时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:2010年ESL之就医和人际交往



16 Being Spontaneous or Well-Planned


notes – information that is written down informally to help one develop an idea orremember something in the future, usually intended only for oneself

* Jackie always takes notes when she speaks with clients over the phone, so thatshe doesn’t forget what was said.

well-planned – with a clear idea of what should and will happen at a future time

* His education has been well-planned: four years getting a degree in biology,then a master’s degree in microbiology, and finally a doctorate in infectiousdiseases.

without a hitch – without any problems or difficulties; problem-free

* After months of planning and coordination, we were really pleased to see theconference go without a hitch.

contingency – an event that might happen in the future and could change one’splans or create problems or difficulties

* Do you have a contingency plan for your outdoor wedding, just in case theweather is bad?

spontaneity – the ability to do things as one wants to do them in that moment,without planning or thinking about them ahead of time

* While they were dating, Mariah really appreciated Hans’ spontaneity, but oncethey got married, she became frustrated by the way he never wanted to planthings ahead of time.

to play (something) by ear – to be spontaneous; to decide what to do at themoment based on the information available then, but not plan anything ahead oftime

* I’d like to have dinner with you tonight, but let’s play it by ear, because I’m notsure how late I’ll need to work this evening.

to fly by the seat of (one’s) pants – to be spontaneous; to decide what to do atthe moment based on the information available then, but not planning ahead oftime

* Their business is growing so quickly that all the employees are flying by theseat of their pants, doing their best to finish their work, but never having time toplan for the next week or even the next day.


to take (someone’s) preferences into account – to consider what someonelikes and dislikes and plan accordingly

* The fashion designer took the actress’s preferences into account when makinga dress for her to wear to the awards ceremony.

active – with a lot of physical movement, not just sitting or standing in one place

* Children who are active are less likely to be overweight than children whowatch a lot of television.

passive – without one’s active involvement; letting things happen, observingthem but not trying to control or change what happens

* People are dying of hunger! How can you be so passive and just watch ithappen on the news without trying to help?

mapped out – decided and determined; with a clear plan

* Their vacation is all mapped out and they know exactly what they’ll be doingeach day.

alternative – choice; option; possibility

* You have two alternatives: you can cooperate with the police and tell themeverything you know, or you can be arrested.

trajectory – the direction that something follows over time

* His career is on a rapid upward trajectory, and if it continues, he’ll be CEOwithin a few years.

meant for – intended for; with one wanting something to happen

* That car bomb was meant for the prime minister, but fortunately it explodedwhen nobody was near it.

tentative – possible, but not yet finalized; a draft; not definite; not certain

* This is just a tentative budget. We’ll have more accurate numbers once thesalary negotiations have ended.

to have some say in (something) – to be able to participate in a decision; tohave one’s opinions and beliefs matter in a decision

* In some cultures, parents arrange marriages for their children without lettingthem have any say in whom they marry.

will ya? – an informal phrase used to ask someone to do something

* Bring me a beer, will ya?


1. Which of these things would not be done by someone who is spontaneous?

a) Play it by ear.

b) Fly by the seat of his pants.

c) Map out every possible alternative.

2. What does Will mean when he says that he wants everything to go “without ahitch”?

a) He doesn’t want to have any problems.

b) He doesn’t want to get married.

c) He doesn’t want to do anything involving a trailer.



to play (something) by ear

The phrase “to play (something) by ear,” in this podcast, means to bespontaneous, or to decide what to do at the moment based on the informationavailable then, without planning anything ahead of time: “We want to move assoon as possible, but we’ll have to play it by ear, because we can’t move until ourhouse sells.” The phrase “to grin from ear to ear” means to have a very big smilebecause one is very happy: “When they offered him the job, he grinned from earto ear.” The phrase “to be up to (one’s) ears in something” means to have a lotof something: “Billy has been up to his ears in work all week.” Finally, the phrase“to be all ears” means to really want to hear what someone is going to say: “Tellus about your date! We’re all ears.”


In this podcast, the word “active” means with a lot of physical movement, not justsitting or standing in one place: “Basketball is much more active than baseball,because baseball players spend a lot of their time standing in one place.” Theword “active” also means involved in something: “As a college student, Marcelluswas very active in student government.” The phrase “active participation” is usedto describe heavy involvement in something: “We really appreciate the activeparticipation of all our volunteers.” The word “active” can sometimes meancurrent, describing something that is happening at the moment: “Marlys was anactive donor for years, but then she suddenly stopped sending donations.”

Finally, an “active volcano” is a volcano that might explode anytime: “Is MountRainier an active volcano?”


Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) was a well-known American author and poet. Manypeople call him the “father of” (the man who led) the Beat movement, whichdescribes the work of a group of American writers in the mid-1900s. They“pushed the boundaries” (tested the limits; went beyond expectations) of whatwas acceptable in published literature by writing about drugs, sex, and other“taboo” (not talked about in general society) topics.

Kerouac’s most well-known novel, On the Road, was published in 1957. It isabout some of the “road trips” (long trips taken by car, often driving across thecountry) he took with his friends. The book was very “influential” (changing one’sthoughts and beliefs) for many other writers, actors, and musicians.

Kerouac often described his own writing style as “spontaneous” (done in themoment, without planning something ahead of time) “prose” (written languagethat is not poetry). In literature, this is often called “stream of consciousness,”

which is a “technique” (way of doing something) where writers write down theirthoughts as they think of them, without changing or editing them. With this styleof writing, there are usually many “run-on sentences” (very long sentences thatinclude many words like “and” and “but”) and “incomplete sentences” (phrasesthat are not a full sentence).

However, many people who knew Kerouac say that he didn’t actually write inspontaneous prose. They say that the way he talked about writing “didn’t match”

(wasn’t the same as) the way he actually wrote. They say that “in reality”

(actually) he revised what he wrote many times before it was published.


Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – c; 2 – a


Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 627: BeingSpontaneous or Well-Planned.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 627. I’m your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inthe beautiful City of Los Angeles, California.

This podcast has a website at eslpod.com. Consider supporting this podcast bybecoming a member, you can get more information on our website.

This episode is called “Being Spontaneous or Well-Planned.” These areopposite things, as we will learn from Mariela and Will. Let’s get started.

[start of dialogue]

Mariela: Wow, it looks like you’re working on a big project. What are all thesepages and pages of notes for?

Will: I’m preparing for my date with Christine. I want everything to be wellplannedand to go without a hitch.

Mariela: Okay, but I still don’t understand why you’re making such detailedplans.

Will: I want to be ready for every contingency. For instance, I planned a picnic,but if it rains, I’ll take her to lunch at the Garden Café instead.

Mariela: Don’t you think you’re taking the spontaneity out of your date? Whydon’t you play it by ear? I know you don’t like to fly by the seat of your pants, butmaybe she’ll have some ideas about what she’d like to do.

Will: Oh, I’ve taken her preferences into account. If she wants to do somethingactive, we can go bowling or take a long walk. If she prefers something morepassive, we’ll go to a movie.

Mariela: Well, it sounds like you’ve mapped out every possible alternative. Hey,what’s this?

Will: Give me that!

Mariela: I see you’ve mapped out more than just your date. You mapped out theentire trajectory of your life together: Get married in two years, have your firstchild two years after that…Will: That is not meant for you. And plus, it’s just a tentative plan…Mariela: You mean Christine will have some say in it?

Will: I may let her pick our children’s names. Now, get out of here, will ya?!

[end of dialogue]

Mariela begins by saying, “Wow, it looks like you’re working on a big project (alarge task). What are all these pages and pages of notes for?” “Notes” isinformation that you write down sort of informally when you are thinking about anidea or are listening to someone. We use the expression “to take notes,” forexample at a meeting somebody takes notes – somebody writes downeverything that is discussed and decided. Or a student can take notes in school,writing down what the teacher or professor says.

Well, Mariela sees pages and pages, which is a way of saying a lot of pages ofnotes, and wants to know what they are for – why does he have them? Willsays, “I’m preparing for my date with Christine.” A “date” is, of course, a romanticappointment where you meet someone you are romantically interested in. Hesays, “I want everything to be well-planned and to go without a hitch.” “To bewell-planned” means you know exactly what’s going to happen sometime in thefuture. You know what you’re going to do first, second, and third. Most peopledon’t think about romantic dates as being well-planned. Planned perhaps, youhave an idea, but well-planned gives the idea that it’s almost going to be aschedule that you will follow. But Will says he wants his date to go without ahitch (hitch). “Without a hitch” means without any problems, without anydifficulties.

Mariela says, “Okay, but I still don’t understand why you’re making such detailedplans,” plans that include exactly everything that is going to happen. Will says, “Iwant to be ready for every contingency.” A “contingency” is something that mighthappen in the future and could change your plans because it causes problems ordifficulties. So if you have a contingency for rain when you are planning, say, aparty outside, that means that if it rains you have something you’re going to do toprevent the party from being cancelled. Perhaps you are going to move everyone into your garage or inside of your house or inside of your neighbor’shouse – you probably should ask them first! That’s a contingency, a plan forsomething that might go wrong in the future. Will says, “For instance, I planned apicnic, but if it rains, I’ll take her to lunch at the Garden Café instead.” See, if itrains he has a plan about what he’s going to do instead of the original plan.

Mariela says, “Don’t you think you’re taking the spontaneity out of your date?”

“Spontaneity” (spontaneity) is the opposite of well-planned; it’s doing thingswithout planning them first, just doing them right at that moment. Mariela thinksthat Will is taking the spontaneity out of his date, meaning he’s eliminating. “Totake out of” means to eliminate, to get rid of. She says, “Why don’t you play it byear?” The expression “to play (something) by ear” (ear) means to bespontaneous, to have spontaneity, to decide at the moment what you’re going todo without making plans. This expression actually has another meaning inEnglish, and that can be found in our Learning Guide for this episode. Marielasays, “I know you don’t like to fly by the seat of your pants, but maybe she’ll havesome ideas about what she’d like to do.” “To fly by the seat of your pants” isanother way of saying to be spontaneous, to have spontaneity, to decide withoutmaking plans in advance. Sometimes we use this expression in a negative wayto describe someone who should have planned but didn’t.

Will responds, “Oh, I’ve taken her preferences into account.” “Preferences” areyour desires, the things that you want. “To take (something) into account”

(account) means to consider what someone else is saying or to consider thatother thing. “To take someone’s preferences into account” means to think aboutwhat they want and make that part of your plan. He says, “If she wants to dosomething active, we can go bowling or take a long walk.” “Active” here meanswith a lot of physical movement; not just sitting or standing around and talking,but actually doing something, perhaps some sport or something athletic. Theopposite of “active” is “passive,” this is when you just let things happen; you don’ttry to change things, you don’t get up and walk around or do a lot of things. Willsays if his date, the women he’s going on the date with, prefers something morepassive, we’ll go to a movie. Mariela says, “Well, it sounds like you’ve mappedout every possible alternative.” By the way, I should mention that “active” canhave other meanings in English, and those you can find in the Learning Guide.

Now, “to map out (something)” is a two-word phrasal verb which means to decideor determine something: “I’m going to map out my plans for tomorrow.” I’m goingto write them down; I’m going to make some decisions. So when Mariela says,“it sounds like you have mapped out every possible alternative,” she means thatWill has planned for every possible alternative. “Alternative” is possibility, choice,or option.

Then Mariela sees something, she says, “Hey, what’s this?” Will says, “Give methat!” He’s obviously angry at Mariela for taking it. Mariela says, “I see you’vemapped out more than just your date (what you’re going to do on your romanticdate). You mapped out the entire trajectory of your life together.” A “trajectory”

is the direction that something follows over time. We usually use this, forexample, when talking about a ball that you throw, or a rocket – a rocket enginethat goes up into the sky – a missile. The trajectory is the path that it takes.

Well, it can also be used to talk about the events or things that will happen in thefuture in someone’s life, and Mariela sees that Will has mapped out or plannedthe entirety trajectory of his life together with his date: Get married in two years,have your first child two years after that. Of course this is very unusual,especially since this appears to be the first date that Will has with this woman!

Will says, “That is not meant for you.” “To be meant for” means to be intendedfor, with you wanting something to happen. “This is meant for you,” this isintended for you, I’m doing this for you. Well, the note is not intended for – it’snot meant for Mariela to look at; she’s not supposed to see it. Will says, “Andplus (meaning in addition), it’s just a tentative plan.” “Tentative” (tentative)means possible but not yet final, not definite, not certain. This is what I think willhappen but it may change – my plan may change.

Mariela says, “You mean Christine will have some say in it?” “To have a say in(something)” or “to have some say in (something)” means to be participating in adecision, to have your opinions and your ideas matter in the decision. You’repart of the decision. Will clearly thinks he will make most of the decisions. Hedoes say, “I may (meaning it’s possible) let her pick our children’s names,” selectthe names for the children. That’s the decision that Will’s date Christine will begiven. He then says to Mariela, “Now, get out of here, will ya?!” “Get out of here”

means leave. We use this expression “will you,” often spelled and pronounced“will ya” (ya), to ask someone to do something. It’s an informal, very informalway of asking someone to do you a favor – to do something for you. “Will ya giveme that pen?” meaning please give me that pen, that is what I want you to do.

Will is using it at the end of the sentence, and that sometimes indicates that youare angry with the other person: “Stop talking to me, will ya?” You’re telling theperson something you don’t like about what they are doing; you’re indicating, thatis, that you are not happy. And Will is not happy that Mariela saw this note thathe wrote for himself, planning out his entire life with his date Christine. PoorChristine!

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of dialogue]

Mariela: Wow, it looks like you’re working on a big project. What are all thesepages and pages of notes for?

Will: I’m preparing for my date with Christine. I want everything to be wellplannedand to go without a hitch.

Mariela: Okay, but I still don’t understand why you’re making such detailedplans.

Will: I want to be ready for every contingency. For instance, I planned a picnic,but if it rains, I’ll take her to lunch at the Garden Café instead.

Mariela: Don’t you think you’re taking the spontaneity out of your date? Whydon’t you play it by ear? I know you don’t like to fly by the seat of your pants, butmaybe she’ll have some ideas about what she’d like to do.

Will: Oh, I’ve taken her preferences into account. If she wants to do somethingactive, we can go bowling or take a long walk. If she prefers something morepassive, we’ll go to a movie.

Mariela: Well, it sounds like you’ve mapped out every possible alternative. Hey,what’s this?

Will: Give me that!

Mariela: I see you’ve mapped out more than just your date. You mapped out theentire trajectory of your life together: Get married in two years, have your firstchild two years after that…Will: That is not meant for you. And plus, it’s just a tentative plan…Mariela: You mean Christine will have some say in it?

Will: I may let her pick our children’s names. Now, get out of here, will ya?!

[end of dialogue]

Our scriptwriter never plays it by ear; she never flies by the seat of her pants.

Oh, no, her scripts are always well-planned. That’s because she’s the one, theonly, Dr. Lucy Tse.

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thank you for listening. Comeback and listen to us next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan, copyright 2010 by the Center for EducationalDevelopment.

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