时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:格列佛游记.Gulliver's.Travels


  11 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg

  Although the Laputans were kind to me,I did not want to spend a long time in their country.Therefore,I de-cided to travel from Balnibarbi to the island of Luggnagg,from there to Japan,and then home to England.But before I went to Luggnagg,an official I had met in Lagado persuaded me to visit the small island of Glubbdubdrib.

  ‘You'll find it a very interesting place,he told me.‘Glubbdubdrib means 1 the island of magicians 3.All the impor-tant people there are good at magic,you see.The President is the best magician 2 of them all.But I must warn 4 you,he has some very strange servants-they're all ghosts!By using magic he can order the ghost of any dead person to be his ser-vant for twenty-four hours,and the ghost must obey.’

  It seemed unbelievable,but it was true.When we arrived on the island,we were invited to the President's palace.His servants certainly looked strange to me there was a smell of death about them.When the President no longer needed them,he waved a hand,and they simply disappeared.

  I visited the President every day during my stay,and soon got used to seeing the ghosts.One day the President said,‘Gulliver,would you like to call a ghost?It could be anyone from the beginning of the world up to the present day.You could ask them questions about their lives.And you can be sure they'll tell the truth— ghosts always do.

  ‘That's very kind of you,sir,I replied,and thought hard for a moment.‘First,I’d like to see Alexander the Great,please.’

  The President pointed 5 out of the window.There in a large field was the ghost of Alexander,with his huge army.This famous king lived long ago in Macedonia in northern Greece.His kingdom covered many countries,from Greece to Egypt,from Persia to parts of India.But he died very young,when he was only thirty-three,and no one knew why.The Presi-dent called him into the room.

  ‘Great King,’I said to him,‘just tell me one thing.Were you murdered,or did you die naturally!’

  ‘Young man,’he replied,‘nobody murdered me.I drank too much and died of a fever.’

  So,in these few words,I had learnt one of the secrets of history!I turned to the President.‘And now,may we see Julius Caesar and Brutus?’

  The two Romans took Alexander's place.Brutus,of course,had killed Julius Caesar in Rome on 15th March,44BC—one of the most famous murders in history.It is terrible to die by the hand of a friend.

  ‘Great Caesar,’I said,‘how do you feel about your mur-derer,Brutus?’

  ‘Do not call him that,’replied Caesar,‘He is a brave,good man,the best in Rome,and he did the right thing for Rome by killing 6 me.In death,as in life,he has always been my friend.’

  I cannot remember how many more ghosts I called to appear.I was very interested in their answers to my questions,which often seemed to offer a different view of his-tory from the one I had been taught at school.

  However,it was soon time to leave Glubbdubdrib,and sail to Luggnagg,a much larger island to the south-east of Japan.The Luggnuggians are polite and generous 7 people,and I stayed here for three months.I made many friends among them.One day,one of them asked me,‘Have you ever seen any of our Struldbrugs?’

  ‘I don't think so,’I replied.‘What's that?’

  ‘Well,a Struldbrug is a human being who will never die,but will live for ever.If a Luggnuggian baby is born with a round spot above its left eye,which never disappears,it's a Struldbrug.We have over a thousand of them in the country.’

  ‘How wonderful!’I cried.‘How exciting!How lucky you are in Luggnagg,where a child has a chance of living for ever!And how especially lucky the Struldbrugs are!Disease,disas-ter,and death can never touch them!And imagine how much we can learn from them!I expect they're among the most im-portant people in the country.They've lived through history and know so much,which they're certain to pass on to the rest of us.If I had the chance,I’d like to spend my whole life listening to the intelligent conversation of these extraordinary people,here in Luggnagg!’

  ‘Well,of course,’answered my Luggnuggian friend with a smue,‘we'll be delighted if you stay longer with us.But I’d like to know how川you would plan卯your life if you were a Struldbrug.’

  ‘That's easy,’I replied.‘First I’d work hard,and earn a lot of money.In about two hundred years I’d be the richest man in Luggnagg.I’d study too,so that I knew more about everything than the cleverest professors.I’d also write down everything important that happened over the years,so that students of history would come to me for help.I’d teach young people what I had learnt.But most of my time I’d spend with other Struldbrugs,friends of mine.Together we could help to destroy crime 8 in the world,and begin to build a new and bet-ter life for everyone.’

  I had only just finished describing the happiness of endless life,when I realized that my friend's shoulders were shaking and tears of laughter 9 were running down his face.

  ‘I really must explain,’he said.‘You see,you've made a very understandable mistake.You suppose that if someone lives for ever,he is young,healthy,and strong for ever too.And that doesn't happen.Our Struldbrugs have a terrible life.After living for about eighty years,they become ill and miser-able.They have no friends and they can't remember much of the past.At that age the law considers them to be dead, so their children inherit 10 their houses and money.Then they sometimes have to beg to get enough food to eat.They lose their teeth and hair,they forget the names of their families,and the only thing they want is to die.But that's impossible!’

  I realized how stupid I had been,and felt very sorry for the poor Struldbrugs.

  I finally left Luggnagg on a boat sailing 11 to Japan.From there I found a ship which was returning to England.My voy-age to Laputa,Balnibarbi,Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg had taken me away from home for five and a half years.

  11 格勒大锥和拉格奈格
























1 means
  • That man used artful means to find out secrets.那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
  • We must get it done by some means or other.我们总得想办法把它干完。
2 magician
  • With a wave of his hand,the magician made the rabbit vanish.魔术师手一挥兔子便不见了。
  • The magician transformed the man into a rabbit.魔术师把那个人变成了兔子。
3 magicians
n.魔术师( magician的名词复数 );巫师;术士;施妖术的人
  • Like all magicians, he kept his secrets to himself. 象所有魔术师那样,他对此守口如瓶。 来自辞典例句
  • The early priests were also doctors and magicians. 早期的僧侣又是医生又是巫士。 来自辞典例句
4 warn
  • I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.我必须警告你我已经没有耐心了。
  • If you warn me in advance,I will have your order ready for you.你若预先通知我,我就能给您准备好了。
5 pointed
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
6 killing
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
7 generous
  • She was kind and generous.她心地善良,宽容大量。
  • She was generous with her money.她很乐于仗义疏财。
8 crime
  • You'll have to pay for your crime.你得为你的罪行付出代价。
  • Crime in our big cities is on the increase.在我们大城市里犯罪率正在增长。
9 laughter
  • I don't know how my story caused so much laughter.我不知我的故事怎么引起如此大笑。
  • The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter.听众忍不住发出一阵阵笑声。
10 inherit
  • He intended that his son should inherit his business.他打算让他的儿子继承他的生意。
  • We must inherit in a critical way.我们要以批判的方式继承。
11 sailing
  • Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather.有经验的海员会告诉你在这种天气下的航行情况。
  • The operation was plain sailing.手术进行得顺利。
air storage
antenna main lobe
apex vesicae
arc machining
blocked fund attestation
blood-regulating drug
bottom feed type
boundary address register
burst-slug detection
camshaft speed
cessation of arms
chemical deoiling and degreasing
chub chaser
cooling snow
DPCS (distributed process control system)
electronic data-switching center
far infrared reststrahlen spectrum
for no other reason than
fractional computer
frigate ship
genus Phasianus
hygrobates parapapillosus
incremental plotter control
individual work
instrumental conditioned reflex
kicked the habit
leave somebody out in the cold
liang yuan loquat jlelly
marine navigation radar
mercury gauge
mtma (mtm association for standards and research)
new issue of shares
original plant
pickle agitator
pluvious policy
precipitation wind
race cars
right triangles
Royal Bay
salt extractor
second-stare reduction
sir peter brian medawars
stand on its own
stopping dressing
styles of architecture
superficies deficiency
surbased dome
taxonimic category
television pedagogics
The gloves were off.
thermal lamination
trace line
underground pipe network
uniform induction
Wanganella Bank
Wemco-Remen jig
wetting condition
wind abaft the beam
xerothermic period
zero lift trajectory