时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语:一夜大肚


  [00:08.30]Allison,thank you for coming in. 艾丽森 谢谢你过来

[00:11.38]I don't want to shock you  我不想刺激你

[00:12.18]but we know what's under that jacket. 但我们知道你衣服里面是什么

[00:16.54]You're pregnant,have been for a while. 你已经怀孕很长时间了

[00:19.46]From my count,you're right around eight months. 据我推断 你有8个月了吧

[00:24.10]And I don't know why you felt you couldn't tell us. 我不知道你为什么不告诉我们

[00:26.82]I'm really sorry. 对不起

[00:27.10]This is Hollywood. We don't like liars 1. 这是好莱坞 我们不喜欢撒谎的人

[00:31.78]I just... I wasn't expecting this and... 我只是... 这不在我计划中...

[00:33.26]I didn't know how to handle it,and I didn't want to lose my job. 我不知道怎么办 我不想失去工作

[00:38.46]I'm really sorry.        It's unfortunate. 真的很对不起    太遗憾了

[00:39.22]It's unfortunate you didn't tell us because 这真是太遗憾了 你没告诉我们

[00:42.42]you would've found out that we thought it's great. 你会发现其实这很好

[00:45.26]Really?         Yeah. 是吗    是的

[00:47.98]So we did some research. 我们做了点调查

[00:49.54]And turns out,people like pregnant. 发现观众喜欢孕妇

[00:53.62]Oh,my God! 哦 天哪

[00:55.30]The bigger you are,the bigger your numbers. 你肚子越大 你的观众越多

[00:57.90]I was surprised 'cause I feel the opposite. 我太惊讶了 我想的正好相反

[01:02.22]We're gonna do a whole maternity 2 month on E! Mommy. 我们要做一个月的妈妈节目"E!妈咪"

[01:10.02]You're gonna interview all the pregnant celebs. 你要去访问所有怀孕的名人

[01:12.10]Really?         Yes. 真的吗    没错

[01:13.30]Scary! 这真是个惊喜

[01:15.62]You're pregnant,they're pregnant, 你怀孕了 她们也怀孕了

[01:16.98]you can talk about being pregnant. 你们可以彼此了解

[01:21.10]It just grosses me out when I know that people are pregnant. 别人怀孕让我觉得恶心

[01:22.66]'Cause I think about the birth.  因为这让我想到了生孩子

[01:26.66]Everything's so wet. 所有东西都湿黏黏的 很恶心

[01:28.02]And everything that goes into it. None of the gross stuff. 什么都可以谈 除了那些黏黏的

[01:29.82]But you know,hopes,dreams,whatever, 例如希望 梦想 什么都行

[01:31.46]it's gonna be great. 会很有意思的

[01:35.18]Oh,my God. This is such good news. 哦 天哪 这真太好了

[01:35.38]Thank you so much.        Yeah,you're welcome. 非常感谢    恩 不客气

[01:38.06]And then,after the baby is out... 然后 等宝宝出生了以后

[01:42.54]Tight. ...tighten 3 it back up. 瘦身    马上去瘦身

[01:44.82]And please don't lie to us again.        Okay. 请不要再对我们隐瞒什么了   OK

[01:46.70]'Cause maybe someday we could be friends. 说不定以后我们能成为好朋友

[01:50.90]Okay. I won't. I'm sorry. OK 我不会再那样了

[01:53.26]I just don't like secrets.        Okay. 我不太喜欢什么秘密    OK

[01:57.54]your wildest dreams come true. 是件很不容易的事情

[01:57.74]You know,it's a rare thing that you live to see the day 要知道 能活着见到自己最大的梦想实现

[02:01.14]I mean,what is there left to want?  还有什么我想要的呢?

[02:02.62]I get to go to Legoland. 我要去Legoland(美国加州一游乐园)

[02:04.98]Legoland! Legoland! Legoland! Legoland!

[02:05.74]Shut up,Pete.        Say it! 闭嘴!皮特.    大家一起说

[02:07.58]Legoland! Legoland!

[02:09.46]Don't get them all riled up before the drive. 别上车前就让她们兴奋过度

[02:11.30]I shouldn't have given them all that meth,then. 我不该给她们所有的甲安非他命(一种兴奋剂)

[02:13.86]Or Saturday. You never know. We might see it all in one day. 也可能星期六 说不定一天就玩好了

[02:17.62]Sunday. Let's go. 星期天 走吧

[02:19.22]Guess what? I'm scared there's no one to trust. 你知道吗 现在我很害怕 没人可相信了

[02:19.90]You can trust me. 你可以相信我

[02:23.22]You are gonna fuck me over,aren't you? 你只是想利用我罢了

[02:25.90]Oh,for Christ's sake. 哦 看在上帝份上

[02:28.70]You are. 你就是

[02:29.26]Are you retarded 4? Or just brain-dead from  你是智障还是被

[02:31.82]whiffing fumes 5 out there in the swamp? 沼泽里的烟熏昏了头

[02:32.54]Ow,ow,ow. That's what I am to you,isn't it?  我对于你来说就是这样的对吧

[02:34.86]Swamp trash,just like my mom. 沼泽里的垃圾 就象我妈

[02:42.90]Hello? 喂

[02:44.98]Hey,what's up,Daddy? What are you doing? 嘿 怎么样 未来爸爸 在干嘛

[02:48.34]Just smoking a joint,drinking some beers,you know. Rocking. 抽大麻 喝酒 摇头晃脑

[02:52.66]We're about to go to a new club. You coming? 我们要去个新的夜总会 你去吗

[02:54.30]No. I'm gonna pack it in soon,I think. 不 我今天想休息了

[02:55.98]What's he doing? 他在干嘛

[02:56.90]He says he's gonna call it a night. 他说他要准备睡觉了

[02:59.10]Dude,it's like 8.;15,man. 大哥 这才8点15啊

[03:01.26]Yeah,I know. I'm just tired. 恩 我知道 我只是有点累了

[03:04.78]Is he depressed 6? You depressed? 他情绪低落? 你情绪低落?

[03:07.34]No,I feel great. I like it. 不,我很好

[03:08.42]He says no. 他说没有

[03:08.54]Ask him if he's gonna kill himself. 问他是不是想自杀

[03:11.02]You gonna kill yourself? 你要自杀?

[03:13.78]No,I'm not. Okay? Thank you. 没有 好吧 谢你了

[03:16.10]It's dangerous. 很危险的

[03:16.18]Tell him not to jerk off with a noose 7 around his neck.  告诉他别把绳子套脖子上

[03:17.26]You shouldn't jerk off with a noose around your neck  你不要把绳子套在脖子上

[03:19.26]'cause it's dangerous. 很危险的

[03:20.26]Okay. Very good. OK 知道啦

[03:23.42]And tell him if he has to, 如果他真要这么干,

[03:23.86]tell him he needs a teammate or a spotter there. 最好找个伴

[03:26.50]Right. And if you do, 好,如果你非要做

[03:27.82]you should have a teammate or a spotter there. 就找个伴

[03:30.78]great 好

[03:32.58]He says your mom's already there. 他说你妈在他那儿

[03:33.18]Uncool,man. 这不好玩 大哥

[03:41.94]Okay,okay. OK OK

[03:43.54]Okay. OK

[03:46.22]Hi,Dr. Howard? 嗨 霍华德医生?

[03:48.18]No,this is Dr. Angelo. 不 我是安德鲁医生

[03:50.58]How can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙吗?

[03:52.26]I'm a patient of Dr. Howard's, 我是霍华德医生的病人

[03:55.18]and I'm going into labor 8 and I need to speak with him. 我要生了 我要找他

[03:57.26]I actually don't know where he is tonight. 我不知道他今晚在哪

[03:58.34]But I've made myself available to his patients, 不过他的病人就是我的病人

[04:01.10]and I'd be happy to help you. 我很高兴可以帮你做点什么

[04:03.18]Can you give me his number? 能给我他的电话号码吗

[04:04.38]Can you help me find him?  能帮我找到他吗

[04:05.10]Oh,no. You know what? Actually,I'm under strict instructions 哦 不行 我们有严格规定

[04:08.18]but I can help you through this. 不过我可以帮你生产

[04:08.30]not to give out his number, 不能把他的电话号码给别人

[04:11.14]I want to speak to my own doctor.  我要跟我的医生谈

[04:11.26]No,no. No,no,no. 不不不

[04:11.62]You really won't give me his number? 真的不能给我他的号码吗

[04:14.26]Because this is my first baby, 因为这是我第一次生产

[04:16.42]and he promised that he would be here for me 他说过他会在的

[04:16.70]and I need you to give me... Give me his number,okay? 我需要你给我... 他的号码 可以吗?

[04:21.38]Dr. Howard's not available tonight. 霍华德医生今天没空

[04:23.38]But everything's gonna be okay,I assure you. 我保证今晚你会没事 我会帮你

[04:24.66]No,I don't want you to help me  不 我不要你帮

[04:27.90]because I have no idea who you are! 我都不知道你是谁

[04:29.22]I want my own goddamn doctor!  妈的 我要我自己的医生

[04:32.42]You make sure he calls me! 你必须叫他打电话给我!

[04:32.70]Oh,shit. Okay. 靠

[04:36.42]Oh,shit! 哦 妈的

[04:49.70]Hello? 喂?

[04:51.38]Ben,it's me. Can you come?  本 是我 你能过来吗

[04:53.18]'Cause the baby's coming. Can you come? 我要生了 你能过来吗

[04:56.42]Oh,God. Allison. I'm so happy you're calling. 哦 天哪 艾丽森 你能打来我太高兴了

[05:00.18]I have so many thing's I've been wanting to say to you. 我有很多话要跟你说

1 liars
说谎者( liar的名词复数 )
  • The greatest liars talk most of themselves. 最爱自吹自擂的人是最大的说谎者。
  • Honest boys despise lies and liars. 诚实的孩子鄙视谎言和说谎者。
2 maternity
  • Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay.女工产假期间工资照发。
  • Trainee nurses have to work for some weeks in maternity.受训的护士必须在产科病房工作数周。
3 tighten
  • Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.向右转动螺钉把它拧紧。
  • Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。
4 retarded
  • The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery. 早期手术可以抑制病情的发展。
  • He was so slow that many thought him mentally retarded. 他迟钝得很,许多人以为他智力低下。
5 fumes
  • The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes. 我们孩子们的健康正受到排放出的废气的损害。
  • Exhaust fumes are bad for your health. 废气对健康有害。
6 depressed
  • When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
  • His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
7 noose
  • They tied a noose round her neck.他们在她脖子上系了一个活扣。
  • A hangman's noose had already been placed around his neck.一个绞刑的绳圈已经套在他的脖子上。
8 labor
  • We are never late in satisfying him for his labor.我们从不延误付给他劳动报酬。
  • He was completely spent after two weeks of hard labor.艰苦劳动两周后,他已经疲惫不堪了。
air-water syringe
allocate investment credits
an aerial depth charge
auditory meatus
average annual energy generation
blast furnace
bullet-proof glass
cavil at
chicopee r.
Chironomus larvas
combined cyclone and demister separator
constant-enthalpy process
consumers' sovereignty
eat someone out of house and home
ecg (electrocardiogram)
Entrepeňas, Embalse de
Eritrichium rupestre
fibrohyaline tissue
free steered vehicle
frequency-modulation tube
futokadsura stem
Gooch valve motion
hybrid swarm
hyposulphurous acid
in it for the long haul
Independence Days
load line assignment
logical input/output controller
Love horn
lyngbya birgei
monitoring process
nitzschia insignis lanceolata
oblique fold
Oklo phenomena
on one's honour
passing six four
pick me up
porous media flow
quadruplex bridge
rhythmical excitation
shore drift
Si-steel strip
single pole disconnector
small door
sound damping material
standing losses
staunch and strong tight
tensor conductivity
testicular myeloma
trial employment period
user options
variable focus objective
very long welded track
walk ahead
Wassuk Range
water birches