时间:2018-11-29 作者:英语课 分类:全国公共英语等级考试四级


  [00:00.00]That is the end of Part B.

[00:06.32]Part C  You will hear three dialogues or monologues 1.

[00:15.52]Before listening to each one,

[00:19.80]you will have time to read the questions related to it.

[00:24.97]while listening, answer each question by choosing A,B,C or D.

[00:34.95]After listening,you will have time to check your answer.

[00:40.65]You will hear each piece once only.

[00:46.52](1)Questions 11--13

[00:51.80]are based on the following talk about Mark Twain,a well-known American writer.

[00:59.61]You now have 15 seconds to read questions 11--13.

[01:08.10]11.The speaker focuses on which aspect of Mark Twain's life?

[01:10.11]12.What job did Twain especially love?

[01:14.97]13.What connection does the speaker suggest

[01:20.14]between Twain's travels and his writings?

[01:24.74]Mark Twain,who wrote the story we are going to read,

[01:31.64]traveled quite a lot,often because circumstances,

[01:37.62]usually financial circumstances, forced him to.

[01:43.21]He was born in Florida,Missouri,in 1835,

[01:50.50]and moved to Hannibal,Missouri,with his family when he was about four years old.

[01:57.08]Most people think he was born in Hannibal,but that isn't true.

[02:03.27]After his father died when he was about 12,

[02:08.44]Twain worked in Hannibal for a while

[02:12.73]and then left so that he could earn more money.

[02:17.43]He worked for a while as a typesetter on various newspapers

[02:24.04]and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi.

[02:29.63]Twain loved this job and many of his books show it.

[02:35.53]The river job didn't last however,because of the outbreak of the Civil War.

[02:42.22]Twain was in the Confederate army for just two weeks,

[02:47.39]and then he and his whole company went west to get away from the war and the army.

[02:55.28]In Nevada and California,Twain prospected 2 for silver and gold without much luck,

[03:02.99]but did succeed as a writer.

[03:07.19]When that happened,Twain traveled around the country

[03:12.68]giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe.

[03:18.09]Twain didn't travel much the last 10 years of his life

[03:23.99]and he didn't publish much either.

[03:28.09]Somehow his travels, even when forced, inspired his writings.

[03:35.88]Like many other popular writers,

[03:40.08]Twain derived 3 much of the materials for his writing

[03:45.78]from the wealth and diversity of his own personal experiences.

[03:54.19]You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 11--13.

[04:04.24]11.The speaker focuses on which aspect of Mark Twain's life?

[04:06.54]A.his travels  B.his novels  C.his finances  D.his family

[04:09.03]12.What job did Twain especially love?

[04:13.44]A.typesetter  B.river pilot  C.soldier  D.prospector 4

[04:15.43]13.What connection does the speaker suggest

[04:17.41]between Twain's travels and his writings?

[04:19.40]A.His stories were inspired by his travels.

[04:18.40]B.His travels prevented him from writing.

[04:20.41]C.He traveled in order to relax from the pressure of writing.

[04:24.51]D.He traveled around in order to publicize his writings.

[04:28.58](2) Questions 14--16 are based on the following conversation about a walkathon.

[04:39.06]You now have 15 seconds to read questions 14--16.

[04:45.85]14.Who is going to participate in the walkathon?

[04:51.26]15.How is money raised in the walkathon?

[04:56.01]16.How much money has each of Joe's friends pledged to him?

[05:02.46]W:Hey Joe,what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?

[05:11.06]M:Don't you know? Most of the residents in Packer Hall

[05:16.83]are going to try to walk the seven miles

[05:21.82]from the Engineering Library across campus and down to City Hall

[05:28.51]in an effort to raise money for the new children's hospital.

[05:33.60]W:Sounds like a good idea.

[05:37.18]But I don't understand where the money comes from.

[05:41.47]M:Well,a few days before the walkathon,

[05:46.66]each participant goes around asking people to pledge just a certain amount of money

[05:53.77]for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event.

[05:59.67]Then,after the walkathon is over

[06:04.48]the participants go back to those same people,

[06:09.36]collect the money pledged,and send it in to the hospital,

[06:15.16]W:So you mean if someone pledges,say,

[06:19.97]a dollar a mile,and you walk five miles,you get five dollars.

[06:26.76]M:That's right.

[06:29.74]Of course,most of my friends aren't such big spenders.

[06:35.25]The biggest pledge I've got so far is twenty-five cents a mile.

[06:41.16]W:And how many people've made pledges for you?

[06:46.14]M:Eleven so far.Say,how about making it even a dozen?

[06:53.54]W:Sure,if you do the same for me.

[06:58.42]The walkathon sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sport shoes.

[07:08.92]You now have 30 seconds to check your answers to questions 14--16.

[07:17.13]14.Who is going to participate in the walkathon?

[07:19.11]A.hospital employees only.  B.City Hall officials

[07:21.07]C.engineering students only.  D.Packer Hall residents.

[07:23.42]15.How is money raised in the walkathon?

[07:25.41]A.by collections made at City Hall. B.by donations from the participants.

[07:27.99]C.by contributions based on the number of miles walked.

[07:30.19]D.by the allocation of funds from local hospitals.

[07:32.67]16.How much money has each of Joe's friends pledged to him?

[07:36.17]A.one dollar or more per mile.  B.twenty-five cents or less per mile.

[07:39.67]C.eleven dollars for the event.  D.five dollars for the event.

[07:42.78](3) Questions 17--20 are based on the following conversation about a new snack food.

[07:54.45]You now have 20 seconds to read questions 17--20

[08:02.03]17.What seems to surprise the man about the new product?

[08:05.11]18.What would be a good reason for buying the product?

[08:11.09]19.According to the woman,what is an advantage of the new product?

[08:16.79]20.When will the new product be available?

[08:21.10]W:I've been reading about a new snack food.It's made from fish.

[08:29.09]Have you heard anything about it?

[08:32.49]M:No,I haven't,but I don't like fish very much anyway.

[08:38.68]W:Not too worry.Although it's made primarily from fish,

[08:44.45]it actually doesn't have a fishy 5 taste.

[08:49.13]In fact,it can be flavored with tomato,cheese,or chocolate for instance.

[08:56.31]M:How can it not taste fishy?

[09:00.41]Do you know how this snack food is made?

[09:05.32]W:First the fish is minced 6 and cooked and fermented 7.

[09:12.22]Then water and starch 8 are added to make a dough 9.

[09:17.32]M:It sounds awful.

[09:21.10]W:Actually the dough is very bland 10 at that point,

[09:25.99]so the flavorings are added to give it some taste,

[09:31.00]M:Well,it still sounds a Little strange.

[09:36.20]But I suppose this product will at least be low calorie and high protein,

[09:42.78]like a health food.   W:Yes,you could call it that.

[09:47.90]And it has a long shelf life,so it won't spoil quickly.

[09:54.30]It is also easy to digest and can be made from types of fish

[10:00.99]that usually aren't eaten,or from high grade fish by-products.

[10:08.10]M:Mm,have you got any samples?

[10:12.80]I might be willing to try the cheese-flavored variety.

[10:18.10]W:No,none of it seems to be available yet.

[10:22.99]As I understand it,

[10:26.10]this fish snack food probably won't be in the stores for another couple of years.

[10:32.89]So you'll have a while to get used to the whole idea.

[10:38.09]M:A couple of years,ah?

[10:42.16]It may just take me that long,but thanks for telling me about it.

[10:50.55]You now have 40 seconds to check your answers to questions 17--20.

[10:59.53]17.What seems to surprise the man about the new product?

[11:01.62]A.its variety of colors.  B.its unusual texture 11.

[11:04.63]C.the way it is sold.    D.its main ingredient.

[11:06.72]18.What would be a good reason for buying the product?

[11:10.01]A.its low purchase price.  B.its wide availability.

[11:14.89]C.its good nutritional 12 value.  D.its higher water content.

[11:19.70]19.According to the woman,what is an advantage of the new product?

[11:21.79]A.Its bland flavoring is healthful.  B,It can be stored a long time.

[11:23.80]C.It goes well with fish dishes.

[11:27.40]D.A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.

[11:31.40]20.When will the new product be available?

[11:35.01]A.in a few weeks. B.in about two months.

[11:37.10]C.in about two years  D.in ten years.

[11:41.48]That is the end of Part C.

[11:47.07]You now have 5 seconds to check your answers from your test booklet

[11:55.88]to ANSWER SHEET 1.

[12:00.37]1.physical fitness routine  2.a challenge

[12:06.27]3.historical interest  4.six hours  5.the information table

[12:10.27]Part B  6.the long shot  7.the full shot

[12:12.57]8.as a visual stunt  9.in 1908  10.on a desert isle 13

[12:16.36]Part C 11--20:ABADC   BDCBC

[12:18.34]That is the end of Listening Comprehension.

[13:14.01]Exercises 5  Section I Listening Comprehension

[13:26.89]Part A  You will hear a conversation between friends.

[13:34.28]Listen and complete the sentences in questions 1 -- 5

[13:40.58]with the information you've heard.

[13:44.57]Write not more than 3 words in each numbered box.

[13:50.97]You will hear the recording 14 twice.

[13:55.57]You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.

[14:25.38]W:I saw a really interesting program on TV last night.

[14:33.68]It talked about the types of things that record companies have to be careful with

[14:40.58]when they come out with new CDs.

[14:44.58]M:What do you mean?

[14:47.76]W:Well,they have to be careful not to offend people--

[14:53.75]especially parents of young kids

[14:58.16]who might buy a CD that contained violent content or used strong language.

[15:05.95]M:How can that be avoided?

[15:09.26]W:Well,don't you remember when that woman

[15:14.36]--some senator's wife,I think--made a fuss over this issue?

[15:20.97]It's not really a law,but music companies are now encouraged

[15:26.84]to put a warning label on albums that describe violence or use strong language.

[15:34.34]M:I don't understand.

[15:37.42]Doesn't that reduce the musicians freedom of speech?

[15:42.83]W:Not really.Musicians still have a right to free speech,

[15:48.63]but the message on the label says, "Buyer,be careful:

[15:54.43]If you get upset by violence and ugly language,don't buy this album."

[16:01.43]You agree with that,don't you?

[16:05.24]M:I don't know.I still think the whole thing is funny and unreasonable 15.

[16:12.14]Musicians should have the right to say what they want to

[16:17.94]without having to have a warning label put on their music,

[16:23.14]I mean,who gets to decide what is considered offensive and what isn't.

[16:29.82]We don't need a sticker to tell us what to do!

[16:34.94]1.The record companies are warned to be careful when they produce( ).

[16:39.72]2.Music companies are encouraged to put on the album ( ).

[16:41.74]3.The man thinks this may reduce the musician's ( ).

[16:44.24]4.Parents may be upset with CDs which contain violence or ( ).

[16:49.23]5.The man thinks the whole thing is ( ).

[16:55.84]Now you will hear the recording again.

[17:00.44]W:I saw a really interesting program on TV last night.

[17:07.62]It talked about the types of things that record companies have to be careful with

[17:14.00]when they come out with new CDs.   M:What do you mean?

[17:19.77]W:Well,they have to be careful not to offend people--

[17:25.47]especially parents of young kids

[17:29.75]who might buy a CD that contained violent content or used strong language.

[17:37.53]M:How can that be avoided?

[17:40.83]W:Well,don't you remember when that woman

[17:45.74]--some senator's wife,I think--made a fuss over this issue?

[17:52.35]It's not really a law,but music companies are now encouraged

[17:58.22]to put a warning label on albums that describe violence or use strong language.

[18:05.51]M:I don't understand.

[18:08.91]Doesn't that reduce the musicians freedom of speech?

[18:14.42]W:Not really.Musicians still have a right to free speech,

[18:20.40]but the message on the label says,"Buyer,be careful:

[18:25.99]If you get upset by violence and ugly language,don't buy this album."

[18:32.89]You agree with that,don't you?

[18:36.99]M:I don't know.I still think the whole thing is funny and unreasonable.

[18:43.57]Musicians should have the right to say what they want to

[18:48.56]without having to have a warning label put on their music,

[18:54.15]I mean,who gets to decide what is considered offensive and what isn't.

[19:00.63]We don't need a sticker to tell us what to do!

[19:05.04]Questions 1-5 according to Part A

[19:07.03]1.The record companies are warned to be careful when they produce( ).

[19:11.03]2.Music companies are encouraged to put on the album (  ).

[19:14.50]3.The man thinks this may reduce the musician's (  ).

[19:16.49]4.Parents may be upset with CDs which contain violence or (  ).

[19:21.08]5.The man thinks the whole thing is (  ).

[19:25.99]That is the end of Part A.

1 monologues
n.(戏剧)长篇独白( monologue的名词复数 );滔滔不绝的讲话;独角戏
  • That film combines real testimonials with monologues read by actors. 电影中既有真人讲的真事,也有演员的独白。 来自互联网
  • Her monologues may help her make sense of her day. 她的独白可以帮助她让她一天的感觉。 来自互联网
2 prospected
  • The structural ceramics EDM processing is prospected and analysed with the mechanisms. 利用蚀除机理对加工过程进行了预测和分析。 来自互联网
  • At last future developments of micron op let in microfluidic are prospected. 论文展望了微液滴的发展前景。 来自互联网
3 derived
vi.起源;由来;衍生;导出v.得到( derive的过去式和过去分词 );(从…中)得到获得;源于;(从…中)提取
  • Many English words are derived from Latin and Greek. 英语很多词源出于拉丁文和希腊文。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father. 他对文学的爱好是受他父亲的影响。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 prospector
  • Although he failed as a prospector, he succeeded as a journalist.他作为采矿者遭遇失败,但作为记者大获成功。
  • The prospector staked his claim to the mine he discovered.那个勘探者立桩标出他所发现的矿区地以示归己所有。
5 fishy
adj. 值得怀疑的
  • It all sounds very fishy to me.所有这些在我听起来都很可疑。
  • There was definitely something fishy going on.肯定当时有可疑的事情在进行中。
6 minced
v.切碎( mince的过去式和过去分词 );剁碎;绞碎;用绞肉机绞(食物,尤指肉)
  • He minced over to serve us. 他迈着碎步过来招待我们。
  • A young fop minced up to George and introduced himself. 一个花花公子扭扭捏捏地走到乔治面前并作了自我介绍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 fermented
v.(使)发酵( ferment的过去式和过去分词 );(使)激动;骚动;骚扰
  • When wine is fermented, it gives off gas. 酒发酵时发出气泡。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • His speeches fermented trouble among the workers. 他的演讲在工人中引起骚动。 来自辞典例句
8 starch
  • Corn starch is used as a thickener in stews.玉米淀粉在炖煮菜肴中被用作增稠剂。
  • I think there's too much starch in their diet.我看是他们的饮食里淀粉太多了。
9 dough
  • She formed the dough into squares.她把生面团捏成四方块。
  • The baker is kneading dough.那位面包师在揉面。
10 bland
  • He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.他因胃病而吃清淡的食物。
  • This soup is too bland for me.这汤我喝起来偏淡。
11 texture
  • We could feel the smooth texture of silk.我们能感觉出丝绸的光滑质地。
  • Her skin has a fine texture.她的皮肤细腻。
12 nutritional
  • A diet lacking in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.缺乏营养价值的饮食不能维持人的健康。
  • The labels on food products give a lot of information about their nutritional content.食品上的标签提供很多关于营养成分的信息。
13 isle
  • He is from the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.他来自爱尔兰海的马恩岛。
  • The boat left for the paradise isle of Bali.小船驶向天堂一般的巴厘岛。
14 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
15 unreasonable
  • I know that they made the most unreasonable demands on you.我知道他们对你提出了最不合理的要求。
  • They spend an unreasonable amount of money on clothes.他们花在衣服上的钱太多了。
a blumpkin
anode sensitivity characteristic
antifriction ring
arteriae auricularis posterior
audio-lingual materials
Bacillus bovis morbificans
Belbo, Torrente
bipolar magnetic core output
block of ganglion stellatum
brongiartine (glaubrite)
business metric
cesium discharge tube
channel address field
chronic hepatic coma
cipher block chaining
CIV (containment isolating valve)
consular convention
coronary insufficiencies
cross lap
decade divider
deep-drawing material
density matrix theory
differential piston pump
double channel simplex (dcs)
feeding ratio
front corridor
gas withdrawal
genicanthus watanabei
geological conditions
habitat suitability index
hemalogenic icterus
horizontal pan-mixer
hydro-thermal system
illiberis yeni
lever of an electrode holder
Madaba, R.
marine engine
medical reference source
northern bog lemmings
numerical cosmology
planetary winds
program word
propagation of tea cuttings
ptolemy is
radar nautical mile
reference mean error
rotating metal microelectrode
rubbing out
secondary member
semi-open system
single stage axial compressor
space launching technology
special councillor
spermatophore sac
statistical hypothesis
Stellaria mainlingensis
Still's equation
subjective theory of value
surface blow-off
turntable slewing ring
wine industry
wooden bulkhead