时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-简爱


   [00:01.58]They know how you hate me and wish me dead. They can see. 他们知道你恨我  巴不得我早点死

  [00:03.58]They see everything you do and they will judge you, Mrs. Reed. 里德夫人 你的恶行 他们全 看在眼里 你不会被宽恕的
  [00:09.02]Get out. 滚
  [01:06.42]Next. Show me your hands. 下一个 伸出手检查
  [01:08.38]Stop there. 别动
  [01:19.26]Very grand. 用不上了
  [01:22.30]Next. 下一个
  [01:29.86]Step out of your fine dress. 从你漂亮的裙子里出来
  [01:34.62]Stay there. 站着别动
  [01:40.98]Show me your hands. 伸出手检查
  [01:51.66]My name is Jane Elliott. 我叫简·艾略特
  [01:55.22]Who can we send for to help you? 怎么联系您的家人?
  [01:55.60]No one. 我没家人
  [02:00.66]I mustn’t ever be found. 我就不该活着
  [02:11.78]Join me to Thyself 主啊 让我跟随您
  [02:13.18]with an inseparable band of love. 带着对您虔诚的爱
  [02:15.78]For Thou, even Thou alone, 因为唯有您
  [02:19.30]dost satisfy him that loveth Thee. 只有您能让我感受到爱
  [02:21.86]And without Thee, all things are vain and empty. 没有您 世间万物尽显空洞
  [02:27.74]Amen. 阿门
  [02:28.70]Amen. - 阿门 - 阿门
  [02:41.54]It’s wonderful to see you up, Miss Elliott. 艾略特小姐 很高兴见您好点了
  [02:43.90]Last week we thought we’d be escorting your remains 1 上周 我们还以为要把您 葬在一个无名的墓地里
  [02:48.38]to an unmarked grave.
  [02:49.66]and suddenly it’s all woebegone maidens 2 and dramatic deaths. 满脑子都是暴毙的苦情女 还有离奇古怪的死亡
  [02:49.70]作者Letitia E. Landon 1836年8月出版 短篇小说
  [02:53.94]I’m sorry to have caused so much trouble. 抱歉添了许多麻烦
  [02:56.54]You’re the most exciting thing that’s happened here 自圣约翰布道<巴比伦的倾覆>以来
  [02:57.22]Nonsense. 哪里的话
  [02:59.54]since St. John’s sermon on the fall of Babylon. 您的出现是这发生的 最让人激动的事了
  [03:06.86]I hope I’ll not be eating long at your expense, Mr. Rivers. 里维斯先生 希望我没让您破费太多
  [03:12.26]Then tell me where to place you. 那就告诉我该送您去哪
  [03:14.14]Show me where to seek work, that is all I ask. 能找到活干的地方就行 我别无他求
  [03:17.34]You’re not fit enough to work. Is she, Di? 你还不能干活 戴安娜 你说呢?
  [03:19.34]No. Stay with us. 没错 留下来陪我们吧
  [03:21.22]You return to your posts at the end of the month. 你们月末就要回去了
  [03:21.58]What must Miss Elliott do then? 那时谁来陪艾略特小姐?
  [03:28.82]I’ll endeavor to help you, 如果这是您的心愿
  [03:32.22]if that’s what you wish. 我会设法帮您的
  [03:36.34]With all my heart, sir. 先生 非常感谢您
  [03:44.38]This school you were at, Miss Elliott, 艾略特小姐 你曾经上过的学校
  [03:46.06]this charitable institution, 那个慈善学校
  [03:47.74]what did it prepare you for? 他们都教些什么?
  [03:53.98]Was it a thorough education? 课程全面吗?
  [03:57.26]Most thorough. 非常全面
  [04:02.58]A little wit... 命好...
  [04:02.74]A little wit... 命好...

  [04:05.62]...will serve... 无需...
  [04:06.34]...a fortunate man. 大智慧...
  [04:07.02]...will serve... 无需...
  [04:09.10]...a fortunate man. 大智慧...
  [04:09.62]Again. A little wit... 再来一遍 命好...
  [04:12.86]A little wit... 命好...
  [04:13.70]...will serve... 不需...
  [04:15.30]...will serve... 不需...
  [04:15.78]...a fortunate man. ...大智慧
  [04:21.74]...a fortunate man. ...大智慧
  [04:25.22]I will not have you before me in that attitude. 上课不好好听课
  [04:35.34]All rise. 起立
  [04:37.74]I see you are mortifying 3 this girl’s flesh. 我见您要惩罚这个姑娘
  [04:40.60]Sir, she was not... 先生 她不...
  [04:45.30]It is your mission to render her contrite 4 and self-denying. 让她学会悔悟和克制是您的责任 请继续
  [05:03.38]The new girl. 新来的
  [05:09.22]This is the pedestal of infamy 5, 这是耻辱凳
  [05:14.42]and you will remain upon it all day long. 你必须在上面站一整天
  [05:14.60]You will have neither food nor drink, 不许吃饭 不许喝水
  [05:18.18]for you must learn how barren is the life of a sinner. 让你明白 做个罪人令人唾弃
  [05:25.34]Children, I exhort 6 you to shun 7 her, exclude her, 学生们 我告诫你们 要躲开她 勿与她为伴
  [05:27.74]shut her out from this day forth 8. 从今天起 不要再同她交往
  [05:32.62]Withhold the hand of friendship 不要对她施以援手
  [05:33.50]and deny your love to Jane Eyre, 不要关心简·爱
  [05:38.86]the liar 9. 这个骗子
  [06:17.14]How do you bear being struck? 你怎么能忍受被打?
  [06:20.54]Miss Scatcherd hits me to improve me. 斯卡特德小姐也是为我好
  [06:23.60]If she hit me, I’d get that birch 要是她打我 我会抢过 鞭子 当着她的面撇断
  [06:24.50]She’s tormented 10 by my faults. 做错了就该受惩罚
  [06:26.86]and break it under her nose.
  [06:29.30]She’d find another soon enough. 她很快会再找到一根的
  [06:32.66]My father used to preach that life’s too short 父亲曾教育我  生命短促 不应积仇蓄恨
  [06:34.66]to spend in nursing animosity.
  [06:41.30]At my aunt’s house, I was solitary 11 and despised. 在舅妈家 我忍受孤独和轻视
  [06:46.38]She thought I could do without one bit of love or kindness. 她以为没有关爱和亲情 我也照样可以过得下去
  [06:51.74]You are loved. 你身边有爱
  [06:55.90]There’s an invisible world all around you, 有个你看不见的世界
  [06:57.60]a kingdom of spirits commissioned to guard you, Jane. 简 里面有各种精灵在守护着你
  [07:04.78]Do you not see them? 你看不见?
  [07:12.58]Jane? 简
  [07:17.26]Have you something for me to do? 需要我做什么吗?
  [07:18.58]You’re doing something already. 您不在画画吗?
  [07:20.78]May I see? 我能看看吗?
  [07:33.02]These are wonderful. 画得真好
  [07:38.54]No, Mary, please... 玛丽 别 不要...
  [07:38.78]St. John... 圣约翰
  [07:41.22]See how skilled Jane is. 看简画得多好
  [07:48.42]Is this how you perceive me, Miss Elliott? 艾略特小姐  这就是您笔下的我?

  [07:56.46]Well. How fierce I am. 看起来很威武
  [08:05.78]Jane. 简
  [08:08.10]You’re freezing. Your little feet are bare. 你的手好冰 还光着脚
  [08:13.62]Come into bed and cover yourself. 快进来 盖上被子
  [08:27.34]How are you? 你怎么样?
  [08:33.26]I’m happy, Jane. 简 我很高兴
  [08:35.10]I’m going home. 我要回家了
  [08:39.18]Back to your father? 去见你爸爸?
  [08:42.90]I’m going to God. 去上帝身边
  [08:48.82]Don’t be sad. 别难过
  [08:49.62]You have a passion for living, Jane. 简 你对生活充满热情
  [08:54.70]And one day you’ll come to the region of bliss 12. 终有一天  福佑会降临到你身上
  [09:04.86]Don’t leave me. 别离开我
  [09:08.02]I like to have you near. 我喜欢你陪着我
  [09:11.38]I will not leave you. 我不会离开你的
  [09:19.66]No one shall take me from you. 没有人能把我从你身边带走
  [09:55.34]Helen! 海伦!
  [09:59.22]Helen! 海伦!

1 remains
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
2 maidens
处女( maiden的名词复数 ); 少女; 未婚女子; (板球运动)未得分的一轮投球
  • stories of knights and fair maidens 关于骑士和美女的故事
  • Transplantation is not always successful in the matter of flowers or maidens. 花儿移栽往往并不成功,少女们换了环境也是如此。 来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
3 mortifying
adj.抑制的,苦修的v.使受辱( mortify的现在分词 );伤害(人的感情);克制;抑制(肉体、情感等)
  • I've said I did not love her, and rather relished mortifying her vanity now and then. 我已经说过我不爱她,而且时时以伤害她的虚荣心为乐。 来自辞典例句
  • It was mortifying to know he had heard every word. 知道他听到了每一句话后真是尴尬。 来自互联网
4 contrite
  • She was contrite the morning after her angry outburst.她发了一顿脾气之后一早上追悔莫及。
  • She assumed a contrite expression.她装出一副后悔的表情。
5 infamy
  • They may grant you power,honour,and riches but afflict you with servitude,infamy,and poverty.他们可以给你权力、荣誉和财富,但却用奴役、耻辱和贫穷来折磨你。
  • Traitors are held in infamy.叛徒为人所不齿。
6 exhort
  • The opposition can only question and exhort.反对党只能提出质问和告诫。
  • This is why people exhort each other not to step into stock market.这就是为什么许多人互相告诫,不要涉足股市的原因。
7 shun
  • Materialists face truth,whereas idealists shun it.唯物主义者面向真理,唯心主义者则逃避真理。
  • This extremist organization has shunned conventional politics.这个极端主义组织有意避开了传统政治。
8 forth
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
9 liar
  • I know you for a thief and a liar!我算认识你了,一个又偷又骗的家伙!
  • She was wrongly labelled a liar.她被错误地扣上说谎者的帽子。
10 tormented
  • The knowledge of his guilt tormented him. 知道了自己的罪责使他非常痛苦。
  • He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy. 他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。
11 solitary
  • I am rather fond of a solitary stroll in the country.我颇喜欢在乡间独自徜徉。
  • The castle rises in solitary splendour on the fringe of the desert.这座城堡巍然耸立在沙漠的边际,显得十分壮美。
12 bliss
  • It's sheer bliss to be able to spend the day in bed.整天都可以躺在床上真是幸福。
  • He's in bliss that he's won the Nobel Prize.他非常高兴,因为获得了诺贝尔奖金。
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