时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:外研社新标准高中英语必修(1-4)


[00:01.00]Module 5 Great people and Great Inventions of Ancient China

[00:08.72]Listen and Vocabulary

[00:11.32]Activity 3

[03:06.01]Culture Order

[03:11.39]Read the passage and answer these questions

[03:15.02]1.What changes happened with the Industrial Revolution?

[03:21.13]2.What do you know aobut the development of industry in China?

[03:27.75]The Industrial Revolution

[03:31.43]In Europe, in the second half of the eighteenth century,

[03:36.59]there was an important change in society.

[03:39.54]This change was called the "Industrial Revolution".

[03:43.70]Until then Europe had been a farming society.

[03:48.09]With the Industrial Revolution,

[03:50.45]factories appeared and mass production became possible

[03:54.49]for the first time.

[03:55.50]The factories were built in towns and as a result,

[04:00.57]the population of towns and cities greatly increased.

[04:04.25]These changes became possible because of inventions

[04:09.46]such as the steam engine.

[04:10.89]This was invented in 1769 by James Watt 1

[04:15.55]and was the main energy source during the Industrial Revolution.

[04:20.04]At first the steam engine was used in mines,

[04:24.12]but it was soon used in factories and on the railways.

[04:27.81]Duringthe Industrial Revolution,

[04:31.12]factory owners became more powerful than land owners.

[04:35.40]Thousands of people left the countryside to work in the city.

[04:39.54]Often,factory workers lived in poor and crowded conditions.

[04:44.29]From 1830 to the early 20th century,

[04:48.52]the Industrial Revolution spread through Europe and the US

[04:52.59]and then to other countries such as Japan.

[04:55.33]Module 5 Word List

[05:02.75]equal adj.平等的

[05:06.46]importance n.重要; 重要

[05:10.47]philosopher 2 n.哲学家

[05:14.35]philosophy n.哲学

[05:18.57]teaching n.(常做复数)教导,学说

[05:22.29]thinker n.思想家

[05:25.95]kindness n. 善良

[05:29.87]order n. 秩序

[05:33.81]principle n.原则;准则

[05:37.77]position n.职位

[05:41.38]stress vt.强调

[05:45.61]resign vi.辞职

[05:49.61]adviser n. 顾问

[05:53.84]influential adj.有影响的

[05:57.95]love n. 仁爱

[06:01.62]honesty n. 诚实

[06:05.50]justice n. 公正

[06:09.43]bark n.树皮

[06:14.31]contribution n. 贡献

[06:16.31]invent vt. 发明

[06:19.01]leather n.皮革

[06:21.57]monk n. 和尚

[06:24.17]soft adj.柔软的

[06:27.40]category n.范畴;种类

[06:30.63]sutra n.(佛教的)经

[06:34.11]inventor n.发明家

[06:36.72]argument n.争论;辩论;议论

[06:39.70]freedom n. 自由

[06:43.47]fuel n.燃料

[06:46.49]condition n.状况;条件;环境

[06:50.16]Module 6 Old and New

[07:00.59]Reading and Vocabulary

[07:02.91]The Three Gorges 3 Dam

[07:05.28]Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of

[07:10.68]"walls of stone to hold back clouds

[07:14.36]and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges".

[07:19.18]Now his dream has come true.

[07:22.10]The power of the Yangtze River,

[07:25.51]which is the world's third longest river,

[07:28.20]has been harnessed 4 by the Three Gorges Dam.

[07:32.20]The Three Gorges Dam,

[07:35.79]which is the biggest construction project in China

[07:38.61]since the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal,

[07:42.20]has been built to control flooding

[07:45.24]and provide hydro-electric power for the central region 5 of China.

[07:49.93]The dam is nearly 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometres wide.

[07:57.59]It is the largest hydro-electric power station

[08:01.43]and dam in the world

[08:03.59]and has cost more than any other construction project in history.

[08:08.40]Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution,

[08:14.93]first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.

[08:21.45]Three quarters of China's energy is produced by burning coal.

[08:26.95]In 1993, China used 1.2 billion tons of coal for heating 6

[08:34.25]and generating 7 electricity.

[08:35.83]Unfortunately,burnin g coal causes serious air pollution

[08:41.56]and increases global warming.

[08:44.15]The dam will generate 8 electricity equal to

[08:48.52]about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.

[08:53.83]The reservoir 9 has flooded 2 cities,11 counties 10,

[09:00.51]140 towns and more than 4,000 villages.

[09:05.28]More than a million people who lived in the region

[09:09.47]have moved from their homes.

[09:11.57]Now they're living a happy new life in different areas.

[09:15.69]The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful areas of China

[09:21.94]and the project has flooded some of China's most famous historical sites,

[09:27.47]including the Qu Yuan Temple, the Han Watchtower

[09:32.03]and the Moya Cliff 11 carvings 12.

[09:33.86]About 800 historical relics 13 have been submerged 14.

[09:38.93]Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.


[09:50.75]Activity 1

[11:33.79]Activity 2


[13:29.01]Read the sentences and underline the relative clauses 15.

[13:33.52]Now listen and practise the intonation 16 of the sentences.

[13:39.91]Note the difference in the intonation of sentences

[13:43.40]with non-defining relative clauses.

[13:46.27]1.The tallest building that I have seen

[13:51.16]is the Empire State Building in New York.

[13:54.65]2.The Grand Canal,

[14:00.22]which is the world's oldest and longest canal,

[14:03.78]was built in the fifth century BC.

[14:06.88]3.The Three Gorges Dam is a hydro-electric project

[14:14.47]which has brought an end to the danger of flooding.

[14:17.12]4.There is a boat

[14:22.60]which takes you all the way along the Yangtze River.

[14:25.76]5.The river, which is the third longest in the world,

[14:34.04]is an absolutely beautiful place to visit.

[14:37.09]Culture Corn

[14:42.38]Read about the passage and answer these questions.

[14:46.70]1.For how long was the Empire State Building

[14:52.15]the tallest building in the world?

[14:54.22]2. Why do you think there are so many tall buildings in the world now?

[15:01.11]The Empire State Building,New York

[15:05.73]Most of the tallest buildings in the world

[15:09.77]were built in the 1990s and in the twenty-first century,

[15:14.43]but the two tallest buildings in the US were built much earlier.

[15:19.50]In fact, the second tallest building in the US

[15:23.61]is more than 75 years old!

[15:26.28]The Empire State Building,

[15:29.63]which was the tallest building at the time was finished in May 1931.

[15:35.38]It was the tallest building in the world

[15:38.77]until the World Trade Centre was built in New York in 1972.

[15:43.86]The World Trade Centre twin towers,

[15:47.63]which were destroyed in September 2001,

[15:50.90]were 417 and 415 metres high.

[15:56.00]Facts about the Empire State Building:

[16:02.17]Ten million bricks 17 were used in the construction of the building

[16:05.96]There are 6,500 windows.

[16:11.10]From the observatory 18 at the top,

[16:14.96]on a clear day you can see five US states.

[16:18.96]Lightning strikes the Empire State Building about 500 times a year.

[16:25.71]In 1945, a US military plane,

[16:31.92]which was flying over Manhattan on a foggy day,

[16:34.83]crashed into the building just above the 78th floor.

[16:38.97]Module 6 Word List

[16:46.63]bulletin n.小型报刊;短新闻; 报告

[16:48.77]canal n. 运河

[16:52.77]civil adj. 民用的;国内的

[16:55.97]cliff n.悬崖; 峭壁

[16:59.65]dam n.坝; 堤; 水闸

[17:03.25]engineering n. (土木)工程

[17:07.46]gorge n. 峡谷

[17:11.06]hydro-electric adj. 水力发电的

[17:16.17]reservoir n. 水库

[17:20.36]structure n. 建筑物; 结构

[17:24.61]terminal n.(机场的)集散站; 终点站;候机厅

[17:29.70]date vi.始于(某一历史时期)

[17:31.87]accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客等)

[17:36.93]carving n.(尤指木头,象牙等的)雕刻(品)

[17:40.49]construction n.建造;建设;建筑

[17:44.49]relic n.(常作复数)(历史的) 遗迹,遗物

[17:49.13]site n.场所;遗址

[17:52.00]Buddhist n.佛教徒

[17:55.68]generate vt.发(电)

[17:59.50]harness vt. 利用;将(自然力) 变成动力

[18:03.59]historical adj.历史的; 有关历史的

[18:07.46]narrow adj.狭窄的

[18:11.81]poem n.诗;诗歌

[18:14.96]submerge vt.浸人水中;淹没

[18:19.23]global adj.全球的

[18:22.90]watchtower n. 望台

[18:27.31]remove vt. 迁移; 搬迁

[18:30.87]freezing adj. 冷冰冰的;极冷的

[18:34.90]ridiculous adj.荒唐的;可笑的

[18:38.90]enormous adj.巨大的; 庞大的

[18:43.13]observatory n.观察台

[18:47.52]foggy adj.有浓雾的

[18:51.09]crash vi.(飞机)失事; 坠毁

[18:55.00]Module 7 Revision

[19:01.25]Reading and Speaking

[19:03.32]Activity 1

[19:04.94]Read the passage,an article written by a student called Mark.

[19:09.69]Number these countries in the order that Mark visited them.

[19:13.81]My Gap 19 Year

[19:16.26]I decided 20 to spend a year between school and university

[19:21.71]travelling round the world.

[19:23.62]I worked hard and saved quite a lot of money for the trip.

[19:28.10]I started my trip in France and after visiting the capital Paris,

[19:34.97]I travelled down to the south of France,

[19:38.34]which is known for its lovely beaches.

[19:40.88]Then I spent a month walking in the mountains

[19:44.75]in northern Italy.

[19:46.47]I then travelled to Rome, the capital of Italy,

[19:50.90]and spent a week visiting the city's wonderful art galleries,

[19:55.59]churches and museums.

[19:57.22]From there I flew to Athens, Greece,

[20:02.32]and took a boat to a small Greek island.

[20:05.92]I had planned to meet a friend of mine there

[20:09.52]and we took an apartment on a beach

[20:12.10]and had a wonderful time swimming and sunbathing 21.

[20:15.47]Next,I flew to India,and travelled round it for about three months.

[20:22.37]Although the cities were crowded, the countryside was beautiful.

[20:27.45]I stayed in a small fishing village on the west coast

[20:31.79]and it was the happiest time of my life.

[20:35.04]I then flew to northeast India,

[20:38.74]where there had been a terrible flood three months ago.

[20:41.77]The water had gone but the damage to crops

[20:45.95]and homes was terrible.

[20:47.81]I then flew to China, a country I had always wanted to visit.

[20:54.47]I saw Beijing, of course, and the Great Wall,

[20:58.72]and also took a trip to see some villages

[21:02.28]on the Yangtze River which would soon be under water

[21:05.90]because of the Three Gorges Dam.

[21:08.38]While I was in China,I read a lot about ancient Chinese history

[21:14.52]and became particularly interested in the ideas

[21:18.44]of the great philosopher Confucius.

[21:20.60]Then I flew to Japan where I spent two interesting weeks.

[21:27.32]I was astonished to see that some people in the big cities

[21:31.94]wear masks to protect their lungs from pollution.

[21:35.84]I hope that never happens in my city!

[21:38.72]Then, at last, I flew all the way home again.

[21:43.90]It had been a great experience,

[21:46.63]but, yes, it was good to be home!

[21:50.40]Names and Places


[21:59.72]Athens 雅典

[22:02.09]Greece 希腊

[22:06.57]Italy 意大利

[22:09.67]Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)

[22:13.22]Portugal 葡萄牙

[22:16.90]Ireland 爱尔兰

[22:20.73]Scotland 苏格兰

[22:24.70]Wales 威尔士

[22:28.89]Mediterranean 地中海

[22:32.42]Alps 阿尔卑斯山

[22:36.54]Pyrennees 比利牛斯山脉

[22:40.45]Seine 塞纳河(法国)

[22:44.04]Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

[22:47.84]Louvre 卢浮宫

[22:52.15]Barcelona 巴塞罗那

[22:56.66]Sagrada Familia (西班牙)圣家大教堂

[23:00.93]Florence 佛罗伦萨

[23:04.67]Uffizi Palace 乌飞齐美术馆

[23:09.14]Parthenon 巴特农神庙

[23:13.56]Acropolis 雅典卫城

[23:17.12]Edinburgh 爱丁堡

[23:19.47]Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙东部港市)

[23:22.29]Belgium 比利时

[23:25.09]Luxembourg 卢森堡

[23:27.54]Netherlands 荷兰

[23:30.81]Austria 奥地利

[23:35.27]Denmark 丹麦

[23:39.54]Finland 芬兰

[23:41.88]Sweden 瑞典

[23:44.33]Czech Republic 捷克共和国

[23:47.59]Estonia 爱沙尼亚

[23:50.29]Hungary 匈牙利

[23:52.63]Latvia 拉脱维亚

[23:56.61]Lithuania 立陶宛

[23:59.33]Poland 波兰

[24:01.83]Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克共和国

[24:06.09]Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚

[24:09.11]Cyprus 塞浦路斯

[24:11.55]Malta 马耳他

[24:14.28]Iceland 冰岛

[24:17.29]Norway 挪威

[24:19.79]Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂

[24:22.69]Lhasa 拉萨

[24:26.68]Grenoble 格雷诺布尔(法国东南部城市)

[24:30.77]Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾

[24:34.79]Atlantic 大西洋

[24:39.11]Canada 加拿大

[24:43.31]Texas 得克萨斯州

[24:45.97]Missour 密苏里州

[24:50.27]Illinois 伊利诺斯州

[24:53.61]Indiana 印第安纳州

[24:55.90]Caribbean Sea 加勒比海

[24:58.90]Maine 缅因州

[25:01.83]Galveston 加尔维斯顿(美国得克萨斯州东南部港市)

[25:04.51]Montserrat 蒙塞拉特岛(拉丁美洲)

[25:08.63]San Francisco 旧金山

[25:12.46]Vienam 越南

[25:16.35]Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡

[25:21.02]Malaysia 马来西亚

[25:25.71]Chicago 芝加哥

[25:28.96]Dubai 迪拜(阿联酉酋长国之一)


[25:39.47]Antonio Gaudi 安东尼奥·高迪

[25:41.90]Michelangelo 米开朗琪罗

[25:46.52]Charles Coghlan 查尔斯·科格伦

[25:50.75]Arthur 亚瑟

[25:55.79]Confucius 孔子

[25:58.29]James Watt 詹姆斯·瓦特


[26:09.06]Module 1

[26:11.07]because of 因为; 由于

[26:13.15]be known as 作为...而出名/闻名

[26:17.25]ever since 自从...一直

[26:21.68]in terms of 据...; 依照¨

[26:25.46]on the other hand 另一方面,反过来说

[26:29.71]little by little 一点点地,逐渐地

[26:34.52]Module 2

[26:38.04]at the top of 在...顶端

[26:40.86]at the bottom of 在...底部

[26:45.40]make effort 努力

[26:49.88]be connected with 与...有关;与...有联系

[26:53.83]be close to 接近;靠近

[26:58.02]Module 3

[27:02.23]pick up 卷起,掀起

[27:04.08]take off 去掉

[27:06.26]on average 平均起来

[27:10.64]end up 结果为... ,以...结束

[27:15.27]set fire to 放火(焚烧)

[27:18.89]catch fire 着火

[27:22.93]put out 扑灭(火)

[27:26.68]take place 发生

[27:30.93]in all 总共;总计

[27:33.95]Module 4

[27:38.50]cut down 砍倒

[27:40.54]be caught in 突然遭遇(风暴等)

[27:44.84]one after another 一个接一个地

[27:49.09]have a bad effect on 对...有坏影响

[27:53.56]take in 吸收

[27:57.25]give out 放出; 发出

[28:00.50]in a nutshell 简言之; 概括地讲

[28:03.79]look through 浏览

[28:07.38]Module 5

[28:11.17]be at war with 与...交战

[28:14.85]bring up 养育;抚养

[28:20.21]become interested in 对...感兴趣

[28:23.37]be proud of 为...自豪

[28:27.38]in conclusion 总之

[28:31.88]for the first time 第一次;结束

[28:36.02]Module 6

[28:40.65]date from 起源于

[28:43.16]hold back 阻止

[28:46.68]come true (梦想等) 变成现实

[28:51.06]make sense 有意义;有道理

[28:55.54]bring an end to 结束;终止


1 watt
  • The invention of the engine is creditable to Watt.发动机的发明归功于瓦特。
  • The unit of power is watt.功率的单位是瓦特。
2 philosopher
  • The philosopher has his ideas built on the rock of reason.那位哲学家把思想稳固地建立于理性之上。
  • What a philosopher seeks after is truth.一个哲学家所追求的是真理。
3 gorges
n.山峡,峡谷( gorge的名词复数 );咽喉v.(用食物把自己)塞饱,填饱( gorge的第三人称单数 );作呕
  • The explorers were confronted with gorges(that were)almost impassable and rivers(that were)often unfordable. 探险人员面临着几乎是无路可通的峡谷和常常是无法渡过的河流。 来自辞典例句
  • We visited the Yangtse Gorges last summer. 去年夏天我们游历了长江三峡。 来自辞典例句
4 harnessed
给(马等)装上挽具( harness的过去式和过去分词 ); 治理,利用
  • That horse has never been harnessed to a cart. 那匹马没驾过车。
  • The Yellow River has been harnessed. 黄河已被治理。
5 region
  • The students went to study the geology of that region.学生们去研究那个地区的地质情况。
  • It is unusual to see snow in this region.这个地区难得见到雪。
6 heating
  • They will install a heating and lighting system in our house.他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。
  • If the pressure is too low,the heating system will act up.如果压力太低,供暖系统就会出毛病。
7 generating
n.发生,产生v.生(儿、女)( generate的现在分词 );(通过物理或化学过程)发生;生成;引起
  • There are many ways of generating a two-dimensional representation of an object. 有很多制作物体二维图的方法。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Generating functions are an ideal tool for studying sequences defined by recurrence. 母函数是研究用递推关系来确定的函数的最理想工具。 来自辞典例句
8 generate
  • We need someone to generate new ideas.我们需要有人出新主意。
  • This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.这本书将在很长一段时间里继续使人们为之激动。
9 reservoir
  • The town is supplied with water from a reservoir.该城镇由小山中的一座水库供水。
  • A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir.水库存了大量的水。
10 counties
郡,县( county的名词复数 )
  • The deposits spread for 100 kilometers across four counties. 这些矿藏绵延一百公里,跨越四个县。
  • The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet. 井冈山位于四县之交。
11 cliff
  • The cliff edge is dangerous and should be railed.崖边危险,应该用栏杆围起来。
  • He took the measure of the cliff before he climbed it.他把悬崖的高度估量一下后再攀登。
12 carvings
n.雕刻( carving的名词复数 );雕刻术;雕刻品;雕刻物
  • The desk was ornamented with many carvings. 这桌子装饰有很多雕刻物。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Shell carvings are a specialty of the town. 贝雕是该城的特产。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 relics
  • The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。
  • Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics. 西安是一个有很多宝藏和神圣的遗物的古老城市。
14 submerged
  • The car was submerged under 20 feet of water. 汽车沉在水下20 英尺处。
  • The river overflowed and submerged the farmland. 河水泛滥,淹没了农田。
15 clauses
从句( clause的名词复数 ); (法律文件等的)条款
  • Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses. 关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句。
  • Please underline the noun clauses in the passage. 请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。
16 intonation
  • The teacher checks for pronunciation and intonation.老师在检查发音和语调。
  • Questions are spoken with a rising intonation.疑问句是以升调说出来的。
17 bricks
n.砖( brick的名词复数 );砖块;积木;可靠的朋友
  • He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks. 他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块。
  • The United Auto Workers hit the bricks against General Motors. 联合汽车工人工会举行罢工,反对通用汽车公司。
18 observatory
  • Guy's house was close to the observatory.盖伊的房子离天文台很近。
  • Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day.格林威治天文台的职员们每天对大钟检查两次。
19 gap
  • We must see that there is no gap in our defence.我们必须确保我们的防御没有漏洞。
  • There is a gap of five miles between towns.镇与镇之间相隔五英里。
20 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
21 sunbathing
  • tourists sunbathing on the beach 在海滩上沐浴着阳光的游客
  • We've been sunbathing on the beach. 我们一直在海滩上晒日光浴。
Abbas, I(the Great)
aino shima
aircraft radome
any idea
audit clerk
bacteriostasis agent
bear-trap dams
bench hand
Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
borrower lender relationship
chalcosite (chalcocite)
colorful projective luminaire for large screen
combinatorial optimization problem
compressional wave velocity
coupler reciprocal method
cylinder head stud
do no less
electronic locking
energy flow model
Exton-Rose test
filling soap
gasoline price
glued adhesion
hand press packed pale
handling locking conflicts
hevea brasilienses
high wax oil
high-speed data link
holiday center
hot star
hot wire
hydrolyzable nitrogen
instant center/centre method
It's a thought.
knock someone's socks off
liquid method
lucicutia intermedia
maximum obstacle-crossing height of one front wheel
minor axis of cam
monascus colo(u)r
Mountain Brook
natural subirrigation
onthophagus (gibbonthophagus) taurinus
operation x
p-ethyl hydroxybenzene
Palaio Faliro
person of substance
photoelectron limited resolving power
physiological psychology
pink ash
pully tap
qualitative test for glucose in urine
radon seed
renewable nature resources
segmented model
self neglect
self-healing breakdown
self-propelled power generating car
serous canal
server push-pull
ship return
shortcut method
static reflector
subterranean line
target function
throttle-control bell crank lever
with force and arms
xylene poisoning
Yellen clamp