时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-公主日记


   [00:05.46]I would like to bestow 1 upon you... 我愿意给你们.  .

  [00:08.22]the honor of the... 吉诺威亚
  [00:11.94]Genovian Order of the... 最高的
  [00:12.58]uh...Genovian Order of the Rose. 最高的玫瑰奖
  [00:18.06]Oh--oh! Ooh!
  [00:19.06]-Ooh! -Ooh!
  [00:22.22]Oh. 你们能跪下吗?
  [00:24.54]Would you please kneel?
  [00:30.18]Um...does anybody have a saber? 谁有小刀?
  [00:33.18]Oh! I’ve got an umbrella! 哦,  我有一把伞 !
  [00:33.70]I have an emergency brake. 我要锋利一点的
  [00:37.46]This will do fine, thank you. 这个就好了,  谢谢
  [00:38.34]With the power vested in me... 用我所有的权利.  .
  [00:42.14]by the royal crown of Genovia... 为吉诺威亚的人们
  [00:43.82]I dub 2 thee-- 我授予你们.  .
  [00:44.78]Artie Washington, San Francisco, ma’am. 华盛顿    ,  旧金山,  太太
  [00:49.58]CLARISSE: Arthur Washington. 亚瑟华盛顿
  [00:50.90]And I dub thee-- 我授予你.  .
  [00:52.30]Bruce Macintosh of San Leandro. 山林德的布鲁斯
  [00:53.86]Bruce Macintosh... 布鲁斯
  [00:57.34]masters of the Order of the Rose. 玫瑰奖
  [00:58.74]And all of you bear witness... 你们大家都亲眼看见
  [00:59.54]to this auspicious 3 moment in history. 历史上这幸运的一刻
  [01:03.10]OFFICER: Wait till I go home and tell Bernice. 等我回家告诉宾尼斯
  [01:03.62]Please rise. 请起来
  [01:05.38]Now, Mia, I know you don’t want to go... 米亚,  我知道你不想去.  .
  [01:09.58]all the way downtown, but-- 市区,  但是.  .
  [01:10.26]That really won’t be necessary. 没有那个必要了
  [01:14.46]No one got hurt, did they? 你们没有谁受伤了,  是吗?
  [01:14.90]Chivalry ain’t dead, you know, so-- 奇瓦利没有死,  你知道,  所以.  .
  [01:15.94]-We’re insured. -OK. 我们交了保险        好吧
  [01:19.50]Noble Arthur, how very kind. 诺贝尔.  亚瑟,  真好
  [01:22.38]OFFICER: Do you need a lift home? 要送你回家吗?
  [01:23.98]Oh, that would be very helpful, thank you. 太好了,  谢谢
  [01:25.94]Come along, Mia.
  [01:27.74]CLARISSE: Good-bye, trolley 4 people! 走吧,  米亚            再见 !
  [01:29.06]MIA: Please take the car to Doctor Motors? 要送这辆车去修理吗?
  [01:29.62]-Good-bye! -So long! 再见 !
  [01:31.94]Good-bye. 再见
  [01:33.14]Good-bye! 再见 !
  [01:33.54]You were awesome 5! 你们太可敬了 !
  [01:37.22]You are the coolest queen ever! 你是到面前为止最好的女王 !
  [01:40.18]All in a day’s work. 这只是 日 常工作
  [01:41.74]Would you like to slide in first? 你想先拍个照吗?
  [01:42.46]Wave good-bye! That’s a queen! 再见 !     她是女王 !
  [01:46.66]Good-bye. 再见
  [01:48.50]TOURIS TS: Good-bye! 再见 !
  [01:50.02]MAN: Hey, Bruce! 嘿,  布鲁斯 !
  [01:50.06]Thank you. 谢谢你们
  [01:52.22]How about gettin’ on your royal carriage... 坐坐你的皇室车.  .
  [01:52.50]and gettin’ us out of here? 带我们离开这里怎么样?
  [02:04.34]TOUR DRIVER: Here she is. 她来了
  [02:04.74]This is the possible new Princess of Genovia here. 这可能是吉诺威亚的新公主
  [02:08.30]Anyone? 有谁知道吗?
  [02:11.30]That was a question on ’’Jeopardy. ’’ 有个有关“杰柏”的问题
  [02:11.70]TOUR DRIVER: This is the girl that won the genetic 6 lottery 7. 这个是那个中 了六合彩的女孩
  [02:15.06]TOUR KID: Look! Here’s the princess! 看,  公主来了 !
  [02:17.18]HARBULA: OK, back up. Let’s go. 回来了,  我们走
  [02:17.86]The princess is late for school. 公主上学要迟到了
  [02:21.54]TOUR KID: Could you sign my backpack? 你能给我签个名吗?
  [02:22.54]May I have your autograph, please? 你能给我签个名吗?
  [02:23.46]TOUR KID: Hi, Princess. 你好,  公主
  [02:23.74]Hi. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [02:25.58]Lilly. 利莉
  [02:27.22]Lilly? That’s my best friend’s name. 利莉?我最好的朋友叫利莉
  [02:31.18]I would definitely say that. 我可以肯定的说是的
  [02:31.38]Would you consider you and the princess best friends? 你认为你和公主是最好的朋友吗?
  [02:34.38]We do everything together. 我们做什么事都在一起
  [02:37.26]We shop together, get our hair done together. 我们一起购物,  一起理发
  [02:38.86]We even finish each other’s sentences. 我们甚至连对方要说的 下一句话都说了
  [02:40.50]It’s very cool. 很好
  [02:40.82]Charlotte. 查尔多
  [02:42.14]MIA: And what’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
  [02:42.22]Charlotte? You two must be twins, huh? 查尔多?你们一定是双胞胎,  是吗?
  [02:45.70]CHARLO TTE: Yes. 是的
  [02:47.78]MIA: I don’t have any sisters... 我没有姐妹
  [02:48.86]CHARLO TTE: That’s a funny name! 那个名字很好听 !
  [02:49.46]but I do have a cat-- Fat Louie. 我有一只猫.  .  .          肥露
  [02:52.26]Will you take a picture with me, Princess? 公主,  你能和我合个影吗?
  [02:55.02]HARBULA: The princess is late for algebra 8. 公主上课要迟到了
  [02:56.82]MIA: Thank you so much. 谢谢
  [02:59.22]The pack is back. Are you ready? 包裹在后面,  你准备好了吗?
  [03:03.38](Stops playing)
  [03:03.78]Do they see you when they look at me?
  [03:10.38]Do they see my many personalities 9?
  [03:13.60]Can you help me?
  [03:14.74]Oh, no
  [03:15.82]Does anybody hear me?
  [03:20.10]Can they even see me?
  [03:21.26]This is not reality
  [03:25.66]Mia. 米亚
  [03:26.86]Why can’t I just reach up and simply...
  [03:31.82]Step into my office. 来我办公室
  [03:33.50]Why can’t I flap my arms and fly and fly and fly?
  [03:35.90]Tell me why...
  [03:39.94]So, um...
  [03:43.06]I hope what Lana said on TV... 我希望拉娜在电视上说的.  .
  [03:43.86]didn’t freak you out too much. 没有使你感到不安
  [03:45.60]Because I broke up with her because of it... 我和她分手是因为这个.  .
  [03:46.06]-No. -OK, good. 没有        很好
  [03:49.18]and I hate phony publicity 10 seekers. 我讨厌假冒的公共探险者
  [03:50.98]Anyway... 再说.  .
  [03:53.46]Saturday night’s the big beach party. 星期六晚上的大型沙滩舞会
  [03:57.34]I think it’d be cool if we went together. 我想如果我们一起去的话会 很好的
  [04:00.94]See you on the waves? 到时见好吗?
  [04:03.82]OK. OK. 好的
  [04:04.54]Bye. (Laughs) 再见
  [04:09.46]P.A.: Attention. 注意
  [04:12.46]Remember to watch Grove 11 High School’s TV cable show... 记得看电视.  .
  [04:15.34]Saturday nights with your host Lilly Moscovitz. 星期六晚上和你的主人利莉 莫斯科威兹
  [04:17.34]MIA: Michael. 麦克尔
  [04:18.90]Princess. 公主
  [04:21.22]You will never guess what Josh Bryant just asked me. 你永远猜不出乔斯.  莱安 刚才问我什么
  [04:24.90]No. He asked me... 不,  他问我.  .
  [04:25.02]’’Can I borrow a comb?’’ “我能借一把梳子吗?”
  [04:26.60]to go to the Baker 12 Beach Party with him. 一起和他去参加沙滩舞会
  [04:29.26]That’s this Saturday, right? 星期六,  是吗?
  [04:31.54]Yeah. So I was thinking... 是的,  我一直在想.  .
  [04:35.34]I could come by the garage next week... 我下个星期可以去汽修厂
  [04:36.14]and listen to your band play then. All right? 再听听你们乐队唱歌,  好吗?
  [04:37.54]Oh, yeah. That’s--Yeah. 好的
  [04:38.62]-Are you OK? -Yeah, I’m fine. 你没事吧?是的,  我没事
  [04:41.58]All right. Well, I have to go... 好了,  我要走了.  .
  [04:44.58]but thank you so much. Bye! 太谢谢你了,  再见 !
  [04:45.54]Bye. 再见
  [04:47.06]Too many feelings
  [04:51.06]Emotions running away with me
  [04:54.60]There’s a feeling inside me
  [05:00.18]HELEN: Is Joseph driving you? 是乔斯福开车送你吗?
  [05:00.70]MIA: No. Joseph was nice enough... 不,  乔斯福太好了.  .
  [05:00.98]to take the night off. 整晚都不见 他
  [05:03.34]I’ll take the school bus with the other kids. 我要和其他的孩子一起 乘学校的公共汽车
  [05:03.74]I look like an asparagus. 我看起来就像一根芦笋
  [05:08.66]But a very, very cute asparagus. 但是是根味道很好的芦笋
  [05:10.42]No, it’s OK. I’ll just wear my blue suit. 好了,  我穿我的蓝色衣服就行了
  [05:14.22]Are you nervous about the beach party? 你对沙滩舞会感到紧张吗?
  [05:15.98]No. Actually, I’m kind of excited. 不,  有点兴奋
  [05:16.86]I think I might get my first real kiss. 我想我可以要我的初吻
  [05:19.38]-Oh! Who from? -Josh Bryant. 谁?    乔斯.  布兰特
  [05:23.82]That Backstreet Boy clone you’ve had a crush on forever? 那个后街男孩?
  [05:26.62]He is not a Backstreet Boy clone. 他不是后街男孩
  [05:27.74]He’s a sailor. 他是个水手
  [05:30.62]I thought he was never nice to you. 我想他从未对你好过
  [05:31.98]Oh. Well... 嗯.  .
  [05:32.60]I don’t know. He is now. 我不知道
  [05:36.78]I just hope that if he kisses me... 我只是希望如果他吻我.  .
  [05:42.46]um...my foot pops. 我的脚会跳起来
  [05:43.54]Yeah. You know, in old films... 是的,  你知道,  在旧 电影中.  .
  [05:44.10]Pops? 跳起来?
  [05:47.78]whenever a girl gets seriously kissed... 无论何时女孩得到了 一个真正的吻.  .
  [05:48.70]her foot would just kind of...pop. 他的脚会跳起来
  [06:08.78]Ha ha ha! Pop! 跳 !
  [06:11.94]Ha ha ha! 我现在要更衣了
  [06:13.02]I hope you get your first real foot-popping’ kiss. 我希望你能得到你的 第一个跳脚吻
  [06:13.34]I’m gonna go change now.
  [06:22.66]We are Mark and Brian... 我们是马克和布雷.  .
  [06:24.70]and welcome to the Baker Beach Bash. 欢迎你们来到 巴希海滩
  [06:27.06]MARK: Now, with one week left of school... 还剩一个星期在学校了.  .
  [06:27.58]you’re gonna be out for the summer... 你们就要开始你们的暑假了.  .
  [06:30.22]and we know what’s on your mind. 我们知道你们是怎么想的
  [06:32.26]How are you gonna find that summer love? 你要怎样找你的暑假情人?
  [06:33.22]And if you do, how do you know if it’s true? 如果你找到了的话 你怎么知道是真的?
  [06:34.82]Here to tell us all about it, please welcome... 告诉我们        欢迎.  .
  [06:39.42]Lana and the Lanettes! 拉娜和兰提丝 !
  [06:39.46]MARK AND BRIAN: Lana, Anna, and Fontana!
  [06:43.78]Stupid cupid, you’re a real mean guy
  [06:47.02]I’d like to clip your wings so you can’t fly
  [06:50.42]I’m in love and it’s a crying shame
  [06:54.38]And I know that you’re the one to blame
  [06:58.46]ANNA AND FONTANA: Stupid cupid
  [07:00.10]Hey, hey, set me free
  [07:01.46]Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
  [07:05.62]You mixed me up but good
  [07:07.34]Right from the very start
  [07:12.58]Hey, go play Robin 13 Hood 14
  [07:13.60]With somebody else’s heart
  [07:20.54]You got me jumping like a crazy clown...
  [07:23.30]JOSH: Uhh!
  [07:24.70]MIA: That was so-- 太.  .
  [07:26.50]-Awesome, huh? -Amazing! 可怕了,  是吗?        太惊奇了 !
  [07:29.38]Ha ha! I’m glad you had fun. 你觉得很有趣我太高兴了
  [07:29.58]I thought you’d get scared, honestly... 老实说,  我觉得你很可怕.  .
  [07:31.86]’cause most of the girls I take on the boat... 因为我在船上带的 大多数女孩.  .
  [07:34.06]they freak out. 他们都感到很害怕
  [07:35.74]Oh, no. I wasn’t scared. 不,  我不怕
  [07:37.86]Stupid cupid, stop picking on me
  [07:38.94]Stupid cupid
  [07:45.60]And now it’s time for your favorite talk show host... 接下来是你们最喜欢的节 目 了
  [07:51.94]direct from Grove High School... 格莱伍高中 的.  .
  [07:54.46]the lovely Lilly. “可爱的利莉”
  [07:59.02]LILLY: It’s Saturday night... 星期六晚上.  .
  [08:01.18]and welcome to my cable show, ’’Shut Up and Listen. ’’ 欢迎收看我的表演“ 别说话,  听着”
  [08:04.38]Later on in my show... 在我的表演后期.  .
  [08:06.18]I will be joined by our very own Princess Mia... 我将要加入到我们的 米亚公主.  .
  [08:07.18]to discuss her positive opinion... 发表她相反的观点.  .
  [08:11.42]of the ’’Save the Sea Otter’’ movement. 有关“拯救海癞”的行动
  [08:15.42]Until she arrives... 她来了之后
  [08:16.62]I’ve asked Grove’s magic master... 我请到格莱伍的魔术师.  .
  [08:17.78]Jeremiah Hart... 杰里米.  .
  [08:21.06]to entertain us with some sleight 15 of hand. 和我们作表演
  [08:22.98]Hello, folks. 大家好
  [08:25.54]Hold me, baby, ’cause you love me
  [08:29.94]With every single touch
  [08:32.58]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:34.66]Baby, you know
  [08:36.66]Reach me
  [08:38.98]Only you can see me
  [08:42.14]And what I crave 16 so much
  [08:44.34]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:49.42]It’s more than just a crush
  [08:50.22]Every time we touch
  [08:52.98]GIRL: Awesome! 阿维孙 !
  [08:57.30]Hey, Princess! Give us a smile! 公主,  笑一个 !
  [08:59.94]How did they find me here? 你们怎么知道我在这里?
  [09:01.14]What? 什么?
  [09:02.90]PHO TOGRAPHER: Hey, wave, everybody! 大家好!
  [09:03.22]How did they find me here?! 他们怎么知道我在这里? !
  [09:06.02]You’re on TV! 你们现在上电视了 !
  [09:07.78]Wait, Princess, don’t be shy! 等等,  公主,  别害羞 !
  [09:11.58]Come back! 回来 !
  [09:12.26]BRIAN: Hey, chopper boy, look over here! 嘿,  看这里 !
  [09:14.18]Royal deejays! 一流的DJ !
  [09:20.54]Oh, no! I am so sorry about all this. 不 !     对不起
  [09:20.82]Josh! 乔斯 !
  [09:25.38]No, it’s fine. 不,  没事的
  [09:27.86]They can’t get us in here. 在里面他们拍不到我们的
  [09:28.86]We were having such a good time... 我们玩得这么开心.  .
  [09:30.78]and then they came and ruined it. 被他们给破坏了
  [09:32.54]I know, I know. Look, they can’t see us... 我知道,  他们看不见我们.  .
  [09:34.22]we can’t see them. 我们看不见 他们
  [09:37.06]We’re all alone in this little shack 17. 只有我们在这里面
  [09:39.42]Actually, you know what? 只有我们在这里面
  [09:40.50]这里很虾逸.  .
  [09:41.50]It’s kind of cozy 18 in here... 你知道什么?
  [09:45.10]and there’s no one I’d rather be here with than you. 我和你在一起感到最开心了
  [09:48.66]Really? 真的?
  [09:52.22]Yeah. 是的
  [09:59.78]-Josh? -Mm-hmm?

  • He wished to bestow great honors upon the hero.他希望将那些伟大的荣誉授予这位英雄。
  • What great inspiration wiII you bestow on me?你有什么伟大的灵感能馈赠给我?
  • I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film.我打算采用同期录音的方法为这部影片配音。
  • It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.它被译制成西班牙语以方便墨西哥观众观看。
  • The publication of my first book was an auspicious beginning of my career.我的第一本书的出版是我事业吉祥的开始。
  • With favorable weather conditions it was an auspicious moment to set sail.风和日丽,正是扬帆出海的黄道吉日。
  • The waiter had brought the sweet trolley.侍者已经推来了甜食推车。
  • In a library,books are moved on a trolley.在图书馆,书籍是放在台车上搬动的。
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
  • It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.遗传性疾病治疗起来很困难。
  • Each daughter cell can receive a full complement of the genetic information.每个子细胞可以收到遗传信息的一个完全补偿物。
  • He won no less than £5000 in the lottery.他居然中了5000英镑的奖券。
  • They thought themselves lucky in the lottery of life.他们认为自己是变幻莫测的人生中的幸运者。
  • He was not good at algebra in middle school.他中学时不擅长代数。
  • The boy can't figure out the algebra problems.这个男孩做不出这道代数题。
n. 诽谤,(对某人容貌、性格等所进行的)人身攻击; 人身攻击;人格, 个性, 名人( personality的名词复数 )
  • There seemed to be a degree of personalities in her remarks.她话里有些人身攻击的成分。
  • Personalities are not in good taste in general conversation.在一般的谈话中诽谤他人是不高尚的。
  • The singer star's marriage got a lot of publicity.这位歌星的婚事引起了公众的关注。
  • He dismissed the event as just a publicity gimmick.他不理会这件事,只当它是一种宣传手法。
  • On top of the hill was a grove of tall trees.山顶上一片高大的树林。
  • The scent of lemons filled the grove.柠檬香味充满了小树林。
  • The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。
  • The baker frosted the cake with a mixture of sugar and whites of eggs.面包师在蛋糕上撒了一层白糖和蛋清的混合料。
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
  • She is wearing a red cloak with a hood.她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。
  • The car hood was dented in.汽车的发动机罩已凹了进去。
  • With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right.只要在统计上耍些小小的花招,他们就能瞒天过海。
  • In the theater of the media there is an economic sleight of hand.传播媒介在经济上耍了一个大花招。
  • Many young children crave attention.许多小孩子渴望得到关心。
  • You may be craving for some fresh air.你可能很想呼吸呼吸新鲜空气。
  • He had to sit down five times before he reached his shack.在走到他的茅棚以前,他不得不坐在地上歇了五次。
  • The boys made a shack out of the old boards in the backyard.男孩们在后院用旧木板盖起一间小木屋。
  • I like blankets because they are cozy.我喜欢毛毯,因为他们是舒适的。
  • We spent a cozy evening chatting by the fire.我们在炉火旁聊天度过了一个舒适的晚上。
abnormal breath
accumulator charging
auto-igniting propellant
blue ribbon jury
bright as a new penny
cable deck
camellia red
cap height
cavern spring
cyclic flow
deck stringer
diethyl zinc
direct-current circuit
electronographic photometry
enable password
ethmia penesella
fear of
fire control room
furfural point
Goncourt, Jules Alfred Huot de
ground stress field
horizontal sight distance
hot rolled sheet steel
housing investment guaranty
intelligence amplifier
interpose a trade
leg length
let the matter go
make oneself strange
marrelized finish
mori poll
nail technician
negative acknowledge character (nak)
normal burning
pull fuze
rail with blank ends
republics of madagascar
round ligament of uterus
Salix chikungensis
samawa (as samawah)
sand crickets
schedule of domestic assets
separate condenser
shore line of emergence
straight hole
strain ga(u)ge transducer
stream controller problem
Thermopsis gyirongensis
track lifting
tympaniform membrane
venae dorsales penis profundas
Wendlandia luzoniensis
wet tensile strength
zero-zero escape system