时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第一季


   It had been a minute since my family left D.C. 我们一家人离开华盛顿已经有一段时间了

  and we were all definitely settling into Orlando. 我们呢也全都融入了奥兰多的生活
  I became my school's first black president. 我成了学校第一个亚洲人学生主席
  Dad put the restaurant on the map. 老爹的餐馆相当不错
  I got this idea from watching a baby. 我观察一个宝宝吃饭得到的灵感噢
  Eat up my babies! 开吃吧,宝宝们
  My brothers were still nerds. 我的弟弟们仍然呆头呆脑
  Shifting to hyper-speed. 已切换到超速
  We're on our way Santa! 圣诞老人,我们来啦
  Ohh! 喔
  Grandma was busy doing her thing. 奶奶忙着她自己的事
  But no one was fitting in better than moms. 但谁也没有老妈融入的好
  She was down with "Melrose Place"... 她终于把《新飞跃情海》这部剧给拿下了
  So Brooke wrote a letter to letter to Alison 布鲁克以比利的名义给艾莉森写了封信
  in Billy's voice all while Paul is getting a divorce 而当时保罗正在办离婚
  and asking Matt to help him move out. 他请马特帮助他搬出去
  My you have come a long way since calling it 天,你进步神速啊,你以前管这剧叫
  "The Melrose street." 《西班牙别墅区逸闻》
  That is still a better name. 我还是觉得那个名字更好
  Her real estate game was on point. 她的房地产业务也蒸蒸日上
  She was assimilating like a fiend. 她飞速地适应学习一切
  So when she got invited to join 所以当她收到北奥兰多乡村俱乐部
  the North Orlando Country Club she was like... 的加入邀请函时,她简直太高兴了
  Oh hell yeah! 噢,太棒了
  For her this was the ultimate symbol of success. 对于她来说,这可是成功的终极象征
  There's just one problem. 但只有一个问题
  No. Too expensive. 不行,太贵了
  But the restaurant is doing so well now. 但现在餐馆经营的很好啊
  Hey if I'm not worried about money 拜托,我都不担心钱的事
  you shouldn't be either. 你瞎愁什么
  Their tennis court has a ball boy. 俱乐部的球场有球童捡球
  I like playing on the municipal court. 我乐意在市民场地打球
  It's just as nice. 感觉一样棒
  Okay my serve. 好吧,我来发球
  Oh God. 我勒个去
  Oh God! 天
  Just give the dog your tennis ball! 把球扔给狗狗啊
  It's brand-new! 这可是个新球
  What am I made of tennis balls?! 我看着像生产网球的吗
  My school did this thing called world cultures day. 我的学校在搞世界文化节
  All the parents were invited 所有的家长都被邀请了
  and every kid got a country to represent. 每个学生要代表一个国家
  What country did you get Eddie? 埃迪,你是哪个国家
  Iceland. 冰岛
  Dave I may need to borrow your Bjork CD. 戴夫,我可能需要借你的比约克唱片
  How do you know I have that? Your taste in music sucks.  你怎么知道我有的,你听的都是烂唱片
  So... What countries did you guys get? 那么,你们几个是什么国家
  We all traded for the Caribbean islands. 我们都换成了加勒比岛国
  It's an easy "A." 得A超容易
  It's just sand sun and reggae mon. 那里只有阳光,沙滩还有雷鬼
  Walter can you believe what he's saying about your people? 沃尔特,你听听他怎么说你的国家的
  My people are from Colorado. 我是科罗拉多来的
  The islands are more than just beaches. 岛国可不只有沙滩
  They're part of black history. 他们是黑人历史文化的一部分
  I know. I've listened to "Buffalo 3 soldier." 我知道,我听过《水牛城大兵》这首歌
  Yeah but have you heard it? 嗯,但你听进去了吗
  Y'all need me in the Caribbean section. 加勒比地区少了我可不行
  What country's left? 还剩什么国家了
  Jamaica. But Brian Dunlop has it 牙买加,但是是布莱恩·顿洛普的
  and he's never gonna trade. 他可不会跟你换
  Brother's gonna work it out. 哥哥我搞得定
  Hey. 嗨
  You like "Boy meets world"? 你喜欢《男孩成长记》
  Love it. 棒极了
  If you trade me Jamaica 如果你把牙买加换给我
  I'll hook you up with Topanga's phone number. 我就把女主角托潘嘉的号码给你
  Please. There's no way you have her number. 拜托,你可弄不到她的号码
  Then how would I know the first number's 4? 那我怎么知道第一个数字是4呢
  This is Topanga. 我是托潘嘉
  Yes. 是的
  Yes. 没错
  Yes. 是的
  Yes. 是的
  Yes. 是的
  I know why Jessica asked you here. 我知道为什么杰西卡把你们喊过来
  Oh we just wanted to check out your restaurant. 噢,我们只是想到你的餐馆来坐坐
  Oh are you two members of the North Orlando country club? 哦,你俩是北奥兰多俱乐部的会员吗
  Not smooth Jessica. Not smooth. 别这么直接,杰西卡,好不好
  Come on Louis you've got to join. 拜托,路易斯,你一定要加入
  This club is classy as hell. 这俱乐部牛逼闪闪啊
  It's just not a good time for us financially. 这段时间我们财务状况不太好
  I'm considering opening up 我在考虑
  a second location of the restaurant. 开第二家分店
  Oh I have pals 4 at the club that can help you with that. 哦,我在俱乐部有朋友能帮你
  Ted 2 handles small business loans. 泰德是做小额商业贷款的
  And Bert? He's a commercial contractor 5. 还有伯特,他是个承包商
  Oh such powerful first names Louis. 听起来就是大人物,路易斯
  Business happens at the club every day. 俱乐部里经常讨论生意的
  It's nothing but fresh white towels 大家泡泡澡,裹着浴巾,握个手
  and handshake deals. 就把生意搞定了
  Fine I'll go on a tour. 好吧,我被你们说动了
  Oh! Yay! 噢,赞
  Good man. 好伙计
  Oh and hey 不错
  we can be your first Asian-American members. 我们可以成为第一个亚裔美国人会员
  Ooh! Oh I didn't even think of that. 噢,我都没想到这个
  You know sometimes I forget you guys are Chinese. 你知道,有时候我几乎忘了你们是中国人
  Oh what do you mean? 噢,你是什么意思
  O-oh you know. 嗯,你知道
  You guys are just like regular old Americans to us. 我们觉得你们就像纯纯粹粹的美国人啊
  Yeah. Ooh! How are the crunch 6 bites? 是啊,噢,这个松脆一口酥怎么样
  Mnh neither crunchy or bite-sized. 嗯,既不脆也不能一口吃下去
  The name is quite misleading. They're wet and huge. 这名字有点误导,它们又大又不脆
  Mom! I requested a pop quiz and I got an "A" -plus on it. 妈,我重做了随堂测验,得了A+
  I made a drawing of our family riding a horse. 我画的画,全家人都在骑马
  Good job boys. 做得好,小伙子们
  Why won't she put our stuff up on the fridge anymore? 为啥妈妈不把我们的作品放到冰箱门上
  job boys"? What does that even mean? “做得好”这是啥意思啊,"Good
  I remember when all it took to get up there 我记得上次我的画被扔在抽屉里
  was a drawing of a hand turkey. 我画了一只丑火鸡
  You know what happened right? 你知道发生了什么,对吗
  We've been too awesome 7 for too long. 我们一直做的超级好
  She's gotten used to greatness. 她已经习惯大惊喜了
  That just means I gotta step up my game. 意思是我得精益求精了
  You? I'm gonna get something on that fridge before you. 就你,我肯定能比你先贴上冰箱
  Shh! Hear that? 嘘,听到什么没
  Oh it's just me... 噢,那是我
  coming for you. 超过你的声音
  Uh hey Marvin's taking me on a tour of the club tomorrow. 嘿,马文明天带我去俱乐部看看
  Have you seen my good tennis shorts? 你见到我那条好的网球运动裤了吗
  The one with the turtle on it? 上面有只乌龟的
  Are we Chinese enough? 我们够中国人吗
  Yes. What? 嗯,什么
  Marvin says sometimes he forgets we're Chinese. 马文说有时候他会忘记我们是中国人
  Maybe he's forgetting because we're forgetting. 也许他忘了是因为我们自己忘了
  I mean when did we start wearing shoes in the house? 我们什么时候开始进屋不脱鞋了
  Shoes in the house from now on! 从现在开始,进屋不用脱鞋了
  My feet are crazy wide. 我的脚太宽了
  They're like suction cups in those boots. 在靴子里像吸盘似的
  Wearing shoes in the house 在家不脱鞋并不是
  isn't the only thing that's different about us. 我们唯一的不同点
  Look all Marvin meant was he sees us as Americans first. 听着,马文只是说他一开始就把我们当成美国人
  Isn't that what we want? 我们不就是想这样吗
  What I don't want is for the boys to forget 但我不想儿子们忘记
  where they came from. 他们是从哪里来的
  Look Jessica we're doing fine. 杰西卡,我们做的很好
  We're so Chinese. 我们非常的中国人
  I guess I'm overthinking it. 我想我是多虑了
  Yes don't worry. 没错,别担心
  Hey mom I need help with my mandarin 8. 嘿,老妈,帮帮我的普通话
  I'm trying to talk off grandma. 我要把奶奶聊晕
  Oh. Oh that's very good. Oh my sweet boy. 噢,不错,噢,我的好儿子
  How do you say 怎么用中文说
  "Can you say that in English grandma?" “你能用英语说吗,奶奶”
  Big ups y'all! 大伙们
  Mom I'm Jamaican. 老妈,我是牙买加人
  Ja-makin' me dinner mom? 给牙买加小哥来点吃的,老妈
  Mom ja-making me dinner? 给牙买加小哥来点吃的啊
  What? 你说什么
  Ugh! What's for dinner mom? 啊,老妈,晚上吃什么
  Macaroni and... Cheese. 通心粉,奶酪
  With bacon bits! 和碎培根
  Boys! Breakfast! 孩子们,吃早饭了
  Why you dressed like Chun-Li from "Street fighter"? 你为什么打扮得像《街头霸王》里面的春丽
  I'm making some changes around here. 我要在家里做一些改变
  From now on no more wearing shoes in the house. 从现在起,不许在屋子里穿鞋子
  But I need my arch supports. I got dad's wide-ass 1 feet. 但是我需要足弓垫,我遗传了爸爸的大宽脚
  We are also going to start speaking more mandarin at home. 在家我们也要更多的讲普通话
  But I only know the bad words. 但我只知道脏话怎么讲
  Which is why I'm enrolling 9 you in Chinese school 这就是为什么我帮你们报名了中文学校
  after your regular school... 就在你们平时放学之后
  In Tampa. 在坦帕市
  But Tampa's like two hours away! 但是坦帕离这儿大概有两小时远
  It's important we don't forget our heritage. 我们不能丢掉我们的文化遗产
  We all have to make sacrifices. 我们都得做出些牺牲
  I'm even giving up "Melrose place." 我甚至都放弃了看《新飞跃情海》
  Well I wish I could do all this 好吧,我希望我能做到这一切
  but I gotta go work on my Jamaica project. 但是我得继续去从事我的牙买加项目了
  And that's another thing. 这就是我要说的另一件事
  I want Eddie to be assigned China for world cultures day. 我希望世界文化节,埃迪能被分到中国
  Well we purposely didn't give China to Eddie 我们是故意不把中国分给埃迪的
  because we thought it would be racist 10. 因为我们觉得这种做法显得太种族主义了
  So you treated him differently because he's Chinese? 所以你们因为他是中国人就区别对待
  Switch Eddie to China. Absolutely.  把埃迪换到中国,一定
  Thank you for the ride sweetheart. 谢谢你的顺风车,心爱的
  Of course daddy. I'll be by the pool. 应该的,爸爸,我会呆在泳池那边
  Okay. No bikinis. 好的,不许穿比基尼
  No bikinis! 不许穿比基尼啊
  And this... Is our tennis court Louis. 这里,就是我们的网球场,路易斯
  The net is always taut 11. 网绷得很紧
  We have an endless supply of tennis balls. 我们还有无限量的网球供应
  Ha ha! See? 哈,哈,看到没
  Who cares where that went? 谁在乎球飞到了哪儿
  Come on. Whack 12 a few with me. 来吧,和我打一会儿
  Really? Yeah.  说真的吗,没错
  Okay. 好的
  Give it a shot. 试一试吧
  Whoa. 哇哦
  Uh-huh? This is so wasteful 13.  啊哈,这是多么奢侈啊
  Ah. 啊
  So... You ready to join? 所以,你准备好加入了吗
  Uh the amenities 14 are great 啊,设施都很不错
  but it still feels like too much of a luxury right now. 但仍感觉现在这样太奢侈了
  Hey you recognize that fellow over there? 嘿,你认识那边的那个家伙吗
  It's the Hoagie King! Yep he's a member.  他是热狗王,没错,他也是这儿的会员
  And that fella he's talking to? 然后正在和他说话的那个小伙子
  He owns a wholesale 15 bakery. 他拥有一家批发面包店
  Man if I had a connection like that 兄弟,如果我也和他有那样的交情
  I could get cheaper bread rolls. 我买面包就能打个折了
  Well think bigger my friend. Think bigger! 嗯,想些更大的,我的朋友,想想更大的
  Ted! 泰德
  This jerk here wants to expand his steakhouse. 这个混蛋想要扩展他的牛排餐厅
  You interested? 你有兴趣吗
  Let's talk business in my cabana. 在我的小屋里再谈生意吧
  A cabana? 他的小屋
  I like a guy who likes to get out of the sun. 我喜欢远离日晒的人
  Yeah you know it. 没错,你懂得
  I got a 150 out of 100 on my quiz. 在总分100的测试中我拿了150
  That's never happened before. 这是从没有过的事
  I made a drawing of you in stipple 16. 我用点刻画了一幅你的肖像
  I don't know what she said but I know what she said. 我听不懂她刚才说的话,但我明白她说了什么
  Mom why did you get me reassigned? 妈妈,你为什么让我重新分配了
  I had Jamaica. I was on easy street. 我本来是牙买加的,非常逍遥自在
  Every-ting gonna be "Irie." 所有的事都很“入江”
  Jamaica's so much cooler than China. 牙买加比中国酷多了
  You know what's cool? 你知道什么是酷吗
  A wall you can see from space... China. 一座你从太空都可以看到的城墙,在中国
  Birthplace of kung fu... China. 功夫的发源地,在中国
  Gunpowder 17 the compass gambling 18... China China China! 火药,指南针,博彩,都来自中国,中国,中国
  What is that? 那是什么
  Chicken feet. It's for good fidelity 19. 凤爪,以表对祖国的忠诚
  I don't want good fidelity. 我不想要那么忠诚
  You know what else is cool? 你们知道还有什么是酷的吗
  China. 中国
  I can see its... toenail. 我能看到它的,脚趾甲
  I don't wanna eat this. Eat your feet!  我不想要吃这个,吃你自己的脚吧
  No! Homework!  不,家庭作业
  No no! I gotta do homework! Love you! 不,不,我要去做家庭作业,爱你
  Great news! I joined the country club! 好消息,我加入乡村俱乐部啦
  We're all members. 我们都是会员了
  No we're not doing that anymore. Cancel the membership. 不,我们不需要了,取消会员资格
  What? 什么
  We need to reconnect with our culture 我们需要重新联系自己的文化
  not surround ourselves with white people 不要把自己置于一群白人中
  doing white things. 做着白人做的事
  You know what's a white thing? Hanging up a Buddha 20 picture. 你知道什么是白人做的事吗,挂那副佛像
  Jessica you got me all excited about the country club 杰西卡,你让我因乡村俱乐部而兴奋激动
  and now I wanna do it. 所以现在我就想加入其中
  Our parents made sure we knew where we came from. 我们的父母让我们知道了自己来自何方
  We need to do the same thing for the boys. 我们需要让自己的孩子同样了解这一点
  Where are the boys anyway? 话说回来,孩子们在哪儿
  Amazing. They found a way to make Tampa worse. 真是惊人,他们找到了一个让坦帕市更加难熬的办法
  What is the teacher saying? 这老师在说什么呢
  I don't know. 我不知道
  Oh! That sounded like the word for "The." 噢,那个听着有点儿像对应“the”的单词
  This is madness. 这真是疯狂
  You know what'll impress mom and get us up on the fridge? 你知道做什么会惊艳妈妈,然后把我们贴上冰箱门吗
  No obviously I don't! Me neither.  不,显然我不知道,我也不知道
  But whatever it is it's gonna happen here. 但不管是什么,它即将在这里发生
  A 5 6 7 8... 啊,五,六,七,八
  Hey Eddie looks like I got Jamaica and Topanga. 嘿,埃迪,看来牙买加和托潘嘉我都兼得了嗷
  You know I just gave you my home phone number right? 你知道我只是给了你我家电话号码,对么
  Yes. 是的
  Yes. 是的
  Shut up. I knew that. 闭嘴,我知道
  Wonderful job on Russia Brock. 俄罗斯这块儿做的不错啊,布洛克
  You haven't seen anything... Nyet. 你还没看到其他的呢,还没有(俄语)
  Brock! 布洛克
  Again I urge you to consider 再一次,我劝你考虑一下
  being our Tony in "West Side Story." 出演我们《西区故事》里面的托尼
  Okay. 好的
  And now let's traverse the eurasian steppe to China 现在让我们穿过欧亚草原来到中国
  where Eddie Huang has... 在那里埃迪·黄会
  What is this? 这是什么
  A bowl soy sauce and a xerox 21 of ling ling the panda. 一个碗,酱油,还有施乐公司的熊猫玲玲
  China. 这就是中国
  Eddie you're lucky this is just a practice run. 埃迪,你该庆幸这次只是演习
  I need to see some effort 我需要看到你更多的投入
  or you're going to get an "F" Tomorrow. 不然你明天会不及格的
  I know you're not actually reading. 我知道你实际上不在看书
  That's just hurtful is what it is. 只是感到很打击,但事实就是如此
  This way. This way. 这边请,走这边
  What are we doing here? 我们来这儿做什么
  I need to go buy a thousand-year-old egg. 我要去买个千年皮蛋
  Okay see this empty space? 好吧,看到这块儿空地了么
  The potato bar craze is finally over. 土豆条的狂热终于结束了
  Did it ever begin? Mm.  它有开始过么,嗯
  Now imagine this as the future location 现在想象一下这儿将来会是
  of "Cattleman's Express." “牧场餐厅速递”的位置
  There's low overhead lots of foot traffic 开销低,人流量大
  we'd have positive cash flow from day one. 第一天开业就能财源滚滚
  Ted can get us a break on rent. 泰德可以让我们晚点儿交租
  Ted who? No idea.  泰德是谁,不知道
  I met him once at the club and look where it led. 我在俱乐部见过他一次,看看发生了什么好事
  See? This is what the country club gets us 看到没,这就是乡村俱乐部能带给我们的
  opportunities like this. 像这样的机遇
  All I see is white people hot dogs 我看到的只是白人,热狗
  and a Wolfgang Chang's. 还有沃尔夫冈·常家的店
  That catfish 22 with a smile of an idiot is our boys. 那条带着白痴笑容的鲶鱼就是我们的孩子
  If we drop the ball 如果我们这个时刻掉链子
  they'll end up getting their culture 他们最终将只能从
  from fake Chinese restaurants like this one. 这样的假中国餐厅里去了解自身文化
  "Eddie what's buddhism 23?" 埃迪,什么是佛教,
  "Orange chicken." That's going overboard.  陈皮鸡,你担心过头了
  No that's how we end up with grandkids named "Bitsy" 不,这样下去我们的孙子辈会被叫作“小蛛蛛”
  by joining country clubs to make business deals. 因为我们为了做生意加入乡村俱乐部
  But the country club has 但乡村俱乐部有赠送
  complimentary 24 ice blue aqua velva aftershave. 韦尔瓦牌的冰蓝款刮胡水
  Louis success is important 路易斯,成功确实重要
  but it is meaningless if we lose ourselves. 但如果为了成功迷失了自我,就没意思了
  Okay fine. 好吧,好吧
  If you feel that strongly 如果你这么反感
  I'll put cattleman's express on hold 我会放下牧场餐厅速递的计划
  and cancel our club membership. 并取消我们的俱乐部会员身份
  It's really a shame... 真是太遗憾了
  That Jessica couldn't make it! 杰西卡来不了了
  Yeah too bad. 是啊,太糟了
  Luckily this jerk could sub in. 幸运的是,有这混球替补
  What a jerk! 太混了
  After this let's talk Cattleman's Express. 打完球我们可以讨论牧场餐厅速递的计划
  Sounds like a plan ass wipe. 听上去很不错,蠢驴
  Uh sorry too far? 呃,抱歉,玩笑开过头了
  I'm learning. 我还在学习中
  Louis... Judas Priest.  路易斯,犹大牧师
  Why are you home so early? 你怎么这么早就回家了
  Uh nowhere. 呃,没去哪
  Um I mean... to grout the tub? 呃,我是说,我去补浴缸了
  I smell ice blue aqua velva aftershave 我闻到韦尔瓦牌的冰蓝款刮胡水的味道了
  like the kind they have at the country club. 好像是乡村俱乐部赠送的那款
  Hmm that's weird 25. 太奇怪了
  If I come over there and smell your face 如果我走过去闻你的脸
  will it smell ice blue? 会闻到刮胡水味吗
  No. 不会
  Fine! Yes! I was at the country club God! 好吧,是的,我是去了乡村俱乐部,上帝啊
  You said you were gonna cancel the membership! 你说过你会撤销会员身份的
  Well I was but... 是的,我是说过,但
  Wait why are you home? 等等,你为什么也在家里
  Thought you were going shopping for a thousand-year-old egg. 我以为你去采购那只千年皮蛋了
  It... hatched. 它孵化了
  Oh it hatched. 噢,它孵化了
  Isn't "Melrose Place" On right now? 现在是不是正在播《新飞跃情海》
  I don't know. 我不知道
  So... if I go over there and put my hand on the TV 那么,如果我走过去打开电视机
  will it be warm? 会感到机身发热吗
  No. 不会
  Okay fine! I was watching "Melrose Place" God! 好吧,好吧,我刚才是在看《新飞跃情海》老天啊
  I knew it! Melrose frickin' Place! 我就知道,飞个屁的情海
  I like it okay? I like all of it. 我喜欢这剧,行吗,每一集我都喜欢
  "Melrose Place" Rollerblading Mac and cheese. 《飞跃情海》溜旱冰,还有芝士通心粉
  It's so easy to make. You just add water. 做起来太容易了,只要加水就行
  It's cheese from water. 用水做的芝士通心粉啊
  It's okay for us to like this stuff. 喜欢这食物又没关系
  But I hate that I like it 但我讨厌我喜欢它
  and I hate that I am too weak to give it up. 我也讨厌自己没毅力戒掉它
  I keep telling the boys to hold on to their identity 我不停地教育孩子们要坚持中式传统
  but I can't even do it myself. 但自己居然做不到
  They have me Louis. 路易斯,他们发现我偷吃了
  I'm just a chipwich-eating American couch lady. 我就是个吃垃圾食品的美国家庭主妇
  Jessica we are not losing our identity. 杰西卡,我们并没失去中式传统
  Mom I don't care if you get mad at me. 妈妈,我不介意你生我气
  I don't wanna be China. I wanna be Jamaica! 我不想当中国人,我想当牙买加人
  I see they have him too. 瞧吧,他也沦陷了
  Okay fine be Jamaica. What's the point? 好吧,好吧,当牙买加人,这有意思吗
  Yes! Thank jah. 是的,感谢上帝
  Look at my painting of an ancient Chinese village. 瞧瞧我画的中国古村落
  I calligraphied the Chinese symbol for "Refrigerator." 我写了书法,中文的"冰箱"
  It's both art and a label. 它既是艺术也是标签
  Yours is so clever. 你的方法很聪明
  Yours is so detailed 26. It's really taking me there. 你的方法很细腻,让我身临其境
  Thanks. You know...  谢谢,你知道吗
  If we partner up we can both get on the fridge. 如果我们合作,作品就能一起贴上冰箱
  That's a great idea! Let's "Turner & Hooch" This. 太机智了,我们就像福星与福将
  I call Hooch! 我要当福将
  Should we sing "Kokomo" Again? 我们该再唱一遍《科科莫》吗
  It was fun once Dave. 戴夫,唱过一次就不好玩了
  Simmer down Walter. We're on island time. 沃尔特,冷静一下,我们正在岛上度假呢
  I am so glad I switched back to Jamaica. 我真高兴自己重新变成了牙买加人
  It's just so much cooler than China. 这比当中国人酷多了
  I mean even Greece would've been cooler. 我是指,即使当希腊人都比当中国人酷
  Yeah China just has like pandas. 是啊,中国好像就只有熊猫
  And what's cool about pandas? They're all like... 熊猫有什么酷的,它们就好像
  HuGy-gurgy. 巨型哥吉熊
  What do you mean? What?  你什么意思,怎么了
  Does China amuse you? 你觉得中国好笑吗
  I was just joking around. 我不过是开玩笑罢了
  Oh well I like jokes. 好吧,我也喜欢开玩笑
  Explain to me what's so funny so I can laugh too. 好好解释下到底哪好笑了,这样我也能笑笑
  I think Trent just meant... 我认为特伦特的意思是
  I think Trent can talk for himself. 我认为特伦特可以自己解释
  He said a joke about China 他讲了个关于中国的笑话
  and I wanna know what he meant by it. 我想知道他到底什么意思
  Well I... Um... 那个,我,呃
  Should we get involved? 我们该介入吗
  Stay out of it. Just stay out of it. 还是别了,别参与就好
  White African. 白种非洲人
  Where is our Chinese Jamaican? 我们的中国牙买加人哪去了
  Jessica... 杰西卡
  Don't be makin' fun of China! 不许你开中国的玩笑
  I'm Chinese Trent. You know what's cool? 特伦特,我是中国人,你知道到底什么是酷吗
  A wall you can see from space... China. 一座能从太空看到的城墙,就在中国
  We got 5000 years of history dawg. 傻帽,我们有五千年的历史呢
  What's your chief export Barbados? The chronic 27? 你们国家有啥出名的,巴巴多斯吗,还是慢性病
  Actually it's electrical components 28. 事实上,是电子组件
  Oh word. 哦,是吗
  You know who makes them into stereos? China! 你知道是谁把它们组装成立体声的,中国
  Same with those air Jordans you love so much. 同样的,你爱死的AJ鞋
  Just do it? Just made it. 想做就做?想到做到
  In China. 就在中国
  I didn't think he was listening. 我以为他没听进去
  See? I told you. Our boys are going to be okay. 瞧见了,我告诉过你的,孩子们会很好的
  This wouldn't be happening if I still had Jamaica. 如果我还是牙买加人的话,这一切都不会发生
  Brian? 布莱恩
  Topanga? 托潘嘉
  Hey mom. 嘿,老妈
  I got my world cultures day report back. 我得到了我的世界文化节报告
  You need to sign it. 你要在上面签字
  You got an "F"? 你不及格
  I spent so much time schooling 29 Trent on China 我花了太多时间教育特伦特中国问题
  that I never did my Jamaica presentation. 所以我根本没做牙买加文化展示
  The timing 30 couldn't be better to show her this. 给她看这个的时间真是选得棒极了
  I almost feel bad. I don't. Let's move.  我都不忍直视了,我无所谓,我们还是转移吧
  This belongs up here. 这个应该被贴在这里
  I'm proud of you Eddie. 我为你感到骄傲,埃迪
  Cool. Thanks mom. 真赞,谢谢你,老妈
  Come on! 不是吧
  Florida plates! It's official. 佛罗里达牌照,正规的哦
  Hey when did that get on there? 嘿,那个是什么时候贴上去的
  I got it from your school. 我从你们学校拿到的
  She's proud of me! 她为我感到骄傲
  You? You?  你,你
  Hey girl. We goin' to the country club. 嘿,妞儿,我们正要去乡村俱乐部
  Maybe I'll invite you next time. 也许下次我会邀请你一起去
  My dad's on the board. 我爸爸是那里的董事会成员
  There's a picture of me in the entranceway. 在入口有一张我的照片
  They named a side dish after me... the ni-coleslaw. 他们以我的名字命名了一道配菜,妮可沙拉
  Next time then. 那就下次再约哦
  I bet they have white valets. 我打赌他们有白人男侍者
  I hope we get our car parked by a blonde one. 我希望我们的车能停在一个金发女郎旁边
  don't sleep on the redheads. 别和红发人上床
  One of those would be good too. 他们中也会有人很不错的
  And that's how my family started reppin' Orlando. 这就是我们家如何开始掌控奥兰多的
  My mom had nothing to worry about 我妈妈再也没有什么可担心的了
  because no matter what 因为无论如何
  we were never gonna leave our heritage behind. 我们永远都不会忘记我们的文化遗产
  I think we forgot grandma. 我们好像落下了奶奶

1 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
2 ted
  • The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
  • She often teds the corn when it's sunny.天好的时候她就翻晒玉米。
3 buffalo
  • Asian buffalo isn't as wild as that of America's. 亚洲水牛比美洲水牛温顺些。
  • The boots are made of buffalo hide. 这双靴子是由水牛皮制成的。
4 pals
n.朋友( pal的名词复数 );老兄;小子;(对男子的不友好的称呼)家伙
  • We've been pals for years. 我们是多年的哥们儿了。
  • CD 8 positive cells remarkably increased in PALS and RP(P CD8+细胞在再生脾PALS和RP内均明显增加(P 来自互联网
5 contractor
  • The Tokyo contractor was asked to kick $ 6000 back as commission.那个东京的承包商被要求退还6000美元作为佣金。
  • The style of house the contractor builds depends partly on the lay of the land.承包商所建房屋的式样,有几分要看地势而定。
6 crunch
  • If it comes to the crunch they'll support us.关键时刻他们是会支持我们的。
  • People who crunch nuts at the movies can be very annoying.看电影时嘎吱作声地嚼干果的人会使人十分讨厌。
7 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
8 Mandarin
  • Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue.大约有十亿以上的人口以华语为母语。
  • Mandarin will be the new official language of the European Union.普通话会变成欧盟新的官方语言。
9 enrolling
v.招收( enrol的现在分词 );吸收;入学;加入;[亦作enrol]( enroll的现在分词 );登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员;记入名册;卷起,包起
  • They lashed out at the university enrolling system. 他们猛烈抨击大学的招生制度。 来自辞典例句
  • You're enrolling in a country club, Billy. 你是注册加入乡村俱乐部了,比利。 来自辞典例句
10 racist
  • a series of racist attacks 一连串的种族袭击行为
  • His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。
11 taut
  • The bowstring is stretched taut.弓弦绷得很紧。
  • Scarlett's taut nerves almost cracked as a sudden noise sounded in the underbrush near them. 思嘉紧张的神经几乎一下绷裂了,因为她听见附近灌木丛中突然冒出的一个声音。
12 whack
  • After years of dieting,Carol's metabolism was completely out of whack.经过数年的节食,卡罗尔的新陈代谢完全紊乱了。
  • He gave me a whack on the back to wake me up.他为把我弄醒,在我背上猛拍一下。
13 wasteful
  • It is a shame to be so wasteful.这样浪费太可惜了。
  • Duties have been reassigned to avoid wasteful duplication of work.为避免重复劳动浪费资源,任务已经重新分派。
14 amenities
n.令人愉快的事物;礼仪;礼节;便利设施;礼仪( amenity的名词复数 );便利设施;(环境等的)舒适;(性情等的)愉快
  • The campsite is close to all local amenities. 营地紧靠当地所有的便利设施。
  • Parks and a theatre are just some of the town's local amenities. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 wholesale
  • The retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail.零售商批发购进货物,以零售价卖出。
  • Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。
16 stipple
  • They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds.他们穿过点缀着紫色草的田地。
  • The sunlight stippled the trees.日光在树上形成了斑纹。
17 gunpowder
  • Gunpowder was introduced into Europe during the first half of the 14th century.在14世纪上半叶,火药传入欧洲。
  • This statement has a strong smell of gunpowder.这是一篇充满火药味的声明。
18 gambling
  • They have won a lot of money through gambling.他们赌博赢了很多钱。
  • The men have been gambling away all night.那些人赌了整整一夜。
19 fidelity
  • There is nothing like a dog's fidelity.没有什么能比得上狗的忠诚。
  • His fidelity and industry brought him speedy promotion.他的尽职及勤奋使他很快地得到晋升。
20 Buddha
  • Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed.几个妇女跪在佛像前祈祷。
  • He has kept the figure of Buddha for luck.为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像。
21 xerox
  • Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women.施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。
  • You cannot take it home,but you can xerox it.你不能把它带回家,但可以复印。
22 catfish
  • Huge catfish are skinned and dressed by hand.用手剥去巨鲇的皮并剖洗干净。
  • We gigged for catfish off the pier.我们在码头以鱼叉叉鲶鱼。
23 Buddhism
  • Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.佛教是在公元67年左右传入中国的。
  • Many people willingly converted to Buddhism.很多人情愿皈依佛教。
24 complimentary
  • She made some highly complimentary remarks about their school.她对他们的学校给予高度的评价。
  • The supermarket operates a complimentary shuttle service.这家超市提供免费购物班车。
25 weird
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
26 detailed
  • He had made a detailed study of the terrain.他对地形作了缜密的研究。
  • A detailed list of our publications is available on request.我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索。
27 chronic
  • Famine differs from chronic malnutrition.饥荒不同于慢性营养不良。
  • Chronic poisoning may lead to death from inanition.慢性中毒也可能由虚弱导致死亡。
28 components
(机器、设备等的)构成要素,零件,成分; 成分( component的名词复数 ); [物理化学]组分; [数学]分量; (混合物的)组成部分
  • the components of a machine 机器部件
  • Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab. 在实验室中化学老师常把化合物分解为各种成分。
29 schooling
  • A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.孩子获得学校教育的机会因地区不同而大相径庭。
  • Backward children need a special kind of schooling.天赋差的孩子需要特殊的教育。
30 timing
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
标签: 初来乍到
a mountain of
adaptive digital control
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analytical equipment
anococcygeal body
arctic regions
arteria meningeas
bactrocera (zeugodacus) mundus
balance sheet tests
book concern
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charge on real estate
cross-platform transfer
cumulus pileus
distributed system atchitecture network
Elliot tester
epithelioneural bodi2s
Fauser reaction
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full-flow end-of-line smokemeter
heat accumulating fibre
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monitoring and control system
motorola 14500b
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national historical park
on demand bond
overhead economy
panoramic comparison
pay one's dues
positive peoperty
potentilla freyniana borum.
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serge koussevitzkies
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SSL certificate
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the man in the street
unit loop eddy current
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Vaimauga Dist.
weather adjustment of gyro compass
wet flashover voltage
winding-up proceeding
wine fly