听电影学英语-字典情人 18
时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-字典情人
- 1 听电影学英语-字典情人 18
[00:01.72]可以放弃我的国家 我的语言
[00:01.88]than a country, or a language,
[00:02.76]or a history.
[00:23.80]我虽不能证明 但我知道你干了什么
[00:23.96]I can’t prove it, but I know what you’ve done.
[00:24.56]And I’m going to treat you as if you had done it!
[00:30.44]Have you anything to say?
[00:34.24]要不是为了赛希尔 我早把你关在那里了
[00:34.40]If it wasn’t for Cecil, I’d put you in there!
[00:34.76]You’re a bloody 1 disgrace!
[00:42.60]走吧 去干点有用的事
[00:42.76]Get out to the dam and do something useful!
[00:45.72]Go on.
[01:05.12]You won’t get any sense out of her.
[01:08.56]听着 你在长屋不受欢迎
[01:08.76]Listen, you’re not welcome at the Longhouse,
[01:09.64]and you’re certainly not welcome here.
[01:13.24]So Shipperly-- Neville--
[01:16.76]has very kindly 2 agreed to take you on as a sleeping dictionary.
[01:20.40]I presume you’d prefer that to a spell in prison.
[01:31.36]Off we go, then.
[01:49.04]It was wonderful at the school today.
[01:50.80]I tried teaching in Iban.
[01:51.04]And I thought I said cooking yams-- "patanta"
[01:56.08]but actually I said "matanta--" cooking your lover.
[02:00.92]他们笑啊 笑啊
[02:01.08]They laughed and laughed.
[02:05.08]现在 我必须告诉你
[02:05.24]And... now I’m going to have to tell you.
[02:15.08]I’m pregnant.
[02:16.44]Doctor Smith came from Miri today and...
[02:20.76]there’s no doubt about it.
[02:27.60]Your face.
[02:30.76]You look so happy.
[02:33.16]Well, of course I’m happy.
[02:41.00]I know I shouldn’t really say this...
[02:43.64]but I nearly gave up on us.
[02:47.44]可我没有 我现在好高兴
[02:47.60]But I didn’t. And I’m so glad.
[02:53.64]Shall we open that bottle of champagne 3?
[03:14.80]"水蛭" 呣?
[03:15.00]"Leeches." Hmmm?
[03:25.24]"Fucking jungle."
[03:30.60]"Fucking jungle...
[03:31.20]full of prick-teasing, little brown savages 4."
[03:40.12]她就要生了 像个骑兵似的诅咒着
[03:40.28]There she is, swearing like a trooper
[03:42.72]到处都是鲜血 半路出家的接生婆尖叫着
[03:42.88]blood everywhere, the cook-turned-midwife screaming,
[03:46.12]-"使劲,夫人,使劲" -亨利真是没用
[03:46.32]- "Push, lady, push!" - Henry completely useless.
[03:49.04]Shouting to nobody in particular:
[03:51.60]"Why didn’t we get her downriver before the monsoon 5?"
[03:54.04]就在这时 来了只云豹
[03:54.20]And then in walks this clouded leopard 6.
[03:58.44]It was attracted by the blood, you see.
[04:01.60]还好 不是很危险
[04:01.76]However, not really dangerous.
[04:03.04]He starts shooting anyway.
[04:05.40]子弹到处飞 就是打不着豹子
[04:05.60]Bullets flying everywhere, except anywhere near the leopard.
[04:07.04]-就在这乱糟糟的时候… -我就出生了
[04:07.20]- In the middle of all this uproar-- - Out I pop.
[04:10.32]是的 机灵鬼
[04:10.48]Yes, bright pink.
[04:15.40]那时 她的声音是屋里最大的
[04:15.56]And even then, she was the loudest thing in the room.
[04:17.72]她很让人高兴 不是吗?
[04:17.92]She was wonderful, wasn’t she?
[04:20.28]是很让我们高兴 开始5年是这样的
[04:20.44]It was wonderful for us, the first five years
[04:22.44]before we had to-- you know, send you home.
[04:25.00]Yes. She was wonderful, wasn’t she?
[04:27.84]是 她很好 不是吗?
[04:30.24]你喝了多少香槟了 父亲
[04:30.44]How many glasses of champagne have you had, Daddy?
[04:33.60]哦 别 如果一个男人不能庆祝…
[04:33.76]Oh, come on, if a man can’t celebrate...
[04:35.00]听着 我曾经为你们祈祷
[04:35.16]Listen, I prayed that this would happen for both of you.
[04:39.60]It’ll make all the difference.
[04:42.20]Look at him.
[04:45.08]He’s still in shock.
[04:56.56]带上孩子快走 我会赶上你的
[04:56.72]Get baby and go! I catch you up
- He got a bloody nose in the fight.他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
- He is a bloody fool.他是一个十足的笨蛋。
- Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.她的邻居都说她和蔼可亲、热情好客。
- A shadow passed over the kindly face of the old woman.一道阴影掠过老太太慈祥的面孔。
- There were two glasses of champagne on the tray.托盘里有两杯香槟酒。
- They sat there swilling champagne.他们坐在那里大喝香槟酒。
- There're some savages living in the forest. 森林里居住着一些野人。
- That's an island inhabited by savages. 那是一个野蛮人居住的岛屿。