舌尖上的中国第1季 第84期:五味的调和(6)
时间:2018-12-28 作者:英语课 分类:舌尖上的中国第一季
舌尖上的中国第1季 第84期:五味的调和(6)
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- 1 舌尖上的中国第1季 第84期:五味的调和(6)
Apart from sweetness,Chinese people seem to also have a gift for appreciating bitterness. 中国人在品尝生活的甘甜之时似乎也很善于欣赏苦
The taste buds sensitive to bitterness lie at the base of the tongue. 人类感受苦味的味蕾在舌根部
Though hidden deep down, they are unusually sensitive. 虽然藏得够深,却异常敏感
Chinese people are good at using bitterness in cooking, not only because they can enjoy the nuanced layers of taste, 中国人善于吃"苦"是因为苦味的背后蕴含
but also because they utilize 1 a variety of condiments 2 that have bitter taste,such as tangerine 3 peel. 更加丰富的味觉感受这种味道不只在食材还存在于各种各样的调味品比如陈皮
Ever since his great-grandfather's generation,Chen Bozhong's family has been making dried tangerine peel for a living. 从曾祖父那一代起陈柏忠一家就做陈皮生意
In Xinhui, many local households rely on the business. 在新会像他这样靠陈皮谋生的人家很多
I cannot imagine living without dried tangerine peel. 不能离开陈皮
It's not just a means of living for us.It's the foundation of my family. 因为它就是我们这一条根,它不单单是一种我们的谋生工具
In October,tangerines turn yellow and give a fragrant 4 smell. 10月的果园茶枝柑由青转黄,气味芬芳
The famous Xinhui tangerine peel is made from these enticing 5 fruits. 味道甘醇的新会陈皮就出自这些饱满的果实
Here, after the harvest,the pulp 6 of the tangerine is discarded while the peel is kept. 刚刚采摘下来的茶枝柑只取新鲜的果皮,果肉则弃之不用
People wait for a dry, sunny day to turn the inner side of the peel out. 选择一个晴朗干燥的天气人们把果皮翻出橘白
Regardless of its storage time, the peel needs to be sun-dried once every year until the sugar, fat and moist have all come to perfection. 我们从新皮到五年之内的皮,我们每一年基本上都要晒一次,等它的水分、糖分、油分基本上挥发出去了性质比较稳定了我们就不用晒了
Storage time is a crucial factor in the pricing of dried tangerine peel. 储存年份的长短决定了陈皮的等级和价值
The longer the peel has been stored, the higher the price will get. 时间越久越昂贵
1 utilize
- The cook will utilize the leftover ham bone to make soup.厨师要用吃剩的猪腿骨做汤。
- You must utilize all available resources.你必须利用一切可以得到的资源。
2 condiments
- Refill and clean all salt and peppers, sugar bowls, and other condiments. 清洁并续满所有的胡椒瓶、盐瓶、糖缸及其他调料。
- Go easy on condiments, they tend to be salty. 别放太多调味品,这样往往会太咸。
3 tangerine
- Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please.请递给我一个最熟的橘子。
- These tangerine are transported here by air from Fuzhou.这些福橘是刚刚从福州空运过来的。
4 fragrant
- The Fragrant Hills are exceptionally beautiful in late autumn.深秋的香山格外美丽。
- The air was fragrant with lavender.空气中弥漫薰衣草香。