把它切开了
  Who says I'm not a fun dad? 谁说我不是个有意思的老爸啊
  Can you put the blanket back? Wind is hurting my leg. 你能把毯子盖上吗,风吹我腿疼
  What is taking so long? 怎么要等这么久啊
  We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. 要是不是因为你,我们就不会到这来了
  You're still in shock from the pain 如果你觉得这是我的错的话
  if you think this is my fault. 那你就是痛的脑子都不够用了
  You forced me to spend hours alone with our kids. 是你逼我跟孩子们单独待了好几小时的
  That doesn't mean you let them cut off your cast. 那也不意味着你要让他们拆掉你的石膏啊
  I had to keep them entertained. 我必须得让他们高兴
  I did my Chris Farley, Grandma was watching a movie. 我都把克里斯·法力都搬到奶奶看的电影里去了
  It was the only choice. 只能让他们来捣鼓我的石膏了啊
  Where does this end, Louis? 路易斯,什么时候才是个头啊
  I'm gonna find the doctor. 我要去看医生好了没有
  Excuse me. How long until you can see my husband? 打扰了,你们要什么时候才能看我老公
  We're pretty backed up. 我们现在很忙
  I'm gonna guess a good six hours. Six hours? 估计6小时后吧,6个小时
  We don't normally take people 一般来说
  who let their children cut their cast off 我们不会帮因为怕小孩儿无聊
  because they were afraid of boring them 而让小孩儿拆掉石膏的人
  and move them to the top of the list. 插队的
  Well, he's at least ahead 好吧,他至少排在
  of that girl with the stomach thing, right? 那个胃病女孩前面对吧
  My stomach! 我的胃
  She's faking. 她在装病
  If you'll excuse me, 不好意思
  I have to get back to the 我得去看那些病情严重
  patients with serious, life-and-death problems. 有生命危险的病人了
  Where are the boys? 小崽子们呢
  They were looking bored, 他们看起来很无聊
  so I panicked and gave them $50 for the vending 24 machine. 这让我恐慌,所以给了他们50块去自动贩卖机买东西
  Listen, Louis. 听着,路易斯
  The doctor was talking about life and death, 医生刚才谈到了生与死
  and it made me think. 他的话让我想到
  We've never had the talk, 我们从来没谈论过这些事情
  if something were to happen to you. 如果你有什么不测
  Jessica, I'm only getting my leg re-cast. 杰西卡,我只是要重新打个石膏而已
  I know, I know, but it scared me. 我知道,我知道,但是我感到害怕
  Crazy things happen every day. 每天都有疯狂的事情发生
  One second, you're here, the next 上一秒你还在这儿,下一秒
  It could happen at any moment. 什么都可能发生
  I never really thought about it, but I guess that's true. 我从来没想过这些,但是我觉得你说的没错
  It's horrible to think about, 光是想想就让人感到害怕
  but God forbid you should leave us. 但是老天不准你离开我们
  My boys. My family. 我的孩子们,我的家庭
  And I would be left to manage on my own 然后我被留在这世上独自生活
  without the ability to fire anyone at the restaurant. 还不能炒餐厅员工鱿鱼
  What? 什么
  Is Is that what -No! No firings! 什,什么,不,不要炒他们鱿鱼
  Fine. 好
  Well, if you're not gonna let me fire them, 好吧,如果你不准我炒他们
  then you should. 那你就应该来炒他们
  Louis, they're lazy, insubordinate. 路易斯,他们又懒,又不听指挥
  They don't care about our business. 他们根本不关心我们的生意
  They're worse than goldfish, Louis. 他们连金鱼都不如,路易斯
  They're catfish 25. 他们只是鲶鱼
  They're the garbagemen of the lake. 他们只是湖里的垃圾工
  Wait. Where are you going? You can't leave me alone. 等等,你要去哪儿,你不能让我一个人在这儿
  Spend time with your kids. 你和你的孩子们呆一块儿吧
  The big boys. 大块头啊
  They're real. 他们真来了
  I broke another fork. 叉子又被我弄坏了
  New one coming up. 新的来了
  This pepper's out. 胡椒没了
  I'll refill it right away. 我马上装满
  Here you go. 给你
  Mitts 26! 手套
  Uh, no problem. I'll clean that up. 没关系,我马上清理
  Mitch. What's going on? 米奇,这是怎么回事
  The T-ball team who called in their to-go order 网球队本来打电话说要订外卖
  they showed up wanting their food, so we scrambled 27. 结果他们来店里说要在这儿吃,所以我们现在有点手忙脚乱
  You could've just told them I never wrote down their order. 你可以跟他们说我没有下单啊
  Yeah, but it's a huge order for the restaurant. 是,不过这对餐厅来说可是大单啊
  Plus, it's our job. 还有,这也是我们的职责所在
  I need you back out there, Mitch. 我需要你帮忙,米奇
  I'm drowning in cobs! 我都要被圆面包淹没了好吗
  Excuse me. Are you the coach? 不好意思,你是教练吗
  I guess. But, hell, they teach me a lot, too. 算是吧,但是他们也教了我很多
  I'm glad you're enjoying your food. 我很高兴看到你们正在享受美食
  As you can see, our staff worked really hard for you today, 正如你看见的,今天我们员工很努力地想要服务好你们
  so it'd be nice if you could leave them a tip. 所以如果你能给他们一些小费会很好
  No. We ordered To-Go To Stay so we wouldn't have to leave a tip. 不,我们订了外卖后现吃服务,所以我们不会给小费的
  I understand, but this is a huge party. 我明白,但是这是一个挺大的聚餐活动
  That's why we're undefeated. 这也解释了为什么我们在比赛中立于不败之地
  Speaking of which, we got to go. We got a game in 10 minutes. 说到比赛,我们得走了,十分钟后我们还有比赛
  Woof down those sundaes, and grab your bats, boys. 大口吃掉冰淇淋,拿上你们的帽子,伙子们
  So, they eat like this and then they go play? 所以,他们就这样吃完了,然后打球去了
  To be young, right? 年轻嘛,是吧
  Yeah, right. 是啊
  What's this?It's your tip. 这是什么?你们的小费
  But they didn't leave one. 但是他们没留小费啊
  It's on me. To-Go To Stay is done. 我给的,店里外卖后现吃活动到此结束
  Really? 真的吗
  Well, it was my mistake for not taking their order, 好吧,没有下单是我的错
  and I appreciate you stepping up and doing a good job. 我非常感谢你们帮忙并且做得很好
  You're not goldfish...or catfish. 你们不是金鱼,也不是鲶鱼
  Thank you. 谢谢你
  T-t-that's really nice of you to say. 听,听,听到你这样说真好
  You know, it is customary to tip at least 10%. 你知道的,小费最少给百分之十吧
  Don't push it. 别逼我
  Sorry we took so long. 不好意思买了那么久
  We cleaned out these vending machines, 我们把这里的自动贩卖机给买空了
  so we had to go up to the fourth floor. 所以我们必须上四楼
  This is actually the sixth floor, 这些实际上从六楼买的
  so we went down to the fourth floor. 所以我们下到四楼
  Congratulations. You win directions. 恭喜啊,你方向感棒呆了
  It's over. 到此结束吧
  What is? 什么
  This whole thing. I'm done. 我完了
  Your mother's gone. 你们的妈妈走了
  We're stuck here for another five hours. 我们还要在这儿等5个小时
  I have no cast to cut off, no impressions to do, 我没有石膏让你们拆,没有滑稽表演可做
  no coffee to get. 没有咖啡供应
  My leg's broken. I'm a real mess. 我的腿折了,我整个人的状态真的很糟糕
  I am not a fun dad. 我不是一个有趣的爸爸
  What? It's all an illusion. 什么?那些都是假象
  Every night, I come home, 每晚我回到家
  do two minutes of smoke and mirrors 两分钟的镜中迷雾骗局
  to make you think I'm funny and cool and interesting, 让你们感觉我好像很搞笑很酷很有趣
  but the truth is, I'm not. 但是事实是,我并不有趣
  Okay. Okay? 好吧,好吧
  Yeah. We're cool with just chilling out. 是啊,我们其实对你的表演也不是很感兴趣
  I mean, we love your energy, 我的意思是,我们爱你的正能量
  but we don't have to do it every night. 但是我们没必要每晚都来一遍
  Honestly, sometimes it's a bit much. 说实话,有时候有点过了
  My tight-two? You love my tight-two. 我的欢乐两分钟,可是你们都超爱啊
  Sometimes it could be a tight-one. 有时候只有一分钟
  So we can just...sit here? 所以我们可以就,这样坐着
  Yeah. Fine with us. 对啊,我们觉得挺好的
  And you're not gonna get bored? 你们不会觉得无聊
  You don't need me to entertain you? 不需要我来逗你们
  No. You're our dad. 不需要,你是我们的爸爸
  We just like it when you're around. 只要你在身边我们就很开心
  I'd let you guys eat me. 我会让你们吃了我
  Thanks, dude. 谢了,哥们
  Guys, your mom would immediately cook and eat us all. 伙计们,你们妈妈会马上把我们煮来吃了的
  Yeah. Yeah.  是啊,是啊
  So happy to have this thing off again 好开心终于又拆了
  Yep. 是的
  Despite the initial set back 尽管一开始有些耽搁
  The X-rays show that leg healed nicely 但X光显示腿恢复地很好
  Everything looks great, as you can see 正如你所见,一切都很棒
  You call this fixed 28? 你管这个样子叫恢复了
  Why is this all wither 29? 为什么腿毛都掉了
  The muscle man's eventually rebuilt! 肌肉男形象重塑
  I had a man's leg! This is a baby leg! 我本来有的是男人的腿,这根本就是婴儿腿嘛
  I don't want a baby's leg. Where is my leg? 我不想要婴儿腿,我的腿去哪儿了啊
  Doesn't smell like a baby leg 闻起来可不是婴儿腿啊

1 ranch
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
2 pickup
  • I would love to trade this car for a pickup truck.我愿意用这辆汽车换一辆小型轻便卡车。||The luck guy is a choice pickup for the girls.那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想勾搭上的人。
3 rib
  • He broke a rib when he fell off his horse.他从马上摔下来折断了一根肋骨。
  • He has broken a rib and the doctor has strapped it up.他断了一根肋骨,医生已包扎好了。
4 mashed
  • two scoops of mashed potato 两勺土豆泥
  • Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please. 请给我盛一勺土豆泥。
5 deserted
  • The deserted village was filled with a deathly silence.这个荒废的村庄死一般的寂静。
  • The enemy chieftain was opposed and deserted by his followers.敌人头目众叛亲离。
6 inter
  • They interred their dear comrade in the arms.他们埋葬了他们亲爱的战友。
  • The man who died in that accident has been interred.在那次事故中死的那个人已经被埋葬了。
7 continental
  • A continental climate is different from an insular one.大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。
  • The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.大陆地壳最古老的部分有40亿年历史。
8 flakes
小薄片( flake的名词复数 ); (尤指)碎片; 雪花; 古怪的人
  • It's snowing in great flakes. 天下着鹅毛大雪。
  • It is snowing in great flakes. 正值大雪纷飞。
9 inspections
n.检查( inspection的名词复数 );检验;视察;检阅
  • Regular inspections are carried out at the prison. 经常有人来视察这座监狱。
  • Government inspections ensure a high degree of uniformity in the standard of service. 政府检查确保了在服务标准方面的高度一致。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 layoffs
临时解雇( layoff的名词复数 ); 停工,停止活动
  • Textile companies announced 2000 fresh layoffs last week. 各纺织公司上周宣布再次裁员两千人。
  • Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs. 当公司突然宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌
11 corporate
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
12 shuffling
  • A tornado whirled into the town last week.龙卷风上周袭击了这座城市。
  • The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.正在逼近的龙卷风使我们惊恐万分。
13 tickle
  • Wilson was feeling restless. There was a tickle in his throat.威尔逊只觉得心神不定。嗓子眼里有些发痒。
  • I am tickle pink at the news.听到这消息我高兴得要命。
14 buffer
  • A little money can be a useful buffer in time of need.在急需时,很少一点钱就能解燃眉之急。
  • Romantic love will buffer you against life's hardships.浪漫的爱会减轻生活的艰辛。
15 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
16 flailing
v.鞭打( flail的现在分词 );用连枷脱粒;(臂或腿)无法控制地乱动;扫雷坦克
  • He became moody and unreasonable, flailing out at Katherine at the slightest excuse. 他变得喜怒无常、不可理喻,为点鸡毛蒜皮的小事就殴打凯瑟琳。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His arms were flailing in all directions. 他的手臂胡乱挥舞着。 来自辞典例句
17 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
18 butts
笑柄( butt的名词复数 ); (武器或工具的)粗大的一端; 屁股; 烟蒂
  • The Nazis worked them over with gun butts. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。
  • The house butts to a cemetery. 这所房子和墓地相连。
19 dressing
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
20 veal
  • She sauteed veal and peppers,preparing a mixed salad while the pan simmered.她先做的一道菜是青椒煎小牛肉,趁着锅还在火上偎着的机会,又做了一道拼盘。
  • Marinate the veal in white wine for two hours.把小牛肉用白葡萄酒浸泡两小时。
21 chili
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
22 pothole
  • As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward.车子飞驶过一个坑洼时,她身子猛地向前一倾。
  • The young teacher knows every pothole in the 10-minute ride to school.这位年轻的老师熟悉这条往学校的10分钟路上的每一个坑洞。
23 vending
v.出售(尤指土地等财产)( vend的现在分词 );(尤指在公共场所)贩卖;发表(意见,言论);声明
  • Why Are You Banging on the Vending Machine? 你为什么敲打这台自动售货机? 来自朗文快捷英语教程 2
  • Coca-Cola had to adapt almost 300,000 vending machines to accept the new coins. 可口可乐公司必须使将近三十万台自动贩卖机接受新货币。 来自超越目标英语 第5册
24 catfish
  • Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand.用手剥去巨鲇的皮并剖洗干净。
  • We gigged for catfish off the pier.我们在码头以鱼叉叉鲶鱼。
25 mitts
n.露指手套,棒球手套,拳击手套( mitt的名词复数 )
  • I'd love to get my mitts on one of those. 我很想得到一个那样的东西。
  • Those are my cigarettes; get your mitts off them. 那是我的香烟,别动它。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
26 scrambled
v.快速爬行( scramble的过去式和过去分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞
  • Each scrambled for the football at the football ground. 足球场上你争我夺。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • He scrambled awkwardly to his feet. 他笨拙地爬起身来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
27 fixed
  • Have you two fixed on a date for the wedding yet?你们俩选定婚期了吗?
  • Once the aim is fixed,we should not change it arbitrarily.目标一旦确定,我们就不应该随意改变。
28 wither
  • She grows as a flower does-she will wither without sun.她象鲜花一样成长--没有太阳就会凋谢。
  • In autumn the leaves wither and fall off the trees.秋天,树叶枯萎并从树上落下来。
标签: 初来乍到
adenosis of breast
adherend failure
air circuit resistance
air impermeability test
all my life
alternate reality game
anacara (greece)
arcuated construction
assignee in bankruptcy
Biafra, B.of
Cadibarrawirracanna, L.
carrier's lien
cephalocaudal axis
consolidated profit and loss
creep stress
dimension lone
educational awareness
efficiency of borehole
ethanoyl radical
excision of ear
free radical lifetime
generative rule
genus Batrachoseps
george orson welless
go the whole coon
hand horse clipper
hoist over-wind device
horizontal oscillator tube
incrementation by one
joining variable
jurisdictional sea
Li T'ieh-kuai
life float
liquid phase high pressure chemistry
made preparations
median band
mixture specifications
neurofibrae efferentes
niotha semisulcata
non-destructive test by rebound hammer
oligotrophic region
oxalate protective film
particular average adjustment
percentage modulation
phosphoenoloxaloacetic acid
point geometry
post fermentation
pretreatment of fiber
profit after tax
ram-type pump
regional markets
regulations speed
runaria taiwana
satellite earth antenna for household use
standard regional route transmitting frequencies (rut)
starch gel electrophoresis
subject classification table
tear shell
television frame frequency
terebra affinis
to play a joke
up and down rod
verge to
Wanner's pyrometer
workload characterization
zeroth moment