时间:2018-12-17 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第四册


  |<1>revolutionary    |n.    |[C] sb. who supports and takes part in a revolution |革命者

  | |   | |Lenin was a revolutionary. |列宁是一个革命者。

  |    |          |a.  |1. relating to a political or social revolution |革命的

  | |   | |He suffered for his revolutionary principles. |他曾为自己的革命原则蒙受苦难。

  | |   | |I was very involved in revolutionary activity then. |我当时积极参加了革命活动。

  |    |          |    |2. completely new and different |革命性的;创新的

  | |   | |Revolutionary ideas are needed if education in this country is to be improved. |这个国家的教育要改进的话,需要有全新的教育理念。

  | |   | |At the time it was a revolutionary approach. |当时这还是一种革新的方法。

  |     |<2>mayor    |n.  |[C] the elected leader of a town or city |市长

  | |   | |For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit. |市长授予他一枚功勋奖章,表彰他的奉献精神。

  | |   | |The mayor was criticized for his indecisiveness. |市长的优柔寡断受到了批评。

  |@   |<3>colleague|n.   |[C] one of a group of people who work together |同事

  | |   | |A colleague urged him to see a doctor, but he refused. |他的一个同事劝他去看医生,可是他拒绝了。

  | |   | |Most of the other artists whose work is on display were his pupils or colleagues. |展出作品的其他艺术家大部分是他的学生或同事

  |@  |<4>launch    |vt.  |1. start sth. such as a plan, new career, project, etc. |发起;开始进行

  | |   | |The scheme was launched a year ago. |这方案是一年前开始的。

  | |   | |The new model will be launched in July. |这新的型号将在7月投放市场。

  |    |          |    |2. send a missile, spaceship, satellite, etc. into the air or into space |发射

  | |   | |They hoped to launch the first submarine within two years. |他们希望在两年内有首艘潜艇下水。

  | |   | |They launched two communications satellites in 2004. |他们在2004年发射了两颗通信卫星。

  |   |<5>ridiculous|a.  |silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at |荒谬的;可笑的;荒唐的

  | |   | |Do I look ridiculous in this hat? |我带这顶帽子看上去可笑吗?

  | |   | |Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay $500 for an umbrella! |别犯傻了!你不会付500美金买一把伞吧!

  |    |<6>misunderstand  |v.    |not understand correctly |误解,误会

  | |   | |So she had not misunderstood; she had not misheard. |这么说来她没有误解,她没有听错。

  | |   | |I told him I'd meet him here, but perhaps he misunderstood and went straight to the school. |我跟他说在这儿见他,可是也许他误解了,他直接去了学校。

  |    |<7> <em>misunderstanding</em> |n.   |[C, U] a failure to understand correctly |误解,误会

  | |   | |There may be communication difficulties or misunderstanding. |也许会有沟通方面的困难或误会。

  | |   | |This can lead to misunderstanding, mutual frustration, anger and perhaps quarrelling. |这会导致误解、彼此之间的失望、愤怒甚至争吵。

  |   |<8>ambassador  |n.  |1. [C] a representative for a particular sport, business, etc. |代表

  | |   | |Your CV is your ambassador, and must represent you well when you try to get a job. |你的简历就是你的代言人,在你求职时它必须能充分展示你自己。

  | |   | |A writer of international reputation is a sort of "ambassador of ideas". |享有国际声誉的作家是一种“思想使者”。

  |    |            |    |2. [C] a senior official who represents his or her own country in a foreign country |大使

  | |   | |The Ambassador replied that he realized that no statement could be made on this subject. |大使答复说他认识到在这个问题上无法作任何声明。

  | |   | |She's a former ambassador to the United States. |她是前驻美国大使。

  |@  |<9>election  |n.    |[C, U] the process of voting sb. for a position |选举

  | |   | |Local government elections will take place in May. |地方政府选举将在5月举行。

  | |   | |In America, presidential elections are held every four years. |在美国,总统选举每四年举行一次。

  |▲   |<10>activist   |n.  |[C] sb. who works hard to achieve social or political change, esp. as a member of an organization |积极分子;活动家

  | |   | |The Greenpeace activists protested against the commercial killing of the whales. |绿色和平组织成员抗议对鲸鱼进行商业捕杀。

  | |   | |He's been a trade union activist for many years. |他多年来一直是工会的积极分子。

  |    |<11>prayer   |n.   |[C] the words that sb. says when they are praying |祷文,祷词

  | |   | |He says his prayers every night before he goes to bed. |他每晚就寝前做祷告。

  |   |<12>veteran  |a.  |experienced and skilled in a particular activity |有经验的;老练的

  | |   | |The veteran actor has said he is ready to direct a film for the first time. |这位经验丰富的演员说过他已经准备好首次导演一部电影。

  |    |          |n.    |[C] sb. who has been in the army, esp. during a war |老兵

  | |   | |Some of the veterans were developing illnesses that couldn't be explained. |有些老兵得了原因不明的病。

  | |   | |A veteran should be entitled to special treatment because of his service in war. |老兵因在战时服过役应享有特殊待遇。

  |   |<13> <em>basics</em>|n.  |(pl.) the most important aspects or principles of sth. |基本知识;基础原理

  | |   | |I really must learn the basics of first aid. |我真的必须要学急救的基本知识。

  | |   | |I still haven't mastered the basics of English grammar. |我仍没掌握英语语法的基本知识。

  |    |<14>sack     |n.    |[C] a large bag |袋;包

  | |   | |The corn was stored in large sacks. |玉米存放在大布袋中。

  | |   | |There was a sack of potatoes in the corner of the barn. |在谷仓的角落里有一袋土豆。

  |    |          |vt.   |dismiss; ire |解雇;开除

  | |   | |The teacher was sacked because he could not meet the standards set by the college. |这个教师因不能达到学校的要求而被解雇了。

  | |   | |One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness. |一个工人因酗酒被解雇了。

  |    |<15>gram    |n.  |[C] (also gramme) |克

  | |   | |a hundred grams of bread a day |一天100克面

  |    |<16>loaf    |n.   |[C] bread shaped and baked in one piece |(条形)面包

  | |   | |Store the loaf in a tin and slice it when needed. |把面包储藏在一个罐子里,需要时再切成片。

  |@   |<17>sow      |vt.  |plant seeds in the ground |播(种)

  | |   | |Sow the seeds in pots. |把种子播种在花盆里。

  | |   | |When is the best time to sow? |什么时候是最佳播种时期?

  | |   | |We'll sow this field with wheat. |我们要在这块田里播种小麦。

  |   |<18>spy      |vi. |secretly gather information about the activities of another country or organization |从事间谍活动

  | |   | |He was charged with spying on the naval bases. |他被指控刺探海军基地情报。

  | |   | |He is paid by the police to spy on other students. |他受警察的雇佣,暗中监视其他的同学。

  |    |<19>colonial|a.  |relating to a country that controls and rules other countries |殖民的;殖民地的

  | |   | |The people on the Pacific islands have successfully fought against colonial rule. |太平洋岛屿上的人民成功地进行了反对殖民统治的斗争。

  | |   | |Various parts of Africa have suffered under colonial rule. |在殖民统治下非洲各个地方都遭受了痛苦。

  |@   |<20>jealous |a.    |1. wanting very much to protect or keep sth. |小心守护的;唯恐失去的

  | |   | |She is very jealous of her independence, and doesn't want to get married. |她很珍惜自己的独立,不想结婚。

  | |   | |He kept a jealous eye on his property. |他小心守护着自己的财产。

  |    |          |    |2. unhappy and angry because sb. else has sth. you want |妒忌的

  | |   | |Don't be jealous of my wealth. |别妒忌我的财富。

  | |   | |Her colleagues are jealous of her success. |她的同事们妒忌她的成功。

  |    |<21>assembly|n.   |1. [C] a group of people who are elected to make laws |议会;立法机构

  | |   | |the United Nations General Assembly |联合国大会

  | |   | |The National Assembly has met to discuss the crisis. |已经召开了国民议会来讨论这次危机。

  |    |          |    |2. [C, U] the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose |集会

  | |   | |That anti-government organization was denied the right of assembly. |那个反政府组织被剥夺了集会的权利。

  | |   | |There's a religious assembly every morning. |每天上午都有宗教聚会。

  |    |          |    |3. [U] the process of putting together the parts of sth. |装配,组装

  | |   | |The assembly of cars is often done by machines. |汽车的装配通常由机器来完成。

  | |   | |Assembly is the factory's most automated stage of production. |装配是该厂生产中自动化程度最高的阶段。

  |    |<22>substantial   |a.  |large in amount or degree |大量的;可观的

  | |   | |The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting. |他小说的第一稿需要作大量的重写。

  | |   | |The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women. |这些发现显示了男女之间意见的重要分歧。

  |    |<23>scandal  |n.   |[C, U] behavior or events that are considered to be immoral or shocking |丑闻

  | |   | |They tried to cover up the scandal. |他们试图掩盖这桩丑闻。

  | |   | |The newspaper exposed the scandal. |这家报刊披露了这一丑闻。

  |@   |<24>fierce    |a.   |done with a lot of energy and strong feelings, and sometimes violent |激烈的

  | |   | |There is fierce competition for those scholarships. |对这些奖学金的竞争十分激烈。

  | |   | |Those fierce animals lived in the forests many years ago. |这些猛兽许多年前生活在森林中。

  |    |<25>rally    |n.  |[C] a large public meeting |集会

  | |   | |5,000 people held a protest march and rally against sexual discrimination. 5,000 |人集会游行抗议性别歧视。

  | |   | |Rallies are being held across the country to celebrate the victory. |全国各地都在集会庆祝胜利。

  |@    |<26>illegal  |a.    |against the law; not allowed by law |不合法的,非法的

  | |   | |It is illegal to drive a car that is not taxed and insured. |驾驶没有上税、没有保过险的车是法律禁止的。

  | |   | |People are asked to stop the illegal sale of cigarettes to children under 16. |要求人们阻止向16岁以下的儿童非法销售香烟。

  |     |<27>riot     |n.    |[C] a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public gathering |暴乱;骚乱

  | |   | |A riot broke out at the stadium when the home team lost 5-0. |当主队以0比5输了时,体育馆内发生了骚乱。

  | |   | |The football match led to an uncontrolled riot. |这场足球赛导致了一场无法控制的骚乱。

  |     |<28>banner   |n.    |[C] a long piece of cloth with a sign on it |横幅;标语

  | |   | |The marchers' banners all said "We want work". |游行者的横幅上都写着“我们要工作”。

  |     |<29>fund     |vt.   |provide money for an event, activity or organization |为...提供资金;资助

  | |   | |The museum is privately funded. |这家博物馆是私人资助的。

  | |   | |A private construction group agreed to fund the construction of the airport. |一家私人建筑集团同意为建造这机场提供资金。

  |    |          |n.    |[C] a sum of money for a particular purpose |基金;专款

  | |   | |The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment. |这家医院已经为购买新设备设立了一个专项基金。

  | |   | |Contributions are being sought for the disaster fund. |正在为赈灾基金进行募捐。

  |     |<30>earnest  |a.    |serious or determined |认真的;坚决的

  | |   | |At school he was very earnest but he's more relaxed now. |过去在学校时他很严肃,不过现在随和多了。

  | |   | |They are earnest about their studies. |他们学习非常勤奋。

  |     |<31>dormitory |n.    |[C] (also dorm) a room or building containing many beds, esp. in a school or university |宿舍

  | |   | |a school dormitory |学校宿舍

  | |   | |In the first two years, they two shared a dorm. |最初两年他们俩同住一个宿舍。

  |     |<32>lemon    |n.    |[C, U] |柠檬

  | |   | |I paused before the two lemon trees to enjoy their perfume. |我在两棵柠檬树前停了下来,享受它们的香味。

  | |   | |He asked for a glass of fizzy lemon. |他要了一杯柠檬汁汽水。

  |     |<33>emperor  |n.    |[C] a male ruler of an empire |皇帝

  | |   | |In keeping with tradition, the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony. |为了保持传统,皇帝和皇后都没有出席典礼。

  | |   | |Opinions differ as to the role the emperor played playing in that decision. |至于皇帝在那个决定中起什么作用,意见是有分歧的。

  |@    |<34>refresh  |vt.    |give new energy and strength to sb. |使振作精神;使恢复活力

  | |   | |Having had a good sleep, he felt thoroughly refreshed. |他睡了个好觉,感到精神已完全恢复。

  | |   | |He refreshed himself with a cup of coffee. |他喝了一杯咖啡来提神。

  |     |<35> <em>refreshing</em> |a.    |1. pleasantly different from what is familiar or boring |令人耳目一新的

  | |   | |It makes a refreshing change to talk to a person who is happy. |与快乐的人交谈会给人耳目一新的感觉。

  |    |          |    |2. making sb. feel more lively when they have been feeling tired or hot |提神的;令人精神振作的

  | |   | |a refreshing breeze |令人凉爽的微风

  | |   | |The vigorous speech he made is refreshing. |他激情的演讲令人振奋。

  |     |<36>onion |n.    |[C] |洋葱

  | |   | |Fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened. |用油煎上大约4分钟,直到洋葱变软。

  | |   | |When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion. |油热了再加上切成片的洋葱。

  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

  ||<37>run for   |try to get elected to a public position |竞选

  | |   |He said he was not going to run for president this time. |他说他这次不打算竞选总统。

  | |   |Last May he announced he would run for the governor. |去年5月他宣布要竞选州长。

  ||<38>vote in   |elect sb. by voting |投票选出

  | |   |He was voted in as treasurer. |投票结果他当选财务主管。

  | |   |If he fails he would have little excuse in the eyes of those who voted him in. |如果他不成功,是无法向那些投票选他的人们解释的。

  ||<39>spy on/upon |watch secretly |监视

  | |   |Have you been spying on me? |你一直在监视我吗?

  | |   |He said that someone might be spying on the station. |他说可能有人对基地进行侦察。

  ||<40>shut out of |not allow sb. to do sth. or be involved in it |不允许做,使无法参与

  | |   |The other children treated him poorly, shutting him out of their games. |其他孩子待他不好, 不让他参与游戏。

  | |   |Civilians were shut out of the military base. |百姓不准许进入军事基地。

  ||<41>have/gain the upper hand|have the advantage or control over |占优势,占上风;控制

  | |   |The government was beginning to get the upper hand. |政府开始占上风了。

  | |   |It was easy to see who has the upper hand. |很容易看出谁占上风。

  | |   |Their team gained the upper hand from the very beginning of the match. |他们对从一开始比赛就占了上风。

  ||<42>make up |combine together to form sth. |构成,组成

  | |   |Girls make up 56% of the student population. |女生占学生人数的56%。

  | |   |One hundred years make up a century. |100年是一个世纪。

  ||<43>break up  |make people leave a place where they have been meeting or protesting, often by force |驱散,解散

  | |   |The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. |会议是11点钟散的。

  | |   |The police broke up the fighting crowd. |警察驱散了打架的人群。

  ||<44>tear down|remove or pull down sth. roughly |撕下,扯下

  | |   |They are going to tear down these old buildings. |他们打算拆掉这些旧房。

  | |   |He tore down the engine in order to repair it. |他把发动机拆开修理。

  ||<45>in/by contrast |used to emphasize that sth. is clearly different from sth. else |相比之下

  | |   |When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast. |如果你看到他们的系统,相形之下我们的系统就太过时了。

  | |   |He was friendly and talkative; she, by contrast, said nothing. |他很友好,也很健谈;而她什么也没说。

  ||<46>in earnest |seriously and sincerely |认真地

  | |   |The work on the house will begin in earnest on Monday. |建造那座房子的工作周一正式开始。

  | |   |You may laugh but I'm in deadly earnest. |你可以笑,但我绝对是认真的。

  ||<47>lay out  |1. spread sth. out |摆出,摆开

  | |   |She was busy laying the food out on the table. |她忙着把食品摆放在桌子上。

  | |   |He laid the map out on the table. |他在桌上把地图摊开。

  ||          |2. plan how sth. should look and arrange it in this way |安排;布置;设计

  | |   |The designer objected to the way his co-worker laid out his rooms. |设计师反对他的同事布置房间的方式。

  | |   |First we will lay out the look of the place, and then we will start buying materials. |先设计外表,再买材料。

  ||<48>watch over |guard; take care of sb. or sth. |照顾,看管

  | |   |The guards were hired to watch over the houses. |雇用那些卫兵是看管房子的。

  | |   |It was my duty to watch over the children. |照看那些孩子是我的职责。

  ||<49>deliver the goods  |do what one has promised to do |履行诺言

  | |   |We expected great things of the England team, but on the day they simply failed to deliver the goods. |我们对英国队寄予厚望,但那一天他们有负众望。

  | |   |As long as you deliver the goods, he will always trust you. |只要你履行诺言,他会永远信任你的。

  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

  ||<50>Agatha Muthoni Mbogo | |阿加莎·墨丹妮·姆波戈(人名)

  ||<51>Embu | |恩布(肯尼亚城市)

  ||<52>Kenya | |肯尼亚(东非国家)

  ||<53>Nairobi  | |内罗毕(肯尼亚首都)

  ||<54>Lydiah Kimani | |利迪亚·基曼尼(人名)

  ||<55>Kenyan | |肯尼亚人

acid-resistant thermotolerant ceramic brick
alpha particle model of nucleus
business managers
cable groove
carry input
chief valence
Circuit restoration.
cleaning tissue
competitive performance
cosine oscillation
dendritic silicon
effective ratio
Euler's numbers
exchange control regulations
execution error
feed screw nut
fine sandy loam
high resolution color graphic controller board
I Vow To Thee My Country
index point
inflectional asymptote
kick up a stink
laryngeal speech
leather handbag
led modulation
load forecast
magnetic bubble materials
motion for a new trial
ord-carver system of distributions
outpatient department
patent journal
Pauli exclusion principle
play up
pop psych
pronounces on
reactor lattice
remote control electronic switching system
run time debugging language
Saunders County
shake the dust off one's shoes
sol-gel technology
strainer gate
study center
take spells at something
take them out
the shirt off one's back
the Solvay process
tightened sampling inspection
trap flag
view surface
Web based