时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-紫罗兰

听电影学英语-紫罗兰 06 - 英语课
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  1. 1 听电影学英语-紫罗兰 06 英语课

  [00:01.01]但是…那她怎么样? But So how was she?

[00:03.17]我是说 她…她看上去开心吗? l mean, is she is she She seem happy?

[00:07.35]不 不算很开心 No. Not reaIIy.

[00:09.52]我今天下午碰到安东了 I ran Into Anton thIs afternoon.

[00:11.61]他是 呃 阿缪斯的头儿 He’s, uh, head chef 1 over at Amuse 2.

[00:15.52]他跟我说那天晚上某个很特别的人 He toId me someone very speciaI paid a visit

[00:18.67]上你们那桌去了 to your tabIe the other night.

[00:20.63]哦 对 凯特和我遇到了布莱恩… Oh. Yeah, Kate and l ran into Brian

[00:22.63]记得吗 就是那次你没跟我们一起吃晚饭 You know, the night you didn’t want to have dinner with us.

[00:25.30]因为你忘记跟我说 但是… Because you forgot to teII me about it, but...

[00:27.47]一笔归一笔 好吗? that’s another argument for another time, right?

[00:30.17]那个爱尔兰打字员都说了些什么? So, What dId the Great IrIsh 3 scrIbe have to say for hImself?.

[00:35.61]哦 没怎么多说 Oh, weII, not reaIIy much of anything.

[00:37.88]凯特很快就把他吓走了 Kate scared him away pretty quickIy.

[00:39.92]噢 那你 就这么碰巧忘记告诉我了? Oh, and you, uh,just forgot to teII me about it?

[00:43.85]你知道 完全忘记了 Ah, you know. SIipped my mind.

[00:46.35]会发生这种事还真是新奇 嗯?  lnteresting how that happens, hmm?

[00:48.55]发生这种事? HoW What happens?

[00:49.73]你跟我刚吵完架 就遇到了你痛失的爱人? You and l get in a filght, and then you run into your IongIost Iove?

[00:52.36]怎么会 就是巧合?      没错  What,just a coincidence?         Yes.

[00:55.03]就是巧合 而且他也不是我痛失的爱人 lt was just a coincidence. And he’s not my IongIost Iove.

[00:58.43]你告诉他你结婚了吗?      呃 还没聊到  Did you teII him you were married?         Um, It dIdn’t come up.

[01:02.20]噢 那真的很有趣 Oh. That’s funny too.

[01:04.51]你知道 我…我肯定他看到我的戒指了  You know, l’m l’m sure he saw my ring.

[01:06.11]哦 也许吧 Oh, probabIy did.

[01:08.38]那么 你们两个聊了什么呢? So, what’d you two taIk about, hmm?

[01:10.41]书 写作 你最喜欢的作者还是诸如此类的事? Books and writing and your favorite authors and aII that shite?

[01:12.95]你是不是想暗示我做错了什么? Are you trying to impIy that l did something wrong?

[01:16.38]不不 我只是随便问问 No. No, l’m mereIy making an observation 4.

[01:19.39]不 事实上你这是在斥责 No, you know, ’cause you You’re making an accusation 5.

[01:22.96]他向你要电话号码了吗? Did he ask for your phone number?

[01:25.89]没有 因为他只是来打个招呼的 No, ’cause he just stopped by to say heIIo.

[01:28.33]你从什么时候开始这么爱吃醋了? And since when are you so jeaIous?

  [01:30.33]如果他要了 你会给他吗? Ifhe dId, Would you have GIven It to hIm?

[01:32.70]你到底想干嘛 奇斯? 这是干嘛? You know, what the fuck are you doing, Chazz? What is this?

[01:36.00]因为我…我不明白了 ’Cause l don’t l don’t get it.

[01:37.92]我不是那个在外面鬼混到很晚回家的人 You know, l am not the one who stays out Iater than usuaI.

[01:40.21]也不是那个老是取消计划的人 l am not the one who canceIs pIans.

[01:42.71]也不是那个会把完美的约会日 l am not the one who thinks that a perfect date night

[01:46.30]毁在5个小时的蜘蛛侠身上的人 is filve hours of SpIderMan.

[01:48.28]少来 蜘蛛侠1和2很好看的 Oi, come on. SpIderMan 1 and 2 are great filIms.

[01:52.15]没错 如果你还是12岁的话 Yeah, if you’re 1 2.

[01:54.66]你干嘛这么不安? What are you GettIn’ so upset about, all rIGht?

[01:57.76]听着 是你那天晚上出去的 Listen. You went out the other night.

[02:00.06]你还遇到你的前男友 你却忘了告诉我 You ran into your ex. You forgot to teII me,

[02:02.48]我想知道为什么 and l wanna know why.

[02:03.77]而且我也有权知道  And l have every fuckin’ right to know.

[02:04.99]因为我完全忘记了 Because it sIipped my mind!

[02:07.44]好吧 不算个好理由 帕蒂 AII right, not good enough, Pat 6.

[02:13.91]你还有什么是完全忘记了的? What eIse sIipped your fuckin’ mind?

[02:16.44]我忘了告诉你我真的他妈的受不了你了 l forgot to teII you that l fucking can’t stand you.

[02:29.36]*扪心自问才发现* Lookin’ for a heart to break the news to

[02:35.03]*一切都已太迟了* That it’s much too Iate

[02:37.00]我们能走了吗? 我想走了 我看够了 Can we pIease get out of here? l need to go. l’ve seen enough.

[02:40.30]你说什么呢? 我们来这儿都是为了你不是吗?  What are you taIkin’ about? We’re here for you, aren’t we?

[02:42.61]那我已经看到想看的了 And l’ve seen aII l need to see.

[02:44.51]我们公司绝对不可能会签这种三流歌手的 There’s no way these jackoffs are gonna get signed by my IabeI.

[02:48.44]*别让它随风而逝* Don’t bIow it

[02:52.11]我得跟你说 伯尼 我挺喜欢他们的 l’II teII you, Bernie. l Iike this guy a Iot.

[02:54.22]他唱高音的感觉颇有点史帝芬派瑞的味道 He’s got a bit of the Steve Perry thing goin’ with those high notes.

[02:57.09]再听一下嘛 也让墨菲多了解一下   GIve these Guys another lIsten. Murph mIGht be onto somethInG.

[02:59.55]大错特错了 大叔 Wrong demographic, grandpa.

[03:02.56]我受够了! l’m done!

[03:10.80]好了 听好了 我有个天大的消息 AII right. Listen up. l got huge news.

[03:13.17]你终于决定要刮腋毛了? You’re filnaIIy gonna shave those armpits?

[03:15.84]我的女性特征碍着你了吗?  Does my naturaI femininity 7 bother you?

[03:17.98]不不 完全没有 No. No, not at all.

  [03:18.71]只是当我吃东西或是呼吸或是喝酒的时候 Just when l’m eating or breathing or drinking.

[03:21.21]真的啦 真的很恶心 你就稍微弄一下嘛  Come on. lt’s disgusting 8. Just take care of that.

[03:23.55]你怎么还在这儿? Why are you stIll here?

[03:24.88]我知道了 那是因为你总是无处不在 l know. lt’s because you’re alWays here.

[03:27.88]因为我们从来都跟你混一块儿 但你猜怎么着?  Because we never go anywhere without you. But guess what, funnyman?

[03:31.42]这些即将要改变了 That’s aII about to change.

[03:34.16]你终于决定要和这家伙分手 So you’re filnaIIy gonna break up

[03:36.05]跟个叫墨菲的人好了? with this guy and come over to the Murph?

[03:37.26]只要你开口 我这个墨菲随时候命 Give me the word. l’II throw you a Murph anytime you want.

[03:39.76]哈! 不是啦 我们要搬去西雅图 Ugh! No. We’re moving to SeattIe.

[03:42.80]我找到工作了! l got the job!

[03:44.80]我…我什么? 西…什么?      对呀  l’m l’m what? SeWhat?         Yeah.

[03:46.80]什么工作? What job?

[03:48.94]什么? 什…别弄得自己好像是第一次听到这个 What? Wha Don’t act Iike this is the filrst you’re hearing of this.

[03:52.11]我几个月前就告诉过你了 他们… l toId you months ago. They’re

[03:54.61]他们就像是最棒的新生唱片公司 They’re, Iike,just the cooIest indie IabeI...

[03:57.71]而他们请我去当西海岸A&R分部的头儿 and they want me to head their West Coast A & R offilce.

[04:01.65]懂了吗? 我说今天晚上那些人很烂是有原因的 See? There’s a reason l knew that guy sucked 9 tonight.

[04:04.39]而你们这两个中年土包子还觉得他们好呢  And you two middIeaged dorks thought he was cooI

[04:06.72]33不能…不能算进中年之列 Thirtythree is hardIy hardIy middIeaged.

[04:09.52]不能      嘿 打断一下 回正题  HardIy.         Hey, l’m sorry, rewind.

[04:12.36]呃 这份工作在西雅图? Uh, this job is in SeattIe?

[04:14.36]对啊      是在华盛顿的那个西雅图  Yeah.         Same SeattIe that’s in Washington 10.

[04:16.80]那个在另一边的华盛顿吗?      对啊 没错  Same Washington that’s on the other side of the country?         Yeah. Yes.

[04:19.77]对的 你一定会喜欢的 Yes. You’re gonna Iove it.

[04:20.80]那里很美的 到处是自然风光 lt’s so beautifuI. Tons of nature.

[04:23.54]对 而且也是美国北部自杀率最高的城市 Yeah, it’s aIso got the highest suicide 11 rate in North America

[04:26.74]甚至要比纽约还高 那儿老有孩子跳河 Even more than lthaca, New York, where the kids aIways jump off the bridge.

[04:29.91]都是常春藤的孩子们 他们…  lvy League kids. They’re

[04:31.30]对 我也有听说 You know, l heard that.

  [04:32.05]不是这样的      不 我…我也有听说的  lt does not.         No, l l heard that too.

[04:33.92]你乱说      不 是真的 我听说过  You just make shit up.         No, it’s true. l heard that.

[04:36.95]那是 呃…那是因为那儿每天都下雨 lt’s, uh lt’s because it rains every day.

[04:39.39]每天都下雨 难得不下雨就会起雾  Every day it’s rainy. When it’s not rainy, it’s foggy.

[04:41.36]没有 不是的 那里… No, it is not. This is such

[04:43.19]这不是真的 那里不下雨 那里… That is not true. lt does not rain. lt

[04:45.36]那里是下点雨 但不是每天下的 lt rains a IittIe, but not every day,

[04:46.92]而且…你干嘛在意这个? and it What do you care?

[04:48.46]总是这样 我都把你拖不出公寓 Anyway, l can’t even get you to Ieave the apartment.

[04:50.67]中央公园你都不去 You never even go to CentraI Park.

[04:52.17]你瞎说什么? 我很喜欢户外的 What are you taIking about? l Iove the outdoors.

[04:54.50]我不去中央公园 l just don’t go to CentraI Park

[04:55.61]是因为我受不了那些溜冰的孩子 ’cause it upsets me to see grown men on RoIIerbIades.

[04:58.11]为什么这些人老爱穿那么紧身短裤呢? And why do those guys aIways have to wear the tight 12 shorts?

[05:00.55]噢 我的天哪 Oh, my God.

1 chef
  • He started work as a trainee chef.他开始了见习厨师的工作。
  • No one can become a chef without practical experience.没有实际工作经验,谁也当不了厨师长。
2 amuse
  • Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.汤姆编故事逗他的小弟弟。
  • I often amuse myself with reading.我常以读书自乐。
3 Irish
  • He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。
  • The two volumes of collected Irish Stories are printed.两卷本的《爱尔兰故事集》已经印好了。
4 observation
n.观察, 观测, 观察资料(或报告)
  • The new breed is under observation.新品种正在观察中。
  • Did you keep him under observation?你对他进行监视了吗?
5 accusation
  • I was furious at his making such an accusation.我对他的这种责备非常气愤。
  • She knew that no one would believe her accusation.她知道没人会相信她的指控。
6 pat
  • Could you hear the pat?你能听到轻轻的拍击声吗?
  • He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 他轻拍了一下她的肩膀让她放心。
7 femininity
  • Femininity affected his feelings. He was the creature of an inborn desire. 女性这个因素影响了他的情感,他的性欲是天生的。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • Sensitive femininity was eclipsed by devoted purpose. 献身的决心使得敏感的女人气质黯然失色了。 来自辞典例句
8 disgusting
  • What a disgusting smell!多么讨厌的气味!
  • The mosquito is the disgusting thing.蚊子是讨厌的东西。
9 sucked
v.吸,吮( suck的过去式和过去分词 );舐,吮吸
  • In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult. 他年轻的时候一度过着嬉皮士式的生活。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water. 漩涡把水面上漂的东西都吸进去了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
10 Washington
  • His birthplace is Washington,but he lives in San Francisco.他出生于华盛顿,但住在旧金山。
  • They, together with my father,have gone to Washington.他们和我父亲一起去华盛顿了。
11 suicide
  • The number of suicide has increased.自杀案件的数量增加了。
  • The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills.该死亡事件被判定为服用安眠药自杀。
12 tight
  • Time is going to be tight,so you'd better hurry.时间很紧,你最好抓紧一点。
  • The box is so tight that I can't open it.这个盒子太紧,我打不开。
accounting machines
African Charter on Human and People's Rights
altitude erythrocytosis
at any instant
bottle fly
certified colours
contour character
convolution with FFT
cross somebody's path
diazo paper
discontinuous discharge
draw a bow
duotricemary notation
elatine triandra schkuhr.
energy weapons
generally speaking
genetic plasticity
Glyceria chinensis
goes deep
Hovenia Thunb.
inflammatory rheumatism
installed vacuum cleaner
internal stretcher
kinematic indeterminacy
Lens culinaris Medic.
lie heavy on someone's stomach
microscopic particle
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
one-dimensional search
oxidized sludge
paddle fan
parapet wall
pinnaspis uniloba
plastid DNA
plating system
power take-off angle
remote control electronic switching system
round symbol
salt containing strip solution
saprophytic bacteria
Scalia, Antonin
semi rotary pump
sentence connective
short circuited loop
source temperature
speedy advance
spring joint computer conference
steady state
strong grade
suck blood
symmetric system
temperature-hysteresis effect of standard cell
thermal loss
thermal springs
tomato blights
vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy
varnish stick
victoria nyanzas
wait and weight method
Water tries to find its level.
wave scroll