时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:生活大爆炸第六季


 The interface 1 is pretty simple. 操作界面很简单

You put your horizontal "X" coordinate 2 here, vertical 3 "Y" coordinate here. 你把横坐标"X"值输在这里纵坐标"Y"值输入这里
When you're happy with those, you press this button. Got it. 等数值让你满意了, 就可以按下发射按钮。懂了
Leonard, you'll never guess who I just found online Nice shot. 莱纳德, 你肯定猜不到我在网上找到了谁瞄得真准
Eh, his giant head did most of the work.Very mature. 都是他大头的功劳。真是"成熟"啊
You're lucky I'm out of Silly String. 算你们走运, 我现在不玩那种喷彩摩丝了
As I was saying, Leonard, you'll never guess who I just found online:Professor Proton. 我刚才是说, 莱纳德你肯定猜不到我在网上找到了谁质子教授
You're kidding.He's still alive?  Yes! Who's Professor Proton? 开什么玩笑。他居然还健在, 没错!谁是质子教授
He was the host of this great Yes! 他是一档超棒节目的主持人...太棒了
Sorry, tell me about Professor Proton. 抱歉, 跟我说说质子教授
Professor Proton hosted my favorite science show when I was a child. 质子教授是我小时候最爱看的一档科学节目的主持人
I never missed an episode 4. 我从未落下过一集
He demonstrated scientific principles using everyday objects. 他通过利用日常用品来实践科学原理
It was pretty cool. 超级酷的
Aw, so cute when you use the word "Cool" wrong. 你错用"酷"来形容傻事的时候真可爱
Like when kids say "pasghetti." 小孩就常把"意大利面"说错成"大意利面"
Oh, dear Lord! Leonard, look! 天啊!莱纳德, 快看
He's still available for parties and events. 还能请他出席聚会或其他场合
We should hire him. 我们应该请他来
Hire him to do what? Well, whatever we want. 请他来干嘛?做任何我们想做的事
Hang out, do experiments,make him take 12 pictures with us so we can make a calendar. 一起玩, 做实验跟他拍12张不同的照片然后做成日历
It would be pretty awesome 5 to hang out with him. 能跟他一起玩一定超级棒
I just used "awesome" wrong, didn't I? 我也错用"超级棒"这词了, 对吗
Well, I'm Emailing him right now. 我现在就发邮件给他
Do you remember his old theme song? Of course I do. 你还记得他节目的主题曲吗?当然记得
Grab 6 your goggles 7, put your lab coat on Here he comes, Professor Proton. 拿起你的护目镜, 穿上你的实验袍,质子教授, 大驾光临,
Hey, I just found out I have to be at the telescope lab all weekend. 我刚发现我这周末都得待在望远镜实验室
Any chance you and Bernadette could take care of my dog? 你和伯纳黛特能照顾下我的狗狗吗
Why don't you put her in a kennel 8? 你何不直接把她关进狗笼里
Why don't you put your mother in a home? 你何不把你妈送去养老院
To be honest, she'd do better in the kennel. 老实说, 她更适合关笼子里
I'll talk to Bernie. I'm sure it's fine.Thank you. 我会跟妮妮说, 应该没问题谢谢你
It's happening! It's happening! 美梦成真了, 美梦成真了
Professor Proton is coming to our house.You're kidding! 质子教授要来我们家了。真的假的
You mean the guy who used to host that lame 9 kids show? 你是说那个主持白痴儿童节目的人吗
And you just got yourself uninvited. 就凭你这句话, 你被拒之门外了
See? I told you I'd find a tactful way to do that. 瞧, 我就说我能巧妙地踢开他
How'd you get him to come to your house? 你怎么能让他去你家
As Professor Proton always says, "There is no problem you can't solve 质子教授曾经说过"世上无难事
if you use your noggin."  And he wrote him a check. 只怕有脑人"  他花钱请的
Yeah, that, too. Big check.Uncle Howard! 对, 没错, 花大钱哟霍华德叔叔
Cinnamon's here for her sleepover party! 小肉桂来你家过夜啦
You know if you had a stroke, she'd eat you, right? 你知道如果你中风倒下, 她会把你吃掉, 对吧
And it would be my pleasure to be her numnum. 我很乐意成为她的美食
Okay, so what do I need to know to take care of her? 好吧, 我该怎么照顾她
It's very simple. For breakfast, she has an eggwhite frittata. 很简单。早餐她要吃蛋白菜肉馅煎饼
Feel free to give her a choice of home fries or an English muffin, but not both. 可以给她吃自制薯条或是英式松饼, 但不能两样都给她吃
We're watching our weight. 我们在一起控制体重嘛
Uh, for dinner, something simple a veal 10 chop, some scampi, whatever you like. 正餐的话, 可以随便吃点一份小牛排, 几个虾, 随便什么都行
Classy dog.  Yes. 真高贵的狗狗, 没错
Also, don't forget to close the toilet or she'll drink out of it. 对了, 别忘了关厕所门不让她会把马桶的水喝光的
I feel for ya. I've got a psychotic mommy, too. 我深感同情。因为我也有一个疯子老妈
Leonard, are you in bed? Yes.  Me, too.  Great. 莱纳德, 你睡觉了吗?睡了, 我也是。很好
I can't sleep. Well, I can, so shut up. 我睡不着。我睡得着, 麻烦别吵我
Do you realize that in less than nine hours,Arthur Jeffries, a.k.a. Professor Proton,will be in our apartment? 你知道还有不到九个小时亚瑟?杰弗里斯, 也就是质子教授将会大驾光临我们的公寓吗
Sheldon, you know that if you stay up all night, you're gonna be sleepy tomorrow. 谢尔顿, 你知道如果你整夜不睡觉你明天就会犯困
And a sleepy Sheldon is a cranky Sheldon. 犯困的谢尔顿就会变狂躁古怪
And a cranky Sheldon...is actually no different than a regular Sheldon. 而狂躁古怪的谢尔顿其实跟平时的谢尔顿也没什么区别
Good night!I'm thinking of wearing a tuxedo 11.That's not ridiculous. Good night. 晚安!我在考虑明天穿燕尾服。那一点也不可笑, 晚安
Do you have cufflinks? No.  Ah, just as well. 你有袖扣吗?没有, 无所谓了
Where can you rent a tuxedo 3:00 in the morning? 反正凌晨3点也借不到燕尾服
Okay, good night.Nice to meet you, Professor Proton. 好吧, 晚安。很高兴见到您, 质子教授
Nice to meet you, Professor Proton. 很高兴见到您, 质子教授
Nice to meet you, Professor Proton. 很高兴见到您, 质子教授
Nice to meet you, Prof...Leonard? What? I still can't sleep. 很高兴见到您, 质子...莱纳德?又干嘛我还是睡不着
She really tuckered herself out at the park, huh? 今天在公园真是把这小家伙累坏了
Yeah, you two were so cute playing together. 是啊, 你们俩一起玩的时候真可爱
It was kind of fun throwing a ball and not having anyone laugh at me. 玩扔球游戏时没人笑我的感觉真好
And you were sweet not to throw it too far so she didn't wear out her tiny legs. 你真贴心, 没把球扔太远是怕她的小短腿捣腾坏了吧
Yeah, that's what I was doing. 是啊, 我扔得近完全是出于担心
You know, there were a few moments today when I almost felt like we were a little family.Really?  Yeah. 今天有些时候我几乎觉得我们就是个小家庭真的吗, 真的
I never thought of myself as a mom, but when the three of us were out there having fun, 我从来没想过要当一位母亲但当今天我们仨在外面一起玩时
I felt like maybe someday we could do it.Of course we can. 我觉得或许某天我们真的可以建立个小家庭。我们当然可以
Especially if our baby's as calm and quiet as little Cinna... 尤其是如果我们的宝宝也这么乖这么安静就像这位小公主一样...
Son of a bitch, she's gone! 我勒个去, 她不见了
Where'd she go?! 她去哪里了
I don't know! She didn't leave a note! 我怎么知道, 她又没有留个条
You were the one who was supposed to put her back in the stroller! 不是你负责把她放进婴儿车的吗
No, I wasn't! You were! 才不是我, 是你啊
No, I wasn't!  Yes, you were! 不是我, 就是你
Yeah, well, you throw like a girl! 好吧, 你个弱鸡扔球像个娘们
I'm getting worried. 我开始担心了
Relax, Sheldon, he's only a few minutes late. 别紧张, 谢尔顿, 他就晚到几分钟而已
Professor Proton was never late when he was on TV. 质子教授上电视时, 从来不会迟到
You know, every day, 4:00, he was there. 每天准时4点打开电视都能看见他
Unless tornadoes 12 were ripping 13 apart East Texas, 除非龙卷风在东德克萨斯肆虐
in which case, we'd join him in progress. It's him.Hello. 这样的话, 我们只能边看他边看新闻插播。是他打来的。您好
Well, I see.Yes.All right, we can come get you. 我明白。好的。没问题, 我们可以去接您
Yeah, well, see you soon.Bye.  Where is he? The third floor landing. 好的, 一会见。再见, 他在那里?三楼平台那
The poor old guy's been walking up the stairs for half an hour. 那可怜的老头爬楼梯爬了半个小时
It's really you.Mr. Jeffries, I am so sorry. 真的是你。杰弗里斯先生, 真的很抱歉
We should've told you about the broken elevator. 我们应该提前告诉你电梯坏了
I agree. Professor Proton, it's an honor to meet you. 我同意。质子教授, 很荣幸见到你
Justjust call me Arthur. 叫我亚瑟就行
Leonard...you hear that? 莱纳德你听见了吗
Professor Proton said I should call him Arthur. 质子教授让我直呼他名字
That means we're friends.  No. 这意味着我们是朋友了。不是
A friend would'vewould've told me about the elevator.Look at me. 是朋友就会先告诉我电梯坏了。快看我
I can get as close to you as I want without my mom saying it's going to ruin my eyes. 我想离你多近就多近妈妈再也不用担心我的眼睛会坏掉
Is, uh, is he dangerous?  Actually, he's a genius.I am. 他是不是个危险人物?其实他是个天才人物。真的哦
ThThat doesn't answer my question. 你没有正面回答我的问题
Mr. Jeffries, I'mI'm Leonard. 杰弗里斯先生, 我是莱纳德
This is my girlfriend, Penny.Hi.  Hello. 这位是我的女朋友, 佩妮。您好, 你好呀
Well, I hope I haven't kept the kids waiting too long forfor the show. 希望我没让楼上的孩子们等太久
Oh, no, there are no kids. 不, 楼上没有孩子
No, thethe show's for me. 我是你唯一的观众
Come on. I'll race ya... Arthur. 走吧, 比比看谁先上去亚瑟
Is the, is the blonde girl really youryour girlfriend? Yes, sir. 这位金发女郎真的是你的女朋友吗?是的, 先生
You're the genius.So, do you do a lot of appearances like this? 你才是天才。您经常出席像这样的场合吗?
ItIt's hard to say.I'mI'm still trying to figure out what...what what this is. 不好说。我至今还在琢磨你们到底请我来干嘛
We just wanted to hang out with you and maybe learn a little about your life. 我们只是想跟你一起玩或许了解下你的人生
Well, therethere really isn't too much to tell. 其实没什么好说的
After the TV show waswas canceled, nobody in the scientific world would, uh, would take me seriously. 自从电视节目取消后科学界没有人把我当真正的科学家
So I was forced to do these,uh, children's parties toto make a living. 所以为了维持生计我只好出席一些儿童聚会
That's too bad. But still, working with kids it must be rewarding. 真是太糟糕了。但跟孩子们一起, 肯定也有收获吧
You you get bit a lot. 常会被小孩咬
Let me see if if I have this straight. 看看我是否理解了
You you two areare physicists 14, and and you, and you want me to do a children's... science show? 你们俩是物理学家而你们请我来是想让我表演一个儿童科学节目

  • My computer has a network interface,which allows me to get to other computers.我的计算机有网络接口可以与其它计算机连在一起。
  • This program has perspicuous interface and extensive application. 该程序界面明了,适用范围广。
  • You must coordinate what you said with what you did.你必须使你的言行一致。
  • Maybe we can coordinate the relation of them.或许我们可以调和他们之间的关系。
  • The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.这座山的北坡几乎是垂直的。
  • Vertical air motions are not measured by this system.垂直气流的运动不用这种系统来测量。
  • The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.这段小插曲令所有有关人员都感到非常尴尬。
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.这段经历至今仍深深地铭刻在我的心中。
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
  • It is rude to grab a seat.抢占座位是不礼貌的。
  • The thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away.贼想抢我的手提包,但被我推开了。
  • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛不受阳光伤害。
  • My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.我的护目镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。
  • Sporting dogs should be kept out of doors in a kennel.猎狗应该养在户外的狗窝中。
  • Rescued dogs are housed in a standard kennel block.获救的狗被装在一个标准的犬舍里。
  • The lame man needs a stick when he walks.那跛脚男子走路时需借助拐棍。
  • I don't believe his story.It'sounds a bit lame.我不信他讲的那一套。他的话听起来有些靠不住。
  • She sauteed veal and peppers,preparing a mixed salad while the pan simmered.她先做的一道菜是青椒煎小牛肉,趁着锅还在火上偎着的机会,又做了一道拼盘。
  • Marinate the veal in white wine for two hours.把小牛肉用白葡萄酒浸泡两小时。
  • Well,you have your own tuxedo.噢,你有自己的燕尾服。
  • Have I told you how amazing you look in this tuxedo?我告诉过你穿这件燕尾服看起来很棒吗?
n.龙卷风,旋风( tornado的名词复数 )
  • Tornadoes, severe earthquakes, and plagues create wide spread havoc. 龙卷风、大地震和瘟疫成普遍的毁坏。 来自互联网
  • Meteorologists are at odds over the working of tornadoes. 气象学者对龙卷风的运动方式看法不一。 来自互联网
adj.撕的,劈的,折的adv.极妙地,非凡地v.扯破,撕坏( rip的现在分词 );撕成;锯;猛地扯开
  • A special news program exposed underhanded auto repair shops that are ripping off senior citizens. 一个特别新闻节目揭露了一家敲榨老年人的卑鄙的汽车维修店。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Look at that man in the blouse, isn't he ripping! 看那个穿着宽罩衫的男人,他多么漂亮! 来自辞典例句
物理学家( physicist的名词复数 )
  • For many particle physicists, however, it was a year of frustration. 对于许多粒子物理学家来说,这是受挫折的一年。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
  • Physicists seek rules or patterns to provide a framework. 物理学家寻求用法则或图式来构成一个框架。
标签: 生活大爆炸
Abbas, I(the Great)
aino shima
aircraft radome
any idea
audit clerk
bacteriostasis agent
bear-trap dams
bench hand
Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
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chalcosite (chalcocite)
colorful projective luminaire for large screen
combinatorial optimization problem
compressional wave velocity
coupler reciprocal method
cylinder head stud
do no less
electronic locking
energy flow model
Exton-Rose test
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glued adhesion
hand press packed pale
handling locking conflicts
hevea brasilienses
high wax oil
high-speed data link
holiday center
hot star
hot wire
hydrolyzable nitrogen
instant center/centre method
It's a thought.
knock someone's socks off
liquid method
lucicutia intermedia
maximum obstacle-crossing height of one front wheel
minor axis of cam
monascus colo(u)r
Mountain Brook
natural subirrigation
onthophagus (gibbonthophagus) taurinus
operation x
p-ethyl hydroxybenzene
Palaio Faliro
person of substance
photoelectron limited resolving power
physiological psychology
pink ash
pully tap
qualitative test for glucose in urine
radon seed
renewable nature resources
segmented model
self neglect
self-healing breakdown
self-propelled power generating car
serous canal
server push-pull
ship return
shortcut method
static reflector
subterranean line
target function
throttle-control bell crank lever
with force and arms
xylene poisoning
Yellen clamp