捷进英语 lesson 5
- 1 捷进英语 lesson 5
1.Good evening.Welcome back.
Were you on a city tour today? Hm.
2.Did you go to the Public Gardens? And to Charles Street?
Did you go to City Hall? And to ... Oh,it was a big day.
3.First,we went down to the river. Then we went to Paul Revere's house.
We were at Bunker Hill. And then we went to Cambridge and Harvard.
And then it was lunch,wasn't it? Hm.
4.You've been everywhere!
In the afternoon we went to the waterfront,across the South Shore.. Didi,
is there anywhere left to visit?
Sure. Tomorrow we go wherever we want.
Paulo,Where would you like to go next?
To my room,please. Just to my room!
Unit 5 Lesson 2 Star signs
1.George,what sign are you?
Virgo. September 19th,right? Yes.
I don't know what time.
1:53 a.m. I was born in the middle of the night.
2.You're nice and hard-working.
You get along with Capricorns.Like Nina.
Anne,how do you... January 7,19... Uh-uh. Prudent,raliable,artistic,...
3.What about me,Anne? You're dynamic,because you're a Leo.
And next August,You're "legal 1".
4.Huh? I'm 21 on August 4th.
Since when do you have these strange powers?
I have no strange powers. I have a photographic memory. So?
5.So,I was personnel 2 director 3 for three years. And Dean,I hired you.
Of course I know your birthdays! Ah!
Unit 5 Lesson 3 Baggage experts
1.Now,this one's very nice.
What's it made of?
It's made of leather.But leather is too heavy for me.
And it's too expensive.
2.How about this one? This isn't heavy.
This is plastic. It's lighter,but it's too light.
It can't take the battering 4.
And look.it's too small. Oh.
3.Now this.This is a new design.
It's a good size:
24 inches by 14 inches by 10 inches.
It's made of strong nylon 5. It's light,but not too light.
4.How much does it weigh? Not more than five pounds.
It's small enough to go under a seat on a plane,
yet big enough to carry a suit,a few shirts...and a computer notebook. Wow.
5.It's got a handle.It's got wheels.
How much does it cost? Is it expensive? Not too expensive. $120.
So you recommend 6 this one? Recommend it? I have one just like it!
- He is my legal adviser.他是我的法律顾问。
- This is partly a political and partly a legal question.这个问题部分是政治问题,部分是法律问题。
- The personnel are not happy to change these rules.全体工作人员对改变这些规定很不高兴。
- Personnel has lost my tax forms.人事部门把我的税收表格给弄丢了。
- The director has taken the visitors off to his office.经理把客人带到他办公室去了。
- The new director is easy to get along with.新来的主任很好处。
- The film took a battering from critics in the US. 该影片在美国遭遇到批评家的猛烈抨击。
- He kept battering away at the door. 他接连不断地砸门。 来自《简明英汉词典》