时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 5 Family Pictures  家庭老照片 

Dialogue Script 1 1  对话原文 1

Jack 2: Hi, Sally. What are you doing?
Sally: I'm looking at old family pictures.
Jack: Why did you get those out?
Sally: To help Emily with her homework. She asked me to find some pictures of her relatives.
Jack: Can't Emily do that herself?
Sally: No. She doesn't know who all these people in the photos are.
Jack: I'm not sure I do, either! So why does Emily need these pictures?
Sally: Emily has to make a family tree.
Jack: With pictures?
Sally: Yes. I'm looking for photos of Grandpa George and Grandma Mabel.
Jack: Did you find any?
Sally: I think so. Isn't this Grandpa George?
Jack: Uh, I'm not sure. It could be his brother.
Sally: True. I wish there were names on these photos.
Jack: Me too. Next time I visit Mom, I'll take these pictures with me.
Sally: Good idea. Mom will remember who's who.


1. 对话中Sally和Jack在翻看家庭老照片。Sally为什么会把这些老照片翻出来呢?原来她要帮Emily完成她的作业,也就是找一些亲戚的照片。help with something 这个词组表示“帮助,协助”,He let Tom help with the washing-up. 他让Tom帮忙洗碗。那么对话中出现的help someone with something,表示“帮助某人做某事”,例如:I can help you with the packing. 我可以帮你整理行李。

2. 为什么Emily不自己找呢?因为照片上的一些人她也不认识。Jack也不确定自己都认识照片里的人。那么Emily要这些照片做什么呢?原来她的作业就是要用这些照片做一个family tree也就是“家谱图”。在上节课我们已经对family tree做了介绍。我们来说说photo这个词,它是在口语当中比较常用的,比较正式的词是photograph,不过在美国口语中,表示“相片,照片”的比较常用的词还是picture。组成的短语就是take a picture of sb./sth. 比如说,旅游的时候,我们经常会请别人给我们照相,就可以说,Can you take a picture of us? 你能帮我们照张像吗?还有一个习语,take a good picture,表示“上相,上镜”,还有一个专门的形容词来表示这个意义,就是photogenic ,例如:I'm not very photogenic. 我照相不大上相。Sally想找Grandpa George and Grandma Mabel 的照片,但是好像没有什么结果。

3. 因为他们也不知道照片上的人是不是Grandpa George,也许是他的弟弟也说不定。看来这张照片是够老的了。要是照片上写了名字就好了。I wish there were names on these photos. 这是一个虚拟语气的句子,表示与现在事实相反的愿望。

4. Jack建议带这些照片去问问他们的妈妈,Sally很同意,因为妈妈肯定会知道谁是谁。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2

Jack: I haven't seen some of these pictures for a long time. Where did you find them?
Sally: In the basement 3. Look at this one. I'm pretty sure this is Grandpa George and Grandma Mabel.
Jack: I think you're right. Did you find any of Mom and Dad?
Sally: Yes. Here's a funny one of Mom, Dad, you and me.
Jack: You look funny all right. You're making a face !
Sally: And here's a picture of you in high school.
Jack: Emily will think I look funny.
Sally: You do.
Jack: Sally!
Sally: Well, I do, too. Here's one of me. Look at my hair!
Jack: You're not going to give those to Emily, are you?
Sally: Why not? She needs to have photos of her mom and her aunt.
Jack: Let's see if we can find some better ones than these.


1. 对话中Jack 和Sally看到了自己的照片,还在互相取笑。Sally在地下室里找到了这些照片。 他们找到了一张自己和爸爸妈妈的合影。Jack说You look funny all right. 你看起来确实很可笑。 all right 在这里表示“绝对肯定,错不了”的意思,一般放在句子的后面,起强调作用。例如:That's the man I saw in the bar all right. 那就是我在酒吧里看见的人,绝对没错。

2. 照片上的Sally在做鬼脸, to make/pull a face或者 to make/pull faces at someone都表示“做鬼脸,扮怪像”,例如:The clown 4 pulled funny faces. 小丑扮出了可笑的鬼脸。Jeff made a face to make his sister laugh. Jeff做了个鬼脸逗妹妹笑。Jack觉得这些照片照的都太丑了,希望Sally别把这些照片给Emily,应该再找一些更好的。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3

Jack: Emily will need photos of her dad's family, too.
Sally: I know. You'll have to find those.
Jack: OK. But I don't know if I have photos of all her dad's brothers and sisters.
Sally: How many did he have?
Jack: Three brothers and two sisters.
Sally: That's a lot. Oh, look. Here's a picture of Mom's brother, Uncle Thomas.
Jack: And he's making a face. You know, you look a lot like him.
Sally: Only without a mustache! You know, it's fun to look at old pictures.
Jack: It is. You can see how people change.
Sally: Look how we've changed.
Jack: We sure have. I'm not as thin as I used to be.
Sally: Neither am I. But we still look pretty good.
Jack: Time does go by fast, doesn't it?
Sally: Yes, especially when you're old like us!
Jack: Speak for yourself!


1. 对话中Jack和Sally在感叹时间流逝以及人们的巨大变化。他们找到了一张Uncle Thomas的照片,Jack觉得Sally长的很像他,长的像可以用look like sb,也可以用take after 这个词组,比如说:She takes after her mother. 她长得像她妈妈。Sally也承认长的像Uncle Thomas,不过得把胡子去掉。翻看老照片确实挺有趣的,可以看出人们是如何变化的。

2. It's fun to do something,做某事很有意思。Jack觉得自己没有以前那么瘦了,Sally也说自己变胖了,但是看起来还不错。Jack感叹说Time does go by fast. 时间真是过得飞快啊。助动词do在句子中起到了强调的作用,同时do 也要有时态和数的变化,后面的动词要用原形,比如:I do want you to come.我确实希望你能来。He did do a better job than last time. 他这次做得确实比上次好多了。

3. Sally也觉得时间过得很快,特别是等Jack跟她一样大年纪的时候,感觉时间就过得更快了。Jack可不同意,他说 speak for yourself! 说你自己吧!speak for yourself表示“你只能代表你自己,你不能代表别人”,例如:-We all played very badly. –Speak for yourself! I think I played quite well! ---我们在场上表现得都很差劲。--你在说你自己吧,我觉得我表现得挺不错的。

Part 6 Start A Family 成家立业 

关于婚姻和家庭的观念,每个人都有不同的看法,下面就来听听Linda 和Bob之间的一段对话。

Dialogue Script   对话原文

Linda: My daughter is 30. I don't understand what goes on in her mind.
Bob: Is she acting 5 strange?
Linda: She plans to quit her present job and wants to find another. She says she wants to get a better job with higher pay.
Bob: It seems quite normal to me. It is pretty much what I want to do.
Linda: But what about settling 6 down to start a family? Doesn't anyone want to get married any more?
Bob: It's different now. The world is becoming colorful. Some of my friends don't feel the same pressure to marry. We all want to wait for the right moment.
Linda: What time is the right moment?
Bob: Let the universe find us instead of forcing love. We prefer natural love. The most important thing is to be happy. Love will find us later. That is what we say.
Linda: You know, when I was young our parents taught us that if you have a little bit of love for someone it's okay to marry.
Bob: How does that work? How could you spend your whole life with someone that you don't love?
Linda: As each day grows, so will your love.


1. 对话中Linda和Bob在讨论成家立业的问题。Linda的女儿都已经30岁了,可是还是没有考虑结婚的事情,只是想把精力放在事业上。但是Linda却认为这很怪。what goes on in one's mind或者what's going on in one's mind表示“某人正在想什么”,或者更简单地说成“What's on your mind?”。当你觉得某人的行为很怪异的时候,就可以用这个表达方法了。

2. 我们来看Bob是怎么说的,Is she acting strange? 她行为反常吗?act strange就表示“行为怪异,反常”。strange这里是一个副词,来修饰act“行为,行动”这个动词。Linda的女儿想辞掉现在的工作,再找一个更好的薪水更高的职位。quit one's job,“辞职”。quit这个词可以表示“从某处离开,离去”,例如:He got his present job when he quit the army. 他退伍之后得到了现在的这份工作。quit doing something 表示“停止做某事”,比如 “我已经戒烟了。”我们就可以说I've already quit smoking 7. 这里顺便说一下,在美式英语当中,quit的过去式和过去分词形式都是quit,但是在英式英语中是quitted,双写t加-ed。

3. Bob觉得想换一个好一点的工作挺正常的,他自己也正想换工作呢。Linda却觉得稳定下来,成个家也不能忽视。settle 8 down这个词组表示“过安定平静的生活;习惯于新的工作方式或生活”,When are you going to get married and settle down? 你什么时候才能结婚过上安定的生活?再举个例子,She's settling down well in her new job. 她很能适应这份新工作。settle down 还可以表示“舒适地坐着或者躺着”,He settled 9 down in the armchair to read her book. 她舒适地坐在扶手椅上看书。

4. to start a family,表示“成家,组建家庭”。Linda觉得很奇怪,难道现在的人都不想结婚了吗?Bob告诉她,现在时代不同了,人们对婚姻的观念发生了很大的变化,大家都觉得并不是非要结婚不可,当合适的人出现,就会在合适的时间结婚。

5. Linda 就问,什么时候才是合适的时间呢?Bob说,Let the universe find us instead of forcing love. 让老天来安排而不要强求去爱,这很像我们说的“缘分天注定”,意思就是“一切随缘,不要强求”。最重要的事情就是大家都开心,爱情会找上门来的。

6. Linda说她们年轻的时候,父母告诉他们只要对某个人有点好感,就可以结婚了。It's okay to do something,表示“可以做某事”。okay这个词的用法很丰富,我们最熟悉的就是okay作为感叹词,表示“好的,是,行”,常写成OK,注意字母O, K要大写。例如:OK, children, we'll clean up the room now. 好的,孩子们,现在我们来打扫房间。

7. okay 还可以作为形容词,表示“好的,不错的”,比如:I hope you're OK with that. 我希望你对那件事没有意见。还可以作为副词,I think you did OK in the exam. 我觉得你考得不错。We'll talk about that tomorrow, OK? 我们明天再谈,好吗?

8. okay还可以作动词,表示“同意,认可”,例如:He okayed/OK'd my idea. 她同意我的想法。这个用法可能大家不太熟悉。最后,okay还可以作为名词,是“同意,允许”的意思,例如:Have they given you their okay? 他们同意了吗?

9. Bob对Linda父母的想法持怀疑态度,觉得怎么能和一个自己不爱的人共度一生呢?Linda有自己的理由,她说:As each day grows, so will your love. 日久生情,这个俗语大家可以直接记住。

Part 7 Family Relationships 家庭关系 



Dialogue Script 1    对话原文 1

Jake: Hi, Annie.
Annie: Hi.
Jake: Gee 10, what's the matter?
Annie: I have a problem with my mom.
Jake: Do you want to talk about it?
Annie: My mother said I can't go to Sam's birthday party on Thursday night.
Jake: How come?
Annie: Because it's a school night and exams are next week. She wants me to stay at home and study. But I really want to go. I don't know what to do.
Jake: Why don't you talk with your mom about it and promise to come home early?


1. 对话中Annie在向Jake抱怨她的妈妈不允许她参加Sam的生日会。gee,是一个感叹语,表示“ 惊奇、赞赏”等意思。例如:Gee, you've really got a great car! 嘿,你的车真棒!

2. Annie跟她的妈妈闹矛盾了,她是这么说的,I have a problem with my mom. have a problem with someone or something,表示“某人/某事难对付,难处理”,例如:We have a problem with the car---it won't start! 我们的车出故障了,发动不起来!

3. Jake关心地问,你想跟我说说你的问题吗?Do you want to talk about it?原来是因为Annie的妈妈不让她去参加周四晚上Sam的生日派对。How come? 表示“为什么?”,跟why的用法差不多。因为晚上要学习,下周就要考试了。妈妈想让Annie待在家里复习。

4. 妈妈的做法也是有道理的,不过Annie真的很想去,她不知道该怎么办了。Jake建议她好好跟妈妈谈谈,并且保证一定会早点回家。也许这是一个可行的办法。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2

Sam: I'm really mad at Mom and Dad.
Mona: Why? What did they do?
Sam: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this stupid raincoat.
Mona: Oh, come on! It's a beautiful raincoat.
Sam: I don't care! I want leather jacket. I tried on Bill's, and I look great in it.
Mona: You know leather is expensive. Maybe they didn't have enough money.
Sam: I want to return it and get leather! All my friends have leather jackets.
Mona: They don't all have leather jackets, Sam.
Sam: Anyway, on your birthday Mom and Dad gave you what you asked for!
Mona: That's true, but all I asked for was a new pair of jeans.
Sam: I hate this raincoat.
Mona: All right, how much is a leather jacket?
Sam: If I return this raincoat, I only need another $50.
Mona: I'll lend you the $50, but you have to pay me back.
Sam: Great. Way to go, Sis!


1. 对话中Sam在跟Mona抱怨爸爸妈妈没有给他买他喜欢的生日礼物。be mad at someone,生某人的气,跟be angry with someone表达的意义是一样的。Sam很生爸爸、妈妈的气,Mona问为什么,这里也可以用how come,我们刚刚说过。

2. 为什么Sam会跟父母生气呢?原来他过生日的时候想要一件皮衣,但是父母却只给他买了一件破雨衣。ask someone for something,向某人要某种东西。Mona很不以为然,说,Oh, come on, It's a beautiful raincoat. 喂,别这样说,那件雨衣很漂亮。come on 这里带有“劝解”的意味。

3. Sam说:“我才不在乎呢,我就是想要一件皮衣,我试过Bill的皮衣,我穿着很好看。”看来Sam真的是很任性。Mona劝他说,皮衣很昂贵,可能父母没有那么多的钱。Sam想把这件雨衣退了,再换一件皮衣。I want to return it and get leather! 在美国,如果你买了或收到了自己不喜欢的东西,可以把它拿到商店退掉,商店会将原款返还。

4. 不过即使把雨衣退掉,返回的钱还是不够买一件皮衣。但是看Sam这么不喜欢这件雨衣,Mona只好答应借他钱去买皮衣。如果把雨衣退掉,Sam还需要50美金去买一件皮衣。这里把50美元看成了一个整体,所以用了another这个限定词。

5. Mona可以借Sam50美金,但是一定要还的,pay someone back something,表示“偿还、报答”,例如:I'll pay you back next week. 我下周会还你钱。但是pay someone back for something,就表示“报复、惩罚某人”了,要区分开,比如:I'll pay him back for the trick he played on me. 他对我使坏,我要报复他。

6. Sam听Mona说可以借钱给他,非常高兴。Way to go,在这里表示“没问题,我一定会还你的” 。看来,有时候孩子们还真的要多多理解父母,不能太任性。


  • It's easy to identify his script.他的笔迹容易辨认。
  • The script is massaged into final form.这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。
  • They live in a basement flat in North London.他们住在伦敦北部的一所地下公寓里。
  • Doesn't the clown look funny!这小丑看上去真是滑稽!
  • A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.小丑的工作就是娱乐观众。
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
  • They were behindhand in settling their debts. 他们没有及时还清债务。
  • Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy. 解决这个争端需要十分老练和娴熟的外交手腕。
  • He was wise to give up smoking.他戒烟是明智的。
  • He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。
  • I have to settle my affairs before leaving here.离开这儿以前,我得把一些私人的事情安排妥当。
  • She has decided how she should settle the matter.她已做出决定如何来了解这件事。
  • The dispute was settled without acrimony. 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。
  • a settled way of life 安定的生活方式
  • Their success last week will gee the team up.上星期的胜利将激励这支队伍继续前进。
  • Gee,We're going to make a lot of money.哇!我们会赚好多钱啦!
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amplitude comparator polyphase mho relay
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anomocytic type of stoma
artificial eruption
Arunachal Pradesh
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blind tyre
business tools
calcium hydrophosphate
cerium crude
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Chicamba Real
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complete and complemented modularlattice
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denude of
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finite dam
flex core
Geiger counter tube
government-guaranteed bond
gray scale
in the Departure Lounge
International Fisher relationship
iron(ii) phthalocyanine
jetlike coal
joint of lap splice
jus naturae
limit of navigation
limiting plasmolysis
machine-building industry
Meltzer treatment
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multifactor leader questionnaire (mlq)
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non-reactive tuberculosis
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ocean thermodynamics
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reverse circulation valve
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sector sprinkler
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Taxillus lonicerifolius
tetramethylene sulfide
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toyota corolla
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versatile automatic data exchanger