时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 Introduction to the Fast Food Industry 美国快餐简介 

    国内的人对KFC,MacDonald's,Pizza Hut早已不再陌生。这些著名的快餐店在美国也是遍布大街小巷。除此之外还有许多中国人不太熟悉的,你也不妨尝一尝。

    比如说,Burger King 就是专卖汉堡的,牛肉层比麦当劳的厚,不过有人认为味道不如麦当劳,要亲自试试才知道。值得一提的是,Burger King的早餐中有个叫croissantwich的,味道非常可口。 

    除了Burger King还有Taco Bell,taco是“玉米面豆卷”,一种墨西哥食物,在美国非常著名,很多人爱吃。不过口味不一定适合中国人。

    还有很多专营汉堡的店,比如Arby,比麦当劳,Burger King稍贵一点,但味道独特。 Wendy's 也是专营汉堡,跟麦当劳差不多。


    下面我们再告诉大家一些快餐店里的常用会话。一进去,先排队。排到你店员会问你:“For here or to go?”意思是问:是在这里吃还是带走?如果在店里吃,就是“for here”,否则就是“to go”。 

    然后一般要问 “What kind of drink?”,你想喝什么?你喜欢哪个就点哪个了。由于饮料都很贵,所以不如要免费的“water”实惠。另外,在KFC,还要多说一点,就是店员一般会问你:“original or crispy?”原味的还是松脆的?这是两种不同的口味。一般crispy会比较对中国人的胃口。

    薯条叫“French fries”,番茄酱叫“ketchup 1”,这些快餐店常见的单词你一定要懂得。 在美国街上,buffet很多,也就是“自助餐”。想填饱肚子是很方便的。如果太忙或不方便上街还可以打电话叫外卖,一般pizza店都有delivery的,可以让它们送货上门,记着要付小费呀。

Part 2 Going Through a Drive-thru 美食得来速 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

May: This should be much safer for you, Mike.
Mike: What do you mean?
May: Well, since we're not even getting out of the car this time, you won't break a thing.
Mike: You should be happy about that incident. I haven't sung a song all day.
May: I know. And the silence is golden.
Mike: Enough. What are you getting?
May: The grilled 2 chicken breast sandwich looks good.


1. 对话中,May和Mike两个人来到了一家卖汉堡的得来速餐厅,就是drive-thru,是一种不用进店,只要开着车就能完成整个点菜、付款、取菜的餐厅,只要把你要点的东西通过店门外的对讲机告诉店员就行了。May说,这里对Mike来讲应该安全多了。

2.为什么呢?Since we're not even getting out of the car this time, you won't break a thing. 因为这次我们甚至不必下车,你就什么都不会打破了。May是在嘲笑Mike笨手笨脚的。可能以前Mike曾经打碎过什么东西。

3. Mike却狡辩说,你应该为那次意外感到高兴,我已经一整天半首歌都没唱了。看来Mike的歌艺还真是不敢恭维。be happy about/with/in sth表示“因为某事感到高兴”,比如说,I'm happy about the situation here. 我对这的情况很乐观。

4. be happy to do sth 表示“乐于,愿意做某事”,They are always happy to help. 他们总是乐于助人。I'd be very happy to meet her. 看见她我会很高兴。May说,Mike一天没有唱歌,真是来之不易的安静。Silence is golden. 这句话的意思是“沉默是金”。当你要告诫别人不要太多话,或者要感叹耳根子终于得到清静,你就可以用这句话。这里May说的话是针对Mike的歌声,所以她说“The”Silence is golden. 但是一般的说法是不加定冠词the的。

5. Mike让May讽刺得很不舒服,赶紧说,Enough,够了。也可以说,That's enough. 当有人在挖苦你或者讲了你不愿意听的话,你就可以说Enough.来阻止他继续说下去。Mike转移了话题,问May要点什么东西吃,What are you getting? 注意这里没有说,What are you eating? 因为What are you eating? 这句话是在问你现在在吃什么。May说烤鸡胸肉三明治看起来还不错。The grilled chicken breast sandwich looks good. grilled的意思是“烧烤的,烤的”,那么grilled chicken breast就是“烤鸡胸肉”。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Mike: Hmm. I think I'll take a Caesar salad.
May: Trying to lose some weight?
Mike: If anybody needs to lose weight, it's you.
May: On that note, what's the biggest hamburger they've got?
Mike: That's the double quarter-pounder with four extra slices of cheese.
May: Mmm. I'll get Monterey jack 3 cheese with that.
Mike: Do you realize that all that cholesterol 4 food will go straight to your arteries 5?
May: Who needs arteries anyway?


1.对话中Mike和May开始点餐了,Mike说他想要一份Caesar salad恺撒沙拉,里面有萝蔓叶、面包丁等等。May看Mike吃的这么素,就问他是不是要减肥。

2. Mike说,如果这里有人需要减肥的话,肯定是May,而不是他。原来他是在讽刺May的身材,来报刚才的仇。

3. May却不理他,却问On that note, what's the biggest hamburger they've got? 说到这个,他们最大的汉堡是哪种呢?on that note,意思是“说到那个,说起那个”,跟speaking of that 差不多。

4. Mike说他们最大的汉堡应该是双层四盎司肉排还额外加四片奶酪的汉堡,注意Mike是怎么说的,That's the double quarter-pounder with four extra slices of cheese. quarter-pounder指“含有四分之一磅肉排的汉堡”,一磅有16盎司。如果在pounder前面加上重量,通常是指“含有…磅肉排的汉堡”。

5. May觉得不错,就想要一份这样的汉堡,上面放Monterrey Jack cheese 蒙德勒杰克奶酪,是一种产自美国的奶酪,用牛奶制成,口感像奶油,味道温和,容易融化。Mike提醒May,Do you realize that all that cholesterol food will go straight to your arteries? 你知道这些含胆固醇的食物会直接堵住你的动脉吗?

6.cholesterol 就是指“胆固醇”,它在血流中的粘稠度能影响特种疾病的发病,如动脉粥样硬化和冠状动脉疾病等等,所以还是少吃为好。arteries就是“动脉”。straight在这里做副词,表示“直接地”,比如说,Come straight home. 直接回家来。She went straight from junior high to university. 她中学一毕业就直接进了大学。

7. straight 做副词还可以表示“挺直地,成直线地”,比如说,Sit up straight. 坐直。Look straight ahead. 一直往前看。The smoke rose straight up. 那股烟成直线上升。He was too drunk to walk straight. 他酩酊大醉,路都走不稳。I can't think straight. 我思维混乱,缺乏条理。这里的straight用的是比喻意义。

8. straight 还表示“坦白地,直接了当地”,比如说,I told him straight that I didn't like him. 我坦率地对他说我不喜欢他。May不在乎地说,Who needs arteries anyway? 反正谁需要动脉呀?美食当前就顾不了那么多了。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

May: The speaker at this drive thru is so scratchy. I can barely understand it.
Mike: You have to speak louder.
May: OK. (in a loud voice) WE'LL HAVE TWO VALUE MEALS.
Mike: Good lord, not that loud. You'll burst my eardrums.
May: Sorry. But I have to order this food somehow.
Mike: They still didn't hear you. Let me try. (Leans over May) WE'LL HAVE TWO...
May:  Hey, our order is ready.
Mike: Oh, I guess they heard you, after all.


1. May觉得这家店的对讲机一直有沙沙的声音,她几乎都听不懂里面在说些什么。The speaker at this drive thru is so scratchy. scratchy 在这里的意思是“唱片、录音机等发出沙沙的声音”。scratch 做动词可以表示“抓,划或者刮某物”,比如说,Be careful and don't scratch the record. 小心点,别把唱片刮花了。

2. 看来得大点声说话了。May很大声地说,我们要两份超值餐。value这里的意思是“值,上算,划算”,比如说,Charter flights give/offer the best value for your money. 乘坐包机最划算。May喊得太大声了,吓了Mike一跳,他说,Good lord, not that loud. You'll burst my eardrums. 天哪,不用那么大声,你要把我的耳膜振破了。

3. eardrums 就是“耳膜”。May也觉得很抱歉,但是她必须得喊,要不然就点不上餐了。这回Mike要试一试,不过还没等他喊完,他们点的餐就已经好了。看来他们以前喊的话店员都已经听到了,这下还挺尴尬的。

Dialogue Script 4  对话原文 4 

Mike: (Takes a bite) Mmm. This hamburger put me in a good mood.
May: I'm glad you feel better.
Mike: Actually, I wasn't really that down in the first place.
May: It's good that owner was nice.
Mike: I agree. And she sure has good music taste.
May: So, when we get to Las Vegas, what are you going to do?
Mike: I'm going to buy an Elvis suit and gamble at casinos in it.
May: Oh, God. I thought you learned your lesson at the drive-in.


1. 对话中,May 和Mike在享受美食,Mike说This hamburger put me in a good mood. 这个汉堡让我的心情好了起来。put someone in a good mood,让某人有好心情。mood 指“心境,情绪”,She's in good mood today. 她今天心情不错。

2. 我们可以说,She's out of mood today. 她今天心情不好。还有两个习语大家也应该知道,一个是in the mood for doing sth/to do sth,有做某事的心情和兴致,比如说,I'm not in the mood to argue with you. 我没有心情跟你吵架。

3. 那么“没有心情做某事” 就是in no mood for doing sth/to do sth,He's in no mood for telling jokes. 他现在没有心情说笑话。May也高兴Mike的心情变好了。Mike还在强调自己刚才的心情本来就没有那么差。down 的意思是“沮丧的”。in the first place 表示“起初,刚开始的时候”,跟at first差不多。

4. May说幸好那个老板人不错。Mike也同意,还说那个老板的音乐品位不错。May又问道,等他们到了Las Vegas,Mike会做些什么呢?原来他们在开车去Las Vegas玩。Mike说要买一套猫王装,然后穿着那身行头在赌城赌博。casino指“赌场”。

5. May感叹地说,我还以为你在停车场餐厅已经吸取教训了呢。drive-in就是那种“不用下车的影院、餐厅等”,顾客可以坐在车里得到娱乐、饮食等服务。

Part 3 How to Order Subs 如何搭配潜艇堡 

    美国还有一种快餐食品叫做submarine sandwich,潜艇三明治或者潜艇堡。现在我们就来告诉大家怎样点一个潜艇堡吃。第一个就是“点餐”步骤。在这种自己点选配料的潜艇堡店里,你得先到柜台告诉店员你想吃的潜艇堡的种类,例如,meatball口味的就是放“肉丸”的潜艇堡;classic Italian通常会包括“意大利辣味香肠”pepperoni、“蒜味香肠”salami等意大利配料。steak 是放“肉片”,ham则是加“火腿”。这些潜艇堡submarine,也常简称sub。基本上,整个点餐过程都可以用I want…这个句型。比如说,I want a classic Italian submarine sandwich.

    第二个步骤就是“选面包”,选好要吃的潜艇堡的种类之后,店员会问你要哪种面包,你也可以说想要的面包和尺寸。面包的种类有两种,wheat bread小麦面包和 white bread白面包。通常潜艇堡的尺寸有两种:“一英尺”foot long和“六英寸”six inch。六英寸就是一英尺的一半。比如说,I want a six-inch wheat bread bun.我要一个六英寸的小麦面包。 I want a foot-long white bread bun. 我要一个一英尺的白面包。

    接下来是“添加配菜”,配菜的英文是ingredient。我们可以问,How many ingredients /cheeses does it include? 请问可以加几样配菜和奶酪?如果你想知道可以加多少份量的奶酪,就可以问,How much cheese? 可以加多少奶酪?要点配菜,还是可以用I want …这个句型。比如说,I just want lettuce 6 and pickles 7. 我只要莴苣和酸黄瓜。I want all the ingredients/cheeses. 我要加所有的配菜/奶酪。

    最后是“淋调味酱”,当所有的配菜都选好之后,就可以淋上各式的“调味酱”condiment,让潜艇堡更加美味。调味酱也分很多种类,我们可以说,I want al the condiments 8. 我所有的酱都要加。 I want mayonnaise, mustard and salt and pepper. 我要加蛋黄酱、黄芥末和胡椒盐。Except oil and vinegar, I want to add all the others. 除了油和醋,其他酱我都要加。买外国的食物,总会碰上不熟悉的食材,你可以用What does ... taste like? 这个句型询问店家。比如说,Excuse me, what does brown mustard taste like? 请问棕色芥末酱是什么味道?

jalapenos 墨西哥辣椒
olives 橄榄
tomatoes 番茄
green peppers 青椒
lettuce 莴苣
onions 洋葱
pickles 腌黄瓜,酸黄瓜

blue cheese 蓝纹奶酪

Monterrey Jack cheese 蒙德勒杰克奶酪

Gouda cheese 高达奶酪

pepper jack cheese 胡椒奶酪

mozzarella cheese 意大利白奶酪

Swiss cheese 蜂窝奶酪

cheddar cheese 切达奶酪

oil and vinegar 油醋
salt and pepper 胡椒盐
mustard 黄芥末
ketchup 番茄酱
pickled relish 9 酸黄瓜酱
mayonnaise 蛋黄酱
dijonaise 一种dijon mustard “第戎芥末酱”和蛋黄酱混合的酱
brown mustard 棕色芥末酱,比一般的黄芥末酱浓浊。


  • There's a spot of ketchup on the tablecloth.桌布上有一点番茄酱的渍斑。
  • Could I have some ketchup and napkins,please?请给我一些番茄酱和纸手巾?
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • There is cholesterol in the cell of body.人体细胞里有胆固醇。
  • They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels.他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。
n.动脉( artery的名词复数 );干线,要道
  • Even grafting new blood vessels in place of the diseased coronary arteries has been tried. 甚至移植新血管代替不健康的冠状动脉的方法都已经试过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • This is the place where the three main arteries of West London traffic met. 这就是伦敦西部三条主要交通干线的交汇处。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Get some lettuce and tomatoes so I can make a salad.买些莴苣和西红柿,我好做色拉。
  • The lettuce is crisp and cold.莴苣松脆爽口。
n.腌菜( pickle的名词复数 );处于困境;遇到麻烦;菜酱
  • Most people eat pickles at breakfast. 大多数人早餐吃腌菜。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I want their pickles and wines, and that.' 我要他们的泡菜、美酒和所有其他东西。” 来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
  • Refill and clean all salt and peppers, sugar bowls, and other condiments. 清洁并续满所有的胡椒瓶、盐瓶、糖缸及其他调料。
  • Go easy on condiments, they tend to be salty. 别放太多调味品,这样往往会太咸。
  • I have no relish for pop music.我对流行音乐不感兴趣。
  • I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.我喜欢挑战别人拒绝做的工作。
AC wiring
acanroid resin
adh dhayuf (al baithah)
antagonistic bristle
Arab Legion
Ayala's quotient
boiling the medicinal herbs
breaking-down roll
chlorophorus chiuae
cine coronary arteriography
common will
complementary MOS logic circuit
cost-related rent
current pass book
discounted pay back period
dysbasia loruotica progressiva
electric hammer
electromagnetic agitator
electrophoretic clarification
encryption check bit
feeder messenger wire
general strikes
gland steam connection
glass wool felt
greater vestibular glands
ground coffee
hydrodynamic approximation
initial delay time
intrinsic mass
keuka lakes
Larix leptolepis
laser-energized detonation system
levelized generation cost
manual labors
material inheritance
meet sb. halfway
multi bundle fiber cable
network modifying oxide
newly industrialized countries (nics)
nonlinear elastomechanics
nozzle valve rod
oxide resistor
polyundecamethylene glycol
promontorium tympani
rain gutter
random access method of accounting and control
reversing dune
rhyme royal
right colic artery
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
scalding tank
service doors
state of psychical defect
tabulated function
Tauyskaya Guba
telex occupied
tetracarpic fruit
Thiès, Rég.de
time limit for notice of dishonour
tower footing resistance
toxicity determination
turn the screw
wave height gauge
ZD zero defects