时间:2018-12-13 作者:英语课 分类:新标准初中英语第五册

新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 12 Summer in LA - 英语课
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  1. 1 新标准初中英语第五册--MODULE 12 Summer in LA 英语课


[00:00.00]MODULE 12 Summer in LA

[00:03.57]模块十二 洛杉矶的夏天

[00:07.13]Unit 1Your host 1 family ismeeting you atthe airport.

[00:09.61]第一单元 你们的接待家庭         在机场接你们

[00:12.09]Listening and vocabulary2 Listen and check youranswers to Activity 2 1.

[00:50.39]听力和词汇活动2 听录音,核对活动1      的回答。

[01:28.69]3 Listen and read.

[01:32.93]活动3 听一听,读一读。

[01:37.16]Lingling:Are you OK,Betty? Your hair looksnice! And you looksmart, Daming.


[01:45.56]Daming:My new trousers     are a bit 3 tight 4 ...Tony:Everyone iswatching us. The wholeclass is just behind us.

[01:50.29]Daming:我的新裤子有点儿       紧……Tony:大家都在看着我们。     全班同学都在我们     身后。

[01:55.03]Headteacher:Ladies andgentlemen, welcome toour school prize 6-giving.


[01:59.92]Our special guest 7 is thesinger with Crazy 8 Feet.

[02:01.98]我们的特邀嘉宾是Crazy Feet组合的歌手。

[02:04.04]The group is verypopular—everyone in myfamily is a huge 9 fan 10!


[02:10.64]Please give a warmwelcome to Becky Wang!(Applause)


[02:19.29]Becky Wang:I'm pleasedto present the prizestoday.

[02:20.91]Becky Wang:今天能来颁奖,        我感到非常高兴。

[02:22.54]As 5 a pupil, my time herewas very important 11 ...(Later)


[02:27.50]... so finally 12, the NewStandard team gets thespecial prize. You'reflying...to Los Angeles!(Cheers)


[02:41.66]Your travel 14 is free,youraccommodation is withAmerican families, andyour pocket 16 money is 100dollars each.

[02:46.19]你们的旅程是免费的,你们将 在美国人家里,并用每人有100美元的零花钱。

[02:50.72]Lingling and Daming aredoing an English course 17.


[02:54.48]It starts on August 1stand your host family ismeeting you at theairport.


[03:00.95]Tony:(whisper)What about    us? We speak English    already!Lingling:Shh!

[03:03.10]Tony:我们呢?我们已经会讲     英语了。Lingling:嘘!

[03:05.26]Becky Wang:And Betty andTony, the good news 13 is... you're coming towatch Crazy Feet recordits latest 18 CD 19.

[03:09.59]Becky Wang:贝蒂和托克,好消息是……你们将要来看Crazy Feet组合录制最新CD。

[03:13.93]We start work in thestudio on August 3rd.


[03:18.36]Tony:But I haven't gotanything to wear! And myjeans are too small. Mysunglasses are very old.

[03:21.92]Tony:可是我还没有衣服穿     呢?我的牛仔裤太小     了。我的太阳镜太旧     了。

[03:25.47]Betty:Don't be silly,Tony! It's a wonderfulprize!

[03:27.60]Betty:托尼,别傻了!      多棒的奖啊!

[03:29.72]Becky Wang:Thank youvery much. It's beenwonderful to be here.

[03:34.46]Becky Wang:非常感谢。(能来这里颁奖)我感到十分高兴。

[03:39.19]4 Complete 20 the table.

[03:42.37]活动4 完成表格。

[03:45.55]Now listen again andcheck.


[05:45.69]Pronunciation andspeaking


[05:51.03]7 Say the sentencesaloud. Make sure youpause between each sensegroup.

[05:54.51]活动7 大声朗读句子,并确保你在意义群之间做了停顿。

[05:57.99]Now listen and check.


[06:00.11]Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to our schoolprize-giving.


[06:05.52]Our special guest is thesinger with Crazy Feet.

[06:08.10]我们的特邀嘉宾是Crazy Feet组合的歌手。

[06:10.68]The group is verypopular—everyone in myfamily is a huge fan!Please give a warmwelcome to Becky Wang!


[06:20.69]Unit 2Learn English inLos Angeles.

[06:24.10]第二单元 在洛杉矶         学习英语

[06:27.50]Reading and vocabulary2 Read the passage 22 andchoose the best answer.

[06:31.10]阅读和词汇活动2 阅读文章,选择最佳      答案。

[06:34.71]The passage is a __.a) guide 23 to Los Angelesb) description 24 of an   English course

[06:39.81]c) newspaper article 25   about language 26   coursesd) description of life 28   in Los Angeles

[06:44.86]Learn English in LosAngelesWe provide 29 summer Eng-lish courses 27 which arethe best you can find.


[06:53.10]You will enjoy coming toLos Angeles to learnabout American cultureand improve 30 your Englishat the same time.


[07:02.00]The courses last forfour, six or eightweeks. They start at thebeginning of July andAugust.


[07:10.18]Our teachers arewell-trained and veryexperienced. They teachEnglish classes for fourhours a day.


[07:19.38]You can choose betweensmall groups of two orthree, or larger groupsof up to 15.


[07:27.31]We provide weekly 32 teststo see the progressyou're making with yourlanguage skills 34 ofreading,


[07:34.04]writing, speaking andlistening. We alsoprovide books and othermaterials.


[07:41.21]As well as learningEnglish, we want you toexperience life in theUSA.


[07:48.13]You live with anAmerican family, and youtake part 35 in Americanlife.


[07:53.59]You have meals 36 with anAmerican family and dosome activities 37 withthem, too.


[07:59.76]For many of our studentsthis is the mostinteresting part of thecourse.


[08:05.11]Many families createfriendships with thestudents which last along 39 time.


[08:11.43]Of course, if youprefer, we can arrangehotel accommodation 15.


[08:16.48]Of course, there aremany things to do in LosAngeles.


[08:20.83]Every day we haveactivities which takeplace after class.


[08:25.78]You can choose to taketrips to Hollywood,Disneyland or the famousbeaches around LA.


[08:33.56]You can also go tovarious shoppingcenters, sports centers,movies and concerts 40.


[08:40.69]There are also weekendvisits organized 41 to SanFrancisco and otherplaces of interest 38 inCalifornia.


[08:49.13]We try to give ourstudents the bestpossible experience 31 ofEnglish and life in theUSA.


[08:57.11]Just ask our students!They say our summerEnglish Courses arefantastic!


[09:03.89]We hope 42 that you'llenjoy a course with us,too.


[09:07.07]If you're interested,please fill 43 in ourapplication form 44 whereyou will also find ourlist of prices 45.


[09:14.40]The course must be paidfor one month before itbegins.


[09:18.69]Unit 3Language in use

[09:22.05]第三单元 语言运用

[09:25.41]Language practice7 Listen and answer  the questions.

[09:59.41]语言练习活动7 听录音,回答问题。

[10:33.42]8 Listen again and  complete the  advertisement.

[11:08.57]活动8 再听录音,      完成广告。

[11:43.72]WorkbookMODULE 12 Summer in LA

[11:50.88]Listening, pronunciationand speaking

[11:54.55]8 Listen to theconversation and check(√) the true 46 sentences 21.

[13:55.79]9 Listen and repeat 47.1 The teacher's verygood and the classes aremuch more interestingthan I expected 48.

[14:11.15]2 You should talk tostudents who aren'tChinese, then you wouldpractise your English.

[14:21.48]Reading and writing11 Read the passage andanswer the questions.

[14:33.40]Why do we learn English?Why is it important forLee to study English?After Chinese,

[14:42.41]the language that ismost spoken 49 in the worldis English.

[14:46.52]Experts say that300,000,000 people speakEnglish as a firstlanguage

[14:52.79]and another 500,000,000people speak it as aforeign language.

[14:57.22]English is used 50 byalmost a billion 51 peoplein the world and 83% ofthe world's emails arewritten in English.

[15:05.96]But people think that by2008 there will be moreemails in Chinese thanin English.

[15:12.82]Lee is studyingEnglish because he wantsto be a scientist 52,

[15:17.21]and he knows thatEnglish is theinternational languageof science.

[15:21.64]Most scientists 54 write inEnglish. Lee's father isa scientist and nextmonth,

[15:28.22]Lee's father is going 55 toan important scientificmeeting in Hong Kong.All the discussions 56 willbe in English.

[15:36.20]Lee's cousin Wei Lingwants to work for anairline when she leavesschool.

[15:42.19]She needs English forthis because English isthe international 53 langu-age used on airlines 57 andall pilots 58 speak English

[15:51.15]Wei Ling is going on anEnglish course thissummer to improve herEnglish.

[15:56.82]David Zhang lived inthe USA. That's why hehas an English name.

[16:02.75]His family came 59 back tolive in China last year,and David is at Lee'sschool.

[16:09.55]David speaks Englishperfectly, but hisChinese isn't very good.

[16:14.34]In the summer holidays,David and Lee areplanning to spend timetogether.

[16:19.40]Their plan 60 is this:OnMonday they speakEnglish, on Tuesday theyspeak Chinese, and soon.

[16:27.69]Their teacher says it isa very good plan.

[16:30.90]Words and expressionsModule 12



[16:41.81]vacation/v╓'kei╞n/n.假期head teacher/,hed'ti:╞╓/(中小学)校长





[16:56.43]weekly/'wi:kli/adj.每周一次的n.周刊progress 33/'pr╓ugres/n.进步

[16:59.33]make progress with在……进步friendship/'frend╞ip/n.友谊

[17:03.23]arrange/╓'reind╜/v.安排various/'ve╓ri╓s/adj.不同的organize/'╛:g╓,naiz/v.(BrE organise)组织

[17:08.62]fill in 填写application/,╗pli'kei╞n/n.申请rest/rest/pron.其余book/buk/v.预定/n.书

[17:14.18]check in 登记baggage/'b╗gid╜/n.行李straight/streit/adv.直接

1 host
  • Who will be the host for tonight's program?谁是今晚的节目主持人?
  • The host greeted us at the gate.主人在大门口迎接我们。
2 activity
  • Their activity came to a full stop.他们的活动完全停止了。
  • Do you like the activity?你喜欢这个活动吗?
3 bit
  • I'm just going out for a bit.我正打算出去一会儿。
  • When did you change the bit?什么时候换的钻头?
4 tight
  • Time is going to be tight,so you'd better hurry.时间很紧,你最好抓紧一点。
  • The box is so tight that I can't open it.这个盒子太紧,我打不开。
5 as
  • He got work in a hotel as a waiter.他在一家旅馆找到了当服务生的工作。
  • In the hotel,the old men were drinking away as usual.在旅馆里,这些老人和往常一样喝个不停。
6 prize
  • He won a prize for good behaviour at school.他因在校的表现好而获奖。
  • He hopes from his very heart that he will win a prize.他满心希望获奖。
7 guest
  • We must prepare a room for our guest.我们必须为客人预备一个房间。
  • He is an unwelcome guest.他是个不受欢迎的客人。
8 crazy
  • It is a crazy idea.那是一个疯狂的想法。
  • He is crazy about that girl.他迷上了那位女孩。
9 huge
  • He gave me a huge apple.他给了我一个大苹果。
  • His acting raised a huge laugh.他的表演引起一阵大笑。
10 fan
  • Are you a football fan?你是足球迷吗?
  • Jack is a baseball fan.杰克是个棒球迷。
11 important
  • It's important to find out what he is doing.弄清他在干什么是重要的。
  • This is a very important problem.这个问题很重要。
12 finally
  • We can finally take a rest.总算是可以休息了。
  • Finally,they won the game.结果他们打赢了。
13 news
  • No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。
  • I like reading hot news.我喜欢读热点新闻。
14 travel
  • We can now travel by air.现在我们可以坐飞机旅行。
  • Autumn is the best season for travel.秋天是旅行的最好季节。
15 accommodation
  • Many old people choose to live in sheltered accommodation.许多老年人选择到养老院居住。
  • Have you found accommodation?找到住处没有?
16 pocket
  • The letter has been in my pocket all the time.这封信一直揣在我口袋里。
  • I wish to change some pocket money.我希望换些零钱。
17 course
  • The college course was then cut to three years.大学学制那时缩短到三年。
  • Of course,I don't always sleep in the afternoons.当然,我并不总是在下午睡觉。
18 latest
  • This is the latest hiar-style.这是最新的发型。
  • Have you read her latest work?你读过她最近的作品吗?
19 CD
n.光盘(compact disc的缩写)
  • I have my CD player.我有CD机。
  • Can you tell me how much the CD player is?你能告诉我这激光唱机多少钱吗?
20 complete
  • They help him complete his work.他们帮助他完成工作。
  • Please complete the following information.请您完整填写以下信息。
21 sentences
n.[律]判决,宣判,课刑;句子( sentence的名词复数 );宣判,判决v.宣判,判决( sentence的第三人称单数 )
  • Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。
  • The example sentences in this dictionary are printed in italic type. 本词典中的例句都是用斜体排印的。
22 passage
  • I'll read you another passage.我来读另一段给你们听。
  • The house has an underground passage.这房子有一条地下通道。
23 guide
  • I guide him in his studies.我辅导他学习。
  • A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.经过训练的狗能担任盲人的向导。
24 description
  • Can you give me a description of the thief?你能给我描述一下那个窃贼的模样吗?
  • He gave a description of what he had seen.他描述了他所见到的一切。
25 article
  • The article is very important.这篇文章很重要。
  • Can you translate this article for me?你能替我翻译这篇文章吗?
26 language
  • Is English a hard language to learn?英语是一种难学的语言吗?
  • Language is a wonderful thing.语言是极好的东西。
27 courses
n.课程,路线;前进( course的名词复数 );进程;课程;方针
  • Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional. 某些课程是必修的,其他是选修的。
  • All main courses come with salad or vegetables. 所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。
28 life
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
  • At last he knew the meaning of life.终于,他知道了生命的意义。
29 provide
  • He had to provide for five children.他要供养五个孩子。
  • They would not provide any details.他们不愿提供任何细节。
30 improve
  • You need to improve your diet.你应该改善你的饮食。
  • I hope the weather will improve.我希望天气会变好。
31 experience
  • The best way to learn is to learn by experience. 学习的最佳办法就是从经验中学习。
  • He is a man of wide knowledge and experience.他见多识广。
32 Weekly
  • Are you paid weekly or monthly?你拿周薪还是月薪?
  • He writes a weekly letter to his parents.他每周给父母写一封信。
33 progress
  • Study well and make progress every day.好好学习,天天向上。
  • He is very pleased with the progress we are making.他对我们工作的进展很满意。
34 skills
技能( skill的名词复数 ); 熟练; 巧妙; 擅长
  • They were inducted into the skills of magic. 他们被传授魔术。
  • manipulative skills such as typing and knitting 诸如打字、编织这样的技能
35 part
  • This is the broken part.这就是损坏的部件。
  • Which part do you play?你演哪一个角色?
36 meals
n.餐( meal的名词复数 );进餐时间;一餐所吃的食物;谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉)
  • Try not to eat between meals. 两餐之间尽量别吃东西。
  • tasty and nutritious meals 既可口又有营养的饭菜
37 activities
n.活动( activity的名词复数 );活力;活动力
  • the enlargement of the company's overseas business activities 公司海外业务的扩展
  • Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage. 有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。
38 interest
  • She lost interest in him.她对他失去兴趣。
  • He developed an interest in science.他养成了对科学的兴趣。
39 along
  • Would you like to come along?你想一起去吗?
  • They walked slowly along the road.他们沿着公路慢慢走。
40 concerts
n.音乐会;演唱会;(音)协奏曲(concert的复数);合奏(曲);音乐会( concert的名词复数 )
  • He kept a scrapbook containing press cuttings of his concerts. 他有一本剪贴簿,面有他的一些音乐会的剪报。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I have no time for concerts, cinemas and suchlike. 我没有时间去欣赏音乐会,看电影以及诸如此类的消遣。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
41 organized
adj.有组织的,有条理的v.组织( organize的过去式)
  • I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis , until our usual cleaner returns. 我已安排了在清洁工回来之前每天的清洁工作。
  • an organized body of workers 一个有组织的工人团体
42 hope
  • We hope you can come.我们希望你能来。
  • Hope you'll enjoy yourself there.愿您度过愉快的一天。
43 fill
vt.填充,弥漫,供给,满足,供应;vi. 充满,装满;n.满足,装满,充分,填方
  • Fill the tank with water.把水槽灌满水。
  • Many people find it difficult to fill in a form.许多人发现表格填写困难。
44 form
  • It is an art form.它是一种艺术形式。
  • My garden is in the form of a square.我的花园是方形的。
45 prices
n.价格,价钱( price的名词复数 );代价;行市
  • Prices did not alter significantly during 2004. 2004年期间,价格没有大的变化。
  • The sudden rise in share prices has confounded economists. 股价的突然上涨使经济学家大惑不解。
46 true
  • He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。
  • I will come and see if it is true.我要来了解一下,是否真有其事。
47 repeat
  • There will be a repeat of this talk next week.下星期将重播这次讲话。
  • History will not repeat itself.历史不会重演。
48 expected
adj.(用作定语)预期要发生的,期待中的v.期望( expect的过去式和过去分词 );预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生
  • The company has a strict dress code—all male employees are expected to wear suits. 公司有严格的着装规定—所有男职员都要穿西服。
  • The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores. 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。
49 spoken
  • His spoken English is very good.他的英语口语非常好。
  • We'll hold a talk on how to improve our spoken English.我们将要举行一次关于如何提高我们的英语口语的会谈。
50 used
  • I used to work until nearly 6:00 o'clock each day.我过去常常工作到6:00左右。
  • He used to walk anywhere from two to five miles an hour.他过去经常一小时走二至五英里。
51 billion
  • A billion is a large number.十亿是个大数目。
  • They've spent nearly a billion dollars on it already.他们已经在那上面花了近10亿美元。
52 scientist
  • He is a black scientist.他是一位黑人科学家。
  • She has become a famous scientist.她成为著名科学家。
53 international
  • International trade helps all nations.国际贸易有助于所有的国家。
  • March 8 is the International Woman's Day.三月八日是国际妇女节。
54 scientists
n.科学家( scientist的名词复数 )
  • Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. 科学家已证实胆固醇含量与心脏病之间有关联。
  • Scientists disagree about how the universe was created. 科学家对宇宙是怎样形成的有分歧。
55 going
n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的
  • We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  • He hates leaving the office and going on holiday.他不愿离开办公室去度假。
56 discussions
n.讨论( discussion的名词复数 );商讨;详述;论述
  • Discussions are held on an informal basis within the department. 讨论限于在本部门内非正式地进行。
  • Her specialist input to the discussions has been very useful. 她在这些讨论中提供的专家建议很有助益。
57 airlines
航空公司( airline的名词复数 )
  • a comprehensive listing of all airlines 所有航线的综合目录
  • He often flies Northwest Airlines. 他经常乘坐西北航空公司的飞机。
58 pilots
n.飞行员( pilot的名词复数 );引航员;向导;[机械学]导向器(或轴)
  • The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired. 飞行员郑重表示他们一点也不累。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Precision instruments are used to help pilots in guiding their aircraft. 精密仪器用来帮助飞行员操作飞机。 来自《简明英汉词典》
59 came
  • I was surprised why he came here so early.他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。
  • The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
60 plan
  • What do you plan to do during the holidays?你打算在假期里做什么?
  • I talked with him about our plan,and he wanted in.我同他谈了我们的计划,他想参加。
asymmetrical anastigmat
board-mounted connector
body and soul
Carltor tube
colletotrichum indigoferae
complex radiation
days of examining and receiving
descriptive models
descurainia pinnatas
dimension of an affine variety
elevation servocontrol assembly
encephalitis virus
hand-made rug
hepar siccatum
hurt my arm
ice-breaking tug
Lamina granularis interna
let's roll
ligamenta sternocostale interarticulare
lightning hurlers
lingual diastematy
low-speed reclosure
manhattan (cocktail)
Meckel's ligaments
memorandum of payment
muskrat hair
nominal working hours
official seal
outline overall and installing dimensions
packaged heat pump
partially withdrawn control rod
pelargonium graveolens l'herit
plateau formation
PMP (probable maximum precipitation)
policy science of law
price bulletin
protammodytes brachistos
punching shear stress
quadrantic hemianopsia
reaction hot-pressing
rib meristem
saturated-steam phase
seasonal lag
set of zero points
Solms-Laubachia platycarpa
sound reception
stearrhea flavescens
stopper hole
strike migration test
television telescope
three phase wattmeter
travel(l)ing bag
triclinic holohedral macroprism
wakaura (wakanoura)
wandering abscess
water flooding response
welded side seam
zero reject