时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-天伦之旅


   [00:05.16]-Dad’s not answering his phone. -Well, don’t call him - 爸爸不接电话 - 那就别打给他

  [00:08.44]Not till we know what’s going on with David 等了解大卫发生什么事再说
  [00:10.04]-Is there any more news? -No - 有新消息吗? - 没有
  [00:12.52]I just had that one call from Mexico saying he’d been arrested 我只接到一通墨西哥的电话 说他被逮捕了
  [00:14.92]I keep leaving messages, but no one’s calling back 我一直留言 但都没有人回
  [00:18.68]-I think we should tell Dad. -Not until we know what’s going on - 我觉得应该跟爸说 - 我们得先了解状况
  [00:21.24]Just avoid talking to him for a couple of days 再躲他个几天吧
  [00:24.88]-till we know the facts, okay? -Okay - 等我们弄清楚再说,好吗? - 好
  [00:42.04]-Oh, my God! -Surprise - 我的天啊! - 惊喜吧
  [00:45.12]Yeah, definitely 1. Come on in, Grandpa 真的是,外公,进来吧
  [00:51.60]-Man, does Mom know? -No, l hope not - 老天,妈知道吗? - 希望不知道
  [00:56.64]l thought you were supposed to be in bed with a fever 我还以为你发烧躺在床上
  [00:57.44]-l don’t know, am l? -That’s what she told me - 不知道,我有吗? - 她是这样跟我说的
  [00:59.72]Yeah, l think l was... 嗯,我想我是...
  [01:01.60]-lt’s got a handle. -Of course it’s got a handle - 有把手 - 当然有把手
  [01:05.12]-l didn’t know that. -lt’s got wheels - 我不知道 - 还有轮子啊
  [01:09.56]-Yeah. Look how big you got. -l know, right? - 嗯,看你长多大了 - 可不是吗?
  [01:11.88]-Gee. -Hey, listen. l’m online - 哗 - 我还在网上
  [01:17.56]-l’ll be back in a minute. -All right. You do your thing - 我马上就回来 - 好啊,去忙你的
  [01:21.72]-Mom’s out back. -Okay, good - 妈在后面 - 好的
  [01:26.56]No, l need to get down there. Yeah 不,我得下去一趟
  [01:28.56]Can you check out some flights and see what’s available? 帮我查一下机票好吗?
  [01:42.20]Amy! 艾美!
  [01:46.16]Dad? 爸爸?
  [01:53.00]What are you doing here? 你怎么在这?
  [01:54.40]What do you mean, what am l doing here? 什么叫我怎么在这?
  [01:54.68]Everybody didn’t show up for the visit 大家都没有来
  [01:57.68]So l said, "lf you don’t come to me, l’m gonna go to you." 我就想:“你们不来找我 那我就去找你们”
  [02:01.20]You crazy man 你好疯狂
  [02:02.84]Look at you. You haven’t been well. You shouldn’t be traveling 看看你,你身体不舒服 不应该出远门的
  [02:05.76]-Did you check with the doctor? -l checked with the doctor - 你有问过医生吗? - 我问过医生了
  [02:07.12]-You checked with him? -Of course l checked with the doctor - 你有问过他? - 我当然问过医生
  [02:07.44]-Jeff home? -No, not yet - 杰夫在家吗? - 还没回来
  [02:10.20]Let me find out when he’s coming back 我去问问他几点回来

  [02:14.72]So everybody dropped out of the visit? l didn’t realize. l had no idea 大家都取消了吗? 我完全不知道
  [02:20.24]How did you get here? 你怎么来的?
  [02:23.76]-You didn’t fly, did you? -No, of course l didn’t fly - 你没坐飞机吧? - 当然不是坐飞机
  [02:24.12]l took a train to New York to see David 我先搭火车去纽约看大卫
  [02:27.52]and he wasn’t there so l took a bus here 但他不在家 然后我就搭客运过来这
  [02:29.72]-You took a bus? To Chicago? -Yeah. All by myself - 你搭客运?一路到芝加哥? - 是啊,就我一人
  [02:32.28]-Oh, my God. l can’t believe it! -Yeah. Jack 2 got better fast - 我的天啊,真不敢相信! - 是啊,杰克康复得好快
  [02:38.92]Yeah, no, he did. Definitely, it was a 2 4-hour thing 嗯,不,他是啊 一天就好了
  [02:46.40]l like the house 我很喜欢这屋子
  [02:48.60]-Yeah? But you’ve seen pictures. -l’ve seen pictures - 是吗?你看过照片了 - 我是看过
  [02:49.36]l haven’t seen the house, not the real thing 但我没亲自来看过屋子
  [02:52.68]-Hey, everyone. -Hey, Jack - 嘿,大家 - 嘿,杰克
  [02:56.16]-How’s it going? -Good - 怎么样? - 不错啊
  [02:57.00]Jack, why don’t you take Grandpa outside and show him your golf? 杰克,不如你带外公到外面去 给他看看你的高球球技?
  [03:02.40]-You play golf? -Sure, l’m a natural - 你会打高尔夫? - 当然,我是天生好手
  [03:04.16]-Yeah, l’d like to see that. -You wanna see that? - 让我瞧瞧 - 你想要看吗?
  [03:06.16]-Where are you hitting it? -To that flag over there - 你要往哪打? - 那边那面旗子
  [03:09.24]All the way out there? Oh, boy. Okay 那么远吗?哗,好
  [03:12.84]-My record’s three. -Three? - 我的记录是三球进洞 - 三球?
  [03:17.84]l’ll believe that when l see it. Come on, let’s go 让我亲眼看见才算数 来吧,开始吧
  [03:20.20]-You watch. -Okay - 你看好喔 - 好
  [03:28.64]Not bad 不错嘛
  [03:31.80]-Beat that. -l’ll beat that, easily, but... - 想赢我? - 要赢你轻而易举,但是...
  [03:35.88]All right 好吧
  [03:38.40]Now l’ll just have to show you a few things 我先教你几样东西
  [03:43.88]Yeah, that was good, but not good enough. Frank 3, the pro 4 刚才很不错 但是还是差一点,高手法兰克
  [03:48.44]-Come on, Tiger Woods. -You ready? - 来吧,老虎伍兹 - 准备好了吗?
  [03:53.20]-Take your time. -Okay, ready? Yeah - 慢慢来 - 好的,预备?好
  [03:57.60]-Oh, shit! Sorry. -What was that? - 可恶!抱歉 - 那是什么啊?
  [03:59.88]Shot that... 那一球...
  [04:02.92]That was just a practice shot. Give me another one of those 那是练习挥杆 再给我一颗球
  [04:03.36]l’m going after this 我这次要打到
  [04:10.68]Here we go 来吧
  [04:12.00]Shit! Christ 5! Sorry 该死!老天!抱歉

  [04:18.88]-You hit the spice garden. -One more. Come on - 你打到花园去了 - 再一球,来吧
  [04:20.36]l’m your guest. One more. Let’s go 我是客人,再一球,快
  [04:20.64]This is the last one. Come on. This is... 最后一球了,来吧,这...
  [04:21.84]Come on. One more. One more. Let’s go 快点,再一球,再一球 快点
  [04:25.20]-This is my last one. -One more - 最后一颗球了 - 再一球
  [04:27.80]-Don’t lose this one, too. -Give me another ball - 别又弄丢了 - 再给我一球
  [04:28.60]Put it down. Be a sport 放下来,合作点
  [04:29.28]-l wanna watch this baby fly. -Ready? - 这球会飞得又高又远 - 预备?
  [04:33.28]-Ready? -lmpress me - 预备? - 让我折服
  [04:36.92]Oh, shit. Damn 6. Fucking Christ. Sorry. Sorry 妈的,该死,去他的 抱歉,抱歉
  [04:45.60]Can you just... Yes, Chinese food would be fine 你可不可以... 好,中国菜可以
  [04:47.44]No, of course not. No, he doesn’t know anything 不,当然不行 他什么都还不知道
  [04:52.32]So, l hear you’re doing very well at school 我听说你在学校功课很好
  [04:53.04]-Nah, not really. -What do you mean "not really"? - 不算好 - “不算好”是什么意思?
  [04:56.72]Your mother says you’re at the top of your class 你妈说你是班上前几名的
  [05:01.92]-Does she? -Yeah - 是吗? - 嗯
  [05:06.56]-You have to work hard at school. -Yeah, l know - 你要用功读书 - 我知道
  [05:09.72]l’ll tell you what l used to tell your mother when she was your age 我现在跟你说的话 你妈在你这年纪时也听我说过
  [05:12.32]About being the best and getting to the top? 要很优秀并高人一等吗?
  [05:15.80]-That’s right. -Yeah, she warned me about that - 没错 - 嗯,她警告过我了
  [05:36.20]-Jeff’s home. -Okay - 杰夫回来了 - 好
  [05:46.92]-Hey, Frank. -Hi, Jeff - 嘿,法兰克 - 嗨,杰夫
  [05:50.32]What’s all this? Come here, come here 怎么回事?过来,过来
  [05:55.60]-Surprise. -Big surprise. Big surprise - 惊喜 - 大惊喜,大惊喜
  [05:56.84]-Look at you. You’re looking so well. -You, too - 看看你,气色真不错 - 你也是
  [05:59.84]lt’s good to see you 很高兴见到你
  [06:03.20]Oh, my God! What a day! 我的天啊!好忙的一天!
  [06:06.40]You don’t wanna know. l’m sorry l’m so late 你不会想知道细节的 抱歉这么晚才回来
  [06:07.92]-Can you believe this? -Can l believe it? - 你相信吗? - 我相信吗?
  [06:11.80]Well, nothing surprises me about this guy 这人做什么都不令我惊讶
  [06:15.76]Well, the place was really crowded today 今天人多到爆
  [06:16.96]l can’t believe l was able to get out of there alive 我能活着出来就很庆幸了
  [06:20.04]Don’t just eat your rice. Make sure you eat your chicken 别光吃饭,鸡肉也要吃

  [06:23.12]Okay? 好吗?
  [06:44.88]Let me get you a fork 我帮你拿叉子
  [06:46.16]You don’t know how to use chopsticks? 你不会用筷子吗?
  [06:48.24]Yeah, l can use them 我会啊
  [06:48.92]l can use them to beat you at golf, that’s how well l can use them 我用筷子打高尔夫球 都可以击败你
  [06:51.24]-You like making fun of me, don’t you? -Yeah, you’re funny - 你很喜欢笑我,是吧? - 嗯,你很好笑
  [06:53.24]-Yeah, l’m funny, huh? -Try this - 是喔,我很好笑吗? - 用这个吧
  [06:57.48]Thanks. A fork. A regular fork 谢谢,叉子,普通的叉子
  [07:00.96]Now l can eat without dropping this all down my shirt 现在我可以放心吃 不用担心滴得一身
  [07:03.88]Jack, can you pass Dad the chili 7 sauce, please? 杰克,请把辣椒酱 递给爸爸,好吗?
  [07:08.44]Jack? 杰克?
  [07:17.56]No 不要
  [07:19.88]-Jack, pass him the sauce. -l’m not passing anything - 杰克,把辣椒酱给他 - 我什么都不给
  [07:20.08]Don’t be silly 别闹了
  [07:21.36]l don’t really want it. lt’s fine. l don’t need it 我不用酱料也没关系 不要紧
  [07:26.44]-You sure? -Stop asking him - 你确定? - 别问他了
  [07:29.80]He’s not stupid. lf he says no, he means no 他又不笨 他说不要就是不要
  [07:31.80]lf he changes his mind, he knows where it is 若他改变主意 他自己也知道摆在哪
  [07:33.16]-He can get it himself. -Jack - 自己拿就是了 - 杰克
  [07:38.32]-l’m sorry, Dad. -That’s okay - 抱歉,爸 - 不要紧
  [07:50.08]So, what are your plans? 你有什么计划呢?
  [07:50.48]Well, l thought that l would stay a day or two or so 我想说待个一、两天
  [07:59.04]and then head on out to see Robert. Surprise him on his tour 然后去看看劳勃 到他巡回演出地方给他个惊喜
  [08:02.60]That would have been so great. lt’s just, this week’s really difficult 这会是个很棒的计划 但这礼拜真的很不方便
  [08:08.68]l feel awful. l got this huge pitch to oversee 8 at the agency 9 我真的觉得很抱歉 我得在公司监督大案子
  [08:12.16]and Jeff’s flying out on business tomorrow 杰夫明早又要出差
  [08:20.88]Well, maybe l can just spend time with Jack? 或许我可以跟杰克相处几天?
  [08:27.36]and then he’s off on a field trip for three days 然后户外教学要出去三天
  [08:31.04]-A field trip? Where are you going? -l don’t know - 户外教学?你要去哪? - 我不知道
  [08:32.92]Nobody tells me anything anymore 大家什么都不告诉我
  [08:38.12]Well, you know, look 嗯,看来
  [08:39.96]that’s what happens when you show up unexpectedly 10 临时登门拜访就是这样
  [08:40.16]l understand. You’re busy. That’s fine. Look... 我了解,你们都很忙 不要紧,听着...
  [08:48.04]Oh, God, l feel awful. Any other time but this week 我真的很不好意思 但除了这礼拜随时都好

  [08:51.80]Listen, l’ve had a good time. l’ve seen the house 听着,我很开心 我看到了房子
  [08:54.20]l’ve seen Jeff and you 也看到了杰夫与你
  [08:57.28]and l let this guy beat me at golf, so all in all it’s been a pretty good trip 让这小子赢我高球 这趟也不算白跑了
  [09:00.64]-l’m really sorry, Dad. Really. -No - 我真的很抱歉,爸 - 不
  [09:03.56]l’m gonna call Robert tonight and find out where he’s gonna be at 我打个电话给劳勃 问他人会在哪里
  [09:07.00]l just... He’s really busy 我只是...他真的很忙
  [09:10.72]He’s on tour, and l just don’t know if it’s gonna be possible. What? 他在巡回演出 不知道找不找得到他,怎么了?
  [09:10.92]No, don’t call him, because l wanna surprise him 不,别打给他 我想要给他个惊喜
  [09:15.36]-Okay. -Promise? - 好 - 你发誓?
  [09:17.88]Yeah, promise. Absolutely. Yeah 好,我发誓,绝对
  [09:33.84]I’m putting Dad on the train tomorrow 我明天送爸上火车
  [09:35.16]He’ll be with you in Denver the next morning 他隔天早上在丹佛与你会面
  [09:35.44]What? No, I’m rehearsing. I haven’t got time to meet him 什么?我在排练 我没有时间陪他
  [09:38.84]Well, he can’t stay here! 他也不能待在这
  [09:40.24]I need to get on a flight to Mexico to see what’s going on with David 我需要去墨西哥一趟 看大卫到底是怎么回事
  [09:43.72]Is he okay? Have you spoken to him? 他还好吗?你跟他说到话了吗?
  [09:44.52]No, but I got through to the police today 没有,但我今天找到警方了
  [09:47.00]No surprise. They said the arrest was drug related 11 不出所料 他们说与毒品有关
  [09:49.56]but they won’t give me any more details over the phone 但不愿在电话上跟我谈细节
  [09:50.88]So I’m gonna try and get on a flight tomorrow 我尽量明天赶过去
  [09:54.12]Amy, listen, I don’t know if I can lie to Dad about David when he gets here 艾美,听着,等爸到时 我不知道能不能瞒住大卫的事
  [09:58.00]Well, just make up an excuse to get him to Rosie’s 随便找个理由 让他到萝西那去
  [10:00.48]Say you’re flying off to Europe for a concert or something 就说你要飞欧洲演出 还是什么的

1 definitely
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
2 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
3 frank
  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air.坦率的谈论有助于消除隔阂。
  • She is frank and outgoing.她很爽朗。
4 pro
  • The two debating teams argued the question pro and con.辩论的两组从赞成与反对两方面辩这一问题。
  • Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament?你是赞成还是反对核裁军?
5 Christ
  • I regarded him as the Christ.我把他当作救世主。
  • Christ preached that we should love each other.基督在布道中说人们应该互爱。
6 damn
  • Damn this useless typewriter!这台破打字机真该死!
  • I knew damn well what he was going to say.我非常清楚他要说什么。
7 chili
  • He helped himself to another two small spoonfuls of chili oil.他自己下手又加了两小勺辣椒油。
  • It has chocolate,chili,and other spices.有巧克力粉,辣椒,和其他的调味品。
8 oversee
  • Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵们看管着救济食品。
  • Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work.请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。
9 agency
  • This disease is spread through the agency of insects.这种疾病是通过昆虫媒介传播的。
  • He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.他代表新华社讲话。
10 unexpectedly
  • The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning. 火山一早突然爆发了。
  • I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly. 我刚把晚饭摆上桌,吉姆突然走进来。
11 related
  • I am not related to him in any way.我和他无任何关系。
  • We spent days going through all related reference material.我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料。
aboriginal cost
absorption control
achromophilous smear examination
actor-observer effect
air power noise
analytic relation
as attachment
assembly programs
call arrival signal
ceramic metallization
chattels personal
computer tomography with nmr
cone portion making
Coongra R.
decent work
digit boundary
entanglement network
erl (erlang)
face width
gunite ring
Horsley's wax
ill with
illegal operation code
indicative terms sheet
infrared holography
international aviation ab-initio training committee
Italian warehouse
jump in
kitchen island
load amplitude
logical mistake
loop orbit
made a mock of
manning scale
megalecithal ovum
memory exchanger
Missoula County
National Forest
nickel copper matte
no-load voltage
normal wind
one hand clean and jerk with left arm
overnight position
policy implications
put out of circuit
RACEP (random access and correlation for extended performance)
radiation-cooled structure
reabsorbed cost
repair of lining
rights on
saliva gland
seat capacity
side-tipping truck
single pass condenser
social dominance
solution node
strapped magnetron
thallium carbonate
the number of times
thermometric instrument
to be in abyance
TQC (total quality control)
ultrasonic grating
unilateral descent
vane type magnetron
Virginian pine
votes on
wheel hub bearing adjusting nut
white pass
wine maker
Wugu Township