美国小学英语教材4:第108课 橘子丰收(4)
时间:2018-12-01 作者:英语课 分类:美国小学英语教材4
美国小学英语教材4:第108课 橘子丰收(4)
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- 1 美国小学英语教材4:第108课 橘子丰收(4)
As the oranges rolled along, the small ones were the first to pass through the openings that fitted them, down into their bins 2. 当橘子滚动的时候,最小的就会首先穿过适当的开口,落到箱子里。
Then the medium-sized found their openings, and soon each bin 1 was filled with oranges exactly the same size. 然后,中等大小的橘子找到了适当的开口,很快每个盒子里都装满了大小完全相同的橘子。
"And the last are the best of all in this game, aren’t they?" cried Jane as she saw that only the large oranges were left. 简看着剩下的大橘子,不禁叫了起来:“最后的橘子是最好的,是吗?”
Having waited at ten or more stopping places for their smaller brothers to get out of the way, 等了十多次,个头较小的橘子一个个离开,
the big oranges finally passed through large openings and settled proudly into their own bins. 个大的橘子最后穿过适当的开口,骄傲地落在属于自己的箱子里。
"No, indeed," said a worker; "strange as it may seem, the medium-sized oranges are the finest. “实际上不是那样,”一个工人说道,尽管很奇怪,但中等大小的橘子是最好的。
They are sweeter and juicier. The big oranges spend their time growing big instead of sweet." 中等大小的橘子汁多香甜,大的橘子生长的时间长但并不甜。”
Next came the work of wrapping and packing, which was done by hand. 接下来是包装,由工人手工完成。
Rows of packers, wearing gloves, stood beside the bins of graded oranges and worked rapidly. 一排排的包装工人戴着手套,站在分类的橘子箱子旁边,熟练地干起活来。
With one hand they seized a wrapping paper; with the other hand an orange. 工人一只手拿着包装纸,另一只手拿着橘子。